10063 basic support for smatch
[unleashed.git] / usr / src / cmd / bnu / Makefile.inc
4 # The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
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6 # You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
8 # You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
9 # or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
10 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions
11 # and limitations under the License.
13 # When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
14 # file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
15 # If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
16 # fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
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22 # Copyright 2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
23 # Use is subject to license terms.
25 # Copyright (c) 2019, Joyent, Inc.
28 SRCS =          account.c anlwrk.c bnuconvert.c callers.c               \
29                 chremdir.c cntrl.c conn.c cpmv.c ct.c                   \
30                 cu.c dial.c dio.c dkbreak.c                             \
31                 dkdial.c dkerr.c dkminor.c dtnamer.c eio.c              \
32                 expfile.c fio.c gename.c getargs.c getopt.c getprm.c    \
33                 getpwinfo.c gio.c gnamef.c gnxseq.c grades.c            \
34                 gtcfile.c gwd.c imsg.c in.uucpd.c interface.c limits.c  \
35                 line.c logent.c mailst.c perfstat.c                     \
36                 permission.c pk0.c pk1.c pkdefs.c security.c            \
37                 setmode.c shio.c statlog.c stoa.c strpbrk.c     \
38                 strsave.c sysfiles.c systat.c ulockf.c unknown.c        \
39                 utility.c uucheck.c uucico.c uucleanup.c uucp.c         \
40                 uucpdefs.c uucpname.c uudecode.c uuencode.c             \
41                 uuglist.c uuname.c uusched.c uustat.c uux.c             \
42                 uuxqt.c versys.c xio.c xqt.c
44 CERRWARN        += -_gcc=-Wno-parentheses
45 CERRWARN        += -_gcc=-Wno-char-subscripts
46 CERRWARN        += -_gcc=-Wno-unused-variable
47 CERRWARN        += -_gcc=-Wno-uninitialized
48 CERRWARN        += -_gcc=-Wno-extra
49 CERRWARN        += -_gcc=-Wno-implicit-function-declaration
51 # "parse error: parsing (arg (9223372034707292160-0,2-s32max) == 2)"
52 SMATCH          = off
54 TLILIB =        -lnsl -lsocket
55 PAMLIB =        -lpam
57 # use this if you don't have strpbrk/getopt in libc
58 # STRPBRK =     strpbrk.o
59 # GETOPT =      getopt.o
61 PROTOCOLOBJS =  dio.o eio.o gio.o xio.o fio.o
63 OTHEROBJS =     utility.o cpmv.o expfile.o gename.o getpwinfo.o \
64                 ulockf.o xqt.o logent.o gnamef.o systat.o       \
65                 sysfiles.o strsave.o $(GETOPT)
67 uucp \
68 uucp.cat :=     POBJS = uucpdefs.o uucp.o gwd.o permission.o getargs.o  \
69                         getprm.o uucpname.o versys.o gtcfile.o grades.o \
70                         $(STRPBRK) chremdir.o mailst.o $(OTHEROBJS)
72 uux \
73 uux.cat :=      POBJS = uucpdefs.o uux.o mailst.o gwd.o permission.o    \
74                         getargs.o getprm.o uucpname.o versys.o gtcfile.o \
75                         grades.o chremdir.o $(STRPBRK) $(OTHEROBJS)
77 uuxqt \
78 uuxqt.cat :=    POBJS = uucpdefs.o uuxqt.o mailst.o getprm.o uucpname.o \
79                         permission.o getargs.o gtcfile.o grades.o       \
80                         $(STRPBRK) shio.o chremdir.o account.o          \
81                         perfstat.o statlog.o security.o limits.o        \
82                         $(OTHEROBJS)
84 uucico \
85 uucico.cat :=   POBJS = uucpdefs.o uucico.o conn.o callers.o cntrl.o    \
86                         pk0.o pk1.o anlwrk.o permission.o getargs.o     \
87                         gnxseq.o pkdefs.o imsg.o gtcfile.o grades.o     \
88                         mailst.o uucpname.o line.o chremdir.o           \
89                         interface.o statlog.o stoa.o                    \
90                         perfstat.o account.o security.o limits.o        \
91                         $(STRPBRK) $(PROTOCOLOBJS) $(OTHEROBJS)         \
92                         versys.o setmode.o
93 uucico:=        PLIBS = $(TLILIB) -lgen
95 uuname \
96 uuname.cat :=   POBJS = uuname.o uucpname.o uucpdefs.o getpwinfo.o      \
97                         sysfiles.o strsave.o getargs.o
99 uustat \
100 uustat.cat :=   POBJS = uustat.o gnamef.o expfile.o uucpdefs.o          \
101                         getpwinfo.o ulockf.o getargs.o utility.o        \
102                         uucpname.o versys.o strsave.o sysfiles.o        \
103                         cpmv.o mailst.o permission.o $(STRPBRK) \
104                         $(GETOPT)
106 uusched \
107 uusched.cat :=  POBJS = uusched.o gnamef.o expfile.o uucpdefs.o         \
108                         getpwinfo.o ulockf.o systat.o getargs.o         \
109                         utility.o limits.o permission.o uucpname.o      \
110                         $(GETOPT)
112 uucleanup \
113 uucleanup.cat := POBJS = uucleanup.o gnamef.o expfile.o uucpdefs.o      \
114                         getpwinfo.o uucpname.o ulockf.o getargs.o       \
115                         cpmv.o utility.o $(GETOPT)
117 uuglist \
118 uuglist.cat :=  POBJS = grades.o cpmv.o getargs.o getpwinfo.o strsave.o \
119                         uuglist.o uucpdefs.o expfile.o uucpname.o $(GETOPT)
121 bnuconvert \
122 bnuconvert.cat := POBJS = bnuconvert.o uucpdefs.o grades.o strsave.o    \
123                         getpwinfo.o getargs.o cpmv.o chremdir.o         \
124                         expfile.o gename.o gnamef.o gtcfile.o logent.o  \
125                         systat.o ulockf.o utility.o uucpname.o $(GETOPT)
127 remote.unknown \
128 remote.unknown.cat := POBJS =   unknown.o
130 cu \
131 cu.cat :=       POBJS = cu.o callers.o getargs.o line.o uucpdefs.o      \
132                         ulockf.o conn.o interface.o strsave.o           \
133                         sysfiles.o stoa.o setmode.o
134 cu:=            PLIBS = $(TLILIB) -lgen
136 ct \
137 ct.cat :=       POBJS = ct.o callers.o getargs.o line.o uucpdefs.o      \
138                         ulockf.o conn.o interface.o sysfiles.o          \
139                         strsave.o stoa.o setmode.o
140 ct:=            PLIBS = $(TLILIB) -lgen
142 uudecode \
143 uudecode.cat := POBJS = uudecode.o common.o
145 uuencode \
146 uuencode.cat := POBJS = uuencode.o
148 uucheck \
149 uucheck.cat :=  POBJS = uucheck.o uucpname.o getargs.o $(GETOPT)
151 in.uucpd \
152 in.uucpd.cat := POBJS = in.uucpd.o
153 in.uucpd:=      PLIBS = $(TLILIB) $(PAMLIB)