blank slates suck. here are some more words. they need to be
[tor.git] / doc / design-paper / challenges.tex
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15 \begin{document}
17 \title{Challenges in bringing low-latency stream anonymity to the masses (DRAFT)}
19 \author{Roger Dingledine and Nick Mathewson}
20 \institute{The Free Haven Project\\
21 \email{\{arma,nickm\}}}
23 \maketitle
24 \pagestyle{empty}
26 \begin{abstract}
27 foo
28 \end{abstract}
30 \section{Introduction}
32 Anonymous communication on the Internet today
35 Tor is a low-latency anonymous communication overlay network
36 \cite{tor-design}. We have been operating a publicly deployed Tor network
37 since October 2003.
39 Tor aims to resist observers and insiders by distributing each transaction
40 over several nodes in the network. This ``distributed trust'' approach
41 means the Tor network can be safely operated and used by a wide variety
42 of mutually distrustful users, providing more sustainability and security
43 than previous attempts at anonymizing networks.
45 The Tor network has a broad range of users, including ordinary citizens
46 who want to avoid being profiled for targeted advertisements, corporations
47 who don't want to reveal information to their competitors, and law
48 enforcement and government intelligence agencies who need
49 to do operations on the Internet without being noticed.
51 Tor has been funded by both the U.S. Navy, for use in securing government
52 communications, and also the Electronic Frontier Foundation, for use in
53 maintain civil liberties for ordinary citizens online.
54 The Tor protocol is one of the leading choices
55 to be the anonymizing layer in the European Union's PRIME directive to
56 help maintain privacy in Europe. The University of Dresden in Germany
57 has integrated an independent implementation of the Tor protocol into
58 their popular Java Anon Proxy anonymizing client. This wide variety of
59 interests helps maintain both the stability and the security of the
60 network.
65 We deployed this thing called Tor. it's got all these different types of
66 users. it's been backed by navy and eff, and prime and anonymizer looked at
67 it. Because we're this cool, you should believe us when we tell you stuff.
69 In this paper we give the reader an understanding of Tor's context
70 in the anonymity space and then we go on to describe the
71 practical challenges that stand in the way of moving from a practical
72 useful network to a practical useful anonymous network.
74 % The goal of the paper is to get the PET-audience reader up to speed
75 % on all the issues we have with Tor, so he can, if he wants,
76 % * understand the technical and policy and legal issues and why they're
77 % tricky in practice
78 % * help us out with answering some of the technical decisions
79 % (and in writing it, we'll clarify our own opinions about them)
80 % * help us out with answering some of the anonymity questions
82 \section{What Is Tor}
84 \subsection{Distributed trust: safety in numbers}
86 Tor provides \emph{forward privacy}, so that users can connect to
87 Internet sites without revealing their logical or physical locations
88 to those sites or to observers. It also provides \emph{location-hidden
89 services}, so that critical servers can support authorized users without
90 giving adversaries an effective vector for physical or online attacks.
91 Our design provides this protection even when a portion of its own
92 infrastructure is controlled by an adversary.
94 To make private connections in Tor, users incrementally build a path or
95 \emph{circuit} of encrypted connections through servers on the network,
96 extending it one step at a time so that each server in the circuit only
97 learns which server extended to it and which server it has been asked
98 to extend to. The client negotiates a separate set of encryption keys
99 for each step along the circuit.
101 Once a circuit has been established, the client software waits for
102 applications to request TCP connections, and directs these application
103 streams along the circuit. Many streams can be multiplexed along a single
104 circuit, so applications don't need to wait for keys to be negotiated
105 every time they open a connection. Because each server sees no
106 more than one end of the connection, a local eavesdropper or a compromised
107 server cannot use traffic analysis to link the connection's source and
108 destination. The Tor client software rotates circuits periodically
109 to prevent long-term linkability between different actions by a
110 single user.
112 Tor differs from other deployed systems for traffic analysis resistance
113 in its security and flexibility. Mix networks such as Mixmaster or its
114 successor Mixminion \cite{minion-design}
115 gain the highest degrees of anonymity at the expense of introducing highly
116 variable delays, thus making them unsuitable for applications such as web
117 browsing that require quick response times. Commercial single-hop proxies
118 such as {\url{}} present a single point of failure, where
119 a single compromise can expose all users' traffic, and a single-point
120 eavesdropper can perform traffic analysis on the entire network.
