urasm: implemented struct declarations
[urasm.git] / urflibs / urasm / main.f
1 ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
2 ;; and now for something completely different...
3 ;; UrAsm Forth Engine!
4 ;; GPLv3 ONLY
5 ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
6 ;; Z80 Assembler: main module
7 ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
10 ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
11 ;; DEFFMT directive
14 enum{
15 def: out-none
16 def: out-sna48
17 def: out-sna128
18 def: out-raw
21 out-sna48 value out-format
22 false value out-locked
24 false value do-org-100
26 : .curr-file ( -- )
27 0 (include-file-name) xtype
31 also asm-lexer
32 also-defs: asm-instr
34 0 value ret-forth (hidden)
35 0 value ret-forth-rp (hidden)
37 : (done-forth) ( -- )
38 ret-forth-rp 0 mtask:state-rp! rdrop
39 ret-forth >r
40 ; (hidden)
42 ..: forth:(interpret-check-word) ( addr count FALSE -- addr count FALSE / TRUE )
43 ret-forth if
44 dup ifnot drop
45 \ 2dup " $END-FORTH" string:=ci if (done-forth) endif
46 2dup " $END_FORTH" string:=ci if (done-forth) endif
47 false
48 endif
49 endif
50 ;..
52 : (do-forth) ( -- )
53 r@ to ret-forth
54 0 mtask:state-rp@ to ret-forth-rp
55 interpret
56 ; (hidden)
58 : $START_FORTH ( -- )
59 (do-forth) sp0!
60 parse-skip-line next-token
64 : DEFFMT ( -- )
65 next-token tok-type tk-id <> " identifier expected" ?error
66 out-locked ifnot
67 token " sna" string:=ci if out-sna48 to out-format next-token exit endif
68 token " sna48" string:=ci if out-sna48 to out-format next-token exit endif
69 token " sna128" string:=ci if out-sna128 to out-format next-token exit endif
70 token " raw" string:=ci if out-raw to out-format next-token exit endif
71 token " bin" string:=ci if out-raw to out-format next-token exit endif
72 token " none" string:=ci if out-none to out-format next-token exit endif
73 token " null" string:=ci if out-none to out-format next-token exit endif
74 endcr ." unknown output format: " token xtype cr
75 " unknown output format" error
76 else next-token endif
81 0 value dup-curr (hidden)
83 : dup->prev ( addr -- addr ) ; immediate (hidden)
84 : dup->count ( addr -- addr ) cell+ ; (hidden)
85 : dup->line ( addr -- addr ) 2 +cells ; (hidden)
86 : dup->fofs ( addr -- addr ) 3 +cells ; (hidden)
87 4 cells constant dup-size (hidden)
90 0 value inc-curr (hidden)
92 : inc->prev ( addr -- addr ) ; immediate (hidden)
93 : inc->dupr ( addr -- addr ) cell+ ; (hidden)
94 2 cells constant inc-size (hidden)
96 : (end-include) ( -- eof-flag )
97 inc-curr if
98 dup-curr " unfinished DUP" ?error
99 inc-curr inc->dupr @ to dup-curr
100 inc-curr inc->prev @ to inc-curr
101 next-token expect-eol
102 refill drop next-token
103 false
104 ." continue >: " .curr-file cr
105 else true endif
106 ; (hidden)
108 : INCLUDE ( -- )
109 next-token tok-type tk-str <> " quoted file name expected" ?error
110 token string:>pad next-token expect-eol
111 inc-size n-allot
112 inc-curr over inc->prev ! to inc-curr
113 dup-curr inc-curr inc->dupr !
114 0 to dup-curr
115 string:pad-cc@ 0 0 (include-no-refill)
116 ." included <: " .curr-file cr
117 next-token expect-eol
121 : EDUP ( -- )
122 next-token expect-eol
123 dup-curr " EDUP without DUP" ?not-error
124 dup-curr dup->count @ 1- dup +if
125 dup-curr dup->count !
126 dup-curr dup->line @ 1- dup-curr dup->fofs @ (INCLUDE-LINE-SEEK)
127 refill-nocross " wuta?" ?not-error parse-skip-line ;; skip EDUP
128 next-token expect-eol
129 else drop dup-curr dup->prev @ to dup-curr endif
133 : DUP ( -- )
134 next-token asm-expr:expression-const expect-eol
135 dup 1 65536 within " invalid DUP counter" ?not-error
136 dup-size n-allot
137 dup-curr over dup->prev ! to dup-curr
138 dup-curr dup->count !
139 0 (INCLUDE-FILE-LINE) dup-curr dup->line !
140 (INCLUDE-LINE-FOFS) dup-curr dup->fofs !
144 : else " please, use $ELSE" asm-lexer:warning $ELSE ;
145 : if " please, use $IF" asm-lexer:warning $IF ;
146 : elsif " please, use $ELSIF" asm-lexer:warning $ELSIF ;
147 : elif " please, use $ELSIF" error ;
148 : endif " please, use $ENDIF" asm-lexer:warning $ENDIF ;
150 previous prev-defs
154 ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
155 ;; main assembler loop
158 also asm-lexer
160 : assemble-token-punct ( -- )
161 token-colon? ifnot dump-token " bad syntax" error endif
162 next-token
163 asm-labels:clear-last-defined-label
166 : assemble-token-label ( as-label? -- )
167 >r ;; save "as-label?"
