Tomato 1.28
[tomato.git] / release / src / router / dnsmasq / src / log.c
1 /* dnsmasq is Copyright (c) 2000-2010 Simon Kelley
3 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
4 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
5 the Free Software Foundation; version 2 dated June, 1991, or
6 (at your option) version 3 dated 29 June, 2007.
8 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 GNU General Public License for more details.
13 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14 along with this program. If not, see <>.
17 #include "dnsmasq.h"
19 /* Implement logging to /dev/log asynchronously. If syslogd is
20 making DNS lookups through dnsmasq, and dnsmasq blocks awaiting
21 syslogd, then the two daemons can deadlock. We get around this
22 by not blocking when talking to syslog, instead we queue up to
23 MAX_LOGS messages. If more are queued, they will be dropped,
24 and the drop event itself logged. */
26 /* The "wire" protocol for logging is defined in RFC 3164 */
28 /* From RFC 3164 */
29 #define MAX_MESSAGE 1024
31 /* defaults in case we die() before we log_start() */
32 static int log_fac = LOG_DAEMON;
33 static int log_stderr = 0;
34 static int echo_stderr = 0;
35 static int log_fd = -1;
36 static int log_to_file = 0;
37 static int entries_alloced = 0;
38 static int entries_lost = 0;
39 static int connection_good = 1;
40 static int max_logs = 0;
41 static int connection_type = SOCK_DGRAM;
43 struct log_entry {
44 int offset, length;
45 pid_t pid; /* to avoid duplicates over a fork */
46 struct log_entry *next;
47 char payload[MAX_MESSAGE];
50 static struct log_entry *entries = NULL;
51 static struct log_entry *free_entries = NULL;
54 int log_start(struct passwd *ent_pw, int errfd)
56 int ret = 0;
58 echo_stderr = !!(daemon->options & OPT_DEBUG);
60 if (daemon->log_fac != -1)
61 log_fac = daemon->log_fac;
62 #ifdef LOG_LOCAL0
63 else if (daemon->options & OPT_DEBUG)
64 log_fac = LOG_LOCAL0;
65 #endif
67 if (daemon->log_file)
69 log_to_file = 1;
70 daemon->max_logs = 0;
71 if (strcmp(daemon->log_file, "-") == 0)
73 log_stderr = 1;
74 echo_stderr = 0;
75 log_fd = dup(STDERR_FILENO);
79 max_logs = daemon->max_logs;
81 if (!log_reopen(daemon->log_file))
83 send_event(errfd, EVENT_LOG_ERR, errno);
84 _exit(0);
87 /* if queuing is inhibited, make sure we allocate
88 the one required buffer now. */
89 if (max_logs == 0)
91 free_entries = safe_malloc(sizeof(struct log_entry));
92 free_entries->next = NULL;
93 entries_alloced = 1;
96 /* If we're running as root and going to change uid later,
97 change the ownership here so that the file is always owned by
98 the dnsmasq user. Then logrotate can just copy the owner.
99 Failure of the chown call is OK, (for instance when started as non-root) */
100 if (log_to_file && !log_stderr && ent_pw && ent_pw->pw_uid != 0 &&
101 fchown(log_fd, ent_pw->pw_uid, -1) != 0)
102 ret = errno;
104 return ret;
107 int log_reopen(char *log_file)
109 if (!log_stderr)
111 if (log_fd != -1)
112 close(log_fd);
114 /* NOTE: umask is set to 022 by the time this gets called */
116 if (log_file)
117 log_fd = open(log_file, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_APPEND, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR|S_IRGRP);
118 else
121 /* Solaris logging is "different", /dev/log is not unix-domain socket.
