1 \documentclass[$if(fontsize)$$fontsize$,$endif$
2 $if(lang)$$lang$,$endif$
4 \usepackage{ifxetex,ifluatex
5 \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}
6 \usepackage[utf8
10 \setkomafont{sectioning
11 \setkomafont{descriptionlabel
13 $if(highlighting-macros)$
17 $if(verbatim-in-note)$
22 % Redefine labelwidth for lists; otherwise, the enumerate package will cause
23 % markers to extend beyond the left margin.
24 \makeatletter\AtBeginDocument{%
25 \renewcommand{\@listi
26 {\setlength{\labelwidth}{4em
28 \usepackage{enumerate
33 \usepackage{float
} % provides the H option for float placement
34 % pandoc uses \medskip between table rows which looks ugly
36 doinside=
46 % We will generate all images so they have a width \maxwidth. This means
47 % that they will get their normal width if they fit onto the page, but
48 % are scaled down if they would overflow the margins.
50 \def\maxwidth{\ifdim\Gin@nat@width>
51 \else\Gin@nat@width
53 \let\Oldincludegraphics\includegraphics
54 \renewcommand{\includegraphics}[1]{\Oldincludegraphics[width=
58 \usepackage[setpagesize=false,
% page size defined by xetex
59 unicode=false,
% unicode breaks when used with xetex
62 linkcolor=blue
64 \usepackage[unicode=true,
66 linkcolor=blue
68 \hypersetup{breaklinks=true, pdfborder=
{0 0 0}}
71 \newcommand{\textsubscr}[1]{\ensuremath{_
74 \setlength{\parindent}{0pt
75 \setlength{\parskip}{6pt plus
2pt minus
76 \setlength{\emergencystretch}{3em
} % prevent overfull lines
78 % We want a break after the description label. Alas, it is necessary to
79 % copy the whole definition of \@item and the `description' environemnt just
83 \let\original@item\@item
84 \def\description@item
98 \addpenalty\@beginparpenalty
100 \addvspace{-
103 \addpenalty\@itempenalty
110 \global\@newlistfalse
112 \global\@inlabelfalse
124 \clubpenalty \@clubpenalty
130 \refstepcounter\@listctr
133 \sbox\@tempboxa
134 \global\setbox\@labels
139 \ifdim \wd\@tempboxa >
142 \hbox to
\labelwidth {\unhbox\@tempboxa
147 \renewenvironment{description
148 \list{}{\labelwidth\z@
149 \let\makelabel\descriptionlabel
150 \let\@item
152 \let\@item
160 \setcounter{secnumdepth
163 $if(verbatim-in-note)$
164 \VerbatimFootnotes % allows verbatim text in footnotes
169 \usepackage{polyglossia
170 \setmainlanguage{$mainlang$
172 \usepackage[$lang$
176 $for(header-includes)$
183 \author{$for(author)$$author$$sep$
\and $endfor$
185 \date{Version $version$
193 $for(include-before)$