New "Static ARP" and "Clients Monitor" by Augusto Bott (thx teaman).
[tomato.git] / release / src / router / rc / services.c
1 /*
3 Copyright 2003, CyberTAN Inc. All Rights Reserved
6 the contents of this file may not be disclosed to third parties,
7 copied or duplicated in any form without the prior written
8 permission of CyberTAN Inc.
10 This software should be used as a reference only, and it not
11 intended for production use!
21 Copyright 2005, Broadcom Corporation
22 All Rights Reserved.
32 Modified for Tomato Firmware
33 Portions, Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Jonathan Zarate
36 #include "rc.h"
38 #include <arpa/inet.h>
39 #include <time.h>
40 #include <sys/time.h>
41 #include <errno.h>
43 // !!TB
44 #include <sys/mount.h>
45 #include <mntent.h>
46 #include <dirent.h>
48 // Pop an alarm to recheck pids in 500 msec.
49 static const struct itimerval pop_tv = { {0,0}, {0, 500 * 1000} };
51 // Pop an alarm to reap zombies.
52 static const struct itimerval zombie_tv = { {0,0}, {307, 0} };
54 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
56 static const char dmhosts[] = "/etc/dnsmasq/hosts";
57 static const char dmdhcp[] = "/etc/dnsmasq/dhcp";
58 static const char dmresolv[] = "/etc/resolv.dnsmasq";
60 static pid_t pid_dnsmasq = -1;
62 static int is_wet(int idx, int unit, int subunit, void *param)
64 return nvram_match(wl_nvname("mode", unit, subunit), "wet");
67 void start_dnsmasq()
69 FILE *f;
70 const char *nv;
71 char buf[512];
72 char lan[24];
73 const char *router_ip;
74 char sdhcp_lease[32];
75 char *e;
76 int n;
77 char *mac, *ip, *name;
78 char *p;
79 int ipn;
80 char ipbuf[32];
81 FILE *hf, *df;
82 int dhcp_start;
83 int dhcp_count;
84 int dhcp_lease;
85 int do_dhcpd;
86 int do_dns;
87 int do_dhcpd_hosts;
89 TRACE_PT("begin\n");
91 if (getpid() != 1) {
92 start_service("dnsmasq");
93 return;
96 stop_dnsmasq();
98 if (foreach_wif(1, NULL, is_wet)) return;
100 if ((f = fopen("/etc/dnsmasq.conf", "w")) == NULL) return;
102 router_ip = nvram_safe_get("lan_ipaddr");
104 fprintf(f,
105 "pid-file=/var/run/\n");
106 if (((nv = nvram_get("wan_domain")) != NULL) || ((nv = nvram_get("wan_get_domain")) != NULL)) {
107 if (*nv) fprintf(f, "domain=%s\n", nv);
110 // dns
111 const dns_list_t *dns = get_dns(); // this always points to a static buffer
113 if (((nv = nvram_get("dns_minport")) != NULL) && (*nv)) n = atoi(nv);
114 else n = 4096;
115 fprintf(f,
116 "resolv-file=%s\n" // the real stuff is here
117 "addn-hosts=%s\n" // directory with additional hosts files
118 "dhcp-hostsfile=%s\n" // directory with dhcp hosts files
119 "expand-hosts\n" // expand hostnames in hosts file
120 "min-port=%u\n", // min port used for random src port
121 dmresolv, dmhosts, dmdhcp, n);
122 do_dns = nvram_match("dhcpd_dmdns", "1");
124 // DNS rebinding protection, will discard upstream RFC1918 responses
125 if (nvram_get_int("dns_norebind")) {
126 fprintf(f,
127 "stop-dns-rebind\n"
128 "rebind-localhost-ok\n");
129 // allow RFC1918 responses for server domain
130 switch (get_wan_proto()) {
131 case WP_PPTP:
132 nv = nvram_get("pptp_server_ip");
133 break;
134 case WP_L2TP:
135 nv = nvram_get("l2tp_server_ip");
136 break;
137 default:
138 nv = NULL;
139 break;
141 if (nv && *nv) fprintf(f, "rebind-domain-ok=%s\n", nv);
144 for (n = 0 ; n < dns->count; ++n) {
145 if (dns->dns[n].port != 53) {
146 fprintf(f, "server=%s#%u\n", inet_ntoa(dns->dns[n].addr), dns->dns[n].port);
150 // dhcp
151 do_dhcpd_hosts=0;
152 char lanN_proto[] = "lanXX_proto";
153 char lanN_ifname[] = "lanXX_ifname";
154 char lanN_ipaddr[] = "lanXX_ipaddr";
155 char lanN_netmask[] = "lanXX_netmask";
156 char dhcpdN_startip[] = "dhcpdXX_startip";
157 char dhcpdN_endip[] = "dhcpdXX_endip";
158 char dhcpN_start[] = "dhcpXX_start";
159 char dhcpN_num[] = "dhcpXX_num";
160 char dhcpN_lease[] = "dhcpXX_lease";
161 char br;
162 for(br=0 ; br<=3 ; br++) {
163 char bridge[2] = "0";
164 if (br!=0)
165 bridge[0]+=br;
166 else
167 strcpy(bridge, "");
169 sprintf(lanN_proto, "lan%s_proto", bridge);
170 sprintf(lanN_ifname, "lan%s_ifname", bridge);
171 sprintf(lanN_ipaddr, "lan%s_ipaddr", bridge);
172 do_dhcpd = nvram_match(lanN_proto, "dhcp");
173 if (do_dhcpd) {
174 if (nvram_get_int("dhcpd_static_only")) {
175 fprintf(f, "dhcp-ignore=tag:!known\n");
177 do_dhcpd_hosts++;
179 router_ip = nvram_safe_get(lanN_ipaddr);
180 strlcpy(lan, router_ip, sizeof(lan));
181 if ((p = strrchr(lan, '.')) != NULL) *(p + 1) = 0;
183 fprintf(f,
184 "interface=%s\n",
185 nvram_safe_get(lanN_ifname));
187 sprintf(dhcpN_lease, "dhcp%s_lease", bridge);
188 dhcp_lease = nvram_get_int(dhcpN_lease);
190 if (dhcp_lease <= 0) dhcp_lease = 1440;
192 if ((e = nvram_get("dhcpd_slt")) != NULL) n = atoi(e); else n = 0;
193 if (n < 0) strcpy(sdhcp_lease, "infinite");
194 else sprintf(sdhcp_lease, "%dm", (n > 0) ? n : dhcp_lease);
196 if (!do_dns) {
197 // if not using dnsmasq for dns
199 if ((dns->count == 0) && (nvram_get_int("dhcpd_llndns"))) {
200 // no DNS might be temporary. use a low lease time to force clients to update.
201 dhcp_lease = 2;
202 strcpy(sdhcp_lease, "2m");
203 do_dns = 1;
205 else {
206 // pass the dns directly
207 buf[0] = 0;
208 for (n = 0 ; n < dns->count; ++n) {
209 if (dns->dns[n].port == 53) { // check: option 6 doesn't seem to support other ports
210 sprintf(buf + strlen(buf), ",%s", inet_ntoa(dns->dns[n].addr));
213 fprintf(f, "dhcp-option=%s,6%s\n", nvram_safe_get(lanN_ifname), buf);
217 sprintf(dhcpdN_startip, "dhcpd%s_startip", bridge);
218 sprintf(dhcpdN_endip, "dhcpd%s_endip", bridge);
219 sprintf(lanN_netmask, "lan%s_netmask", bridge);
221 if ((p = nvram_get(dhcpdN_startip)) && (*p) && (e = nvram_get(dhcpdN_endip)) && (*e)) {
222 fprintf(f, "dhcp-range=%s,%s,%s,%s,%dm\n", nvram_safe_get(lanN_ifname), p, e, nvram_safe_get(lanN_netmask), dhcp_lease);
224 else {
225 // for compatibility
226 sprintf(dhcpN_start, "dhcp%s_start", bridge);
227 sprintf(dhcpN_num, "dhcp%s_num", bridge);
228 sprintf(lanN_netmask, "lan%s_netmask", bridge);
229 dhcp_start = nvram_get_int(dhcpN_start);
230 dhcp_count = nvram_get_int(dhcpN_num);
231 fprintf(f, "dhcp-range=%s,%s%d,%s%d,%s,%dm\n",
232 nvram_safe_get(lanN_ifname), lan, dhcp_start, lan, dhcp_start + dhcp_count - 1, nvram_safe_get(lanN_netmask), dhcp_lease);
235 nv = nvram_safe_get(lanN_ipaddr);
236 if ((nvram_get_int("dhcpd_gwmode") == 1) && (get_wan_proto() == WP_DISABLED)) {
237 p = nvram_safe_get("lan_gateway");
238 if ((*p) && (strcmp(p, "") != 0)) nv = p;
241 fprintf(f,
242 "dhcp-option=%s,3,%s\n", // gateway
243 nvram_safe_get(lanN_ifname), nv);
245 if (((nv = nvram_get("wan_wins")) != NULL) && (*nv) && (strcmp(nv, "") != 0)) {
246 fprintf(f, "dhcp-option=%s,44,%s\n", nvram_safe_get(lanN_ifname), nv);
249 else if (nvram_get_int("smbd_enable") && nvram_invmatch("lan_hostname", "") && nvram_get_int("smbd_wins")) {
250 if ((nv == NULL) || (*nv == 0) || (strcmp(nv, "") == 0)) {
251 // Samba will serve as a WINS server
252 fprintf(f, "dhcp-option=%s,44,\n", nvram_safe_get(lanN_ifname));
255 #endif
256 } else {
257 if (strcmp(nvram_safe_get(lanN_ifname),"")!=0)
258 fprintf(f, "no-dhcp-interface=%s\n", nvram_safe_get(lanN_ifname));
261 // write static lease entries & create hosts file
263 mkdir_if_none(dmhosts);
264 snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/hosts", dmhosts);
265 if ((hf = fopen(buf, "w")) != NULL) {
266 if (((nv = nvram_get("wan_hostname")) != NULL) && (*nv))
267 fprintf(hf, "%s %s\n", router_ip, nv);
269 else if (((nv = nvram_get("lan_hostname")) != NULL) && (*nv))
270 fprintf(hf, "%s %s\n", router_ip, nv);
271 #endif
272 p = (char *)get_wanip();
273 if ((*p == 0) || strcmp(p, "") == 0)
274 p = "";
275 fprintf(hf, "%s wan-ip\n", p);
276 if (nv && (*nv))
277 fprintf(hf, "%s %s-wan\n", p, nv);
280 mkdir_if_none(dmdhcp);
281 snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/dhcp-hosts", dmdhcp);
282 df = fopen(buf, "w");
284 // 00:aa:bb:cc:dd:ee<123<> = 53 w/ delim
285 // 00:aa:bb:cc:dd:ee<<> = 85 w/ delim
286 // 00:aa:bb:cc:dd:ee,00:aa:bb:cc:dd:ee<<> = 106 w/ delim
287 p = nvram_safe_get("dhcpd_static");
288 while ((e = strchr(p, '>')) != NULL) {
289 n = (e - p);
290 if (n > 105) {
291 p = e + 1;
292 continue;
295 strncpy(buf, p, n);
296 buf[n] = 0;
297 p = e + 1;
299 if ((e = strchr(buf, '<')) == NULL) continue;
300 *e = 0;
301 mac = buf;
303 ip = e + 1;
304 if ((e = strchr(ip, '<')) == NULL) continue;
305 *e = 0;
306 if (strchr(ip, '.') == NULL) {
307 ipn = atoi(ip);
308 if ((ipn <= 0) || (ipn > 255)) continue;
309 sprintf(ipbuf, "%s%d", lan, ipn);
310 ip = ipbuf;
312 else {
313 if (inet_addr(ip) == INADDR_NONE) continue;
316 name = e + 1;
318 if ((hf) && (*name != 0)) {
319 fprintf(hf, "%s %s\n", ip, name);
322 if ((do_dhcpd_hosts > 0) && (*mac != 0) && (strcmp(mac, "00:00:00:00:00:00") != 0)) {
323 fprintf(f, "dhcp-host=%s,%s,%s\n", mac, ip, sdhcp_lease);
327 if (df) fclose(df);
328 if (hf) fclose(hf);
330 n = nvram_get_int("dhcpd_lmax");
331 fprintf(f,
332 "dhcp-lease-max=%d\n",
333 (n > 0) ? n : 255);
334 if (nvram_get_int("dhcpd_auth") >= 0) {
335 fprintf(f, "dhcp-authoritative\n");
341 write_vpn_dnsmasq_config(f);
342 #endif
344 fprintf(f, "%s\n\n", nvram_safe_get("dnsmasq_custom"));
346 fappend(f, "/etc/dnsmasq.custom");
350 fclose(f);
352 if (do_dns) {
353 unlink("/etc/resolv.conf");
354 symlink("/rom/etc/resolv.conf", "/etc/resolv.conf"); // nameserver
357 TRACE_PT("run dnsmasq\n");
359 // Default to some values we like, but allow the user to override them.
