libxml2 2.9.1 clean sources
[tomato.git] / release / src / router / libxml2 / python / libxml2class.txt
1           Generated Classes for libxml2-python
4 # Global functions of the module
8 # functions from module HTMLparser
9 htmlCreateMemoryParserCtxt()
10 htmlHandleOmittedElem()
11 htmlIsScriptAttribute()
12 htmlNewParserCtxt()
13 htmlParseDoc()
14 htmlParseFile()
15 htmlReadDoc()
16 htmlReadFd()
17 htmlReadFile()
18 htmlReadMemory()
20 # functions from module HTMLtree
21 htmlIsBooleanAttr()
22 htmlNewDoc()
23 htmlNewDocNoDtD()
25 # functions from module SAX2
26 SAXDefaultVersion()
27 defaultSAXHandlerInit()
28 docbDefaultSAXHandlerInit()
29 htmlDefaultSAXHandlerInit()
31 # functions from module catalog
32 catalogAdd()
33 catalogCleanup()
34 catalogConvert()
35 catalogDump()
36 catalogGetPublic()
37 catalogGetSystem()
38 catalogRemove()
39 catalogResolve()
40 catalogResolvePublic()
41 catalogResolveSystem()
42 catalogResolveURI()
43 catalogSetDebug()
44 initializeCatalog()
45 loadACatalog()
46 loadCatalog()
47 loadCatalogs()
48 loadSGMLSuperCatalog()
49 newCatalog()
50 parseCatalogFile()
52 # functions from module chvalid
53 isBaseChar()
54 isBlank()
55 isChar()
56 isCombining()
57 isDigit()
58 isExtender()
59 isIdeographic()
60 isPubidChar()
62 # functions from module debugXML
63 boolToText()
64 debugDumpString()
65 shellPrintXPathError()
67 # functions from module dict
68 dictCleanup()
69 initializeDict()
71 # functions from module encoding
72 addEncodingAlias()
73 cleanupCharEncodingHandlers()
74 cleanupEncodingAliases()
75 delEncodingAlias()
76 encodingAlias()
77 initCharEncodingHandlers()
79 # functions from module entities
80 cleanupPredefinedEntities()
81 initializePredefinedEntities()
82 predefinedEntity()
84 # functions from module globals
85 cleanupGlobals()
86 initGlobals()
87 thrDefDefaultBufferSize()
88 thrDefDoValidityCheckingDefaultValue()
89 thrDefGetWarningsDefaultValue()
90 thrDefIndentTreeOutput()
91 thrDefKeepBlanksDefaultValue()
92 thrDefLineNumbersDefaultValue()
93 thrDefLoadExtDtdDefaultValue()
94 thrDefParserDebugEntities()
95 thrDefPedanticParserDefaultValue()
96 thrDefSaveNoEmptyTags()
97 thrDefSubstituteEntitiesDefaultValue()
98 thrDefTreeIndentString()
100 # functions from module nanoftp
101 nanoFTPCleanup()
102 nanoFTPInit()
103 nanoFTPProxy()
104 nanoFTPScanProxy()
106 # functions from module nanohttp
107 nanoHTTPCleanup()
108 nanoHTTPInit()
109 nanoHTTPScanProxy()
111 # functions from module parser
112 createDocParserCtxt()
113 initParser()
114 keepBlanksDefault()
115 lineNumbersDefault()
116 newParserCtxt()
117 parseDTD()
118 parseDoc()
119 parseEntity()
120 parseFile()
121 parseMemory()
122 pedanticParserDefault()
123 readDoc()
124 readFd()
125 readFile()
126 readMemory()
127 recoverDoc()
128 recoverFile()
129 recoverMemory()
130 substituteEntitiesDefault()
132 # functions from module parserInternals
133 checkLanguageID()
134 copyChar()
135 copyCharMultiByte()
136 createEntityParserCtxt()
137 createFileParserCtxt()
138 createMemoryParserCtxt()
139 createURLParserCtxt()
140 htmlCreateFileParserCtxt()
141 htmlInitAutoClose()
142 isLetter()
143 namePop()
144 namePush()
145 nodePop()
146 nodePush()
148 # functions from module python
149 SAXParseFile()
150 createInputBuffer()
151 createOutputBuffer()
152 createPushParser()
153 debugMemory()
154 dumpMemory()
155 htmlCreatePushParser()
156 htmlSAXParseFile()
