Merge branch 'VLAN-GUI' into VLAN-MultiSSID
[tomato.git] / release / src / router / www / nas-ftp.asp
2 <!--
3 Tomato GUI
4 FTP Server - !!TB
6 For use with Tomato Firmware only.
7 No part of this file may be used without permission.
8 -->
9 <html>
10 <head>
11 <meta http-equiv='content-type' content='text/html;charset=utf-8'>
12 <meta name='robots' content='noindex,nofollow'>
13 <title>[<% ident(); %>] NAS: FTP Server</title>
14 <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='tomato.css'>
15 <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='color.css'>
16 <script type='text/javascript' src='tomato.js'></script>
18 <!-- / / / -->
19 <style tyle='text/css'>
20 #aft-grid {
21 width: 99%;
23 #aft-grid .co1,
24 #aft-grid .co2 {
25 width: 40%;
27 #aft-grid .co3 {
28 width: 20%;
30 </style>
32 <style type='text/css'>
33 textarea {
34 width: 98%;
35 height: 5em;
37 </style>
39 <script type='text/javascript' src='debug.js'></script>
41 <script type='text/javascript'>
43 // <% nvram("ftp_enable,ftp_super,ftp_anonymous,ftp_dirlist,ftp_port,ftp_max,ftp_ipmax,ftp_staytimeout,ftp_rate,ftp_anonrate,ftp_anonroot,ftp_pubroot,ftp_pvtroot,ftp_custom,ftp_users,ftp_sip,ftp_limit,log_ftp"); %>
45 ftplimit = nvram.ftp_limit.split(',');
46 if (ftplimit.length != 3) ftplimit = [0,3,60];
48 var aftg = new TomatoGrid();
50 aftg.exist = function(f, v)
52 var data = this.getAllData();
53 for (var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
54 if (data[i][f] == v) return true;
56 return false;
59 aftg.existName = function(name)
61 return this.exist(0, name);
64 aftg.sortCompare = function(a, b) {
65 var da = a.getRowData();
66 var db = b.getRowData();
67 var r = cmpText(da[this.sortColumn], db[this.sortColumn]);
68 return this.sortAscending ? r : -r;
71 aftg.verifyFields = function(row, quiet)
73 var f, s;
74 f = fields.getAll(row);
76 ferror.clear(f[0]);
77 ferror.clear(f[1]);
79 if (!v_length(f[0], quiet, 1)) return 0;
81 s = f[0].value.trim().replace(/\s+/g, ' ');
82 if (s.length > 0) {
83 if (^[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+$/) == -1) {
84 ferror.set(f[0], 'Invalid user name. Only characters "A-Z 0-9 - _" are allowed.', quiet);
85 return 0;
87 if (this.existName(s)) {
88 ferror.set(f[0], 'Duplicate user name.', quiet);
89 return 0;
91 f[0].value = s;
94 if (!v_length(f[1], quiet, 1)) return 0;
95 if (!v_nodelim(f[1], quiet, 'Password', 1)) return 0;
97 return 1;
100 aftg.resetNewEditor = function() {
101 var f;
103 f = fields.getAll(this.newEditor);
104 ferror.clearAll(f);
106 f[0].value = '';
107 f[1].value = '';
108 f[2].selectedIndex = 0;
111 aftg.setup = function()
113 this.init('aft-grid', 'sort', 50, [
114 { type: 'text', maxlen: 50 },
115 { type: 'password', maxlen: 50, peekaboo: 1 },
116 { type: 'select', options: [['Read/Write', 'Read/Write'],['Read Only', 'Read Only'],['View Only', 'View Only'],['Private', 'Private']] }
118 this.headerSet(['User Name', 'Password', 'Access']);
120 var s = nvram.ftp_users.split('>');
121 for (var i = 0; i < s.length; ++i) {
122 var t = s[i].split('<');
123 if (t.length == 3) {
124 this.insertData(-1, t);
128 this.showNewEditor();
129 this.resetNewEditor();
132 function verifyFields(focused, quiet)
134 var a, b;
135 var ok = 1;
137 a = E('_ftp_enable').value;
138 b = E('_ftp_port');
139 elem.display(PR(b), (a != 0));
140 b = E('_f_ftp_sip');
141 elem.display(PR(b), (a == 1));
143 E('_f_limit').disabled = (a != 1);
144 b = E('_f_limit').checked;
145 elem.display(PR('_f_limit_hit'), PR('_f_limit_sec'), (a == 1 && b));
146 E('_ftp_anonymous').disabled = (a == 0);
147 E('_f_ftp_super').disabled = (a == 0);
148 E('_f_log_ftp').disabled = (a == 0);
149 E('_ftp_pubroot').disabled = (a == 0);
150 E('_ftp_pvtroot').disabled = (a == 0);
151 E('_ftp_anonroot').disabled = (a == 0);
152 E('_ftp_dirlist').disabled = (a == 0);
