8322 nl: misleading-indentation
[unleashed.git] / usr / src / cmd / geniconvtbl / itm_comp.l
1 %{
2 /*
4  *
5  * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
6  * Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
7  * (the "License").  You may not use this file except in compliance
8  * with the License.
9  *
10  * You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
11  * or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
12  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
13  * and limitations under the License.
14  *
15  * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
16  * file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
17  * If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
18  * fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
19  * information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
20  *
22  *
23  * Copyright (c) 1999 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
24  * All rights reserved.
25  */
27 #pragma ident   "%Z%%M% %I%     %E% SMI"
29 #include <assert.h>
30 #include <stdio.h>
31 #include <stdlib.h>
32 #include <unistd.h>
33 #include <libintl.h>
34 #include <string.h>
36 #include <regexpr.h>
38 #include "iconv_tm.h"
39 #include "itmcomp.h"
40 #include "y.tab.h"
42 static itm_data_t       *hexadecimal_data(int, char *);
43 static itm_data_t       *name_data(int, char *);
44 static void             filename_lineno(void);
45 static int              at_name_to_token(char *);
50 %start  norm comment
52 DECIMAL         ([0-9]+)
53 OCTAL           (0[0-7][0-7]+)
54 HEXADECIMAL     (("0x"|"0X")([0-9A-Fa-f])+)
55 ITMNAME         (([^% \t\n\r])+"%"([^% \t\n\r])+)
56 ATNAME          "@"([0-9A-Za-z_]+)
57 NAME            ([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*)
58 MAPTYPE_NAME    (automatic|dense|index|hash|binary)
62 [ \t\n]+        ;
63 "//".*"\n"      ;
65 ^"#"[ \t]*{DECIMAL}[ \t]*"\"".*"\"".*"\n" {
66                         filename_lineno();
67                 }
69 ^"#".*"\n"      {
70                         if (NULL == cmd_opt.preprocess) {
71                                 itm_error(
72                                 gettext("warning: "
73                                         "preprocess may be required\n"));
74                         }
75                 }
77 {DECIMAL}       {
78                         yylval.num = strtoul(yytext, (char **)NULL, 10);
79                         return (DECIMAL);
80                 }
82 {OCTAL}         {       yylval.num = strtoul(yytext, (char **)NULL, 8);
83                         return (DECIMAL);
84                 }
86 {HEXADECIMAL}   {       yylval.data = hexadecimal_data(yyleng - 2, yytext + 2);
87                         return (HEXADECIMAL);
88                 }
90 {ITMNAME}       {       yylval.data = str_to_data(yyleng, yytext);
91                         return (ITMNAME);
92                 }
94 {ATNAME}        {       return at_name_to_token(yytext);
95                 }
97 {MAPTYPE_NAME}  {       yylval.num = at_name_to_token(yytext);
98                         yylval.data = name_data(yyleng, yytext);
99                         return (MAPTYPE_NAME);
101                 }
103 {NAME}          {       yylval.num = at_name_to_token(yytext);
104                         if (0 != yylval.num) {
105                                 return (yylval.num);
106                         } else {
107                                 yylval.data = name_data(yyleng, yytext);
108                                 return (NAME);
109                         }
110                 }
113 "{"             {return (CBO);}
114 "}"             {return (CBC);}
115 "["             {return (SBO);}
116 "]"             {return (SBC);}
117 "("             {return (PO);}
118 ")"             {return (PC);}
119 ";"             {return (SC);}
120 ","             {return (COMMA);}
121 ":"             {return (COLON);}
122 "..."           {return (ELLIPSES);}
125 "="             {return (ASSIGN);}
126 "||"            {return (LOR);}
127 "&&"            {return (LAND);}
128 "|"             {return (OR);}
129 "^"             {return (XOR);}
130 "&"             {return (AND);}
131 "=="            {return (EQ);}
132 "!="            {return (NE);}
133 "<"             {return (LT);}
134 "<="            {return (LE);}
135 ">"             {return (GT);}
136 ">="            {return (GE);}
137 "<<"            {return (SHL);}
138 ">>"            {return (SHR);}
139 "+"             {return (PLUS);}
140 "-"             {return (MINUS);}
141 "*"             {return (MUL);}
142 "/"             {return (DIV);}
143 "%"             {return (MOD);}
144 "!"             {return (NOT);}
145 "~"             {return (NEG);}
147 .               {       itm_error(
148                                 gettext("Unrecognized token '%1$c' \n"),
149                                 cmd_opt.my_name, yytext[0]);
150                         return (0);
151                 }
156  * lexinit - starts the Lexical Analyzer off in the right start condition
157  */
158 void
159 lexinit()
161         BEGIN norm;
164 /* does this really need to be here? */
166 yywrap()
168         return (1);
171 void
172 yyerror(char *s)
174         extern int      yylineno;
176         itm_error(
177                 gettext("%1$s: file(%2$s) line(%3$d) last token(%4$s)\n"),
178                 s, itm_input_file, yylineno, yytext);
180         exit(ITMC_STATUS_BT);
183 typedef struct {
184         char    *name;
185         int     token;
186 } at_name_token_t;
189  * NOT: This table must be sorted alphabetically.
