dnsmasq: re-apply original Tomato specific code
[tomato.git] / release / src-rt-6.x.4708 / router / dnsmasq / contrib / guns / conf / dnsmasq.conf
1 #  _________
2 #  ______  /_________________ __________ ____________ _
3 #  _  __  /  __ \_  ___/  __ `__ \   __ `/  ___/  __ `/
4 #  / /_/ /  / / /(__  )  / / / / // /_/ /(__  )/ /_/ /
5 #  \__,_//_/ /_//____//_/ /_/ /_/ \__,_//____/ \__, /
6 #                                                /_/
7 #  guns <self@sungpae.com>
9 user=dnsmasq
10 group=dnsmasq
12 # Binding rules
13 # listen-address=
14 # listen-address=
15 no-dhcp-interface=lo
16 bind-dynamic                            # Either dynamically bind interfaces (Linux only)
17 # bind-interfaces                         # Or bind them statically
19 # Caching
20 cache-size=65536
21 hosts-cache=/var/cache/dnsmasq/hosts.cache
24 # DNS
27 resolv-file=/etc/dnsmasq/resolv.conf
28 addn-hosts=/etc/dnsmasq/hosts
29 no-poll                                 # Don't poll resolv files
30 domain-needed                           # Don't forward plain names
31 bogus-priv                              # Deny private reverse lookups
32 local-ttl=86400                         # TTL for answers from hosts files and dhcp lease files
33 stop-dns-rebind                         # Reject private answers from upstream servers
34 dns-loop-detect                         # Detect DNS forwarding loops
36 # Domain rules
37 address=/dev/
38 # server=/lan/
39 # rebind-domain-ok=lan
41 # IP sets
42 # ipset=/hostname/setname
44 # Addresses to convert to NXDOMAIN
45 bogus-nxdomain=             # Verisign
46 bogus-nxdomain=            # OpenDNS guide
47 bogus-nxdomain=           # OpenDNS blocked pages
50 # DHCP
53 # dhcp-range  = set:private,,, 12h
54 # dhcp-option = tag:private, option:mtu,   9000