7290 ZFS test suite needs to control what utilities it can run
[unleashed.git] / usr / src / test / zfs-tests / tests / functional / acl / nontrivial / zfs_acl_chmod_inherit_003_pos.ksh
1 #!/bin/ksh -p
5 # The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
6 # Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
7 # You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
9 # You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
10 # or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
11 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions
12 # and limitations under the License.
14 # When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
15 # file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
16 # If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
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18 # information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
24 # Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
25 # Use is subject to license terms.
29 # Copyright 2016 Nexenta Systems, Inc.
32 . $STF_SUITE/tests/functional/acl/acl_common.kshlib
35 # Verify chmod have correct behaviour to directory and file when
36 # filesystem has the different aclinherit setting
39 # 1. Use both super user and non-super user to run the test case.
40 # 2. Create basedir and a set of subdirectores and files within it.
41 # 3. Separately chmod basedir with different inherite options,
42 # combine with the variable setting of aclinherit:
43 # "discard", "noallow", "restricted" or "passthrough".
44 # 4. Then create nested directories and files like the following.
46 # ofile
47 # odir
48 # chmod --> basedir -|
49 # |_ nfile1
50 # |_ ndir1 _
51 # |_ nfile2
52 # |_ ndir2 _
53 # |_ nfile3
54 # |_ ndir3
56 # 5. Verify each directories and files have the correct access control
57 # capability.
59 verify_runnable "both"
61 function cleanup
63 [[ -f $ofile ]] && log_must rm -f $ofile
64 [[ -d $odir ]] && log_must rm -rf $odir
65 [[ -d $basedir ]] && log_must rm -rf $basedir
68 log_assert "Verify chmod have correct behaviour to directory and file when" \
69 "filesystem has the different aclinherit setting"
70 log_onexit cleanup
72 # Define inherit flag
73 typeset aclinherit_flag=("discard" "noallow" "restricted" "passthrough")
74 typeset object_flag=("f-" "-d" "fd")
75 typeset strategy_flag=("--" "i-" "-n" "in")
77 typeset ace_prefix1="owner@"
78 typeset ace_prefix2="group@"
79 typeset ace_prefix3="everyone@"
81 # Define the base directory and file
82 basedir=$TESTDIR/basedir; ofile=$TESTDIR/ofile; odir=$TESTDIR/odir
84 # Define the files and directories that will be created after chmod
85 ndir1=$basedir/ndir1; ndir2=$ndir1/ndir2; ndir3=$ndir2/ndir3
86 nfile1=$basedir/nfile1; nfile2=$ndir1/nfile2; nfile3=$ndir2/nfile3
88 # Verify all nodes have expected correct access control
89 allnodes="$ndir1 $ndir2 $ndir3 $nfile1 $nfile2 $nfile3"
91 # According to inherited flag, verify subdirectories and files within it has
92 # correct inherited access control.
93 function verify_inherit #<aclinherit> <object> [strategy]
95 # Define the nodes which will be affected by inherit.
96 typeset inherit_nodes
97 typeset inherit=$1
98 typeset obj=$2
99 typeset str=$3
101 log_must usr_exec mkdir -p $ndir3
102 log_must usr_exec touch $nfile1 $nfile2 $nfile3
104 # Check if we have any inheritance flags set
105 if [[ $obj != "--" ]]; then
106 # Files should have inherited ACEs only if file_inherit is set
107 if [[ ${obj:0:1} == "f" ]]; then
108 inherit_nodes="$inherit_nodes $nfile1"
109 if [[ ${str:1:1} != "n" ]]; then
110 inherit_nodes="$inherit_nodes $nfile2 $nfile3"
114 # Directories should have inherited ACEs if file_inherit without
115 # no_propagate and/or dir_inherit is set
116 if [[ (${obj:0:1} == "f" && ${str:1:1} != "n") ||
117 ${obj:1:1} == "d" ]]; then
118 inherit_nodes="$inherit_nodes $ndir1"