157 memoryUsed()
158 newNode()
159 pythonCleanupParser()
160 setEntityLoader()
162 # functions from module relaxng
163 relaxNGCleanupTypes()
164 relaxNGInitTypes()
165 relaxNGNewMemParserCtxt()
166 relaxNGNewParserCtxt()
168 # functions from module tree
169 buildQName()
170 compressMode()
171 isXHTML()
172 newComment()
173 newDoc()
174 newPI()
175 newText()
176 newTextLen()
177 setCompressMode()
178 validateNCName()
179 validateNMToken()
180 validateName()
181 validateQName()
183 # functions from module uri
184 URIEscape()
185 URIEscapeStr()
186 URIUnescapeString()
187 buildRelativeURI()
188 buildURI()
189 canonicPath()
190 createURI()
191 normalizeURIPath()
192 parseURI()
193 parseURIRaw()
194 pathToURI()
196 # functions from module valid
197 newValidCtxt()
198 validateNameValue()
199 validateNamesValue()
200 validateNmtokenValue()
201 validateNmtokensValue()
203 # functions from module xmlIO
204 checkFilename()
205 cleanupInputCallbacks()
206 cleanupOutputCallbacks()
207 fileMatch()
208 iOFTPMatch()
209 iOHTTPMatch()
210 normalizeWindowsPath()
211 parserGetDirectory()
212 registerDefaultInputCallbacks()
213 registerDefaultOutputCallbacks()
214 registerHTTPPostCallbacks()
216 # functions from module xmlerror
217 lastError()
218 resetLastError()
220 # functions from module xmlreader
221 newTextReaderFilename()
222 readerForDoc()
223 readerForFd()
224 readerForFile()
225 readerForMemory()
227 # functions from module xmlregexp
228 regexpCompile()
230 # functions from module xmlschemas
231 schemaNewMemParserCtxt()
232 schemaNewParserCtxt()
234 # functions from module xmlschemastypes
235 schemaCleanupTypes()
236 schemaCollapseString()
237 schemaInitTypes()
238 schemaWhiteSpaceReplace()
240 # functions from module xmlstring
241 UTF8Charcmp()
242 UTF8Size()
243 UTF8Strlen()
244 UTF8Strloc()
245 UTF8Strndup()
246 UTF8Strpos()
247 UTF8Strsize()
248 UTF8Strsub()
249 checkUTF8()
251 # functions from module xmlunicode
252 uCSIsAegeanNumbers()
253 uCSIsAlphabeticPresentationForms()
254 uCSIsArabic()
255 uCSIsArabicPresentationFormsA()
256 uCSIsArabicPresentationFormsB()
257 uCSIsArmenian()
258 uCSIsArrows()
259 uCSIsBasicLatin()
260 uCSIsBengali()
261 uCSIsBlock()
262 uCSIsBlockElements()
263 uCSIsBopomofo()
264 uCSIsBopomofoExtended()
265 uCSIsBoxDrawing()
266 uCSIsBraillePatterns()
267 uCSIsBuhid()
268 uCSIsByzantineMusicalSymbols()
269 uCSIsCJKCompatibility()
270 uCSIsCJKCompatibilityForms()
271 uCSIsCJKCompatibilityIdeographs()
272 uCSIsCJKCompatibilityIdeographsSupplement()
273 uCSIsCJKRadicalsSupplement()
274 uCSIsCJKSymbolsandPunctuation()
275 uCSIsCJKUnifiedIdeographs()
276 uCSIsCJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionA()
277 uCSIsCJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionB()
278 uCSIsCat()
279 uCSIsCatC()
280 uCSIsCatCc()
281 uCSIsCatCf()
282 uCSIsCatCo()
283 uCSIsCatCs()
284 uCSIsCatL()
285 uCSIsCatLl()
286 uCSIsCatLm()
287 uCSIsCatLo()
288 uCSIsCatLt()
289 uCSIsCatLu()
290 uCSIsCatM()
291 uCSIsCatMc()
292 uCSIsCatMe()
293 uCSIsCatMn()
294 uCSIsCatN()
295 uCSIsCatNd()
296 uCSIsCatNl()
297 uCSIsCatNo()
298 uCSIsCatP()
299 uCSIsCatPc()
300 uCSIsCatPd()
301 uCSIsCatPe()
302 uCSIsCatPf()
303 uCSIsCatPi()
304 uCSIsCatPo()
305 uCSIsCatPs()
306 uCSIsCatS()
307 uCSIsCatSc()
308 uCSIsCatSk()
309 uCSIsCatSm()
310 uCSIsCatSo()
311 uCSIsCatZ()
312 uCSIsCatZl()
313 uCSIsCatZp()
314 uCSIsCatZs()
315 uCSIsCherokee()
316 uCSIsCombiningDiacriticalMarks()