360 eval("dnsmasq", "-c", "1500", "--log-async");
362 if (!nvram_contains_word("debug_norestart", "dnsmasq")) {
363 pid_dnsmasq = -2;
366 TRACE_PT("end\n");
369 void stop_dnsmasq(void)
371 TRACE_PT("begin\n");
373 if (getpid() != 1) {
374 stop_service("dnsmasq");
375 return;
378 pid_dnsmasq = -1;
380 unlink("/etc/resolv.conf");
381 symlink(dmresolv, "/etc/resolv.conf");
383 killall_tk("dnsmasq");
385 TRACE_PT("end\n");
388 void clear_resolv(void)
390 f_write(dmresolv, NULL, 0, 0, 0); // blank
393 #ifdef TCONFIG_IPV6
394 static int write_ipv6_dns_servers(FILE *f, const char *prefix, char *dns, const char *suffix, int once)
396 char p[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN + 1], *next = NULL;
397 struct in6_addr addr;
398 int cnt = 0;
400 foreach(p, dns, next) {
401 // verify that this is a valid IPv6 address
402 if (inet_pton(AF_INET6, p, &addr) == 1) {
403 fprintf(f, "%s%s%s", (once && cnt) ? "" : prefix, p, suffix);
404 ++cnt;
408 return cnt;
410 #endif
412 void dns_to_resolv(void)
414 FILE *f;
415 const dns_list_t *dns;
416 int i;
417 mode_t m;
419 m = umask(022); // 077 from pppoecd
420 if ((f = fopen(dmresolv, "w")) != NULL) {
421 // Check for VPN DNS entries
422 if (!write_vpn_resolv(f)) {
423 #ifdef TCONFIG_IPV6
424 if (write_ipv6_dns_servers(f, "nameserver ", nvram_safe_get("ipv6_dns"), "\n", 0) == 0 || nvram_get_int("dns_addget"))
425 write_ipv6_dns_servers(f, "nameserver ", nvram_safe_get("ipv6_get_dns"), "\n", 0);
426 #endif
427 dns = get_dns(); // static buffer
428 if (dns->count == 0) {
429 // Put a pseudo DNS IP to trigger Connect On Demand
430 if (nvram_match("ppp_demand", "1")) {
431 switch (get_wan_proto()) {
432 case WP_PPPOE:
433 case WP_PPTP:
434 case WP_L2TP:
435 fprintf(f, "nameserver\n");
436 break;
440 else {
441 for (i = 0; i < dns->count; i++) {
442 if (dns->dns[i].port == 53) { // resolv.conf doesn't allow for an alternate port
443 fprintf(f, "nameserver %s\n", inet_ntoa(dns->dns[i].addr));
448 fclose(f);
450 umask(m);
453 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
455 void start_httpd(void)
457 if (getpid() != 1) {
458 start_service("httpd");
459 return;
462 stop_httpd();
463 chdir("/www");
464 eval("httpd");
465 chdir("/");
468 void stop_httpd(void)
470 if (getpid() != 1) {
471 stop_service("httpd");
472 return;
475 killall_tk("httpd");
478 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
479 #ifdef TCONFIG_IPV6
481 static void add_ip6_lanaddr(void)
483 char ip[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN + 4];
484 const char *p;
486 p = ipv6_router_address(NULL);
487 if (*p) {
488 snprintf(ip, sizeof(ip), "%s/%d", p, nvram_get_int("ipv6_prefix_length") ? : 64);
489 eval("ip", "-6", "addr", "add", ip, "dev", nvram_safe_get("lan_ifname"));
493 void start_ipv6_tunnel(void)
495 char ip[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN + 4];
496 struct in_addr addr4;
497 struct in6_addr addr;
498 const char *wanip, *mtu, *tun_dev;
499 int service;
501 service = get_ipv6_service();
502 tun_dev = get_wan6face();
503 wanip = get_wanip();
504 mtu = (nvram_get_int("ipv6_tun_mtu") > 0) ? nvram_safe_get("ipv6_tun_mtu") : "1480";
505 modprobe("sit");
507 if (service == IPV6_ANYCAST_6TO4)
508 snprintf(ip, sizeof(ip), "192.88.99.%d", nvram_get_int("ipv6_relay"));
509 else
510 strlcpy(ip, (char *)nvram_safe_get("ipv6_tun_v4end"), sizeof(ip));
511 eval("ip", "tunnel", "add", (char *)tun_dev, "mode", "sit",
512 "remote", ip,
513 "local", (char *)wanip,
514 "ttl", nvram_safe_get("ipv6_tun_ttl"));
516 eval("ip", "link", "set", (char *)tun_dev, "mtu", (char *)mtu, "up");
517 nvram_set("ipv6_ifname", (char *)tun_dev);
519 if (service == IPV6_ANYCAST_6TO4) {
520 add_ip6_lanaddr();
521 addr4.s_addr = 0;
522 memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr));
523 inet_aton(wanip, &addr4);
524 addr.s6_addr16[0] = htons(0x2002);
525 ipv6_mapaddr4(&addr, 16, &addr4, 0);
526 addr.s6_addr16[7] = htons(0x0001);
527 inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &addr, ip, sizeof(ip));
528 strncat(ip, "/16", sizeof(ip));
530 else {
531 snprintf(ip, sizeof(ip), "%s/%d",
532 nvram_safe_get("ipv6_tun_addr"),
533 nvram_get_int("ipv6_tun_addrlen") ? : 64);
535 eval("ip", "addr", "add", ip, "dev", (char *)tun_dev);
536 eval("ip", "route", "add", "::/0", "dev", (char *)tun_dev);
538 // (re)start radvd
539 if (service == IPV6_ANYCAST_6TO4)
540 start_radvd();
543 void stop_ipv6_tunnel(void)
545 eval("ip", "tunnel", "del", (char *)get_wan6face());
546 if (get_ipv6_service() == IPV6_ANYCAST_6TO4) {
547 // get rid of old IPv6 address from lan iface
548 eval("ip", "-6", "addr", "flush", "dev", nvram_safe_get("lan_ifname"), "scope", "global");
550 modprobe_r("sit");
553 static pid_t pid_radvd = -1;
555 void start_radvd(void)
557 FILE *f;
558 char *prefix, *ip, *mtu;
559 int do_dns, do_6to4;
560 char *argv[] = { "radvd", NULL, NULL, NULL };
561 int pid, argc, service, cnt;
563 if (getpid() != 1) {
564 start_service("radvd");
565 return;
568 stop_radvd();
570 if (ipv6_enabled() && nvram_get_int("ipv6_radvd")) {
571 service = get_ipv6_service();
572 do_6to4 = (service == IPV6_ANYCAST_6TO4);
573 mtu = NULL;
575 switch (service) {
576 case IPV6_NATIVE_DHCP:
577 prefix = "::";
578 break;
579 case IPV6_ANYCAST_6TO4:
580 case IPV6_6IN4:
581 mtu = (nvram_get_int("ipv6_tun_mtu") > 0) ? nvram_safe_get("ipv6_tun_mtu") : "1480";
582 // fall through
583 default:
584 prefix = do_6to4 ? "0:0:0:1::" : nvram_safe_get("ipv6_prefix");
585 break;
587 if (!(*prefix)) prefix = "::";
589 // Create radvd.conf
590 if ((f = fopen("/etc/radvd.conf", "w")) == NULL) return;
592 ip = (char *)ipv6_router_address(NULL);
593 do_dns = (*ip) && nvram_match("dhcpd_dmdns", "1");
595 fprintf(f,
596 "interface %s\n"
597 "{\n"
598 " IgnoreIfMissing on;\n"
599 " AdvSendAdvert on;\n"
600 " MaxRtrAdvInterval 60;\n"
601 " AdvHomeAgentFlag off;\n"
602 " AdvManagedFlag off;\n"
603 "%s%s%s"
604 " prefix %s/64 \n"
605 " {\n"
606 " AdvOnLink on;\n"
607 " AdvAutonomous on;\n"
608 "%s"
609 "%s%s%s"
610 " };\n",
611 nvram_safe_get("lan_ifname"),
612 mtu ? " AdvLinkMTU " : "", mtu ? : "", mtu ? ";\n" : "",
613 prefix,
614 do_6to4 ? " AdvValidLifetime 300;\n AdvPreferredLifetime 120;\n" : "",
615 do_6to4 ? " Base6to4Interface " : "",
616 do_6to4 ? get_wanface() : "",
617 do_6to4 ? ";\n" : "");
619 if (do_dns) {
620 fprintf(f, " RDNSS %s {};\n", ip);
622 else {
623 cnt = write_ipv6_dns_servers(f, " RDNSS ", nvram_safe_get("ipv6_dns"), " ", 1);
624 if (cnt == 0 || nvram_get_int("dns_addget"))
625 cnt += write_ipv6_dns_servers(f, (cnt) ? "" : " RDNSS ", nvram_safe_get("ipv6_get_dns"), " ", 1);
626 if (cnt) fprintf(f, "{};\n");
629 fprintf(f,
630 "};\n"); // close "interface" section
631 fclose(f);
633 // Start radvd
634 argc = 1;
635 if (nvram_get_int("debug_ipv6")) {
636 argv[argc++] = "-d";
637 argv[argc++] = "10";
639 argv[argc] = NULL;
640 _eval(argv, NULL, 0, &pid);
642 if (!nvram_contains_word("debug_norestart", "radvd")) {
643 pid_radvd = -2;
648 void stop_radvd(void)
650 if (getpid() != 1) {
651 stop_service("radvd");
652 return;
655 pid_radvd = -1;
656 killall_tk("radvd");
659 void start_ipv6(void)
661 int service;
663 service = get_ipv6_service();
664 enable_ip_forward();
666 // Check if turned on
667 switch (service) {
668 case IPV6_NATIVE:
669 case IPV6_6IN4:
670 case IPV6_MANUAL:
671 add_ip6_lanaddr();
672 break;
673 case IPV6_NATIVE_DHCP:
674 case IPV6_ANYCAST_6TO4:
