Updates to Tomato RAF including NGINX && PHP
[tomato.git] / release / src / router / libpcap / tokdefs.h
1 /* A Bison parser, made by GNU Bison 2.5. */
3 /* Bison interface for Yacc-like parsers in C
5 Copyright (C) 1984, 1989-1990, 2000-2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
7 This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
8 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9 the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
10 (at your option) any later version.
12 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 GNU General Public License for more details.
17 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18 along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */
20 /* As a special exception, you may create a larger work that contains
21 part or all of the Bison parser skeleton and distribute that work
22 under terms of your choice, so long as that work isn't itself a
23 parser generator using the skeleton or a modified version thereof
24 as a parser skeleton. Alternatively, if you modify or redistribute
25 the parser skeleton itself, you may (at your option) remove this
26 special exception, which will cause the skeleton and the resulting
27 Bison output files to be licensed under the GNU General Public
28 License without this special exception.
30 This special exception was added by the Free Software Foundation in
31 version 2.2 of Bison. */
34 /* Tokens. */
35 #ifndef YYTOKENTYPE
36 # define YYTOKENTYPE
37 /* Put the tokens into the symbol table, so that GDB and other debuggers
38 know about them. */
39 enum yytokentype {
40 DST = 258,
41 SRC = 259,
42 HOST = 260,
43 GATEWAY = 261,
44 NET = 262,
45 NETMASK = 263,
46 PORT = 264,
47 PORTRANGE = 265,
48 LESS = 266,
49 GREATER = 267,
50 PROTO = 268,
51 PROTOCHAIN = 269,
52 CBYTE = 270,
53 ARP = 271,
54 RARP = 272,
55 IP = 273,
56 SCTP = 274,
57 TCP = 275,
58 UDP = 276,
59 ICMP = 277,
60 IGMP = 278,
61 IGRP = 279,
62 PIM = 280,
63 VRRP = 281,
64 CARP = 282,
65 ATALK = 283,
66 AARP = 284,
67 DECNET = 285,
68 LAT = 286,
69 SCA = 287,
70 MOPRC = 288,
71 MOPDL = 289,
72 TK_BROADCAST = 290,
73 TK_MULTICAST = 291,
74 NUM = 292,
75 INBOUND = 293,
76 OUTBOUND = 294,
77 PF_IFNAME = 295,
78 PF_RSET = 296,
79 PF_RNR = 297,
80 PF_SRNR = 298,
81 PF_REASON = 299,
82 PF_ACTION = 300,
83 TYPE = 301,
84 SUBTYPE = 302,
85 DIR = 303,
86 ADDR1 = 304,
87 ADDR2 = 305,
88 ADDR3 = 306,
89 ADDR4 = 307,
90 RA = 308,
91 TA = 309,
92 LINK = 310,
93 GEQ = 311,
94 LEQ = 312,
95 NEQ = 313,
96 ID = 314,
97 EID = 315,
98 HID = 316,
99 HID6 = 317,
100 AID = 318,
101 LSH = 319,
102 RSH = 320,
103 LEN = 321,
104 IPV6 = 322,
105 ICMPV6 = 323,
106 AH = 324,
107 ESP = 325,
108 VLAN = 326,
109 MPLS = 327,
110 PPPOED = 328,
111 PPPOES = 329,
112 ISO = 330,
113 ESIS = 331,
114 CLNP = 332,
115 ISIS = 333,
116 L1 = 334,
117 L2 = 335,
118 IIH = 336,
119 LSP = 337,
120 SNP = 338,
121 CSNP = 339,
122 PSNP = 340,
123 STP = 341,
124 IPX = 342,
125 NETBEUI = 343,
126 LANE = 344,
127 LLC = 345,
128 METAC = 346,
129 BCC = 347,
130 SC = 348,
131 ILMIC = 349,
132 OAMF4EC = 350,
133 OAMF4SC = 351,
134 OAM = 352,
135 OAMF4 = 353,
136 CONNECTMSG = 354,
137 METACONNECT = 355,
138 VPI = 356,
139 VCI = 357,
