urasm: fixed local labels processing
[urasm.git] / urflibs / urasm / labels.f
1 ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
2 ;; and now for something completely different...
3 ;; UrAsm Forth Engine!
4 ;; GPLv3 ONLY
5 ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
6 ;; Z80 Assembler: label manager
7 ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
9 (*
10 we'll do one pass, so we need to record info for all forward references.
11 we could as well record *each* label reference to create cross-ref reports.
12 so let's do it.
16 vocab-if-none (asm-labels)
18 vocab-if-none asm-labels
19 also-defs: asm-labels
22 0 value fix-pc
23 0 value fix-disp
24 0 value fix-value
26 0 value postpone-expr-list
28 // record: prev, expr-cfa, fixer-cfa, fix-disp, fix-addr
29 : remember-expr ( fix-addr fix-disp fixer-cfa expr-cfa -- )
30 \ ." *** new postponed expression!" cr
31 here >r
32 postpone-expr-list forth:, forth:, forth:, forth:, forth:,
33 r> to postpone-expr-list
37 defer (eval-expr-cfa) ( cfa -- res TRUE / error-code FALSE )
38 defer (err-undefined?) ( error -- bool )
39 defer (err-message) ( error -- addr count )
41 ;; if set, we are resolving "@@"
42 ;; in this calse, "get" should return current "@@" value instead of failing
43 false value resolve-nameless
45 // record: prev, expr-cfa, fixer-cfa, fix-disp, fix-addr
46 : resolve-exprs ( -- )
47 ['] postpone-expr-list cfa->pfa >r
48 postpone-expr-list ( curr | prev )
49 begin ?dup while
50 dup cell+ @ (eval-expr-cfa) if
51 ;; patch the code
52 to fix-value
53 dup 3 +cells @ to fix-disp
54 dup 4 +cells @ to fix-pc
55 dup 2 +cells @execute
56 ;; remove this expression it was succesfully resolved
57 @ dup r@ !
58 \ ." *** LABEL FIXUP!" cr
59 else
60 dup (err-undefined?) if drop
61 else (err-message) error
62 endif
63 rdrop dup >r @
64 endif
65 repeat rdrop
66 false to resolve-nameless
70 ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
71 ;; label types
72 enum{
73 def: ltype-unknown ;; this label was used, but not defined yet
74 def: ltype-var ;; "= value" label, variable
75 def: ltype-equ ;; "equ value" label, constant
76 def: ltype-code ;; code label
77 def: ltype-data ;; data label
81 ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
82 ;; file info, to avoid allocating file name for each line
83 oof:class: FileInfo
84 FileInfo obj-value: next
85 field: fname ;; handle to file name string
86 field: id
88 method: init-append ( -- )
89 method: name-str ( -- addr count )
90 end-class
92 FileInfo oof:obj-value file-info-head
94 FileInfo oof:method: init-append ( -- )
95 0 (include-file-id) to id
96 0 (include-file-name)
97 0 handle:new-init to fname
98 oof:value-of: file-info-head to next
99 self to file-info-head
102 FileInfo oof:method: name-str ( -- addr count )
103 fname dup handle:size@
107 ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
108 ;; file reference: info and line
109 oof:class: FileRef
110 FileInfo obj-value: file ;; reference file
111 field: line ;; reference file line
113 method: init ( -- ) \ defined way below ;-)
114 method: name-str ( -- addr count )
115 method: print ( -- )
116 end-class
119 FileRef oof:method: name-str ( -- addr count )
120 file name-str
123 ;; print file and line
124 FileRef oof:method: print ( -- )
125 name-str xtype [char] : emit
126 line <# #S #> xtype
130 ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
131 ;; main label record
132 oof:class: Label
133 0 obj-value: info-head ;; LabelRef
134 field: nfa ;; word nfa, to get a name
135 field: type ;; see above
136 field: value ;; label value
137 FileRef obj-value: set-at ;; last initialised at
139 method: init ( nfa -- )
140 method: type! ( type -- )
141 method: value! ( value -- )
142 method: defined-here ( -- )
143 method: new-ref ( -- ) \ defined way below ;-)
144 method: info-head@ ( -- info-head )
145 method: set-at@ ( -- set-at )
146 method: name ( -- addr count )
147 end-class
149 Label oof:method: init ( nfa -- ) to nfa ltype-unknown to type ;
150 Label oof:method: type! ( type -- ) to type ;
151 Label oof:method: value! ( value -- ) to value ;
152 Label oof:method: defined-here ( -- ) FileRef oof:allot to set-at set-at init ;
153 Label oof:method: info-head@ ( -- ) -> info-head @ ;
154 Label oof:method: set-at@ ( -- ) -> set-at @ ;
155 Label oof:method: name ( -- addr count ) nfa id-count ;
158 ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
159 ;; each label reference will be recorded