121 Also, their proprietary implementations place any infrastucture that
122 depends on these single-hop solutions at the mercy of their providers'
123 financial health. Tor can handle any TCP-based protocol, such as web
124 browsing, instant messaging and chat, and secure shell login; and it is
125 the only implemented anonymizing design with an integrated system for
126 secure location-hidden services.
128 No organization can achieve this security on its own. If a single
129 corporation or government agency were to build a private network to
130 protect its operations, any connections entering or leaving that network
131 would be obviously linkable to the controlling organization. The members
132 and operations of that agency would be easier, not harder, to distinguish.
134 Instead, to protect our networks from traffic analysis, we must
135 collaboratively blend the traffic from many organizations and private
136 citizens, so that an eavesdropper can't tell which users are which,
137 and who is looking for what information. By bringing more users onto
138 the network, all users become more secure \cite{econymics}.
140 Naturally, organizations will not want to depend on others for their
141 security. If most participating providers are reliable, Tor tolerates
142 some hostile infiltration of the network. For maximum protection,
143 the Tor design includes an enclave approach that lets data be encrypted
144 (and authenticated) end-to-end, so high-sensitivity users can be sure it
145 hasn't been read or modified. This even works for Internet services that
146 don't have built-in encryption and authentication, such as unencrypted
147 HTTP or chat, and it requires no modification of those services to do so.
149 weasel's graph of \# nodes and of bandwidth, ideally from week 0.
151 Tor has the following goals.
153 and we made these assumptions when trying to design the thing.
155 \section{Tor's position in the anonymity field}
157 There are many other classes of systems: single-hop proxies, open proxies,
158 jap, mixminion, flash mixes, freenet, i2p, mute/ants/etc, tarzan,
159 morphmix, freedom. Give brief descriptions and brief characterizations
160 of how we differ. This is not the breakthrough stuff and we only have
161 a page or two for it.
164 \section{Crossroads}
166 Discuss each item that Tor hasn't solved yet that isn't just coding
167 work. Perhaps we'll have so many that we can pick out the best ones to
168 discuss, so it's a bit less of a laundry list. Maybe they'll even fit
169 into categories. The trick to making the paper good will be to find
170 the right balance between going into depth and breadth of coverage.
173 Peer-to-peer / practical issues:
175 Network discovery, sybil, node admission, scaling. It seems that the code
176 will ship with something and that's our trust root. We could try to get
177 people to build a web of trust, but no. Where we go from here depends
178 on what threats we have in mind. Really decentralized if your threat is
179 RIAA; less so if threat is to application data or individuals or...
181 Making use of servers with little bandwidth. How to handle hammering by
182 certain applications.
184 Handling servers that are far away from the rest of the network, e.g. on
185 the continents that aren't North America and Europe. High latency,
186 often high packet loss.
188 Running Tor servers behind NATs, behind great-firewalls-of-China, etc.
189 Restricted routes. How to propagate to everybody the topology? BGP
190 style doesn't work because we don't want just *one* path. Point to
191 Geoff's stuff.
193 Routing-zones. It seems that our threat model comes down to diversity and
194 dispersal. But hard for Alice to know how to act. Many questions remain.
196 The China problem. We have lots of users in Iran and similar (we stopped
197 logging, so it's hard to know now, but many Persian sites on how to use
198 Tor), and they seem to be doing ok. But the China problem is bigger. Cite
199 Stefan's paper, and talk about how we need to route through clients,
200 and we maybe we should start with a time-release IP publishing system +
201 advogato based reputation system, to bound the number of IPs leaked to the
202 adversary.
205 Policy issues:
207 Bittorrent and dmca. Should we add an IDS to autodetect protocols and
208 snipe them? Takedowns and efnet abuse and wikipedia complaints and irc
209 networks. Should we allow revocation of anonymity if a threshold of
210 servers want to?
212 Image: substantial non-infringing uses. Image is a security parameter,
213 since it impacts user base and perceived sustainability.
215 Sustainability. Previous attempts have been commercial which we think
216 adds a lot of unnecessary complexity and accountability. Freedom didn't
217 collect enough money to pay its servers; JAP bandwidth is supported by
218 continued money, and they periodically ask what they will do when it
219 dries up.
