UrForth: fixed some bugs, added simple benchmark
[urasm.git] / urflibs / stdlib / 70-pseudostructs.f
1 ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
2 ;; and now for something completely different...
3 ;; UrForth/C Forth Engine!
4 ;; Copyright (C) 2023 Ketmar Dark // Invisible Vector
5 ;; GPLv3 ONLY
6 ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
7 ;; pseudostructs
8 ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
12 usage:
13 define-accessors rec
14 acc: field0
15 acc: field1
16 end-accessors -- defines constant "rec-size"
18 now, "rec-size" is record size in bytes. each field is a cell, and
19 have "rec->field" (offset), "rec->field@" and "rec->field!" accessors.
23 simple-vocabulary (struct-accs-internal)
24 also-defs: (struct-accs-internal)
26 ;; create "record->name"
27 : (create-ofs-accessor) ( addr count ofs-in-bytes -- ofs-in-bytes )
28 dup >r
29 pad @ >r nrot " ->" string:pad+cc string:pad+cc
30 string:pad-cc@ (create) ,
31 r> pad ! r>
32 immediate
33 does> ( info-addr pfa -- info-addr-with-offset )
34 @ ;; offset
35 ?dup if
36 compiler:comp? if literal compile +
37 else + endif
38 endif
41 ;; create "record->nameX"
42 : (create-accessor) ( addr count ofs do-write? char -- )
43 pad @ >r " ->" string:pad+cc >r 2swap string:pad+cc r> string:pad+char
44 string:pad-cc@ (create)
45 ;; pfa: ofs cfa-r/w-compile ofs cfa-r/w-exec
46 if , ['] forth:(direct:+:!) , ['] forth:! ,
47 else , ['] forth:(direct:+:@) , ['] forth:@ ,
48 endif
49 r> pad !
50 immediate
51 does> ( base pfa )
52 compiler:comp? if
53 dup @ ?dup if swap cell+ @ compile-start, compile-end,
54 else 2 +cells @ compile, endif
55 else dup @ rot + swap 2 +cells @execute-tail
56 endif
59 : (create-peek-accessor) ( addr count ofs -- ) false [char] @ (create-accessor) ;
60 : (create-poke-accessor) ( addr count ofs -- ) true [char] ! (create-accessor) ;
62 prev-defs
65 simple-vocabulary (struct-accs-defs)
66 also-defs: (struct-accs-defs)
68 : def: ( ofs -- ofs+4 ) \ name
69 >r ;; save offset
70 parse-name dup " accessor name expected" ?not-error
71 2dup r@ (struct-accs-internal):(create-ofs-accessor) >r
72 2dup r@ (struct-accs-internal):(create-peek-accessor)
73 r> (struct-accs-internal):(create-poke-accessor)
74 r> cell+
77 : end-accessors ( ofs -- )
78 previous
79 ;; create constant
80 " -size" string:pad+cc
81 string:pad-cc@ compiler:(create-header)
82 compiler:(cfaidx-do-const) compiler:cfa, ,
83 compiler:smudge
86 prev-defs
89 ;; create accessors
90 ;; trashes PAD
91 : define-accessors ( -- 0 ) \ name
92 parse-name string:>pad
93 0 also (struct-accs-defs)
97 define-accessors boo
98 def: first
99 def: second
100 end-accessors
102 boo-size . cr
103 debug:decompile boo->second!