153 E('_ftp_max').disabled = (a == 0);
154 E('_ftp_ipmax').disabled = (a == 0);
155 E('_ftp_rate').disabled = (a == 0);
156 E('_ftp_anonrate').disabled = (a == 0);
157 E('_ftp_staytimeout').disabled = (a == 0);
158 E('_ftp_custom').disabled = (a == 0);
160 if (a != 0) {
161 if (!v_port('_ftp_port', quiet || !ok)) ok = 0;
162 if (!v_range('_ftp_max', quiet || !ok, 0, 12)) ok = 0;
163 if (!v_range('_ftp_ipmax', quiet || !ok, 0, 12)) ok = 0;
164 if (!v_range('_ftp_rate', quiet || !ok, 0, 99999)) ok = 0;
165 if (!v_range('_ftp_anonrate', quiet || !ok, 0, 99999)) ok = 0;
166 if (!v_range('_ftp_staytimeout', quiet || !ok, 0, 65535)) ok = 0;
167 if (!v_length('_ftp_custom', quiet || !ok, 0, 2048)) ok = 0;
168 if (!v_path('_ftp_pubroot', quiet || !ok, 0)) ok = 0;
169 if (!v_path('_ftp_pvtroot', quiet || !ok, 0)) ok = 0;
170 if (!v_path('_ftp_anonroot', quiet || !ok, 0)) ok = 0;
171 if (a == 1 && b) {
172 if (!v_range('_f_limit_hit', quiet || !ok, 1, 100)) ok = 0;
173 if (!v_range('_f_limit_sec', quiet || !ok, 3, 3600)) ok = 0;
177 if (a == 1) {
178 b = E('_f_ftp_sip');
179 if ((b.value.length) && (!_v_iptaddr(b, quiet || !ok, 15, 1, 1))) ok = 0;
180 else ferror.clear(b);
183 return ok;
186 function save()
188 if (aftg.isEditing()) return;
189 if (!verifyFields(null, 0)) return;
191 var fom = E('_fom');
193 var data = aftg.getAllData();
194 var r = [];
195 for (var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) r.push(data[i].join('<'));
196 fom.ftp_users.value = r.join('>');
198 fom.ftp_sip.value = fom.f_ftp_sip.value.split(/\s*,\s*/).join(',');
199 fom.ftp_super.value = E('_f_ftp_super').checked ? 1 : 0;
200 fom.log_ftp.value = E('_f_log_ftp').checked ? 1 : 0;
202 fom.ftp_limit.value = (E('_f_limit').checked ? 1 : 0) +
203 ',' + E('_f_limit_hit').value + ',' + E('_f_limit_sec').value;
205 form.submit(fom, 1);
207 </script>
209 </head>
210 <body>
211 <form id='_fom' method='post' action='tomato.cgi'>
212 <table id='container' cellspacing=0>
213 <tr><td colspan=2 id='header'>
214 <div class='title'>Tomato</div>
215 <div class='version'>Version <% version(); %></div>
216 </td></tr>
217 <tr id='body'><td id='navi'><script type='text/javascript'>navi()</script></td>
218 <td id='content'>
219 <div id='ident'><% ident(); %></div>
221 <!-- / / / -->
223 <input type='hidden' name='_nextpage' value='nas-ftp.asp'>
224 <input type='hidden' name='_service' value='ftpd-restart'>
226 <input type='hidden' name='ftp_super'>
227 <input type='hidden' name='log_ftp'>
228 <input type='hidden' name='ftp_users'>
229 <input type='hidden' name='ftp_sip'>
230 <input type='hidden' name='ftp_limit'>
232 <div class='section-title'>FTP Server Configuration</div>
233 <div class='section'>
234 <script type='text/javascript'>
235 createFieldTable('', [
236 { title: 'Enable FTP Server', name: 'ftp_enable', type: 'select',
237 options: [['0', 'No'],['1', 'Yes, WAN and LAN'],['2', 'Yes, LAN only']],
238 value: nvram.ftp_enable },
239 { title: 'FTP Port', indent: 2, name: 'ftp_port', type: 'text', maxlen: 5, size: 7, value: fixPort(nvram.ftp_port, 21) },
240 { title: 'Allowed Remote<br>Address(es)', indent: 2, name: 'f_ftp_sip', type: 'text', maxlen: 512, size: 64, value: nvram.ftp_sip,
241 suffix: '<br><small>(optional; ex: "", "", " -" or "")</small>' },
242 { title: 'Anonymous Users Access', name: 'ftp_anonymous', type: 'select',
243 options: [['0', 'Disabled'],['1', 'Read/Write'],['2', 'Read Only'],['3', 'Write Only']],
244 value: nvram.ftp_anonymous },
245 { title: 'Allow Admin Login*', name: 'f_ftp_super', type: 'checkbox',
246 suffix: ' <small>Allows users to connect with admin account.</small>',
247 value: nvram.ftp_super == 1 },
248 { title: 'Log FTP requests and responses', name: 'f_log_ftp', type: 'checkbox',
249 value: nvram.log_ftp == 1 }
251 </script>