221 Logging. Making logs not revealing. A happy coincidence that verbose
222 logging is our \#2 performance bottleneck. Is there a way to detect
223 modified servers, or to have them volunteer the information that they're
224 logging verbosely? Would that actually solve any attacks?
227 Anonymity issues:
229 Transporting the stream vs transporting the packets.
231 The DNS problem in practice.
233 Applications that leak data. We can say they're not our problem, but
234 they're somebody's problem.
236 How to measure performance without letting people selectively deny service
237 by distinguishing pings. Heck, just how to measure performance at all. In
238 practice people have funny firewalls that don't match up to their exit
239 policies and Tor doesn't deal.
241 Mid-latency. Can we do traffic shape to get any defense against George's
242 PET2004 paper? Will padding or long-range dummies do anything then? Will
243 it kill the user base or can we get both approaches to play well together?
245 Does running a server help you or harm you? George's Oakland attack.
246 Plausible deniability -- without even running your traffic through Tor! We
247 have to pick the path length so adversary can't distinguish client from
248 server (how many hops is good?).
250 When does fixing your entry or exit node help you?
251 Helper nodes in the literature don't deal with churn, and
252 especially active attacks to induce churn.
254 Survivable services are new in practice, yes? Hidden services seem
255 less hidden than we'd like, since they stay in one place and get used
256 a lot. They're the epitome of the need for helper nodes. This means
257 that using Tor as a building block for Free Haven is going to be really
258 hard. Also, they're brittle in terms of intersection and observation
259 attacks. Would be nice to have hot-swap services, but hard to design.
262 P2P + anonymity issues:
264 Incentives. Copy the page I wrote for the NSF proposal, and maybe extend
265 it if we're feeling smart.
267 Usability: fc03 paper was great, except the lower latency you are the
268 less useful it seems it is.
269 A Tor gui, how jap's gui is nice but does not reflect the security
270 they provide.
271 Public perception, and thus advertising, is a security parameter.
273 Network investigation: Is all this bandwidth publishing thing a good idea?
274 How can we collect stats better? Note weasel's smokeping, at
276 which probably gives george and steven enough info to break tor?
278 Do general DoS attacks have anonymity implications? See e.g. Adam
279 Back's IH paper, but I think there's more to be pointed out here.
281 % need to do somewhere in the paper:
283 have a serious discussion of morphmix's assumptions, since they would
284 seem to be the direct competition. in fact tor is a flexible architecture
285 that would encompass morphmix, and they're nearly identical except for
286 path selection and node discovery. and the trust system morphmix has
287 seems overkill (and/or insecure) based on the threat model we've picked.
289 need to discuss how we take the approach of building the thing, and then
290 assuming that, how much anonymity can we get. we're not here to model or
291 to simulate or to produce equations and formulae. but those have their
292 roles too.
301 TCP vs UDP
302 argument 1: we need to do IP-level packet normalization, to block things like ip
303 fingerprinting.
304 argument 2: we still need to be easy to integrate with applications, so they can do
305 application-level scrubbing.
306 argument 3: we need a block-level encryption approach that can provide security despite
307 packet loss and out-of-order delivery. i believe you that such a thing can be created,
308 but no thing has yet been specified. so specify it for me if you want me to believe it.
309 (freedom and cebolla are vulnerable to tagging and malleability attacks i believe.)
310 argument 4: we still need to play with parameters for throughput, congestion control,
311 etc -- since we need sequence numbers and maybe more to do replay detection,
312 and just to handle duplicate frames. so we would be reimplementing some subset of tcp
313 anyway.
314 argument 5: tls over udp is not implemented or even specified.
315 argument 6: exit policies over arbitrary IP packets seems to be an IDS-hard problem. i
316 don't want to build an IDS into tor.
317 argument 7: certain protocols are going to leak information at the IP layer anyway. for
318 example, if we anonymizer your dns requests, but they still go to comcast's dns servers,
319 that's bad.
320 argument 8: hidden services, .exit addresses, etc are broken unless we have some way to
321 reach into the application-level protocol and decide the hostname it's trying to get.
323 \bibliographystyle{plain} \bibliography{tor-design}
325 \end{document}