Lazydays templates
[torrus-plus.git] / src / templates / lazydays / default-tset.html
1 [% PROCESS 'html-incblocks.txt' %]
2 [% INCLUDE setdate %]
3 [% comment = xmlnorm(param(token, 'comment')) %]
4 [% INCLUDE htmlstart title=comment contentClass="SingleColumnContent" %]
6 <H1>[% comment %]</H1>
8 [% INCLUDE treename %]
10 [% INCLUDE variables %]
12 [% SET pos = 1; SET global.hwpredict = 0 %]
13 [% FOREACH node = sortTokens(tsetMembers(token)) %]
14 [% IF pos == 1 %]
15 <DIV CLASS="ShortLeft">
16 [% ELSE %]
17 <DIV CLASS="ShortRight">
18 [% END %]
19 [% nodename=nodeParam(node,'descriptive-nickname');
20 IF nodename=='';
21 nodename=path(node);
22 END;
23 comment=nodeParam(parent(node),'comment',1); %]
24 <DIV CLASS="ShortGraph">
25 <DIV CLASS="NodeName">
26 <A HREF="[%url(token,urlview)%]">[% nodename %]</A>
27 </DIV>
28 [%IF comment%]<DIV CLASS="NodeDescr">[%xmlnorm(comment)%]</DIV>[%END%]
30 nodeView = param(token,'rrgraph-view');
31 IF nodeView=='';
32 nodeView = nodeParam(node,'rrgraph-views').split(',').0;
33 END;
34 nodevars = [];
35 IF nodeParam(node, 'rrd-hwpredict') == 'enabled' and
36 param(nodeView, 'rrd-hwpredict') != 'disabled';
37 global.hwpredict = 1;
38 IF variables.NOHW;
39 nodevars = ['NOHW', 1];
40 ELSE;
41 nodevars = ['NOHW', ''];
42 END;
43 END
45 <DIV CLASS="GraphImage">
46 <A HREF="[%url(node)%]">
47 <IMG SRC="[%url(node, nodeView, nodevars)%]"
48 ALT="[% param(nodeView, 'description') %]">
49 </A>
50 </DIV>
51 </DIV>
52 </DIV>
53 [% IF pos == 1 %]
54 [% SET pos = 2 %]
55 [% ELSE %]
56 [% SET pos = 1 %]
57 [% END %]
58 [% END %]
60 <DIV CLASS="BottomShortcuts">
62 IF global.hwpredict;
63 IF variables.NOHW;
64 INCLUDE shortcut url=url(token, view, 'NOHW', '')
65 text="Enable Holt-Winters"
66 title="Switch Holt-Winters prediction boundaries";
67 ELSE;
68 INCLUDE shortcut url=url(token, view, 'NOHW', 1)
69 text="Disable Holt-Winters"
70 title="Switch Holt-Winters prediction boundaries";
71 END;
72 END
75 [% INCLUDE shortcut url=url('SS') text="Back to tokensets list"
76 title="List of non-empty tokensets"%]
77 </DIV>
79 [% INCLUDE tsetbottomline %]
80 [% INCLUDE htmlend %]