317 uCSIsCombiningDiacriticalMarksforSymbols()
318 uCSIsCombiningHalfMarks()
319 uCSIsCombiningMarksforSymbols()
320 uCSIsControlPictures()
321 uCSIsCurrencySymbols()
322 uCSIsCypriotSyllabary()
323 uCSIsCyrillic()
324 uCSIsCyrillicSupplement()
325 uCSIsDeseret()
326 uCSIsDevanagari()
327 uCSIsDingbats()
328 uCSIsEnclosedAlphanumerics()
329 uCSIsEnclosedCJKLettersandMonths()
330 uCSIsEthiopic()
331 uCSIsGeneralPunctuation()
332 uCSIsGeometricShapes()
333 uCSIsGeorgian()
334 uCSIsGothic()
335 uCSIsGreek()
336 uCSIsGreekExtended()
337 uCSIsGreekandCoptic()
338 uCSIsGujarati()
339 uCSIsGurmukhi()
340 uCSIsHalfwidthandFullwidthForms()
341 uCSIsHangulCompatibilityJamo()
342 uCSIsHangulJamo()
343 uCSIsHangulSyllables()
344 uCSIsHanunoo()
345 uCSIsHebrew()
346 uCSIsHighPrivateUseSurrogates()
347 uCSIsHighSurrogates()
348 uCSIsHiragana()
349 uCSIsIPAExtensions()
350 uCSIsIdeographicDescriptionCharacters()
351 uCSIsKanbun()
352 uCSIsKangxiRadicals()
353 uCSIsKannada()
354 uCSIsKatakana()
355 uCSIsKatakanaPhoneticExtensions()
356 uCSIsKhmer()
357 uCSIsKhmerSymbols()
358 uCSIsLao()
359 uCSIsLatin1Supplement()
360 uCSIsLatinExtendedA()
361 uCSIsLatinExtendedAdditional()
362 uCSIsLatinExtendedB()
363 uCSIsLetterlikeSymbols()
364 uCSIsLimbu()
365 uCSIsLinearBIdeograms()
366 uCSIsLinearBSyllabary()
367 uCSIsLowSurrogates()
368 uCSIsMalayalam()
369 uCSIsMathematicalAlphanumericSymbols()
370 uCSIsMathematicalOperators()
371 uCSIsMiscellaneousMathematicalSymbolsA()
372 uCSIsMiscellaneousMathematicalSymbolsB()
373 uCSIsMiscellaneousSymbols()
374 uCSIsMiscellaneousSymbolsandArrows()
375 uCSIsMiscellaneousTechnical()
376 uCSIsMongolian()
377 uCSIsMusicalSymbols()
378 uCSIsMyanmar()
379 uCSIsNumberForms()
380 uCSIsOgham()
381 uCSIsOldItalic()
382 uCSIsOpticalCharacterRecognition()
383 uCSIsOriya()
384 uCSIsOsmanya()
385 uCSIsPhoneticExtensions()
386 uCSIsPrivateUse()
387 uCSIsPrivateUseArea()
388 uCSIsRunic()
389 uCSIsShavian()
390 uCSIsSinhala()
391 uCSIsSmallFormVariants()
392 uCSIsSpacingModifierLetters()
393 uCSIsSpecials()
394 uCSIsSuperscriptsandSubscripts()
395 uCSIsSupplementalArrowsA()
396 uCSIsSupplementalArrowsB()
397 uCSIsSupplementalMathematicalOperators()
398 uCSIsSupplementaryPrivateUseAreaA()
399 uCSIsSupplementaryPrivateUseAreaB()
400 uCSIsSyriac()
401 uCSIsTagalog()
402 uCSIsTagbanwa()
403 uCSIsTags()
404 uCSIsTaiLe()
405 uCSIsTaiXuanJingSymbols()
406 uCSIsTamil()
407 uCSIsTelugu()
408 uCSIsThaana()
409 uCSIsThai()
410 uCSIsTibetan()
411 uCSIsUgaritic()
412 uCSIsUnifiedCanadianAboriginalSyllabics()
413 uCSIsVariationSelectors()
414 uCSIsVariationSelectorsSupplement()
415 uCSIsYiRadicals()
416 uCSIsYiSyllables()
417 uCSIsYijingHexagramSymbols()
419 # functions from module xmlversion
420 checkVersion()
422 # functions from module xpathInternals
423 valuePop()
427 # Set of classes of the module
432 Class xmlNode(xmlCore)
433     # accessors
434     ns()
435     nsDefs()
437     # functions from module debugXML
438     debugDumpNode()
439     debugDumpNodeList()
440     debugDumpOneNode()
441     lsCountNode()
442     lsOneNode()
443     shellPrintNode()
445     # functions from module tree
446     addChild()
447     addChildList()
448     addContent()
449     addContentLen()
450     addNextSibling()
451     addPrevSibling()
452     addSibling()
453     copyNode()
454     copyNodeList()
455     copyProp()
456     copyPropList()