675 nvram_set("ipv6_rtr_addr", "");
676 nvram_set("ipv6_prefix", "");
677 break;
680 if (service != IPV6_DISABLED) {
681 if ((nvram_get_int("ipv6_accept_ra") & 2) != 0 && !nvram_get_int("ipv6_radvd"))
682 accept_ra(nvram_safe_get("lan_ifname"));
686 void stop_ipv6(void)
688 stop_ipv6_tunnel();
689 stop_dhcp6c();
690 eval("ip", "-6", "addr", "flush", "scope", "global");
693 #endif
695 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
697 void start_upnp(void)
699 if (getpid() != 1) {
700 start_service("upnp");
701 return;
704 if (get_wan_proto() == WP_DISABLED) return;
706 int enable;
707 FILE *f;
708 int upnp_port;
710 if (((enable = nvram_get_int("upnp_enable")) & 3) != 0) {
711 mkdir("/etc/upnp", 0777);
712 if (f_exists("/etc/upnp/config.alt")) {
713 xstart("miniupnpd", "-f", "/etc/upnp/config.alt");
715 else {
716 if ((f = fopen("/etc/upnp/config", "w")) != NULL) {
717 upnp_port = nvram_get_int("upnp_port");
718 if ((upnp_port < 0) || (upnp_port >= 0xFFFF)) upnp_port = 0;
721 fprintf(f,
722 "ext_ifname=%s\n"
723 "port=%d\n"
724 "enable_upnp=%s\n"
725 "enable_natpmp=%s\n"
726 "secure_mode=%s\n"
727 "upnp_forward_chain=upnp\n"
728 "upnp_nat_chain=upnp\n"
729 "notify_interval=%d\n"
730 "system_uptime=yes\n"
731 "\n"
733 get_wanface(),
734 upnp_port,
735 (enable & 1) ? "yes" : "no", // upnp enable
736 (enable & 2) ? "yes" : "no", // natpmp enable
737 nvram_get_int("upnp_secure") ? "yes" : "no", // secure_mode (only forward to self)
738 nvram_get_int("upnp_ssdp_interval")
741 if (nvram_get_int("upnp_clean")) {
742 int interval = nvram_get_int("upnp_clean_interval");
743 if (interval < 60) interval = 60;
744 fprintf(f,
745 "clean_ruleset_interval=%d\n"
746 "clean_ruleset_threshold=%d\n",
747 interval,
748 nvram_get_int("upnp_clean_threshold")
751 else
752 fprintf(f,"clean_ruleset_interval=0\n");
754 if (nvram_match("upnp_mnp", "1")) {
755 int https = nvram_get_int("https_enable");
756 fprintf(f, "presentation_url=http%s://%s:%s/forward-upnp.asp\n",
757 https ? "s" : "", nvram_safe_get("lan_ipaddr"),
758 nvram_safe_get(https ? "https_lanport" : "http_lanport"));
760 else {
761 // Empty parameters are not included into XML service description
762 fprintf(f, "presentation_url=\n");
765 char uuid[45];
766 f_read_string("/proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid", uuid, sizeof(uuid));
767 fprintf(f, "uuid=%s\n", uuid);
769 char lanN_ipaddr[] = "lanXX_ipaddr";
770 char lanN_netmask[] = "lanXX_netmask";
771 char upnp_lanN[] = "upnp_lanXX";
772 char br;
774 for(br=0 ; br<4 ; br++) {
775 char bridge[2] = "0";
776 if (br!=0)
777 bridge[0]+=br;
778 else
779 strcpy(bridge, "");
781 sprintf(lanN_ipaddr, "lan%s_ipaddr", bridge);
782 sprintf(lanN_netmask, "lan%s_netmask", bridge);
783 sprintf(upnp_lanN, "upnp_lan%s", bridge);
785 char *lanip = nvram_safe_get(lanN_ipaddr);
786 char *lanmask = nvram_safe_get(lanN_netmask);
787 char *lanlisten = nvram_safe_get(upnp_lanN);
789 if((strcmp(lanlisten,"1")==0) && (strcmp(lanip,"")!=0) && (strcmp(lanip,"")!=0)) {
790 fprintf(f,
791 "listening_ip=%s/%s\n",
792 lanip, lanmask);
793 int ports[4];
794 if ((ports[0] = nvram_get_int("upnp_min_port_int")) > 0 &&
795 (ports[1] = nvram_get_int("upnp_max_port_int")) > 0 &&
796 (ports[2] = nvram_get_int("upnp_min_port_ext")) > 0 &&
797 (ports[3] = nvram_get_int("upnp_max_port_ext")) > 0) {
798 fprintf(f,
799 "allow %d-%d %s/%s %d-%d\n",
800 ports[0], ports[1],
801 lanip, lanmask,
802 ports[2], ports[3]
805 else {
806 // by default allow only redirection of ports above 1024
807 fprintf(f, "allow 1024-65535 %s/%s 1024-65535\n", lanip, lanmask);
812 fappend(f, "/etc/upnp/config.custom");
813 fprintf(f, "\ndeny 0-65535 0-65535\n");
814 fclose(f);
816 xstart("miniupnpd", "-f", "/etc/upnp/config");
822 void stop_upnp(void)
824 if (getpid() != 1) {
825 stop_service("upnp");
826 return;
829 killall_tk("miniupnpd");
832 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
834 static pid_t pid_crond = -1;
836 void start_cron(void)
838 stop_cron();
840 eval("crond", nvram_contains_word("log_events", "crond") ? NULL : "-l", "9");
841 if (!nvram_contains_word("debug_norestart", "crond")) {
842 pid_crond = -2;
846 void stop_cron(void)
848 pid_crond = -1;
849 killall_tk("crond");
852 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
853 #ifdef LINUX26
855 static pid_t pid_hotplug2 = -1;
857 void start_hotplug2()
859 stop_hotplug2();
861 f_write_string("/proc/sys/kernel/hotplug", "", FW_NEWLINE, 0);
862 xstart("hotplug2", "--persistent", "--no-coldplug");
863 // FIXME: Don't remember exactly why I put "sleep" here -
864 // but it was not for a race with check_services()... - TB
865 sleep(1);
867 if (!nvram_contains_word("debug_norestart", "hotplug2")) {
868 pid_hotplug2 = -2;
872 void stop_hotplug2(void)
874 pid_hotplug2 = -1;
875 killall_tk("hotplug2");
878 #endif /* LINUX26 */
879 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
881 // Written by Sparq in 2002/07/16
882 void start_zebra(void)
884 #ifdef TCONFIG_ZEBRA
885 if (getpid() != 1) {
886 start_service("zebra");
887 return;
890 FILE *fp;
892 char *lan_tx = nvram_safe_get("dr_lan_tx");
893 char *lan_rx = nvram_safe_get("dr_lan_rx");
894 char *lan1_tx = nvram_safe_get("dr_lan1_tx");
895 char *lan1_rx = nvram_safe_get("dr_lan1_rx");
896 char *lan2_tx = nvram_safe_get("dr_lan2_tx");
897 char *lan2_rx = nvram_safe_get("dr_lan2_rx");
898 char *lan3_tx = nvram_safe_get("dr_lan3_tx");
899 char *lan3_rx = nvram_safe_get("dr_lan3_rx");
900 char *wan_tx = nvram_safe_get("dr_wan_tx");
901 char *wan_rx = nvram_safe_get("dr_wan_rx");
903 // if ((*lan_tx == '0') && (*lan_rx == '0') && (*wan_tx == '0') && (*wan_rx == '0')) {
904 if ((*lan_tx == '0') && (*lan_rx == '0') &&
905 (*lan1_tx == '0') && (*lan1_rx == '0') &&
906 (*lan2_tx == '0') && (*lan2_rx == '0') &&
907 (*lan3_tx == '0') && (*lan3_rx == '0') &&
908 (*wan_tx == '0') && (*wan_rx == '0')) {
909 return;
912 // empty
913 if ((fp = fopen("/etc/zebra.conf", "w")) != NULL) {
914 fclose(fp);
918 if ((fp = fopen("/etc/ripd.conf", "w")) != NULL) {
919 char *lan_ifname = nvram_safe_get("lan_ifname");
920 char *lan1_ifname = nvram_safe_get("lan1_ifname");
921 char *lan2_ifname = nvram_safe_get("lan2_ifname");
922 char *lan3_ifname = nvram_safe_get("lan3_ifname");
923 char *wan_ifname = nvram_safe_get("wan_ifname");
925 fprintf(fp, "router rip\n");
926 if(strcmp(lan_ifname,"")!=0)
927 fprintf(fp, "network %s\n", lan_ifname);
928 if(strcmp(lan1_ifname,"")!=0)
929 fprintf(fp, "network %s\n", lan1_ifname);
930 if(strcmp(lan2_ifname,"")!=0)
931 fprintf(fp, "network %s\n", lan2_ifname);
932 if(strcmp(lan3_ifname,"")!=0)
933 fprintf(fp, "network %s\n", lan3_ifname);
934 fprintf(fp, "network %s\n", wan_ifname);
935 fprintf(fp, "redistribute connected\n");
936 //fprintf(fp, "redistribute static\n");
938 // 43011: modify by zg 2006.10.18 for cdrouter3.3 item 173(cdrouter_rip_30) bug
939 // fprintf(fp, "redistribute kernel\n"); // 1.11: removed, redistributes indirect -- zzz
941 if(strcmp(lan_ifname,"")!=0) {
942 fprintf(fp, "interface %s\n", lan_ifname);
943 if (*lan_tx != '0') fprintf(fp, "ip rip send version %s\n", lan_tx);
944 if (*lan_rx != '0') fprintf(fp, "ip rip receive version %s\n", lan_rx);
946 if(strcmp(lan1_ifname,"")!=0) {
947 fprintf(fp, "interface %s\n", lan1_ifname);
948 if (*lan1_tx != '0') fprintf(fp, "ip rip send version %s\n", lan1_tx);
949 if (*lan1_rx != '0') fprintf(fp, "ip rip receive version %s\n", lan1_rx);
