uroof: cosmetix
[urasm.git] / urflibs / locals.f
1 ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
2 ;; and now for something completely different...
3 ;; UrForth/C Forth Engine!
4 ;; Copyright (C) 2023 Ketmar Dark // Invisible Vector
5 ;; GPLv3 ONLY
6 ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
7 ;; local variables support
8 ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
11 : myword ( a b -- c )
12 args: a b
13 locals: loc1 loc2
15 :a TO :loc1
16 :b TO :loc2
17 :loc1 :loc2 +
19 here, "args:" will declare local variables, and automatically fill them
20 with arguments from the data stack. "locals:" declare "free" locals.
21 there can be more than one "locals:" section, but all such sections should
22 come before anything else. to use local, you must prepend its name with a
23 colon. the usual "TO" word is used to set local values.
26 vocabulary (locals-support)
27 also (locals-support) definitions
29 ;; offset in temp (user) dict
30 ;; should be enough for now ;-)
31 \ 65536 constant locals-temp-voc-offset
33 0 value locals-dp-temp-saved
34 0 value locals-vocid
36 : new-locals-wordlist ( -- )
37 forth:(dp-here) @ dup forth:(dp-main) <> " invalid (DP-HERE)" ?error
38 forth:(dp-temp) dup @ to locals-dp-temp-saved forth:(dp-here) !
39 0 false forth:(new-wordlist) to locals-vocid
40 forth:(dp-here) !
43 ;; (L-ENTER) arg:
44 ;; low byte of loccount is total number of locals
45 ;; high byte is the number of args
47 : latest-has-locals? ( -- bool )
48 latest-pfa dup here = if drop false
49 else @ ['] forth:(l-enter) = endif
52 : start-locals ( -- )
53 latest-pfa here <> if
54 latest-has-locals? " \`locals:\` or \`args:\` should be the first word" ?not-error
55 else ;; init locals
56 new-locals-wordlist compile forth:(l-enter) 0 ,
57 endif
60 : add-local ( addr count -- )
61 start-locals
62 latest-pfa cell+ dup c@ 255 = " too many locals" ?error
63 1 over +! c@ >r ;; save current local number to rstack
64 ;; now create access word
65 forth:(dp-here) @ current @
66 forth:(dp-temp) forth:(dp-here) ! locals-vocid current !
67 \ ." DP: " forth:(dp) @ . cr
68 \ ." DP-TEMP: " forth:(dp-temp) @ . cr
69 \ ." HERE: " here . cr
70 2swap
71 \ 2dup xtype cr
72 compiler:(create-header)
73 compiler:(cfaidx-do-const) compiler:cfa, ;; why not
74 r> , ;; local index
75 compiler:reset-smudge
76 forth:(dp-temp) @ here <> " wtf?!" ?error ;; assertion
77 ;; restore voc and DP
78 current ! forth:(dp-here) !
81 ;; create local access words, adjust "(L-ENTER)"
82 : add-arg ( addr count -- )
83 add-local 0x01_00 latest-pfa cell+ +!
86 : parse-loc-list ( regcfa -- )
87 >r begin
88 parse-skip-line-comments
89 parse-name ?dup
90 while r@ execute repeat
91 drop rdrop
95 ..: forth:(exit-extender) ( -- )
96 latest-has-locals? if
97 compile forth:(l-leave)
98 locals-dp-temp-saved forth:(dp-temp) !
99 endif
103 : find-local ( addr count -- addr count FALSE / idx TRUE )
104 false >r
105 2dup 1 > swap c@ [char] : = and if
106 latest-has-locals? if ( addr count | ret-flag )
107 over 1+ over 1- locals-vocid find-word-in-voc
108 if ;; i found her!
109 >r 2drop r> cfa->pfa @
110 rdrop true >r
111 endif
112 endif
113 endif
117 ..: forth:(to-extender) ( addr count FALSE -- addr count FALSE / TRUE )
118 dup ifnot
119 compiler:comp? if drop
120 find-local if literal compile forth:(local!) true
121 else false
122 endif
123 endif
124 endif
128 ..: forth:(interpret-check-word) ( addr count FALSE -- addr count FALSE / TRUE )
129 dup ifnot
130 compiler:comp? if drop
131 find-local if literal compile forth:(local@) true
132 else false
133 endif
134 endif
135 endif
139 previous definitions
142 : args: ['] (locals-support):add-arg (locals-support):parse-loc-list ; immediate
143 : locals: ['] (locals-support):add-local (locals-support):parse-loc-list ; immediate