457     docCopyNode()
458     docCopyNodeList()
459     docSetRootElement()
460     firstElementChild()
461     freeNode()
462     freeNodeList()
463     getBase()
464     getContent()
465     getLang()
466     getSpacePreserve()
467     hasNsProp()
468     hasProp()
469     isBlankNode()
470     isText()
471     lastChild()
472     lastElementChild()
473     lineNo()
474     listGetRawString()
475     listGetString()
476     newChild()
477     newNs()
478     newNsProp()
479     newNsPropEatName()
480     newProp()
481     newTextChild()
482     nextElementSibling()
483     noNsProp()
484     nodePath()
485     nsProp()
486     previousElementSibling()
487     prop()
488     reconciliateNs()
489     replaceNode()
490     searchNs()
491     searchNsByHref()
492     setBase()
493     setContent()
494     setContentLen()
495     setLang()
496     setListDoc()
497     setName()
498     setNs()
499     setNsProp()
500     setProp()
501     setSpacePreserve()
502     setTreeDoc()
503     textConcat()
504     textMerge()
505     unlinkNode()
506     unsetNsProp()
507     unsetProp()
509     # functions from module valid
510     isID()
511     isRef()
512     validNormalizeAttributeValue()
514     # functions from module xinclude
515     xincludeProcessTree()
516     xincludeProcessTreeFlags()
518     # functions from module xmlschemas
519     schemaValidateOneElement()
521     # functions from module xpath
522     xpathCastNodeToNumber()
523     xpathCastNodeToString()
524     xpathCmpNodes()
525     xpathNodeEval()
527     # functions from module xpathInternals
528     xpathNewNodeSet()
529     xpathNewValueTree()
530     xpathNextAncestor()
531     xpathNextAncestorOrSelf()
532     xpathNextAttribute()
533     xpathNextChild()
534     xpathNextDescendant()
535     xpathNextDescendantOrSelf()
536     xpathNextFollowing()
537     xpathNextFollowingSibling()
538     xpathNextNamespace()
539     xpathNextParent()
540     xpathNextPreceding()
541     xpathNextPrecedingSibling()
542     xpathNextSelf()
544     # functions from module xpointer
545     xpointerNewCollapsedRange()
546     xpointerNewContext()
547     xpointerNewLocationSetNodes()
548     xpointerNewRange()
549     xpointerNewRangeNodes()
552 Class xmlDoc(xmlNode)
554     # functions from module HTMLparser
555     htmlAutoCloseTag()
556     htmlIsAutoClosed()
558     # functions from module HTMLtree
559     htmlDocContentDumpFormatOutput()
560     htmlDocContentDumpOutput()
561     htmlDocDump()
562     htmlGetMetaEncoding()
563     htmlNodeDumpFile()
564     htmlNodeDumpFileFormat()
565     htmlNodeDumpFormatOutput()
566     htmlNodeDumpOutput()
567     htmlSaveFile()
568     htmlSaveFileEnc()
569     htmlSaveFileFormat()
570     htmlSetMetaEncoding()
572     # functions from module debugXML
573     debugCheckDocument()
574     debugDumpDocument()
575     debugDumpDocumentHead()
576     debugDumpEntities()
578     # functions from module entities
579     addDocEntity()
580     addDtdEntity()
581     docEntity()
582     dtdEntity()
583     encodeEntities()
584     encodeEntitiesReentrant()
585     encodeSpecialChars()
586     newEntity()
587     parameterEntity()
589     # functions from module relaxng
590     relaxNGNewDocParserCtxt()
591     relaxNGValidateDoc()
592     relaxNGValidateFullElement()
593     relaxNGValidatePopElement()
594     relaxNGValidatePushElement()
596     # functions from module tree
