Updated colours of old players to be white so it's easier to watch the new ones.
[troncode.git] / AbstractGameBoard.py
2 class AbstractGameBoard( object ):
3 def __init__( self, gamestate ):
4 pass
6 def GetRelativePixel( self, start_pos, facing_dir,
7 offset_fwd, offset_right ):
8 """Given a position to stand in the arena, and a direction to face,
9 return the status (0 for empty, >0 for non-empty) of a pixel that
10 is offset_fwd pixels in front, and offset_right pixels to the right
11 (negative values may be used to go backwards or left respectively).
12 Pixels outside the arena also return >0."""
13 pass
15 def GetPlayerPositions( self, pos_to_exclude = None ):
16 """Returns a list of pairs (pos, dir) for each player on screen.
17 Excludes the player at the position specified if pos_to_exclude
18 is not None."""
19 pass
21 def TurnRight( self, direction ):
22 """Return the direction found by turning 90 degrees right from
23 the supplied direction."""
24 pass
26 def TurnLeft( self, direction ):
27 """Return the direction found by turning 90 degrees left from
28 the supplied direction."""
29 pass