951 if(strcmp(lan2_ifname,"")!=0) {
952 fprintf(fp, "interface %s\n", lan2_ifname);
953 if (*lan2_tx != '0') fprintf(fp, "ip rip send version %s\n", lan2_tx);
954 if (*lan2_rx != '0') fprintf(fp, "ip rip receive version %s\n", lan2_rx);
956 if(strcmp(lan3_ifname,"")!=0) {
957 fprintf(fp, "interface %s\n", lan3_ifname);
958 if (*lan3_tx != '0') fprintf(fp, "ip rip send version %s\n", lan3_tx);
959 if (*lan3_rx != '0') fprintf(fp, "ip rip receive version %s\n", lan3_rx);
961 fprintf(fp, "interface %s\n", wan_ifname);
962 if (*wan_tx != '0') fprintf(fp, "ip rip send version %s\n", wan_tx);
963 if (*wan_rx != '0') fprintf(fp, "ip rip receive version %s\n", wan_rx);
965 fprintf(fp, "router rip\n");
966 if(strcmp(lan_ifname,"")!=0) {
967 if (*lan_tx == '0') fprintf(fp, "distribute-list private out %s\n", lan_ifname);
968 if (*lan_rx == '0') fprintf(fp, "distribute-list private in %s\n", lan_ifname);
970 if(strcmp(lan1_ifname,"")!=0) {
971 if (*lan1_tx == '0') fprintf(fp, "distribute-list private out %s\n", lan1_ifname);
972 if (*lan1_rx == '0') fprintf(fp, "distribute-list private in %s\n", lan1_ifname);
974 if(strcmp(lan2_ifname,"")!=0) {
975 if (*lan2_tx == '0') fprintf(fp, "distribute-list private out %s\n", lan2_ifname);
976 if (*lan2_rx == '0') fprintf(fp, "distribute-list private in %s\n", lan2_ifname);
978 if(strcmp(lan3_ifname,"")!=0) {
979 if (*lan3_tx == '0') fprintf(fp, "distribute-list private out %s\n", lan3_ifname);
980 if (*lan3_rx == '0') fprintf(fp, "distribute-list private in %s\n", lan3_ifname);
982 if (*wan_tx == '0') fprintf(fp, "distribute-list private out %s\n", wan_ifname);
983 if (*wan_rx == '0') fprintf(fp, "distribute-list private in %s\n", wan_ifname);
984 fprintf(fp, "access-list private deny any\n");
986 //fprintf(fp, "debug rip events\n");
987 //fprintf(fp, "log file /etc/ripd.log\n");
988 fclose(fp);
991 xstart("zebra", "-d");
992 xstart("ripd", "-d");
993 #endif
996 void stop_zebra(void)
998 #ifdef TCONFIG_ZEBRA
999 if (getpid() != 1) {
1000 stop_service("zebra");
1001 return;
1004 killall("zebra", SIGTERM);
1005 killall("ripd", SIGTERM);
1007 unlink("/etc/zebra.conf");
1008 unlink("/etc/ripd.conf");
1009 #endif
1012 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1014 void start_syslog(void)
1016 char *argv[16];
1017 int argc;
1018 char *nv;
1019 char *b_opt = "";
1020 char rem[256];
1021 int n;
1022 char s[64];
1023 char cfg[256];
1024 char *rot_siz = "50";
1025 char *log_file_path;
1027 argv[0] = "syslogd";
1028 argc = 1;
1030 if (nvram_match("log_remote", "1")) {
1031 nv = nvram_safe_get("log_remoteip");
1032 if (*nv) {
1033 snprintf(rem, sizeof(rem), "%s:%s", nv, nvram_safe_get("log_remoteport"));
1034 argv[argc++] = "-R";
1035 argv[argc++] = rem;
1039 if (nvram_match("log_file", "1")) {
1040 argv[argc++] = "-L";
1042 // log to custom path - shibby
1043 if (nvram_match("log_file_custom", "1")) {
1044 log_file_path = nvram_safe_get("log_file_path");
1045 argv[argc++] = "-s";
1046 argv[argc++] = "5000";
1047 argv[argc++] = "-b";
1048 argv[argc++] = "5";
1049 argv[argc++] = "-O";
1050 argv[argc++] = log_file_path;
1051 remove("/var/log/messages");
1052 symlink(log_file_path, "/var/log/messages");
1054 else
1056 /* Read options: rotate_size(kb) num_backups logfilename.
1057 * Ignore these settings and use defaults if the logfile cannot be written to.
1059 if (f_read_string("/etc/syslogd.cfg", cfg, sizeof(cfg)) > 0) {
1060 if ((nv = strchr(cfg, '\n')))
1061 *nv = 0;
1063 if ((nv = strtok(cfg, " \t"))) {
1064 if (isdigit(*nv))
1065 rot_siz = nv;
1068 if ((nv = strtok(NULL, " \t")))
1069 b_opt = nv;
1071 if ((nv = strtok(NULL, " \t")) && *nv == '/') {
1072 if (f_write(nv, cfg, 0, FW_APPEND, 0) >= 0) {
1073 argv[argc++] = "-O";
1074 argv[argc++] = nv;
1076 else {
1077 rot_siz = "50";
1078 b_opt = "";
1083 if (nvram_match("log_file_custom", "0")) {
1084 argv[argc++] = "-s";
1085 argv[argc++] = rot_siz;
1086 remove("/var/log/messages");
1089 if (isdigit(*b_opt)) {
1090 argv[argc++] = "-b";
1091 argv[argc++] = b_opt;
1095 if (argc > 1) {
1096 argv[argc] = NULL;
1097 _eval(argv, NULL, 0, NULL);
1099 argv[0] = "klogd";
1100 argv[1] = NULL;
1101 _eval(argv, NULL, 0, NULL);
1103 // used to be available in syslogd -m
1104 n = nvram_get_int("log_mark");
1105 if (n > 0) {
1106 // n is in minutes
1107 if (n < 60)
1108 sprintf(rem, "*/%d * * * *", n);
1109 else if (n < 60 * 24)
1110 sprintf(rem, "0 */%d * * *", n / 60);
1111 else
1112 sprintf(rem, "0 0 */%d * *", n / (60 * 24));
1113 sprintf(s, "%s logger -p -- -- MARK --", rem);
1114 eval("cru", "a", "syslogdmark", s);
1116 else {
1117 eval("cru", "d", "syslogdmark");
1122 void stop_syslog(void)
1124 killall("klogd", SIGTERM);
1125 killall("syslogd", SIGTERM);
1128 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1130 static pid_t pid_igmp = -1;
1132 void start_igmp_proxy(void)
1134 FILE *fp;
1136 pid_igmp = -1;
1137 if (nvram_match("multicast_pass", "1")) {
1138 if (get_wan_proto() == WP_DISABLED)
1139 return;
1141 if (f_exists("/etc/igmp.alt")) {
1142 eval("igmpproxy", "/etc/igmp.alt");
1144 else if ((fp = fopen("/etc/igmp.conf", "w")) != NULL) {
1145 fprintf(fp,
1146 "quickleave\n"
1147 "phyint %s upstream\n"
1148 "\taltnet %s\n",
1149 // "phyint %s downstream ratelimit 0\n",
1150 get_wanface(),
1151 nvram_get("multicast_altnet") ? : "");
1152 // nvram_safe_get("lan_ifname"));
1154 char lanN_ifname[] = "lanXX_ifname";
1155 char multicast_lanN[] = "multicast_lanXX";
1156 char br;
1158 for(br=0 ; br<4 ; br++) {
1159 char bridge[2] = "0";
1160 if (br!=0)
1161 bridge[0]+=br;
1162 else
1163 strcpy(bridge, "");
1165 sprintf(lanN_ifname, "lan%s_ifname", bridge);
1166 sprintf(multicast_lanN, "multicast_lan%s", bridge);
1168 if((strcmp(nvram_safe_get(multicast_lanN),"1")==0) && (strcmp(nvram_safe_get(lanN_ifname),"")!=0)) {
1169 fprintf(fp,
1170 "phyint %s downstream ratelimit 0\n",
1171 nvram_safe_get(lanN_ifname));
1174 fclose(fp);
1175 eval("igmpproxy", "/etc/igmp.conf");
1177 else {
1178 return;
1180 if (!nvram_contains_word("debug_norestart", "igmprt")) {
1181 pid_igmp = -2;
1186 void stop_igmp_proxy(void)
1188 pid_igmp = -1;
1189 killall_tk("igmpproxy");
1192 #ifdef TCONFIG_NOCAT
1194 static pid_t pid_splashd = -1;
1195 void start_splashd(void)
1197 pid_splashd = -1;
1198 start_nocat();
1199 if (!nvram_contains_word("debug_norestart", "splashd")) {
1200 pid_splashd = -2;
1204 void stop_splashd(void)
1206 pid_splashd = -1;
1207 stop_nocat();
1208 start_wan(BOOT);
1210 #endif
1212 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1214 void set_tz(void)
1216 f_write_string("/etc/TZ", nvram_safe_get("tm_tz"), FW_CREATE|FW_NEWLINE, 0644);
1219 void start_ntpc(void)
1221 set_tz();
1223 stop_ntpc();
1225 if (nvram_get_int("ntp_updates") >= 0) {
1226 xstart("ntpsync", "--init");
1230 void stop_ntpc(void)
1232 killall("ntpsync", SIGTERM);
1235 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1237 static void stop_rstats(void)
1239 int n;
1240 int pid;
1242 n = 60;
1243 while ((n-- > 0) && ((pid = pidof("rstats")) > 0)) {
1244 if (kill(pid, SIGTERM) != 0) break;
1245 sleep(1);
1249 static void start_rstats(int new)
1251 if (nvram_match("rstats_enable", "1")) {
1252 stop_rstats();
1253 if (new) xstart("rstats", "--new");
1254 else xstart("rstats");
1258 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1260 // !!TB - FTP Server
1262 #ifdef TCONFIG_FTP
1263 static char *get_full_storage_path(char *val)
1265 static char buf[128];