597     copyDoc()
598     copyNode()
599     copyNodeList()
600     createIntSubset()
601     docCompressMode()
602     dump()
603     elemDump()
604     formatDump()
605     freeDoc()
606     getRootElement()
607     intSubset()
608     newCDataBlock()
609     newCharRef()
610     newDocComment()
611     newDocFragment()
612     newDocNode()
613     newDocNodeEatName()
614     newDocPI()
615     newDocProp()
616     newDocRawNode()
617     newDocText()
618     newDocTextLen()
619     newDtd()
620     newGlobalNs()
621     newReference()
622     nodeDumpOutput()
623     nodeGetBase()
624     nodeListGetRawString()
625     nodeListGetString()
626     reconciliateNs()
627     saveFile()
628     saveFileEnc()
629     saveFileTo()
630     saveFormatFile()
631     saveFormatFileEnc()
632     saveFormatFileTo()
633     searchNs()
634     searchNsByHref()
635     setDocCompressMode()
636     setListDoc()
637     setRootElement()
638     setTreeDoc()
639     stringGetNodeList()
640     stringLenGetNodeList()
642     # functions from module valid
643     ID()
644     isID()
645     isMixedElement()
646     isRef()
647     removeID()
648     removeRef()
649     validCtxtNormalizeAttributeValue()
650     validNormalizeAttributeValue()
651     validateDocument()
652     validateDocumentFinal()
653     validateDtd()
654     validateDtdFinal()
655     validateElement()
656     validateNotationUse()
657     validateOneAttribute()
658     validateOneElement()
659     validateOneNamespace()
660     validatePopElement()
661     validatePushElement()
662     validateRoot()
664     # functions from module xinclude
665     xincludeProcess()
666     xincludeProcessFlags()
668     # functions from module xmlreader
669     NewWalker()
670     readerWalker()
672     # functions from module xmlschemas
673     schemaNewDocParserCtxt()
674     schemaValidateDoc()
676     # functions from module xpath
677     xpathNewContext()
678     xpathOrderDocElems()
680     # functions from module xpointer
681     xpointerNewContext()
684 Class parserCtxt(parserCtxtCore)
685     # accessors
686     doc()
687     isValid()
688     lineNumbers()
689     loadSubset()
690     pedantic()
691     replaceEntities()
692     validate()
693     wellFormed()
695     # functions from module HTMLparser
696     htmlCtxtReadDoc()
697     htmlCtxtReadFd()
698     htmlCtxtReadFile()
699     htmlCtxtReadMemory()
700     htmlCtxtReset()
701     htmlCtxtUseOptions()
702     htmlFreeParserCtxt()
703     htmlParseCharRef()
704     htmlParseChunk()
705     htmlParseDocument()
706     htmlParseElement()
708     # functions from module parser
709     byteConsumed()
710     clearParserCtxt()
711     ctxtReadDoc()
712     ctxtReadFd()
713     ctxtReadFile()
714     ctxtReadMemory()
715     ctxtReset()
716     ctxtResetPush()
717     ctxtUseOptions()
718     initParserCtxt()
719     parseChunk()
720     parseDocument()
721     parseExtParsedEnt()
722     setupParserForBuffer()
723     stopParser()
725     # functions from module parserInternals
726     decodeEntities()
727     handleEntity()
728     namespaceParseNCName()
729     namespaceParseNSDef()
730     nextChar()
731     parseAttValue()
732     parseAttributeListDecl()
733     parseCDSect()
734     parseCharData()
735     parseCharRef()
736     parseComment()
737     parseContent()
738     parseDocTypeDecl()
739     parseElement()
740     parseElementDecl()