122 Just leave log_fd == -1 and use the vsyslog call for everything.... */
123 # define _PATH_LOG "" /* dummy */
124 return 1;
125 #else
126 int flags;
127 log_fd = socket(AF_UNIX, connection_type, 0);
129 /* if max_logs is zero, leave the socket blocking */
130 if (log_fd != -1 && max_logs != 0 && (flags = fcntl(log_fd, F_GETFL)) != -1)
131 fcntl(log_fd, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK);
132 #endif
136 return log_fd != -1;
139 static void free_entry(void)
141 struct log_entry *tmp = entries;
142 entries = tmp->next;
143 tmp->next = free_entries;
144 free_entries = tmp;
147 static void log_write(void)
149 ssize_t rc;
151 while (entries)
153 /* Avoid duplicates over a fork() */
154 if (entries->pid != getpid())
156 free_entry();
157 continue;
160 connection_good = 1;
162 if ((rc = write(log_fd, entries->payload + entries->offset, entries->length)) != -1)
164 entries->length -= rc;
165 entries->offset += rc;
166 if (entries->length == 0)
168 free_entry();
169 if (entries_lost != 0)
171 int e = entries_lost;
172 entries_lost = 0; /* avoid wild recursion */
173 my_syslog(LOG_WARNING, _("overflow: %d log entries lost"), e);
176 continue;
179 if (errno == EINTR)
180 continue;
182 if (errno == EAGAIN)
183 return; /* syslogd busy, go again when select() or poll() says so */
185 if (errno == ENOBUFS)
187 connection_good = 0;
188 return;
191 /* errors handling after this assumes sockets */
192 if (!log_to_file)
194 /* Once a stream socket hits EPIPE, we have to close and re-open
195 (we ignore SIGPIPE) */
196 if (errno == EPIPE)
198 if (log_reopen(NULL))
199 continue;
201 else if (errno == ECONNREFUSED ||
202 errno == ENOTCONN ||
203 errno == EDESTADDRREQ ||
204 errno == ECONNRESET)
206 /* socket went (syslogd down?), try and reconnect. If we fail,
207 stop trying until the next call to my_syslog()
208 ECONNREFUSED -> connection went down
209 ENOTCONN -> nobody listening
210 (ECONNRESET, EDESTADDRREQ are *BSD equivalents) */
212 struct sockaddr_un logaddr;
215 logaddr.sun_len = sizeof(logaddr) - sizeof(logaddr.sun_path) + strlen(_PATH_LOG) + 1;
216 #endif
217 logaddr.sun_family = AF_UNIX;
218 strncpy(logaddr.sun_path, _PATH_LOG, sizeof(logaddr.sun_path));
220 /* Got connection back? try again. */
221 if (connect(log_fd, (struct sockaddr *)&logaddr, sizeof(logaddr)) != -1)
222 continue;
224 /* errors from connect which mean we should keep trying */
225 if (errno == ENOENT ||
226 errno == EALREADY ||
227 errno == ECONNREFUSED ||
228 errno == EISCONN ||
229 errno == EINTR ||
230 errno == EAGAIN)
232 /* try again on next syslog() call */
233 connection_good = 0;
234 return;
237 /* try the other sort of socket... */
238 if (errno == EPROTOTYPE)
240 connection_type = connection_type == SOCK_DGRAM ? SOCK_STREAM : SOCK_DGRAM;
241 if (log_reopen(NULL))
242 continue;
247 /* give up - fall back to syslog() - this handles out-of-space
248 when logging to a file, for instance. */
249 log_fd = -1;
250 my_syslog(LOG_CRIT, _("log failed: %s"), strerror(errno));
251 return;
255 /* priority is one of LOG_DEBUG, LOG_INFO, LOG_NOTICE, etc. See sys/syslog.h.
256 OR'd to priority can be MS_TFTP, MS_DHCP, ... to be able to do log separation between
257 DNS, DHCP and TFTP services.
259 void my_syslog(int priority, const char *format, ...)
