1 # -*- encoding: binary -*-
2 ENV["VERSION"] or abort "VERSION= must be specified"
3 manifest = File.readlines('.manifest').map! { |x| x.chomp! }
5 extend Wrongdoc::Gemspec
6 name, summary, title = readme_metadata
8 # don't bother with tests that fork, not worth our time to get working
9 # with `gem check -t` ... (of course we care for them when testing with
10 # GNU make when they can run in parallel)
11 test_files = manifest.grep(%r{\Atest/unit/test_.*\.rb\z}).map do |f|
12 File.readlines(f).grep(/\bfork\b/).empty? ? f : nil
15 Gem::Specification.new do |s|
17 s.version = ENV["VERSION"].dup
18 s.authors = ["#{name} hackers"]
20 s.date = Time.now.utc.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
21 s.description = readme_description
22 s.email = %q{unicorn-public@bogomips.org}
23 s.executables = %w(unicorn unicorn_rails)
24 s.extensions = %w(ext/unicorn_http/extconf.rb)
25 s.extra_rdoc_files = extra_rdoc_files(manifest)
27 s.homepage = Wrongdoc.config[:rdoc_url]
28 s.rdoc_options = rdoc_options
29 s.test_files = test_files
31 # for people that are absolutely stuck on Rails 2.3.2 and can't
32 # up/downgrade to any other version, the Rack dependency may be
33 # commented out. Nevertheless, upgrading to Rails 2.3.4 or later is
34 # *strongly* recommended for security reasons.
35 s.add_dependency(%q<rack>)
36 s.add_dependency(%q<kgio>, '~> 2.6')
37 s.add_dependency(%q<raindrops>, '~> 0.7')
39 s.add_development_dependency('test-unit', '~> 3.0')
40 s.add_development_dependency('wrongdoc', '~> 1.8')
42 s.licenses = ["GPLv2+", "Ruby 1.8"]