140 RADIO = 358,
141 FISU = 359,
142 LSSU = 360,
143 MSU = 361,
144 SIO = 362,
145 OPC = 363,
146 DPC = 364,
147 SLS = 365,
148 AND = 366,
149 OR = 367,
150 UMINUS = 368
152 #endif
153 /* Tokens. */
154 #define DST 258
155 #define SRC 259
156 #define HOST 260
157 #define GATEWAY 261
158 #define NET 262
159 #define NETMASK 263
160 #define PORT 264
161 #define PORTRANGE 265
162 #define LESS 266
163 #define GREATER 267
164 #define PROTO 268
165 #define PROTOCHAIN 269
166 #define CBYTE 270
167 #define ARP 271
168 #define RARP 272
169 #define IP 273
170 #define SCTP 274
171 #define TCP 275
172 #define UDP 276
173 #define ICMP 277
174 #define IGMP 278
175 #define IGRP 279
176 #define PIM 280
177 #define VRRP 281
178 #define CARP 282
179 #define ATALK 283
180 #define AARP 284
181 #define DECNET 285
182 #define LAT 286
183 #define SCA 287
184 #define MOPRC 288
185 #define MOPDL 289
186 #define TK_BROADCAST 290
187 #define TK_MULTICAST 291
188 #define NUM 292
189 #define INBOUND 293
190 #define OUTBOUND 294
191 #define PF_IFNAME 295
192 #define PF_RSET 296
193 #define PF_RNR 297
194 #define PF_SRNR 298
195 #define PF_REASON 299
196 #define PF_ACTION 300
197 #define TYPE 301
198 #define SUBTYPE 302
199 #define DIR 303
200 #define ADDR1 304
201 #define ADDR2 305
202 #define ADDR3 306
203 #define ADDR4 307
204 #define RA 308
205 #define TA 309
206 #define LINK 310
207 #define GEQ 311
208 #define LEQ 312
209 #define NEQ 313
210 #define ID 314
211 #define EID 315
212 #define HID 316
213 #define HID6 317
214 #define AID 318
215 #define LSH 319
216 #define RSH 320
217 #define LEN 321
218 #define IPV6 322
219 #define ICMPV6 323
220 #define AH 324
221 #define ESP 325
222 #define VLAN 326
223 #define MPLS 327
224 #define PPPOED 328
225 #define PPPOES 329
226 #define ISO 330
227 #define ESIS 331
228 #define CLNP 332
229 #define ISIS 333
230 #define L1 334
231 #define L2 335
232 #define IIH 336
233 #define LSP 337
234 #define SNP 338
235 #define CSNP 339
236 #define PSNP 340
237 #define STP 341
238 #define IPX 342
239 #define NETBEUI 343
240 #define LANE 344
241 #define LLC 345
242 #define METAC 346
243 #define BCC 347
244 #define SC 348
245 #define ILMIC 349
246 #define OAMF4EC 350
247 #define OAMF4SC 351
248 #define OAM 352
249 #define OAMF4 353
250 #define CONNECTMSG 354
251 #define METACONNECT 355
252 #define VPI 356
253 #define VCI 357
254 #define RADIO 358
255 #define FISU 359
256 #define LSSU 360
257 #define MSU 361
258 #define SIO 362
259 #define OPC 363
260 #define DPC 364
261 #define SLS 365
262 #define AND 366
263 #define OR 367
264 #define UMINUS 368
269 #if ! defined YYSTYPE && ! defined YYSTYPE_IS_DECLARED
270 typedef union YYSTYPE
273 /* Line 2068 of yacc.c */
274 #line 242 "grammar.y"
276 int i;
277 bpf_u_int32 h;
278 u_char *e;
279 char *s;
280 struct stmt *stmt;
281 struct arth *a;
282 struct {
283 struct qual q;
284 int atmfieldtype;
285 int mtp3fieldtype;
286 struct block *b;
287 } blk;
288 struct block *rblk;
292 /* Line 2068 of yacc.c */
293 #line 294 "y.tab.h"
294 } YYSTYPE;
295 # define YYSTYPE_IS_TRIVIAL 1
296 # define yystype YYSTYPE /* obsolescent; will be withdrawn */
297 # define YYSTYPE_IS_DECLARED 1
298 #endif
300 extern YYSTYPE pcap_lval;