GIT_SILENT made messages (after extraction)
[trojita.git] / docs / masters / source-cd.tex
1 % vim: spelllang=en spell textwidth=120
2 \documentclass[trojita]{subfiles}
4 \begin{document}
6 \chapter{The Attached CD}
7 \label{sec:source-cd}
9 \section{Contents of the CD}
11 The attached CD is an integral part of this thesis. The contents of the top-level {\tt trojita} directory is the
12 following:
14 \begin{description}
15 \item[internet-drafts] The Internet-Draft manuscripts with extensions proposed as a part of this thesis
16 \item[src] A compressed tarball containing the source code of the Trojitá IMAP client
17 \item[thesis] A printable PDF file with the text of this thesis
18 \end{description}
20 \section{Build Instructions}
22 In order to build Trojitá, please follow these instructions:
24 \begin{itemize}
25 \item Make sure that Qt 4.6 (or newer), including its development headers, is present on the machine
26 \item If compiling on a Unix host, make sure that the {\tt pkgconfig} and {\tt zlib} are available as well
27 \item Enter the directory with Trojitá's source code
28 \item Execute {\tt mkdir \_build; cd \_build}
29 \item Run {\tt qmake CONFIG+=debug ../} to configure the package
30 \item Execute {\tt make -j4} in order to build the application
31 \end{itemize}
33 After following these instructions, Trojitá can be launched by running: \\
34 {\tt ./src/Gui/trojita}.
36 \end{document}