160 ;; it is used both to create reference file, and to show
161 ;; diagnostics on undefined labels
162 oof:class: LabelRef
163 LabelRef obj-value: prev ;; next info struct addr, or 0
164 Label obj-value: owner ;; owner of this struct
165 field: zx-pc$ ;; pc$ from asm-emit
166 field: zx-pc ;; pc from asm-emit
167 field: zx-emit-pc ;; disp from asm-emit
168 FileRef obj-value: ref ;; file reference
170 method: init ( owner prev -- )
171 method: prev@ ( -- prev )
172 method: ref@ ( -- ref )
173 end-class
175 LabelRef oof:method: init ( owner prev -- )
176 to prev to owner
177 FileRef oof:allot to ref
178 ref init
179 asm-emit:pc$ to zx-pc$
180 asm-emit:pc to zx-pc
181 asm-emit:emit-pc to zx-emit-pc
184 LabelRef oof:method: prev@ ( -- prev ) -> prev @ ;
185 LabelRef oof:method: ref@ ( -- ref ) -> ref @ ;
188 ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
189 LabelRef Label oof:bind-field: info-head
191 ;; now we can define the method
192 Label oof:method: new-ref ( -- )
193 LabelRef oof:allot >r
194 self -> info-head @ r@ oof:invoke: LabelRef init
195 r> to info-head
199 ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
200 ;; return FileInfo for the current source file
201 ;; will reuse an existing one, or create a new one if required
202 : curr-file-info ( -- FileInfo )
203 oof:value-of: file-info-head
204 begin
205 ?dup
206 while
207 dup oof:invoke: FileInfo id 0 (include-file-id) = if exit endif
208 oof:invoke: FileInfo next
209 repeat
210 ;; not found, want a new struct
211 FileInfo oof:allot oof:invoke: FileInfo init-append
212 oof:value-of: file-info-head
216 ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
217 ;; and finally, we can define this method
218 FileRef oof:method: init ( -- )
219 curr-file-info to file
220 0 (include-file-line) to line
224 ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
225 ;; some globals
227 ;; last "@@"/"$$" label value
228 -1 value last-f/b-label
230 ;; local labels (starting with dot) will be prefixed with this one
231 Label oof:obj-value global-prefix
234 create temp-name-buf 256 cell+ allot create;
236 : >temp-buf ( addr count -- )
237 dup 1 255 within " label name too long" ?not-error
238 dup temp-name-buf ! temp-name-buf cell+ swap move
241 : temp-buf+cc ( addr count -- )
242 dup 1 255 within " label name too long" ?not-error
243 dup temp-name-buf @ + dup 1 255 within " label name too long" ?not-error
244 >r temp-name-buf count + swap move
245 r> temp-name-buf !
248 : temp-buf-cc@ ( -- addr count )
249 temp-name-buf count
253 ;; "@@" or "$$"?
254 : f/b-label? ( addr count -- bool )
255 2 = if
256 w@ dup [ [char] @ dup 8 lsh or ] imm-literal =
257 swap [ [char] $ dup 8 lsh or ] imm-literal = or
258 else drop false endif
261 ;; "@f", "$f", "@b", "$b"?
262 ;; 0: nope; -1: back; 1: forward
263 : fref-label? ( addr count -- flag )
264 2 = if
265 dup c@ dup [char] @ = swap [char] $ = or if
266 1+ c@ string:char-upper case
267 [char] B of -1 endof
268 [char] F of 1 endof
269 otherwise drop 0
270 endcase
271 else drop 0 endif
272 else drop 0 endif
275 : fref-f/b-label? ( addr count -- bool )
276 2dup f/b-label? nrot fref-label? logor
279 : fix-prefix ( addr count -- addr count )
280 dup " empty label name, wtf?" ?not-error
281 2dup fref-f/b-label? ifnot
282 over c@ case
283 [char] . of ;; local label (starts with a dot)
284 oof:value-of: global-prefix " local label without a global" ?not-error
285 global-prefix name >temp-buf temp-buf+cc temp-buf-cc@
286 endof
287 [char] @ of ;; "@" means "do not reset global prefix
288 string:/char
289 dup " invalid label name" ?not-error
290 over c@ [char] @ = if
291 string:/char
292 dup " invalid label name" ?not-error
293 endif
294 endof
295 endcase
296 endif
299 : prefix-set? ( addr count -- bool )
300 drop c@ dup [char] @ <> swap [char] . <> and
304 ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
305 ;; find label
306 : find ( addr count -- pfa TRUE / FALSE )
307 vocid: (asm-labels) find-word-in-voc
308 if cfa->pfa true else false endif
312 : (new-label-ref) ( addr count -- Label )
313 (create)
314 here >r
315 latest-nfa Label oof:allot oof:invoke: Label init
316 create;
320 ;; note label reference
321 ;; this introduces new label record if there wasn't one, but
322 ;; will do nothing for already existing label records
323 : (ref) ( addr count -- Label )
324 2dup find if nrot 2drop
325 else ;; create new label word
326 ;; change current vocab to labels
327 current @ >r vocid: (asm-labels) current !