252 <small><br>*&nbsp;Avoid using this option when FTP server is enabled for WAN. IT PROVIDES FULL ACCESS TO THE ROUTER FILE SYSTEM!</small>
253 </div>
255 <div class='section-title'>Directories</div>
256 <div class='section'>
257 <script type='text/javascript'>
258 createFieldTable('', [
259 { title: 'Public Root Directory*', name: 'ftp_pubroot', type: 'text', maxlen: 256, size: 32,
260 suffix: ' <small>(for authenticated users access)</small>',
261 value: nvram.ftp_pubroot },
262 { title: 'Private Root Directory**', name: 'ftp_pvtroot', type: 'text', maxlen: 256, size: 32,
263 suffix: ' <small>(for authenticated users access in private mode)</small>',
264 value: nvram.ftp_pvtroot },
265 { title: 'Anonymous Root Directory*', name: 'ftp_anonroot', type: 'text', maxlen: 256, size: 32,
266 suffix: ' <small>(for anonymous connections)</small>',
267 value: nvram.ftp_anonroot },
268 { title: 'Directory Listings', name: 'ftp_dirlist', type: 'select',
269 options: [['0', 'Enabled'],['1', 'Disabled'],['2', 'Disabled for Anonymous']],
270 suffix: ' <small>(always enabled for Admin)</small>',
271 value: nvram.ftp_dirlist }
273 </script>
274 <small>
275 <br>*&nbsp;&nbsp;When no directory is specified, /mnt is used as a root directory.
276 <br>**&nbsp;In private mode, the root directory is the directory under the "Private Root Directory" with the name matching the name of the user.
277 </small>
278 </div>
280 <div class='section-title'>Limits</div>
281 <div class='section'>
282 <script type='text/javascript'>
283 createFieldTable('', [
284 { title: 'Maximum Users Allowed to Log in', name: 'ftp_max', type: 'text', maxlen: 5, size: 7,
285 suffix: ' <small>(0 - unlimited)</small>',
286 value: nvram.ftp_max },
287 { title: 'Maximum Connections from the same IP', name: 'ftp_ipmax', type: 'text', maxlen: 5, size: 7,
288 suffix: ' <small>(0 - unlimited)</small>',
289 value: nvram.ftp_ipmax },
290 { title: 'Maximum Bandwidth for Anonymous Users', name: 'ftp_anonrate', type: 'text', maxlen: 5, size: 7,
291 suffix: ' <small>KBytes/sec (0 - unlimited)</small>',
292 value: nvram.ftp_anonrate },
293 { title: 'Maximum Bandwidth for Authenticated Users', name: 'ftp_rate', type: 'text', maxlen: 5, size: 7,
294 suffix: ' <small>KBytes/sec (0 - unlimited)</small>',
295 value: nvram.ftp_rate },
296 { title: 'Idle Timeout', name: 'ftp_staytimeout', type: 'text', maxlen: 5, size: 7,
297 suffix: ' <small>seconds (0 - no timeout)</small>',
298 value: nvram.ftp_staytimeout },
299 { title: 'Limit Connection Attempts', name: 'f_limit', type: 'checkbox',
300 value: ftplimit[0] != 0 },
301 { title: '', indent: 2, multi: [
302 { name: 'f_limit_hit', type: 'text', maxlen: 4, size: 6, suffix: '&nbsp; <small>every</small> &nbsp;', value: ftplimit[1] },
303 { name: 'f_limit_sec', type: 'text', maxlen: 4, size: 6, suffix: '&nbsp; <small>seconds</small>', value: ftplimit[2] }
306 </script>
307 </div>
309 <div class='section-title'>Custom Configuration</div>
310 <div class='section'>
311 <script type='text/javascript'>
312 createFieldTable('', [
313 { title: '<a href="" target="_new">Vsftpd</a><br>Custom Configuration', name: 'ftp_custom', type: 'textarea', value: nvram.ftp_custom }
315 </script>
316 </div>
318 <div class='section-title'>User Accounts</div>
319 <div class='section'>
320 <table class='tomato-grid' cellspacing=1 id='aft-grid'></table>
321 <script type='text/javascript'>aftg.setup();</script>
322 </div>
324 <!-- / / / -->
326 </td></tr>
327 <tr><td id='footer' colspan=2>
328 <span id='footer-msg'></span>
329 <input type='button' value='Save' id='save-button' onclick='save()'>
330 <input type='button' value='Cancel' id='cancel-button' onclick='javascript:reloadPage();'>
331 </td></tr>
332 </table>
333 </form>
334 <script type='text/javascript'>verifyFields(null, 1);</script>
335 </body>
336 </html>