168 token asm-helpers:find-struct if
169 tok-label-colon? " declare structs without a colon, please" ?error
170 asm-helpers:declare-anon-struct
171 else
172 string:>pad next-token string:pad-cc@
173 case
174 token-equ? if-of asm-equ endof
175 token-=? if-of asm-ass endof
176 token-id? if-of 2drop
177 token asm-helpers:find-struct if asm-helpers:declare-labeled-struct
178 else
179 string:pad-cc@ r@ ifnot
180 endcr space xtype ." ? wut?" cr
181 " dunno what to do" error
182 endif
183 asm-emit:pc$ asm-labels:define-code
184 endif
185 endof
186 otherwise 2drop
187 string:pad-cc@ r@ ifnot
188 endcr space xtype ." ? wut?" cr
189 " dunno what to do" error
190 endif
191 asm-emit:pc$ asm-labels:define-code
192 endcase
193 endif rdrop
196 : assemble-token-mnemo ( -- )
197 tok-mnemo-cfa execute
198 token-colon-eol? " end of instruction expected" ?not-error
199 asm-labels:clear-last-defined-label
202 : assemble-file ( addr count -- )
203 dup +if false false (include) else 2drop endif
204 true to line-start next-token
205 ." assembling: " .curr-file cr
206 get-msecs >r
207 begin
208 begin
209 tok-type tk-eos =
210 while
211 \ ." *** NEWLINE ***: " 0 (INCLUDE-FILE-NAME) xtype 0 (INCLUDE-FILE-LINE) space . cr
212 refill-nocross ifnot break endif
213 true to line-start
214 $IF 0
215 ." <" (tib-in) 0 begin dup tib-peekch-ofs while 1+ repeat xtype ." >" cr
216 $ENDIF
217 true to line-start next-token
218 repeat
219 asm-emit:instruction-start
220 $IF 0
221 dump-token
222 $ENDIF
223 tok-type case
224 tk-eos of
225 asm-labels:clear-last-defined-label
226 asm-instr:(end-include)
227 if break endif
228 endof
229 tk-punct of assemble-token-punct endof
230 tk-label of true assemble-token-label endof
231 tk-id of false assemble-token-label endof ;; this can be " lbl = ..." or " lbl equ ..."
232 tk-mnemo of assemble-token-mnemo endof
233 otherwise dump-token " wutafuck?" error
234 endcase
235 depth " ASSEMBLER: unbalanced stack" ?error
236 again
237 get-msecs r> - ." assembled in " . ." msecs." cr
240 previous
243 ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
244 ;; utilities
247 : write-sna ( addr count wr-cfa -- )
249 string:>pad string:pad-remove-ext " .sna" string:pad+cc
250 ." OUTPUT: " string:pad-cc@ xtype cr
251 string:pad-cc@ files:create " cannot create output .SNA" ?not-error
252 dup r> execute
253 files:close drop
257 ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
258 ;; main entry point
261 0 value arg-idx
262 -1 value arg-fname-idx
264 : next-arg ( -- ) +1-to arg-idx ;
266 vocabulary cli-args
267 also-defs: cli-args
269 : --raw ( -- ) out-raw to out-format true to out-locked next-arg ;
270 : --sna ( -- ) out-sna48 to out-format true to out-locked next-arg ;
271 alias --sna --sna48
272 : --sna128 ( -- ) out-sna128 to out-format true to out-locked next-arg ;
273 : --none ( -- ) out-none to out-format true to out-locked next-arg ;
274 : --org100h ( -- ) true to do-org-100 next-arg ;
276 : --reffile ( -- ) next-arg ;
278 prev-defs
280 : parse-arg ( -- )
281 arg-idx argv dup if
282 vocid: cli-args find-word-in-voc if
283 execute
284 else
285 arg-fname-idx 0>= " too many file names" ?error
286 arg-idx to arg-fname-idx
287 next-arg
288 endif
289 else 2drop next-arg endif
293 : RUN-URASM ( -- )
294 begin arg-idx argc < while parse-arg repeat
295 do-org-100 if 0x100
296 dup to asm-emit:pc dup to asm-emit:emit-pc
297 dup to asm-emit:ent 1- to asm-emit:clr
298 endif
299 arg-fname-idx 0< if
300 " ." false false (include)
301 \ " assemble what?" ?error
303 else arg-fname-idx argv endif
304 assemble-file
305 \ asm-labels:dump-labels
306 asm-labels:check-labels
307 out-format case
308 out-none of endof
309 out-sna48 of arg-fname-idx argv ['] asm-writers:write-sna-48 write-sna endof
310 out-sna128 of arg-fname-idx argv ['] asm-writers:write-sna-128 write-sna endof
311 out-raw of arg-fname-idx argv asm-writers:write-raw endof
312 otherwise " internal error: bad output format" error
313 endcase