1266 int len;
1268 if (val[0] == '/')
1269 len = sprintf(buf, "%s", val);
1270 else
1271 len = sprintf(buf, "%s/%s", MOUNT_ROOT, val);
1273 if (len > 1 && buf[len - 1] == '/')
1274 buf[len - 1] = 0;
1276 return buf;
1279 static char *nvram_storage_path(char *var)
1281 char *val = nvram_safe_get(var);
1282 return get_full_storage_path(val);
1285 char vsftpd_conf[] = "/etc/vsftpd.conf";
1286 char vsftpd_users[] = "/etc/vsftpd.users";
1287 char vsftpd_passwd[] = "/etc/vsftpd.passwd";
1289 /* VSFTPD code mostly stolen from Oleg's ASUS Custom Firmware GPL sources */
1291 static void start_ftpd(void)
1293 char tmp[256];
1294 FILE *fp, *f;
1295 char *buf;
1296 char *p, *q;
1297 char *user, *pass, *rights;
1299 if (getpid() != 1) {
1300 start_service("ftpd");
1301 return;
1304 if (!nvram_get_int("ftp_enable")) return;
1306 mkdir_if_none(vsftpd_users);
1307 mkdir_if_none("/var/run/vsftpd");
1309 if ((fp = fopen(vsftpd_conf, "w")) == NULL)
1310 return;
1312 if (nvram_get_int("ftp_super"))
1314 /* rights */
1315 sprintf(tmp, "%s/%s", vsftpd_users, "admin");
1316 if ((f = fopen(tmp, "w")))
1318 fprintf(f,
1319 "dirlist_enable=yes\n"
1320 "write_enable=yes\n"
1321 "download_enable=yes\n");
1322 fclose(f);
1327 if (nvram_match("smbd_cset", "utf8"))
1328 fprintf(fp, "utf8=yes\n");
1329 #endif
1331 if (nvram_invmatch("ftp_anonymous", "0"))
1333 fprintf(fp,
1334 "anon_allow_writable_root=yes\n"
1335 "anon_world_readable_only=no\n"
1336 "anon_umask=022\n");
1338 /* rights */
1339 sprintf(tmp, "%s/ftp", vsftpd_users);
1340 if ((f = fopen(tmp, "w")))
1342 if (nvram_match("ftp_dirlist", "0"))
1343 fprintf(f, "dirlist_enable=yes\n");
1344 if (nvram_match("ftp_anonymous", "1") ||
1345 nvram_match("ftp_anonymous", "3"))
1346 fprintf(f, "write_enable=yes\n");
1347 if (nvram_match("ftp_anonymous", "1") ||
1348 nvram_match("ftp_anonymous", "2"))
1349 fprintf(f, "download_enable=yes\n");
1350 fclose(f);
1352 if (nvram_match("ftp_anonymous", "1") ||
1353 nvram_match("ftp_anonymous", "3"))
1354 fprintf(fp,
1355 "anon_upload_enable=yes\n"
1356 "anon_mkdir_write_enable=yes\n"
1357 "anon_other_write_enable=yes\n");
1358 } else {
1359 fprintf(fp, "anonymous_enable=no\n");
1362 fprintf(fp,
1363 "dirmessage_enable=yes\n"
1364 "download_enable=no\n"
1365 "dirlist_enable=no\n"
1366 "hide_ids=yes\n"
1367 "syslog_enable=yes\n"
1368 "local_enable=yes\n"
1369 "local_umask=022\n"
1370 "chmod_enable=no\n"
1371 "chroot_local_user=yes\n"
1372 "check_shell=no\n"
1373 "log_ftp_protocol=%s\n"
1374 "user_config_dir=%s\n"
1375 "passwd_file=%s\n"
1376 "listen%s=yes\n"
1377 "listen_port=%s\n"
1378 "background=yes\n"
1379 "isolate=no\n"
1380 "max_clients=%d\n"
1381 "max_per_ip=%d\n"
1382 "max_login_fails=1\n"
1383 "idle_session_timeout=%s\n"
1384 "use_sendfile=no\n"
1385 "anon_max_rate=%d\n"
1386 "local_max_rate=%d\n"
1387 "%s\n",
1388 nvram_get_int("log_ftp") ? "yes" : "no",
1389 vsftpd_users, vsftpd_passwd,
1390 #ifdef TCONFIG_IPV6
1391 ipv6_enabled() ? "_ipv6" : "",
1392 #else
1394 #endif
1395 nvram_get("ftp_port") ? : "21",
1396 nvram_get_int("ftp_max"),
1397 nvram_get_int("ftp_ipmax"),
1398 nvram_get("ftp_staytimeout") ? : "300",
1399 nvram_get_int("ftp_anonrate") * 1024,
1400 nvram_get_int("ftp_rate") * 1024,
1401 nvram_safe_get("ftp_custom"));
1403 fclose(fp);
1405 /* prepare passwd file and default users */
1406 if ((fp = fopen(vsftpd_passwd, "w")) == NULL)
1407 return;
1409 if (((user = nvram_get("http_username")) == NULL) || (*user == 0)) user = "admin";
1410 if (((pass = nvram_get("http_passwd")) == NULL) || (*pass == 0)) pass = "admin";
1412 fprintf(fp, /* anonymous, admin, nobody */
1413 "ftp:x:0:0:ftp:%s:/sbin/nologin\n"
1414 "%s:%s:0:0:root:/:/sbin/nologin\n"
1415 "nobody:x:65534:65534:nobody:%s/:/sbin/nologin\n",
1416 nvram_storage_path("ftp_anonroot"), user,
1417 nvram_get_int("ftp_super") ? crypt(pass, "$1$") : "x",
1420 if ((buf = strdup(nvram_safe_get("ftp_users"))) != NULL)
1423 username<password<rights
1424 rights:
1425 Read/Write
1426 Read Only
1427 View Only
1428 Private
1430 p = buf;
1431 while ((q = strsep(&p, ">")) != NULL) {
1432 if (vstrsep(q, "<", &user, &pass, &rights) != 3) continue;
1433 if (!user || !pass) continue;
1435 /* directory */
1436 if (strncmp(rights, "Private", 7) == 0)
1438 sprintf(tmp, "%s/%s", nvram_storage_path("ftp_pvtroot"), user);
1439 mkdir_if_none(tmp);
1441 else
1442 sprintf(tmp, "%s", nvram_storage_path("ftp_pubroot"));
1444 fprintf(fp, "%s:%s:0:0:%s:%s:/sbin/nologin\n",
1445 user, crypt(pass, "$1$"), user, tmp);
1447 /* rights */
1448 sprintf(tmp, "%s/%s", vsftpd_users, user);
1449 if ((f = fopen(tmp, "w")))
1451 tmp[0] = 0;
1452 if (nvram_invmatch("ftp_dirlist", "1"))
1453 strcat(tmp, "dirlist_enable=yes\n");
1454 if (strstr(rights, "Read") || !strcmp(rights, "Private"))
1455 strcat(tmp, "download_enable=yes\n");
1456 if (strstr(rights, "Write") || !strncmp(rights, "Private", 7))
1457 strcat(tmp, "write_enable=yes\n");
1459 fputs(tmp, f);
1460 fclose(f);
1463 free(buf);
1466 fclose(fp);
1467 killall("vsftpd", SIGHUP);
1469 /* start vsftpd if it's not already running */
1470 if (pidof("vsftpd") <= 0)
1471 xstart("vsftpd");
1474 static void stop_ftpd(void)
1476 if (getpid() != 1) {
1477 stop_service("ftpd");
1478 return;
1481 killall_tk("vsftpd");
1482 unlink(vsftpd_passwd);
1483 unlink(vsftpd_conf);
1484 eval("rm", "-rf", vsftpd_users);
1486 #endif // TCONFIG_FTP
1488 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1490 // !!TB - Samba
1493 static void kill_samba(int sig)
1495 if (sig == SIGTERM) {
1496 killall_tk("smbd");
1497 killall_tk("nmbd");
1499 else {
1500 killall("smbd", sig);
1501 killall("nmbd", sig);
1505 static void start_samba(void)
1507 FILE *fp;
1508 DIR *dir = NULL;
1509 struct dirent *dp;
1510 char nlsmod[15];
1511 int mode;
1512 char *nv;
1514 if (getpid() != 1) {
1515 start_service("smbd");
1516 return;
1519 mode = nvram_get_int("smbd_enable");
1520 if (!mode || !nvram_invmatch("lan_hostname", ""))
1521 return;
1523 if ((fp = fopen("/etc/smb.conf", "w")) == NULL)
1524 return;
1526 fprintf(fp, "[global]\n"
1527 " interfaces = %s\n"
1528 " bind interfaces only = yes\n"
1529 " workgroup = %s\n"
1530 " netbios name = %s\n"
1531 " server string = %s\n"
1532 " guest account = nobody\n"
1533 " security = user\n"
1534 " %s\n"
1535 " guest ok = %s\n"
1536 " guest only = no\n"
1537 " browseable = yes\n"
1538 " syslog only = yes\n"
1539 " timestamp logs = no\n"
1540 " syslog = 1\n"
1541 " encrypt passwords = yes\n"
1542 " preserve case = yes\n"
1543 " short preserve case = yes\n",
1544 nvram_safe_get("lan_ifname"),
1545 nvram_get("smbd_wgroup") ? : "WORKGROUP",
1546 nvram_safe_get("lan_hostname"),
1547 nvram_get("router_name") ? : "Tomato",
1548 mode == 2 ? "" : "map to guest = Bad User",
1549 mode == 2 ? "no" : "yes" // guest ok
1552 if (nvram_get_int("smbd_wins")) {
1553 nv = nvram_safe_get("wan_wins");
1554 if ((*nv == 0) || (strcmp(nv, "") == 0)) {
1555 fprintf(fp, " wins support = yes\n");
1559 if (nvram_get_int("smbd_master")) {
1560 fprintf(fp,
1561 " domain master = yes\n"
1562 " local master = yes\n"
1563 " preferred master = yes\n"
1564 " os level = 65\n");
1567 nv = nvram_safe_get("smbd_cpage");
1568 if (*nv) {
1569 #ifndef TCONFIG_SAMBA3
1570 fprintf(fp, " client code page = %s\n", nv);
1571 #endif
1572 sprintf(nlsmod, "nls_cp%s", nv);
1574 nv = nvram_safe_get("smbd_nlsmod");
1575 if ((*nv) && (strcmp(nv, nlsmod) != 0))
1576 modprobe_r(nv);
