sinopt: various bugfixes
[urasm.git] / urflibs / dbl-dpl-parse.f
1 ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
2 ;; and now for something completely different...
3 ;; UrForth/C Forth Engine!
4 ;; Copyright (C) 2023 Ketmar Dark // Invisible Vector
5 ;; GPLv3 ONLY
6 ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
7 ;; very simple and limited support for double numbers, with "DPL"
8 ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
11 -1 uservar DPL
13 vocabulary (dbl-dpl-parser)
14 also-defs: (dbl-dpl-parser)
16 ;; convert the ASCII text beginning at addr with regard to BASE.
17 ;; the new value is accumulated into unsigned double number ud0, being left as ud1.
18 ;; addr1 and count1 are unparsed part of the string
19 ;; will never read more than count bytes
20 ;; doesn't skip any spaces, doesn't parse prefixes and signs
21 ;; but skips '_'
22 : dnumber-parse-simple ( addr count ud0lo ud0hi -- addr1 count1 ud1lo ud1hi )
23 2over nip 0> if
24 2>r ( addr count | ud )
25 ;; first must be a digit
26 over c@ base @ string:digit? if
27 ;; main loop
28 begin dup while ( addr count | u )
29 over c@
30 dup [char] _ = if drop ;; skip '_'
31 else ;; try digit
32 base @ string:digit ifnot break endif
33 2r> base @ uds* rot u>d d+ 2>r
34 endif
35 string:/char
36 repeat
37 endif
38 2r>
39 endif
42 : >number ( ud1 c-addr1 count -- ud2 c-addr2 count )
43 2swap dnumber-parse-simple 2swap
46 ;; convert a character string left at addr to a signed number, using the current numeric base
47 : number-dbl-dpl ( addr count -- ud 1 // d -1 // addr count false )
48 ;; check length
49 dup 0> ifnot false exit endif
50 2dup 2>r ;; for failure exit
51 ;; ok, we have at least one char; check for a sign
52 over c@ case
53 [char] - of string:/char true endof
54 [char] + of string:/char false endof
55 otherwise drop false
56 endcase nrot ;; ( negflag addr count )
57 ;; should have at least one char to work with
58 dup 0> ifnot 2drop drop 2r> false exit endif
59 0 u>d 2swap >number ;; ( negflag ud addr count )
60 dup ifnot ;; no more chars
61 2drop drop ;; drop str, and convert double to single
62 swap if negate endif
63 -1 dpl ! 2rdrop true
64 else ;; have some more chars
65 over c@ [char] . = ifnot 2drop 2drop 2r> false exit endif
66 string:/char dup >r >number ;; ( negflag ud addr count | oldcount )
67 if rdrop 2drop 2drop 2r> false exit endif ;; too many chars
68 r> dpl ! 2rdrop drop rot if dnegate endif
70 endif
73 ..: forth:(interpret-word-not-found) ( addr count FALSE -- addr count FALSE / TRUE )
74 ifnot
75 number-dbl-dpl dup if
76 compiler:comp? if
77 0< if swap literal endif literal
78 else drop endif
79 true
80 endif
81 else false
82 endif
83 ;..
85 prev-defs
87 $IF 0
88 1.4 . . cr