119 if [[ ${str:1:1} != "n" ]]; then
120 inherit_nodes="$inherit_nodes $ndir2 $ndir3"
125 for node in $allnodes; do
126 typeset -i i=0 count=0 inherited=0
127 typeset expacl perm inh act
129 if [[ "$inherit_nodes" == *"$node"* ]]; then
130 inherited=1
133 while ((i < $maxaces)); do
134 # If current node isn't in inherit list, there's
135 # nothing to check, skip to checking trivial ACL
136 if ((inherited == 0)); then
137 ((count = maxaces + 1))
138 break
141 eval expacl=\$acl$i
142 case $inherit in
143 discard)
144 # Do not inherit any ACEs
145 ((count = maxaces + 1))
146 break
148 noallow)
149 # Only inherit inheritable ACEs that specify
150 # "deny" permissions
151 if [[ $expacl == *":allow" ]] ; then
152 ((i = i + 1))
153 continue
156 restricted)
157 # Remove write_acl and write_owner permissions
158 # when the ACEs is inherited
159 eval expacl=\$acls$i
161 passthrough)
163 esac
165 perm=${expacl%:*}
166 inh=${perm##*:}
167 inh=${inh:0:2}
168 perm=${perm%:*}
169 act=${expacl##*:}
171 if [[ -d $node ]]; then
172 # Clear inheritance flags if no_propagate is set
173 if [[ ${str:1:1} == "n" ]]; then
174 inh="--"
176 expacl="$perm:$inh"
177 # Set inherit_only if there's a file_inherit
178 # without dir_inherit
179 if [[ ${obj:0:1} == "f" &&
180 ${obj:1:1} != "d" ]]; then
181 expacl="${expacl}i---I:$act"
182 else
183 expacl="${expacl}----I:$act"
185 elif [[ -f $node ]] ; then
186 expacl="$perm:------I:$act"
189 aclcur=$(get_ACE $node $count compact)
190 aclcur=${aclcur#$count:}
191 if [[ -n $expacl && $expacl != $aclcur ]]; then
192 ls -Vd $basedir
193 ls -Vd $node
194 log_fail "$inherit $i #$count" \
195 "expected: $expacl, current: $aclcur"
198 ((i = i + 1))
199 ((count = count + 1))
200 done
202 # There were no non-trivial ACEs to check, do the trivial ones
203 if ((count == maxaces + 1)); then
204 if [[ -d $node ]]; then
205 compare_acls $node $odir
206 elif [[ -f $node ]]; then
207 compare_acls $node $ofile
210 if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
211 ls -Vd $basedir
212 ls -Vd $node
213 log_fail "unexpected acl: $node," \
214 "$inherit ($str)"
218 done
221 typeset -i i=0 maxaces=6
222 typeset acl0 acl1 acl2 acl3 acl4 acl5
223 typeset acls0 acls1 acls2 acls3 acls4 acls5
225 log_must zfs set aclmode=passthrough $TESTPOOL/$TESTFS
227 for inherit in "${aclinherit_flag[@]}"; do
228 log_must zfs set aclinherit=$inherit $TESTPOOL/$TESTFS
230 for user in root $ZFS_ACL_STAFF1; do
231 log_must set_cur_usr $user
233 for obj in "${object_flag[@]}"; do
234 for str in "${strategy_flag[@]}"; do
235 typeset inh_opt=$obj
236 ((${#str} != 0)) && inh_opt="${inh_opt}${str}--"
238 inh_a="${inh_opt}-"
239 inh_b="${inh_opt}I"
241 # deny - to verify "noallow"
242 # write_acl/write_owner - to verify "restricted"
243 acl0="$ace_prefix1:-------A-W-Co-:$inh_a:allow"
244 acl1="$ace_prefix2:-------A-W-Co-:$inh_a:deny"
245 acl2="$ace_prefix3:-------A-W-Co-:$inh_a:allow"
246 acl3="$ace_prefix1:-------A-W----:$inh_a:deny"
247 acl4="$ace_prefix2:-------A-W----:$inh_a:allow"
248 acl5="$ace_prefix3:-------A-W----:$inh_a:deny"
250 # ACEs filtered by write_acl/write_owner
251 acls0="$ace_prefix1:-------A-W----:$inh_b:allow"
252 acls1="$ace_prefix2:-------A-W-Co-:$inh_b:deny"
253 acls2="$ace_prefix3:-------A-W----:$inh_b:allow"
254 acls3="$ace_prefix1:-------A-W----:$inh_b:deny"
255 acls4="$ace_prefix2:-------A-W----:$inh_b:allow"
256 acls5="$ace_prefix3:-------A-W----:$inh_b:deny"
258 log_must usr_exec mkdir $basedir
259 log_must usr_exec mkdir $odir
260 log_must usr_exec touch $ofile
262 ((i = maxaces - 1))
263 while ((i >= 0)); do
264 eval acl=\$acl$i
265 log_must usr_exec chmod A+$acl $basedir
266 ((i = i - 1))
267 done
269 verify_inherit $inherit $obj $str
271 log_must usr_exec rm -rf $ofile $odir $basedir
272 done
273 done
274 done
275 done
277 log_pass "Verify chmod inherit behaviour co-op with aclinherit setting passed"