1578 modprobe(nlsmod);
1579 nvram_set("smbd_nlsmod", nlsmod);
1582 #ifndef TCONFIG_SAMBA3
1583 if (nvram_match("smbd_cset", "utf8"))
1584 fprintf(fp, " coding system = utf8\n");
1585 else if (nvram_invmatch("smbd_cset", ""))
1586 fprintf(fp, " character set = %s\n", nvram_safe_get("smbd_cset"));
1587 #endif
1589 nv = nvram_safe_get("smbd_custom");
1590 /* add socket options unless overriden by the user */
1591 if (strstr(nv, "socket options") == NULL) {
1592 fprintf(fp, " socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_KEEPALIVE IPTOS_LOWDELAY SO_RCVBUF=65536 SO_SNDBUF=65536\n");
1594 fprintf(fp, "%s\n\n", nv);
1596 /* configure shares */
1598 char *buf;
1599 char *p, *q;
1600 char *name, *path, *comment, *writeable, *hidden;
1601 int cnt = 0;
1603 if ((buf = strdup(nvram_safe_get("smbd_shares"))) != NULL)
1605 /* sharename<path<comment<writeable[0|1]<hidden[0|1] */
1607 p = buf;
1608 while ((q = strsep(&p, ">")) != NULL) {
1609 if (vstrsep(q, "<", &name, &path, &comment, &writeable, &hidden) != 5) continue;
1610 if (!path || !name) continue;
1612 /* share name */
1613 fprintf(fp, "\n[%s]\n", name);
1615 /* path */
1616 fprintf(fp, " path = %s\n", path);
1618 /* access level */
1619 if (!strcmp(writeable, "1"))
1620 fprintf(fp, " writable = yes\n delete readonly = yes\n force user = root\n");
1621 if (!strcmp(hidden, "1"))
1622 fprintf(fp, " browseable = no\n");
1624 /* comment */
1625 if (comment)
1626 fprintf(fp, " comment = %s\n", comment);
1628 cnt++;
1630 free(buf);
1633 /* Share every mountpoint below MOUNT_ROOT */
1634 if (nvram_get_int("smbd_autoshare") && (dir = opendir(MOUNT_ROOT))) {
1635 while ((dp = readdir(dir))) {
1636 if (strcmp(dp->d_name, ".") && strcmp(dp->d_name, "..")) {
1638 /* Only if is a directory and is mounted */
1639 if (!dir_is_mountpoint(MOUNT_ROOT, dp->d_name))
1640 continue;
1642 /* smbd_autoshare: 0 - disable, 1 - read-only, 2 - writable, 3 - hidden writable */
1643 fprintf(fp, "\n[%s]\n path = %s/%s\n comment = %s\n",
1644 dp->d_name, MOUNT_ROOT, dp->d_name, dp->d_name);
1645 if (nvram_match("smbd_autoshare", "3")) // Hidden
1646 fprintf(fp, "\n[%s$]\n path = %s/%s\n browseable = no\n",
1647 dp->d_name, MOUNT_ROOT, dp->d_name);
1648 if (nvram_match("smbd_autoshare", "2") || nvram_match("smbd_autoshare", "3")) // RW
1649 fprintf(fp, " writable = yes\n delete readonly = yes\n force user = root\n");
1651 cnt++;
1655 if (dir) closedir(dir);
1657 if (cnt == 0) {
1658 /* by default share MOUNT_ROOT as read-only */
1659 fprintf(fp, "\n[share]\n"
1660 " path = %s\n"
1661 " writable = no\n",
1665 fclose(fp);
1667 mkdir_if_none("/var/run/samba");
1668 mkdir_if_none("/etc/samba");
1670 /* write smbpasswd */
1671 #ifdef TCONFIG_SAMBA3
1672 eval("smbpasswd", "nobody", "\"\"");
1673 #else
1674 eval("smbpasswd", "-a", "nobody", "\"\"");
1675 #endif
1676 if (mode == 2) {
1677 char *smbd_user;
1678 if (((smbd_user = nvram_get("smbd_user")) == NULL) || (*smbd_user == 0) || !strcmp(smbd_user, "root"))
1679 smbd_user = "nas";
1680 #ifdef TCONFIG_SAMBA3
1681 eval("smbpasswd", smbd_user, nvram_safe_get("smbd_passwd"));
1682 #else
1683 eval("smbpasswd", "-a", smbd_user, nvram_safe_get("smbd_passwd"));
1684 #endif
1687 kill_samba(SIGHUP);
1688 int ret1 = 0, ret2 = 0;
1689 /* start samba if it's not already running */
1690 if (pidof("nmbd") <= 0)
1691 ret1 = xstart("nmbd", "-D");
1692 if (pidof("smbd") <= 0)
1693 ret2 = xstart("smbd", "-D");
1695 if (ret1 || ret2) kill_samba(SIGTERM);
1698 static void stop_samba(void)
1700 if (getpid() != 1) {
1701 stop_service("smbd");
1702 return;
1705 kill_samba(SIGTERM);
1706 /* clean up */
1707 unlink("/var/log/smb");
1708 unlink("/var/log/nmb");
1709 eval("rm", "-rf", "/var/run/samba");
1711 #endif // TCONFIG_SAMBASRV
1714 #define MEDIA_SERVER_APP "minidlna"
1716 static void start_media_server(void)
1718 FILE *f;
1719 int port, pid, https;
1720 char *dbdir;
1721 char *argv[] = { MEDIA_SERVER_APP, "-f", "/etc/"MEDIA_SERVER_APP".conf", "-R", NULL };
1722 static int once = 1;
1724 if (getpid() != 1) {
1725 start_service("media");
1726 return;
1729 if (nvram_get_int("ms_sas") == 0)
1730 once = 0;
1732 if (nvram_get_int("ms_enable") != 0) {
1733 if ((!once) && (nvram_get_int("ms_rescan") == 0)) {
1734 // no forced rescan
1735 argv[3] = NULL;
1737 nvram_unset("ms_rescan");
1739 if (f_exists("/etc/"MEDIA_SERVER_APP".alt")) {
1740 argv[2] = "/etc/"MEDIA_SERVER_APP".alt";
1742 else {
1743 if ((f = fopen(argv[2], "w")) != NULL) {
1744 port = nvram_get_int("ms_port");
1745 https = nvram_get_int("https_enable");
1746 dbdir = nvram_safe_get("ms_dbdir");
1747 if (!(*dbdir)) dbdir = NULL;
1748 mkdir_if_none(dbdir ? : "/var/run/"MEDIA_SERVER_APP);
1750 fprintf(f,
1751 "network_interface=%s\n"
1752 "port=%d\n"
1753 "friendly_name=%s\n"
1754 "db_dir=%s/.db\n"
1755 "enable_tivo=%s\n"
1756 "strict_dlna=%s\n"
1757 "presentation_url=http%s://%s:%s/nas-media.asp\n"
1758 "inotify=yes\n"
1759 "notify_interval=600\n"
1760 "album_art_names=Cover.jpg/cover.jpg/AlbumArtSmall.jpg/albumartsmall.jpg/AlbumArt.jpg/albumart.jpg/Album.jpg/album.jpg/Folder.jpg/folder.jpg/Thumb.jpg/thumb.jpg\n"
1761 "\n",
1762 nvram_safe_get("lan_ifname"),
1763 (port < 0) || (port >= 0xffff) ? 0 : port,
1764 nvram_get("router_name") ? : "Tomato",
1765 dbdir ? : "/var/run/"MEDIA_SERVER_APP,
1766 nvram_get_int("ms_tivo") ? "yes" : "no",
1767 nvram_get_int("ms_stdlna") ? "yes" : "no",
1768 https ? "s" : "", nvram_safe_get("lan_ipaddr"), nvram_safe_get(https ? "https_lanport" : "http_lanport")
1771 // media directories
1772 char *buf, *p, *q;
1773 char *path, *restrict;
1775 if ((buf = strdup(nvram_safe_get("ms_dirs"))) != NULL) {
1776 /* path<restrict[A|V|P|] */
1778 p = buf;
1779 while ((q = strsep(&p, ">")) != NULL) {
1780 if (vstrsep(q, "<", &path, &restrict) < 1 || !path || !(*path))
1781 continue;
1782 fprintf(f, "media_dir=%s%s%s\n",
1783 restrict ? : "", (restrict && *restrict) ? "," : "", path);
1785 free(buf);
1788 fclose(f);
1792 /* start media server if it's not already running */
1793 if (pidof(MEDIA_SERVER_APP) <= 0) {
1794 if ((_eval(argv, NULL, 0, &pid) == 0) && (once)) {
1795 /* If we started the media server successfully, wait 1 sec
1796 * to let it die if it can't open the database file.
1797 * If it's still alive after that, assume it's running and
1798 * disable forced once-after-reboot rescan.
1800 sleep(1);
1801 if (pidof(MEDIA_SERVER_APP) > 0)
1802 once = 0;
1808 static void stop_media_server(void)
1810 if (getpid() != 1) {
1811 stop_service("media");
1812 return;
1815 killall_tk(MEDIA_SERVER_APP);
1819 #ifdef TCONFIG_USB
1820 static void start_nas_services(void)
1822 if (getpid() != 1) {
1823 start_service("usbapps");
1824 return;
1828 start_samba();
1829 #endif
1830 #ifdef TCONFIG_FTP
1831 start_ftpd();
1832 #endif
1834 start_media_server();
1835 #endif
1838 static void stop_nas_services(void)
1840 if (getpid() != 1) {
1841 stop_service("usbapps");
1842 return;
1846 stop_media_server();
1847 #endif
1848 #ifdef TCONFIG_FTP
1849 stop_ftpd();
1850 #endif
1852 stop_samba();
1853 #endif
1856 void restart_nas_services(int stop, int start)
1858 int fd = file_lock("usb");
1859 /* restart all NAS applications */
1860 if (stop)
1861 stop_nas_services();
1862 if (start)
1863 start_nas_services();
1864 file_unlock(fd);
1866 #endif // TCONFIG_USB
1868 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1870 /* -1 = Don't check for this program, it is not expected to be running.