190  */
191 static at_name_token_t at_table[] = {
192         "@automatic",   MAPTYPE_AUTO,
193         "@binary",      MAPTYPE_BINARY,
194         "@between",     BETWEEN,
195         "@condition",   CONDITION,
196         "@default",     ITM_DEFAULT,
197         "@dense",       MAPTYPE_DENSE,
198         "@direction",   DIRECTION,
199         "@discard",     DISCARD,
200         "@else",        ITM_ELSE,
201         "@error",       ERROR,
202         "@escapeseq",   ESCAPESEQ,
203         "@false",       ITM_FALSE,
204         "@hash",        MAPTYPE_HASH,
205         "@identical",   ITM_IDENTICAL,
206         "@if",          ITM_IF,
207         "@in",          ITM_IN,
208         "@index",       MAPTYPE_INDEX,
209         "@init",        ITM_INIT,
210         "@input",       ITM_IN,
211         "@inputsize",   ITM_INSIZE,
212         "@map",         MAP,
213         "@maptype",     MAPTYPE,
214         "@no_change_copy",      ITM_IDENTICAL,
215         "@nop",         NOP,
216         "@operation",   OPERATION,
217         "@out",         ITM_OUT,
218         "@output",      ITM_OUT,
219         "@output_byte_length",  RESULTLEN,
220         "@outputsize",  ITM_OUTSIZE,
221         "@printchr",    PRINTCHR,
222         "@printhd",     PRINTHD,
223         "@printint",    PRINTINT,
224         "@reset",       RESET,
225         "@resultlen",   RESULTLEN,
226         "@return",      RETURN,
227         "@true",        ITM_TRUE,
228         "automatic",    MAPTYPE_AUTO,
229         "between",      BETWEEN,
230         "binary",       MAPTYPE_BINARY,
231         "break",        BREAK,
232         "condition",    CONDITION,
233         "default",      ITM_DEFAULT,
234         "dense",        MAPTYPE_DENSE,
235         "direction",    DIRECTION,
236         "discard",      DISCARD,
237         "else",         ITM_ELSE,
238         "error",        ERROR,
239         "escapeseq",    ESCAPESEQ,
240         "false",        ITM_FALSE,
241         "hash",         MAPTYPE_HASH,
242         "if",           ITM_IF,
243         "index",        MAPTYPE_INDEX,
244         "init",         ITM_INIT,
245         "input",        ITM_IN,
246         "inputsize",    ITM_INSIZE,
247         "map",          MAP,
248         "maptype",      MAPTYPE,
249         "no_change_copy",       ITM_IDENTICAL,
250         "nop",          NOP,
251         "operation",    OPERATION,
252         "output",       ITM_OUT,
253         "output_byte_length",   RESULTLEN,
254         "outputsize",   ITM_OUTSIZE,
255         "printchr",     PRINTCHR,
256         "printhd",      PRINTHD,
257         "printint",     PRINTINT,
258         "reset",        RESET,
259         "return",       RETURN,
260         "true",         ITM_TRUE,
264 at_name_to_token(char *s)
266         int     high;
267         int     mid;
268         int     low;
269         int     result;
271         TRACE_MESSAGE('l', ("at_name_to_token: %s", s));
272         for (low = 0, high = (sizeof (at_table) /
273                                 sizeof (at_name_token_t));
274             low < high; /* NOP */) {
275                 mid = (low + high) / 2;
276                 result = strcmp(s, at_table[mid].name);
277                 if (result < 0) {
278                         high = mid;
279                 } else if (0 < result) {
280                         low = mid + 1;
281                 } else { /* 0 == result */
282                         TRACE_MESSAGE('l', (" %d\n", at_table[mid].token));
283                         return (at_table[mid].token);
284                 }
285         }
286         TRACE_MESSAGE('l', (" - not found\n"));
287         return (0);
290 static itm_data_t *
291 hexadecimal_data(int seqsize, char *seq)
293         itm_data_t      *data;
294         char            *binary;
295         int             i, j;
296         int             val;
297         int             high;
298         int             low;
299         int             size;
301         /* size is assured to be multiple of 2 */
302         assert(seqsize != 0);
303         size = seqsize + 1;