261 va_list ap;
262 struct log_entry *entry;
263 time_t time_now;
264 char *p;
265 size_t len;
266 pid_t pid = getpid();
267 char *func = "";
269 if ((LOG_FACMASK & priority) == MS_TFTP)
270 func = "-tftp";
271 else if ((LOG_FACMASK & priority) == MS_DHCP)
272 func = "-dhcp";
274 #ifdef LOG_PRI
275 priority = LOG_PRI(priority);
276 #else
277 /* Solaris doesn't have LOG_PRI */
278 priority &= LOG_PRIMASK;
279 #endif
281 if (echo_stderr)
283 fprintf(stderr, "dnsmasq%s: ", func);
284 va_start(ap, format);
285 vfprintf(stderr, format, ap);
286 va_end(ap);
287 fputc('\n', stderr);
290 if (log_fd == -1)
292 /* fall-back to syslog if we die during startup or fail during running. */
293 static int isopen = 0;
294 if (!isopen)
296 openlog("dnsmasq", LOG_PID, log_fac);
297 isopen = 1;
299 va_start(ap, format);
300 vsyslog(priority, format, ap);
301 va_end(ap);
302 return;
305 if ((entry = free_entries))
306 free_entries = entry->next;
307 else if (entries_alloced < max_logs && (entry = malloc(sizeof(struct log_entry))))
308 entries_alloced++;
310 if (!entry)
311 entries_lost++;
312 else
314 /* add to end of list, consumed from the start */
315 entry->next = NULL;
316 if (!entries)
317 entries = entry;
318 else
320 struct log_entry *tmp;
321 for (tmp = entries; tmp->next; tmp = tmp->next);
322 tmp->next = entry;
325 time(&time_now);
326 p = entry->payload;
327 if (!log_to_file)
328 p += sprintf(p, "<%d>", priority | log_fac);
330 p += sprintf(p, "%.15s dnsmasq%s[%d]: ", ctime(&time_now) + 4, func, (int)pid);
332 len = p - entry->payload;
333 va_start(ap, format);
334 len += vsnprintf(p, MAX_MESSAGE - len, format, ap) + 1; /* include zero-terminator */
335 va_end(ap);
336 entry->length = len > MAX_MESSAGE ? MAX_MESSAGE : len;
337 entry->offset = 0;
338 entry->pid = pid;
340 /* replace terminator with \n */
341 if (log_to_file)
342 entry->payload[entry->length - 1] = '\n';
345 /* almost always, logging won't block, so try and write this now,
346 to save collecting too many log messages during a select loop. */
347 log_write();
349 /* Since we're doing things asynchronously, a cache-dump, for instance,
350 can now generate log lines very fast. With a small buffer (desirable),
351 that means it can overflow the log-buffer very quickly,
352 so that the cache dump becomes mainly a count of how many lines
353 overflowed. To avoid this, we delay here, the delay is controlled
354 by queue-occupancy, and grows exponentially. The delay is limited to (2^8)ms.
355 The scaling stuff ensures that when the queue is bigger than 8, the delay
356 only occurs for the last 8 entries. Once the queue is full, we stop delaying
357 to preserve performance.
360 if (entries && max_logs != 0)
362 int d;
364 for (d = 0,entry = entries; entry; entry = entry->next, d++);
366 if (d == max_logs)
367 d = 0;
368 else if (max_logs > 8)
369 d -= max_logs - 8;
371 if (d > 0)
373 struct timespec waiter;
374 waiter.tv_sec = 0;
375 waiter.tv_nsec = 1000000 << (d - 1); /* 1 ms */
376 nanosleep(&waiter, NULL);
378 /* Have another go now */
379 log_write();
384 void set_log_writer(fd_set *set, int *maxfdp)
386 if (entries && log_fd != -1 && connection_good)
388 FD_SET(log_fd, set);
389 bump_maxfd(log_fd, maxfdp);
393 void check_log_writer(fd_set *set)
395 if (log_fd != -1 && (!set || FD_ISSET(log_fd, set)))
396 log_write();
399 void flush_log(void)
401 /* write until queue empty */
402 while (log_fd != -1)
404 struct timespec waiter;
405 log_write();
406 if (!entries)
408 close(log_fd);
409 break;
411 waiter.tv_sec = 0;
412 waiter.tv_nsec = 1000000; /* 1 ms */
413 nanosleep(&waiter, NULL);
417 void die(char *message, char *arg1, int exit_code)
419 char *errmess = strerror(errno);
421 if (!arg1)
422 arg1 = errmess;
424 if (!log_stderr)
426 echo_stderr = 1; /* print as well as log when we die.... */
427 fputc('\n', stderr); /* prettyfy startup-script message */
429 my_syslog(LOG_CRIT, message, arg1, errmess);
430 echo_stderr = 0;
431 my_syslog(LOG_CRIT, _("FAILED to start up"));
432 flush_log();
434 exit(exit_code);