1871 * Other = This program has been started and should be kept running. If no
1872 * process with the name is running, call func to restart it.
1873 * Note: At startup, dnsmasq forks a short-lived child which forks a
1874 * long-lived (grand)child. The parents terminate.
1875 * Many daemons use this technique.
1877 static void _check(pid_t pid, const char *name, void (*func)(void))
1879 if (pid == -1) return;
1881 if (pidof(name) > 0) return;
1883 syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "%s terminated unexpectedly, restarting.\n", name);
1884 func();
1886 // Force recheck in 500 msec
1887 setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &pop_tv, NULL);
1890 void check_services(void)
1892 TRACE_PT("keep alive\n");
1894 // Periodically reap any zombies
1895 setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &zombie_tv, NULL);
1897 #ifdef LINUX26
1898 _check(pid_hotplug2, "hotplug2", start_hotplug2);
1899 #endif
1900 _check(pid_dnsmasq, "dnsmasq", start_dnsmasq);
1901 _check(pid_crond, "crond", start_cron);
1902 _check(pid_igmp, "igmpproxy", start_igmp_proxy);
1903 #ifdef TCONFIG_IPV6
1904 _check(pid_radvd, "radvd", start_radvd);
1905 #endif
1907 //#ifdef TCONFIG_NOCAT
1908 // if (nvram_get_int("NC_enable"))
1909 // _check(&pid_splashd, "splashd", start_splashd);
1910 //#endif
1914 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1916 void start_services(void)
1918 static int once = 1;
1920 if (once) {
1921 once = 0;
1923 if (nvram_get_int("telnetd_eas")) start_telnetd();
1924 if (nvram_get_int("sshd_eas")) start_sshd();
1927 // start_syslog();
1928 start_nas();
1929 start_zebra();
1930 start_dnsmasq();
1931 start_cifs();
1932 start_httpd();
1933 start_cron();
1934 // start_upnp();
1935 start_rstats(0);
1936 start_sched();
1937 #ifdef TCONFIG_IPV6
1938 /* note: starting radvd here might be too early in case of
1939 * DHCPv6 or 6to4 because we won't have received a prefix and
1940 * so it will disable advertisements. To restart them, we have
1941 * to send radvd a SIGHUP, or restart it.
1943 start_radvd();
1944 #endif
1945 restart_nas_services(1, 1); // !!TB - Samba, FTP and Media Server
1947 #ifdef TCONFIG_SNMP
1948 start_snmp();
1949 #endif
1951 #ifdef TCONFIG_BT
1952 start_bittorrent();
1953 #endif
1955 #ifdef TCONFIG_NFS
1956 start_nfs();
1957 #endif
1960 void stop_services(void)
1962 clear_resolv();
1964 #ifdef TCONFIG_BT
1965 stop_bittorrent();
1966 #endif
1968 #ifdef TCONFIG_SNMP
1969 stop_snmp();
1970 #endif
1972 #ifdef TCONFIG_NFS
1973 stop_nfs();
1974 #endif
1975 restart_nas_services(1, 0); // stop Samba, FTP and Media Server
1976 #ifdef TCONFIG_IPV6
1977 stop_radvd();
1978 #endif
1979 stop_sched();
1980 stop_rstats();
1981 // stop_upnp();
1982 stop_cron();
1983 stop_httpd();
1984 stop_cifs();
1985 stop_dnsmasq();
1986 stop_zebra();
1987 stop_nas();
1988 // stop_syslog();
1991 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1993 /* nvram "action_service" is: "service-action[-modifier]"
1994 * action is something like "stop" or "start" or "restart"
1995 * optional modifier is "c" for the "service" command-line command
1997 void exec_service(void)
1999 const int A_START = 1;
2000 const int A_STOP = 2;
2001 const int A_RESTART = 1|2;
2002 char buffer[128];
2003 char *service;
2004 char *act;
2005 char *next;
2006 char *modifier;
2007 int action, user;
2008 int i;
2010 strlcpy(buffer, nvram_safe_get("action_service"), sizeof(buffer));
2011 next = buffer;
2013 TOP:
2014 act = strsep(&next, ",");
2015 service = strsep(&act, "-");
2016 if (act == NULL) {
2017 next = NULL;
2018 goto CLEAR;
2020 modifier = act;
2021 strsep(&modifier, "-");
2023 TRACE_PT("service=%s action=%s modifier=%s\n", service, act, modifier ? : "");
2025 if (strcmp(act, "start") == 0) action = A_START;
2026 else if (strcmp(act, "stop") == 0) action = A_STOP;
2027 else if (strcmp(act, "restart") == 0) action = A_RESTART;
2028 else action = 0;
2029 user = (modifier != NULL && *modifier == 'c');
2031 if (strcmp(service, "dhcpc") == 0) {
2032 if (action & A_STOP) stop_dhcpc();
2033 if (action & A_START) start_dhcpc();
2034 goto CLEAR;
2037 if ((strcmp(service, "dhcpd") == 0) || (strcmp(service, "dns") == 0) || (strcmp(service, "dnsmasq") == 0)) {
2038 if (action & A_STOP) stop_dnsmasq();
2039 if (action & A_START) {
2040 dns_to_resolv();
2041 start_dnsmasq();
2043 goto CLEAR;
2046 if (strcmp(service, "firewall") == 0) {
2047 if (action & A_STOP) {
2048 stop_firewall();
2049 stop_igmp_proxy();
2051 if (action & A_START) {
2052 start_firewall();
2053 start_igmp_proxy();
2055 goto CLEAR;
2058 if (strcmp(service, "restrict") == 0) {
2059 if (action & A_STOP) {
2060 stop_firewall();
2062 if (action & A_START) {
2063 i = nvram_get_int("rrules_radio"); // -1 = not used, 0 = enabled by rule, 1 = disabled by rule
2065 start_firewall();
2067 // if radio was disabled by access restriction, but no rule is handling it now, enable it
2068 if (i == 1) {
2069 if (nvram_get_int("rrules_radio") < 0) {
2070 eval("radio", "on");
2074 goto CLEAR;
2077 if (strcmp(service, "qos") == 0) {
2078 if (action & A_STOP) {
2079 stop_qos();
2081 stop_firewall(); start_firewall(); // always restarted
2082 if (action & A_START) {
2083 start_qos();
2084 if (nvram_match("qos_reset", "1")) f_write_string("/proc/net/clear_marks", "1", 0, 0);
2086 goto CLEAR;
2089 if (strcmp(service, "qoslimit") == 0) {
2090 if (action & A_STOP) {
2091 new_qoslimit_stop();
2093 stop_firewall(); start_firewall(); // always restarted
2094 if (action & A_START) {
2095 new_qoslimit_start();
2097 goto CLEAR;
2100 if (strcmp(service, "arpbind") == 0) {
2101 if (action & A_STOP) stop_arpbind();
2102 if (action & A_START) start_arpbind();
2103 goto CLEAR;
2106 if (strcmp(service, "bwclimon") == 0) {
2107 if (action & A_STOP) stop_bwclimon();
2108 if (action & A_START) start_bwclimon();
2109 goto CLEAR;
2112 if (strcmp(service, "upnp") == 0) {
2113 if (action & A_STOP) {
2114 stop_upnp();
2116 stop_firewall(); start_firewall(); // always restarted
2117 if (action & A_START) {
2118 start_upnp();
2120 goto CLEAR;
2123 if (strcmp(service, "telnetd") == 0) {
2124 if (action & A_STOP) stop_telnetd();
2125 if (action & A_START) start_telnetd();
2126 goto CLEAR;
2129 if (strcmp(service, "sshd") == 0) {
2130 if (action & A_STOP) stop_sshd();
2131 if (action & A_START) start_sshd();
2132 goto CLEAR;
2135 if (strcmp(service, "httpd") == 0) {
2136 if (action & A_STOP) stop_httpd();
2137 if (action & A_START) start_httpd();
2138 goto CLEAR;
2141 #ifdef TCONFIG_IPV6
2142 if (strcmp(service, "ipv6") == 0) {
2143 if (action & A_STOP) {
2144 stop_radvd();
2145 stop_ipv6();
2147 if (action & A_START) {
2148 start_ipv6();
2149 start_radvd();
2151 goto CLEAR;
2154 if (strcmp(service, "radvd") == 0) {
2155 if (action & A_STOP) {
2156 stop_radvd();
2158 if (action & A_START) {
2159 start_radvd();
2161 goto CLEAR;
2164 if (strncmp(service, "dhcp6", 5) == 0) {
2165 if (action & A_STOP) {
2166 stop_dhcp6c();
2168 if (action & A_START) {
2169 start_dhcp6c();
2171 goto CLEAR;
2173 #endif
2175 if (strcmp(service, "admin") == 0) {
2176 if (action & A_STOP) {
2177 stop_sshd();
2178 stop_telnetd();
2179 stop_httpd();
2181 stop_firewall(); start_firewall(); // always restarted
2182 if (action & A_START) {
2183 start_httpd();
2184 create_passwd();
2185 if (nvram_match("telnetd_eas", "1")) start_telnetd();
2186 if (nvram_match("sshd_eas", "1")) start_sshd();
2188 goto CLEAR;
2191 if (strcmp(service, "ddns") == 0) {
2192 if (action & A_STOP) stop_ddns();
2193 if (action & A_START) start_ddns();
2194 goto CLEAR;
2197 if (strcmp(service, "ntpc") == 0) {
2198 if (action & A_STOP) stop_ntpc();
2199 if (action & A_START) start_ntpc();
2200 goto CLEAR;
2203 if (strcmp(service, "logging") == 0) {
2204 if (action & A_STOP) {
2205 stop_syslog();
2207 if (action & A_START) {
2208 start_syslog();
2210 if (!user) {
2211 // always restarted except from "service" command
2212 stop_cron(); start_cron();
2213 stop_firewall(); start_firewall();
2215 goto CLEAR;