328 (new-label-ref)
329 ;; restore old current vocab
330 r> current !
331 endif
334 : ref ( addr count -- )
335 2dup fref-f/b-label? ifnot (ref) oof:invoke: Label new-ref
336 else 2drop endif
340 : defined? ( addr count -- bool )
341 find dup if oof:invoke: Label type ltype-unknown <> endif
345 : (define-label) ( addr count value type -- )
346 swap >r >r
347 2dup f/b-label? if
348 r@ ltype-code <> r> ltype-data <> and " invalid nameless label def" ?error
349 r@ 0 65536 within " invalid nameless label value" ?not-error
350 r> to last-f/b-label
351 2drop
352 true to resolve-nameless
353 else
354 2dup fref-label? " invalid label name" ?error
355 r@ ltype-code >= if 2dup prefix-set? >r else 0 >r endif
356 fix-prefix (ref)
357 r> if dup to global-prefix endif
358 ( Label | value type )
359 dup oof:invoke: Label type
360 dup ltype-unknown <> if r@ <> r@ ltype-var <> or " label redefinition" ?error
361 else drop
362 endif
363 r> over oof:invoke: Label type!
364 r> over oof:invoke: Label value!
365 oof:invoke: Label defined-here
366 endif
367 resolve-exprs
370 : define-var ( addr count value -- ) ltype-var (define-label) ;
371 : define-equ ( addr count value -- ) ltype-equ (define-label) ;
372 : define-code ( addr count value -- ) ltype-code (define-label) ;
373 : define-data ( addr count value -- ) ltype-data (define-label) ;
376 ;; create new label info struct, return label value (not truncated)
377 ;; doesn't record label access
378 : get ( addr count -- value TRUE / FALSE )
379 2dup f/b-label? if 2drop false exit endif
380 2dup fref-label? ?dup if nrot 2drop ;; "@b" or "@f"
381 resolve-nameless if ;; resolving "@@"
382 0< " internal nameless resolver error" ?error -- the thing that should not be
383 last-f/b-label
384 dup 0 65536 within " internal nameless resolver error (2)" ?not-error -- assertion
385 true
386 else
387 -if last-f/b-label +0if last-f/b-label true else false endif ;; backref
388 else false endif
389 endif
390 exit
391 endif
392 \ fix-prefix 2dup xtype cr
393 2dup find ifnot
394 ." shit: " xtype cr
395 " label not found, wtf?!" error
396 endif nrot 2drop
397 dup oof:invoke: Label type ltype-unknown = if drop false
398 else oof:invoke: Label value true
399 endif
403 : dump-label-refs ( LabelRef -- )
404 begin ?dup while
405 ." ref: " dup oof:invoke: LabelRef ref@ oof:invoke: FileRef print cr
406 oof:invoke: LabelRef prev@
407 repeat
410 : dump-labels ( -- )
411 vocid: (asm-labels) voc-latest
412 begin ?dup while
413 ." === LABEL: " dup lfa->nfa id-count xtype ." ===" cr
414 dup lfa->pfa
415 dup oof:invoke: Label type ltype-unknown <> if
416 dup oof:invoke: Label set-at@
417 ." defined at: " oof:invoke: FileRef print cr
418 endif
419 dup oof:invoke: Label type ." type: " . cr
420 dup oof:invoke: Label value ." value: " . cr
421 dup oof:invoke: Label info-head@ dump-label-refs
422 drop
423 @ repeat
427 ;; check if all labels are defined
428 : check-labels ( -- )
429 postpone-expr-list if
430 vocid: (asm-labels) voc-latest
431 begin ?dup while
432 dup lfa->pfa
433 dup oof:invoke: Label type ltype-unknown = if
434 ." UNDEFINED LABEL: " over lfa->nfa id-count xtype cr
435 dup oof:invoke: Label info-head@ dump-label-refs
436 endif
437 drop
438 @ repeat
439 endif
442 prev-defs