304         size /= 2;
305         if (size > MAXSEQUENCE) {
306                 itm_error(
307                 gettext(" specified sequence must be less than %$1d\n"),
308                 MAXSEQUENCE);
309                 return (NULL);
310         }
311         binary = malloc_vital(size);
312         i = j = 0;
313         if (seqsize % 2 != 0) {
314                 low =  *(seq);
315                 if (('0' <= low) && (low <= '9')) {
316                         val = (low - '0');
317                 } else if (('a' <= low) && (low <= 'f')) {
318                         val = (low - 'a' + 10);
319                 } else if (('A' <= low) && (low <= 'F')) {
320                         val = (low - 'A' + 10);
321                 }
322                 *(binary + i) = val;
323                 i++;
324                 j++;
325         }
326         for (/* NOP */; i < size; i++, j += 2) {
327                 high = *(seq + j);
328                 low =  *(seq + j + 1);
329                 if (('0' <= high) && (high <= '9')) {
330                         val = ((high - '0') << 4);
331                 } else if (('a' <= high) && (high <= 'f')) {
332                         val = ((high - 'a' + 10) << 4);
333                 } else if (('A' <= high) && (high <= 'F')) {
334                         val = ((high - 'A' + 10) << 4);
335                 }
336                 if (('0' <= low) && (low <= '9')) {
337                         val |= (low - '0');
338                 } else if (('a' <= low) && (low <= 'f')) {
339                         val |= (low - 'a' + 10);
340                 } else if (('A' <= low) && (low <= 'F')) {
341                         val |= (low - 'A' + 10);
342                 }
343                 *(binary + i) = val;
344         }
346         data = malloc_vital(sizeof (itm_data_t));
348         data->size = size;
349         if (size <= sizeof (data->place)) {
350                 (void) memmove(&(data->place), binary, size);
351                 free(binary);
352         } else {
353                 data->place.itm_ptr = (itm_place2_t)binary;
354         }
356         return (data);
359 static itm_data_t *
360 name_data(int size, char *seq)
362         itm_data_t *data;
365         if (size > MAXNAMELENGTH) {
366                 itm_error(gettext("the length(%d) exceed limitation(%d)"),
367                 size, MAXNAMELENGTH);
368                 exit(ITMC_STATUS_BT2);
369         }
370         data = malloc_vital(sizeof (itm_data_t));
372         data->size = size;
373         if (size <= sizeof (data->place)) {
374                 (void) memmove(&(data->place), seq, size);
375         } else {
376                 data->place.itm_ptr = (itm_place2_t)malloc_vital(size);
377                 (void) memmove((char *)(data->place.itm_ptr), seq, size);
378         }
380         return (data);
383 static void
384 filename_lineno(void)
386         static char     *re;
387         static char     restr[] =
388                         "^#[ \t]*\\([0-9]\\{1,\\}\\)[ \t]*\"\\(.*\\)\".*";
389         int             match;
390         extern char     *braslist[];
391         extern char     *braelist[];
392         static char     *filename;
393         int             len;
394         int             lineno;
396         if (NULL == re) {
397                 re = compile(restr, NULL, NULL);
398                 if (NULL == re) {
399                         itm_error(
400                                 gettext("REGEXP compile error\n"));
401                         exit(ITMC_STATUS_BT);
402                 }
403         }
404         match = step(yytext, re);
405         if (0 != match) {
406                 lineno = atoi(braslist[0]);
407                 free(filename);
408                 len = braelist[1] - braslist[1];
409                 filename = malloc_vital(len + 1);
410                 (void) memcpy(filename, braslist[1], len);
411                 *(filename + len) = '\0';
412                 itm_input_file = filename;
413                 yylineno = lineno;
414         }