741     parseEncName()
742     parseEncodingDecl()
743     parseEndTag()
744     parseEntityDecl()
745     parseEntityRef()
746     parseExternalSubset()
747     parseMarkupDecl()
748     parseMisc()
749     parseName()
750     parseNamespace()
751     parseNmtoken()
752     parseNotationDecl()
753     parsePEReference()
754     parsePI()
755     parsePITarget()
756     parsePubidLiteral()
757     parseQuotedString()
758     parseReference()
759     parseSDDecl()
760     parseStartTag()
761     parseSystemLiteral()
762     parseTextDecl()
763     parseVersionInfo()
764     parseVersionNum()
765     parseXMLDecl()
766     parserHandlePEReference()
767     parserHandleReference()
768     popInput()
769     scanName()
770     skipBlankChars()
771     stringDecodeEntities()
772     stringLenDecodeEntities()
775 Class xmlAttr(xmlNode)
777     # functions from module debugXML
778     debugDumpAttr()
779     debugDumpAttrList()
781     # functions from module tree
782     copyProp()
783     copyPropList()
784     freeProp()
785     freePropList()
786     removeProp()
788     # functions from module valid
789     removeID()
790     removeRef()
793 Class xmlAttribute(xmlNode)
794 Class catalog()
796     # functions from module catalog
797     add()
798     catalogIsEmpty()
799     convertSGMLCatalog()
800     dump()
801     remove()
802     resolve()
803     resolvePublic()
804     resolveSystem()
805     resolveURI()
808 Class xmlDtd(xmlNode)
810     # functions from module debugXML
811     debugDumpDTD()
813     # functions from module tree
814     copyDtd()
815     freeDtd()
817     # functions from module valid
818     dtdAttrDesc()
819     dtdElementDesc()
820     dtdQAttrDesc()
821     dtdQElementDesc()
824 Class xmlElement(xmlNode)
827 Class xmlEntity(xmlNode)
829     # functions from module parserInternals
830     handleEntity()
831 Class Error()
832     # accessors
833     code()
834     domain()
835     file()
836     level()
837     line()
838     message()
840     # functions from module xmlerror
841     copyError()
842     resetError()
845 Class xmlNs(xmlNode)
847     # functions from module tree
848     copyNamespace()
849     copyNamespaceList()
850     freeNs()
851     freeNsList()
852     newChild()
853     newDocNode()
854     newDocNodeEatName()
855     newDocRawNode()
856     newNodeEatName()
857     newNsProp()
858     newNsPropEatName()
859     newTextChild()
860     setNs()
861     setNsProp()
862     unsetNsProp()
864     # functions from module xpathInternals
865     xpathNodeSetFreeNs()
868 Class outputBuffer(ioWriteWrapper)
870     # functions from module HTMLtree
871     htmlDocContentDumpFormatOutput()
872     htmlDocContentDumpOutput()
873     htmlNodeDumpFormatOutput()
874     htmlNodeDumpOutput()
876     # functions from module tree
877     nodeDumpOutput()
878     saveFileTo()
879     saveFormatFileTo()
881     # functions from module xmlIO
882     getContent()
883     write()
884     writeString()
887 Class inputBuffer(ioReadWrapper)
889     # functions from module xmlIO
890     grow()
891     push()
892     read()
894     # functions from module xmlreader
895     Setup()
896     newTextReader()
897 Class xmlReg()
899     # functions from module xmlregexp
900     regexpExec()
901     regexpIsDeterminist()
902     regexpPrint()
903 Class relaxNgParserCtxt()
905     # functions from module relaxng
906     relaxNGParse()