2218 if (strcmp(service, "crond") == 0) {
2219 if (action & A_STOP) {
2220 stop_cron();
2222 if (action & A_START) {
2223 start_cron();
2225 goto CLEAR;
2228 #ifdef LINUX26
2229 if (strncmp(service, "hotplug", 7) == 0) {
2230 if (action & A_STOP) {
2231 stop_hotplug2();
2233 if (action & A_START) {
2234 start_hotplug2(1);
2236 goto CLEAR;
2238 #endif
2240 if (strcmp(service, "upgrade") == 0) {
2241 if (action & A_START) {
2242 #if TOMATO_SL
2243 stop_usbevent();
2244 stop_smbd();
2245 #endif
2246 restart_nas_services(1, 0); // stop Samba, FTP and Media Server
2247 stop_jffs2();
2248 // stop_cifs();
2249 stop_zebra();
2250 stop_cron();
2251 stop_ntpc();
2252 stop_upnp();
2253 // stop_dhcpc();
2254 killall("rstats", SIGTERM);
2255 killall("buttons", SIGTERM);
2256 stop_syslog();
2257 remove_storage_main(1); // !!TB - USB Support
2258 stop_usb(); // !!TB - USB Support
2260 goto CLEAR;
2263 #ifdef TCONFIG_CIFS
2264 if (strcmp(service, "cifs") == 0) {
2265 if (action & A_STOP) stop_cifs();
2266 if (action & A_START) start_cifs();
2267 goto CLEAR;
2269 #endif
2271 #ifdef TCONFIG_JFFS2
2272 if (strncmp(service, "jffs", 4) == 0) {
2273 if (action & A_STOP) stop_jffs2();
2274 if (action & A_START) start_jffs2();
2275 goto CLEAR;
2277 #endif
2279 if (strcmp(service, "zebra") == 0) {
2280 if (action & A_STOP) stop_zebra();
2281 if (action & A_START) start_zebra();
2282 goto CLEAR;
2285 if (strcmp(service, "routing") == 0) {
2286 if (action & A_STOP) {
2287 stop_zebra();
2288 do_static_routes(0); // remove old '_saved'
2289 eval("brctl", "stp", nvram_safe_get("lan_ifname"), "0");
2290 if(strcmp(nvram_safe_get("lan1_ifname"),"")!=0)
2291 eval("brctl", "stp", nvram_safe_get("lan1_ifname"), "0");
2292 if(strcmp(nvram_safe_get("lan2_ifname"),"")!=0)
2293 eval("brctl", "stp", nvram_safe_get("lan2_ifname"), "0");
2294 if(strcmp(nvram_safe_get("lan3_ifname"),"")!=0)
2295 eval("brctl", "stp", nvram_safe_get("lan3_ifname"), "0");
2297 stop_firewall();
2298 start_firewall();
2299 if (action & A_START) {
2300 do_static_routes(1); // add new
2301 start_zebra();
2302 eval("brctl", "stp", nvram_safe_get("lan_ifname"), nvram_safe_get("lan_stp"));
2303 if(strcmp(nvram_safe_get("lan1_ifname"),"")!=0)
2304 eval("brctl", "stp", nvram_safe_get("lan1_ifname"), nvram_safe_get("lan1_stp"));
2305 if(strcmp(nvram_safe_get("lan2_ifname"),"")!=0)
2306 eval("brctl", "stp", nvram_safe_get("lan2_ifname"), nvram_safe_get("lan2_stp"));
2307 if(strcmp(nvram_safe_get("lan3_ifname"),"")!=0)
2308 eval("brctl", "stp", nvram_safe_get("lan3_ifname"), nvram_safe_get("lan3_stp"));
2310 goto CLEAR;
2313 if (strcmp(service, "ctnf") == 0) {
2314 if (action & A_START) {
2315 setup_conntrack();
2316 stop_firewall();
2317 start_firewall();
2319 goto CLEAR;
2322 if (strcmp(service, "wan") == 0) {
2323 if (action & A_STOP) {
2324 stop_wan();
2327 if (action & A_START) {
2328 rename("/tmp/ppp/log", "/tmp/ppp/log.~");
2329 start_wan(BOOT);
2330 sleep(2);
2331 force_to_dial();
2333 goto CLEAR;
2336 if (strcmp(service, "net") == 0) {
2337 if (action & A_STOP) {
2338 #ifdef TCONFIG_USB
2339 stop_nas_services();
2340 #endif
2341 #ifdef TCONFIG_IPV6
2342 stop_radvd();
2343 #endif
2344 stop_httpd();
2345 stop_dnsmasq();
2346 stop_nas();
2347 stop_wan();
2348 stop_arpbind();
2349 stop_lan();
2350 stop_vlan();
2352 if (action & A_START) {
2353 start_vlan();
2354 start_lan();
2355 start_arpbind();
2356 start_wan(BOOT);
2357 start_nas();
2358 start_dnsmasq();
2359 start_httpd();
2360 #ifdef TCONFIG_IPV6
2361 start_radvd();
2362 #endif
2363 start_wl();
2364 #ifdef TCONFIG_USB
2365 start_nas_services();
2366 #endif
2368 goto CLEAR;
2371 if (strcmp(service, "nas") == 0) {
2372 if (action & A_STOP) {
2373 stop_nas();
2375 if (action & A_START) {
2376 start_nas();
2377 start_wl();
2379 goto CLEAR;
2382 if (strcmp(service, "rstats") == 0) {
2383 if (action & A_STOP) stop_rstats();
2384 if (action & A_START) start_rstats(0);
2385 goto CLEAR;
2388 if (strcmp(service, "rstatsnew") == 0) {
2389 if (action & A_STOP) stop_rstats();
2390 if (action & A_START) start_rstats(1);
2391 goto CLEAR;
2394 if (strcmp(service, "sched") == 0) {
2395 if (action & A_STOP) stop_sched();
2396 if (action & A_START) start_sched();
2397 goto CLEAR;
2400 #ifdef TCONFIG_BT
2401 if (strcmp(service, "bittorrent") == 0) {
2402 if (action & A_STOP) {
2403 stop_bittorrent();
2405 stop_firewall(); start_firewall(); // always restarted
2406 if (action & A_START) {
2407 start_bittorrent();
2409 goto CLEAR;
2411 #endif
2413 #ifdef TCONFIG_NFS
2414 if (strcmp(service, "nfs") == 0) {
2415 if (action & A_STOP) stop_nfs();
2416 if (action & A_START) start_nfs();
2417 goto CLEAR;
2419 #endif
2421 #ifdef TCONFIG_SNMP
2422 if (strcmp(service, "snmp") == 0) {
2423 if (action & A_STOP) stop_snmp();
2424 if (action & A_START) start_snmp();
2425 goto CLEAR;
2427 #endif
2429 #ifdef TCONFIG_USB
2430 // !!TB - USB Support
2431 if (strcmp(service, "usb") == 0) {
2432 if (action & A_STOP) stop_usb();
2433 if (action & A_START) {
2434 start_usb();
2435 // restart Samba and ftp since they may be killed by stop_usb()
2436 restart_nas_services(0, 1);
2437 // remount all partitions by simulating hotplug event
2438 add_remove_usbhost("-1", 1);
2440 goto CLEAR;
2443 if (strcmp(service, "usbapps") == 0) {
2444 if (action & A_STOP) stop_nas_services();
2445 if (action & A_START) start_nas_services();
2446 goto CLEAR;
2448 #endif
2450 #ifdef TCONFIG_FTP
2451 // !!TB - FTP Server
2452 if (strcmp(service, "ftpd") == 0) {
2453 if (action & A_STOP) stop_ftpd();
2454 setup_conntrack();
2455 stop_firewall();
2456 start_firewall();
2457 if (action & A_START) start_ftpd();
2458 goto CLEAR;
2460 #endif
2463 if (strcmp(service, "media") == 0 || strcmp(service, "dlna") == 0) {
2464 if (action & A_STOP) stop_media_server();
2465 if (action & A_START) start_media_server();
2466 goto CLEAR;
2468 #endif
2471 // !!TB - Samba
2472 if (strcmp(service, "samba") == 0 || strcmp(service, "smbd") == 0) {
2473 if (action & A_STOP) stop_samba();
2474 if (action & A_START) {
2475 create_passwd();
2476 stop_dnsmasq();
2477 start_dnsmasq();
2478 start_samba();
2480 goto CLEAR;
2482 #endif
2485 if (strncmp(service, "vpnclient", 9) == 0) {
2486 if (action & A_STOP) stop_vpnclient(atoi(&service[9]));
2487 if (action & A_START) start_vpnclient(atoi(&service[9]));
2488 goto CLEAR;
2491 if (strncmp(service, "vpnserver", 9) == 0) {
2492 if (action & A_STOP) stop_vpnserver(atoi(&service[9]));
2493 if (action & A_START) start_vpnserver(atoi(&service[9]));
2494 goto CLEAR;
2496 #endif
2498 #ifdef TCONFIG_NOCAT
2499 if (strcmp(service, "splashd") == 0) {
2500 if (action & A_STOP) stop_splashd();
2501 if (action & A_START) start_splashd();
2502 goto CLEAR;
2504 #endif
2506 CLEAR:
2507 if (next) goto TOP;
2509 // some functions check action_service and must be cleared at end -- zzz
2510 nvram_set("action_service", "");
2512 // Force recheck in 500 msec
2513 setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &pop_tv, NULL);
2516 static void do_service(const char *name, const char *action, int user)
2518 int n;
2519 char s[64];
2521 n = 150;
2522 while (!nvram_match("action_service", "")) {
2523 if (user) {
2524 putchar('*');
2525 fflush(stdout);
2527 else if (--n < 0) break;
2528 usleep(100 * 1000);
2531 snprintf(s, sizeof(s), "%s-%s%s", name, action, (user ? "-c" : ""));
2532 nvram_set("action_service", s);
2533 kill(1, SIGUSR1);
2535 n = 150;
2536 while (nvram_match("action_service", s)) {
2537 if (user) {
2538 putchar('.');
2539 fflush(stdout);
2541 else if (--n < 0) {
2542 break;
2544 usleep(100 * 1000);
2548 int service_main(int argc, char *argv[])
2550 if (argc != 3) usage_exit(argv[0], "<service> <action>");
2551 do_service(argv[1], argv[2], 1);
2552 printf("\nDone.\n");
2553 return 0;
2556 void start_service(const char *name)
2558 do_service(name, "start", 0);
2561 void stop_service(const char *name)
2563 do_service(name, "stop", 0);
2567 void restart_service(const char *name)
2569 do_service(name, "restart", 0);