907     relaxParserSetFlag()
908 Class relaxNgSchema()
910     # functions from module relaxng
911     relaxNGDump()
912     relaxNGDumpTree()
913     relaxNGNewValidCtxt()
915     # functions from module xmlreader
916     RelaxNGSetSchema()
919 Class relaxNgValidCtxt(relaxNgValidCtxtCore)
921     # functions from module relaxng
922     relaxNGValidateDoc()
923     relaxNGValidateFullElement()
924     relaxNGValidatePopElement()
925     relaxNGValidatePushCData()
926     relaxNGValidatePushElement()
928     # functions from module xmlreader
929     RelaxNGValidateCtxt()
930 Class SchemaParserCtxt()
932     # functions from module xmlschemas
933     schemaParse()
934 Class Schema()
936     # functions from module xmlreader
937     SetSchema()
939     # functions from module xmlschemas
940     schemaDump()
941     schemaNewValidCtxt()
944 Class SchemaValidCtxt(SchemaValidCtxtCore)
946     # functions from module xmlreader
947     SchemaValidateCtxt()
949     # functions from module xmlschemas
950     schemaIsValid()
951     schemaSetValidOptions()
952     schemaValidCtxtGetOptions()
953     schemaValidCtxtGetParserCtxt()
954     schemaValidateDoc()
955     schemaValidateFile()
956     schemaValidateOneElement()
957     schemaValidateSetFilename()
958 Class xmlTextReaderLocator()
960     # functions from module xmlreader
961     BaseURI()
962     LineNumber()
965 Class xmlTextReader(xmlTextReaderCore)
967     # functions from module xmlreader
968     AttributeCount()
969     BaseUri()
970     ByteConsumed()
971     Close()
972     CurrentDoc()
973     CurrentNode()
974     Depth()
975     Encoding()
976     Expand()
977     GetAttribute()
978     GetAttributeNo()
979     GetAttributeNs()
980     GetParserColumnNumber()
981     GetParserLineNumber()
982     GetParserProp()
983     GetRemainder()
984     HasAttributes()
985     HasValue()
986     IsDefault()
987     IsEmptyElement()
988     IsNamespaceDecl()
989     IsValid()
990     LocalName()
991     LookupNamespace()
992     MoveToAttribute()
993     MoveToAttributeNo()
994     MoveToAttributeNs()
995     MoveToElement()
996     MoveToFirstAttribute()
997     MoveToNextAttribute()
998     Name()
999     NamespaceUri()
1000     NewDoc()
1001     NewFd()
1002     NewFile()
1003     NewMemory()
1004     NewWalker()
1005     Next()
1006     NextSibling()
1007     NodeType()
1008     Normalization()
1009     Prefix()
1010     Preserve()
1011     QuoteChar()
1012     Read()
1013     ReadAttributeValue()
1014     ReadInnerXml()
1015     ReadOuterXml()
1016     ReadState()
1017     ReadString()
1018     RelaxNGSetSchema()
1019     RelaxNGValidate()
1020     RelaxNGValidateCtxt()
1021     SchemaValidate()
1022     SchemaValidateCtxt()
1023     SetParserProp()
1024     SetSchema()
1025     Setup()
1026     Standalone()
1027     String()
1028     Value()
1029     XmlLang()
1030     XmlVersion()
1031 Class URI()
1032     # accessors
1033     authority()
1034     fragment()
1035     opaque()
1036     path()
1037     port()
1038     query()
1039     queryRaw()
1040     scheme()
1041     server()
1042     setAuthority()
1043     setFragment()
1044     setOpaque()
1045     setPath()
1046     setPort()
1047     setQuery()
1048     setQueryRaw()
1049     setScheme()
1050     setServer()
1051     setUser()
1052     user()
1054     # functions from module uri
1055     parseURIReference()
1056     printURI()
1057     saveUri()
1060 Class ValidCtxt(ValidCtxtCore)
1062     # functions from module valid
1063     validCtxtNormalizeAttributeValue()
1064     validateDocument()
1065     validateDocumentFinal()
1066     validateDtd()
1067     validateDtdFinal()
1068     validateElement()
1069     validateNotationUse()
1070     validateOneAttribute()
1071     validateOneElement()
1072     validateOneNamespace()
1073     validatePopElement()
1074     validatePushCData()
1075     validatePushElement()
1076     validateRoot()
1077 Class xpathContext()
1078     # accessors
1079     contextDoc()
1080     contextNode()
1081     contextPosition()
1082     contextSize()
1083     function()
1084     functionURI()
1085     setContextDoc()
1086     setContextNode()
1088     # functions from module python
1089     registerXPathFunction()
1090     xpathRegisterVariable()
1092     # functions from module xpath
1093     xpathContextSetCache()
1094     xpathEval()
1095     xpathEvalExpression()
1096     xpathFreeContext()
1098     # functions from module xpathInternals
1099     xpathNewParserContext()
1100     xpathNsLookup()
1101     xpathRegisterAllFunctions()
1102     xpathRegisterNs()
1103     xpathRegisteredFuncsCleanup()
1104     xpathRegisteredNsCleanup()
1105     xpathRegisteredVariablesCleanup()
1106     xpathVariableLookup()
1107     xpathVariableLookupNS()
1109     # functions from module xpointer
1110     xpointerEval()
1111 Class xpathParserContext()
1112     # accessors
1113     context()
1115     # functions from module xpathInternals
1116     xpathAddValues()
1117     xpathBooleanFunction()
1118     xpathCeilingFunction()
1119     xpathCompareValues()
1120     xpathConcatFunction()
1121     xpathContainsFunction()
1122     xpathCountFunction()
1123     xpathDivValues()
1124     xpathEqualValues()
1125     xpathErr()
1126     xpathEvalExpr()
1127     xpathFalseFunction()
1128     xpathFloorFunction()
1129     xpathFreeParserContext()
1130     xpathIdFunction()
1131     xpathLangFunction()
1132     xpathLastFunction()
1133     xpathLocalNameFunction()
1134     xpathModValues()
1135     xpathMultValues()
1136     xpathNamespaceURIFunction()
1137     xpathNextAncestor()
1138     xpathNextAncestorOrSelf()
1139     xpathNextAttribute()
1140     xpathNextChild()
1141     xpathNextDescendant()
1142     xpathNextDescendantOrSelf()
1143     xpathNextFollowing()
1144     xpathNextFollowingSibling()
1145     xpathNextNamespace()
1146     xpathNextParent()
1147     xpathNextPreceding()
1148     xpathNextPrecedingSibling()
1149     xpathNextSelf()
1150     xpathNormalizeFunction()
1151     xpathNotEqualValues()
1152     xpathNotFunction()
1153     xpathNumberFunction()
1154     xpathParseNCName()
1155     xpathParseName()
1156     xpathPopBoolean()
1157     xpathPopNumber()
1158     xpathPopString()
1159     xpathPositionFunction()
1160     xpathRoot()
1161     xpathRoundFunction()
1162     xpathStartsWithFunction()
1163     xpathStringFunction()
1164     xpathStringLengthFunction()
1165     xpathSubValues()
1166     xpathSubstringAfterFunction()
1167     xpathSubstringBeforeFunction()
1168     xpathSubstringFunction()
1169     xpathSumFunction()
1170     xpathTranslateFunction()
1171     xpathTrueFunction()
1172     xpathValueFlipSign()
1173     xpatherror()
1175     # functions from module xpointer
1176     xpointerEvalRangePredicate()
1177     xpointerRangeToFunction()