usbmodeswitch: Updated to v.1.2.6 from shibby's branch.
[tomato.git] / release / src / router / usbmodeswitch / jim / autosetup / cc.tcl
1 # Copyright (c) 2010 WorkWare Systems
2 # All rights reserved
4 # @synopsis:
6 # The 'cc' module supports checking various 'features' of the C or C++
7 # compiler/linker environment. Common commands are cc-check-includes,
8 # cc-check-types, cc-check-functions, cc-with, make-autoconf-h and make-template.
10 # The following environment variables are used if set:
12 ## CC - C compiler
13 ## CXX - C++ compiler
14 ## CCACHE - Set to "none" to disable automatic use of ccache
15 ## CFLAGS - Additional C compiler flags
16 ## CXXFLAGS - Additional C++ compiler flags
17 ## LDFLAGS - Additional compiler flags during linking
18 ## LIBS - Additional libraries to use (for all tests)
19 ## CROSS - Tool prefix for cross compilation
21 # The following variables are defined from the corresponding
22 # environment variables if set.
27 ## LD
29 use system
31 module-options {}
33 # Note that the return code is not meaningful
34 proc cc-check-something {name code} {
35 uplevel 1 $code
38 # Checks for the existence of the given function by linking
40 proc cctest_function {function} {
41 cctest -link 1 -declare "extern void $function\(void);" -code "$function\();"
44 # Checks for the existence of the given type by compiling
45 proc cctest_type {type} {
46 cctest -code "$type _x;"
49 # Checks for the existence of the given type/structure member.
50 # e.g. "struct stat.st_mtime"
51 proc cctest_member {struct_member} {
52 lassign [split $struct_member .] struct member
53 cctest -code "static $struct _s; return sizeof(_s.$member);"
56 # Checks for the existence of the given define by compiling
58 proc cctest_define {name} {
59 cctest -code "#ifndef $name\n#error not defined\n#endif"
62 # Checks for the existence of the given name either as
63 # a macro (#define) or an rvalue (such as an enum)
65 proc cctest_decl {name} {
66 cctest -code "#ifndef $name\n(void)$name;\n#endif"
69 # @cc-check-sizeof type ...
71 # Checks the size of the given types (between 1 and 32, inclusive).
72 # Defines a variable with the size determined, or "unknown" otherwise.
73 # e.g. for type 'long long', defines SIZEOF_LONG_LONG.
74 # Returns the size of the last type.
76 proc cc-check-sizeof {args} {
77 foreach type $args {
78 msg-checking "Checking for sizeof $type..."
79 set size unknown
80 # Try the most common sizes first
81 foreach i {4 8 1 2 16 32} {
82 if {[cctest -code "static int _x\[sizeof($type) == $i ? 1 : -1\] = { 1 };"]} {
83 set size $i
84 break
87 msg-result $size
88 set define [feature-define-name $type SIZEOF_]
89 define $define $size
91 # Return the last result
92 get-define $define
95 # Checks for each feature in $list by using the given script.
97 # When the script is evaluated, $each is set to the feature
98 # being checked, and $extra is set to any additional cctest args.
100 # Returns 1 if all features were found, or 0 otherwise.
101 proc cc-check-some-feature {list script} {
102 set ret 1
103 foreach each $list {
104 if {![check-feature $each $script]} {
105 set ret 0
108 return $ret
111 # @cc-check-includes includes ...
113 # Checks that the given include files can be used
114 proc cc-check-includes {args} {
115 cc-check-some-feature $args {
116 cctest -includes $each
120 # @cc-check-types type ...
122 # Checks that the types exist.
123 proc cc-check-types {args} {
124 cc-check-some-feature $args {
125 cctest_type $each
129 # @cc-check-defines define ...
131 # Checks that the given preprocessor symbol is defined
132 proc cc-check-defines {args} {
133 cc-check-some-feature $args {
134 cctest_define $each
138 # @cc-check-decls name ...
140 # Checks that each given name is either a preprocessor symbol or rvalue
141 # such as an enum. Note that the define used for a decl is HAVE_DECL_xxx
142 # rather than HAVE_xxx
143 proc cc-check-decls {args} {
144 set ret 1
145 foreach name $args {
146 msg-checking "Checking for $name..."
147 set r [cctest_decl $name]
148 define-feature "decl $name" $r
149 if {$r} {
150 msg-result "ok"
151 } else {
152 msg-result "not found"
153 set ret 0
156 return $ret
159 # @cc-check-functions function ...
161 # Checks that the given functions exist (can be linked)
162 proc cc-check-functions {args} {
163 cc-check-some-feature $args {
164 cctest_function $each
168 # @cc-check-members type.member ...
170 # Checks that the given type/structure members exist.
171 # A structure member is of the form "struct stat.st_mtime"
172 proc cc-check-members {args} {
173 cc-check-some-feature $args {
174 cctest_member $each
178 # @cc-check-function-in-lib function libs ?otherlibs?
180 # Checks that the given given function can be found in one of the libs.
182 # First checks for no library required, then checks each of the libraries
183 # in turn.
185 # If the function is found, the feature is defined and lib_$function is defined
186 # to -l$lib where the function was found, or "" if no library required.
187 # In addition, -l$lib is added to the LIBS define.
189 # If additional libraries may be needed for linking, they should be specified
190 # as $extralibs as "-lotherlib1 -lotherlib2".
191 # These libraries are not automatically added to LIBS.
193 # Returns 1 if found or 0 if not.
195 proc cc-check-function-in-lib {function libs {otherlibs {}}} {
196 msg-checking "Checking libs for $function..."
197 set found 0
198 cc-with [list -libs $otherlibs] {
199 if {[cctest_function $function]} {
200 msg-result "none needed"
201 define lib_$function ""
202 incr found
203 } else {
204 foreach lib $libs {
205 cc-with [list -libs -l$lib] {
206 if {[cctest_function $function]} {
207 msg-result -l$lib
208 define lib_$function -l$lib
209 define-append LIBS -l$lib
210 incr found
211 break
217 if {$found} {
218 define [feature-define-name $function]
219 } else {
220 msg-result "no"
222 return $found
225 # @cc-check-tools tool ...
227 # Checks for existence of the given compiler tools, taking
228 # into account any cross compilation prefix.
230 # For example, when checking for "ar", first AR is checked on the command
231 # line and then in the environment. If not found, "${host}-ar" or
232 # simply "ar" is assumed depending upon whether cross compiling.
233 # The path is searched for this executable, and if found AR is defined
234 # to the executable name.
236 # It is an error if the executable is not found.
238 proc cc-check-tools {args} {
239 foreach tool $args {
240 set TOOL [string toupper $tool]
241 set exe [get-env $TOOL [get-define cross]$tool]
242 if {![find-executable $exe]} {
243 user-error "Failed to find $exe"
245 define $TOOL $exe
249 # @cc-check-progs prog ...
251 # Checks for existence of the given executables on the path.
253 # For example, when checking for "grep", the path is searched for
254 # the executable, 'grep', and if found GREP is defined as "grep".
256 # It the executable is not found, the variable is defined as false.
257 # Returns 1 if all programs were found, or 0 otherwise.
259 proc cc-check-progs {args} {
260 set failed 0
261 foreach prog $args {
262 set PROG [string toupper $prog]
263 msg-checking "Checking for $prog..."
264 if {![find-executable $prog]} {
265 msg-result no
266 define $PROG false
267 incr failed
268 } else {
269 msg-result ok
270 define $PROG $prog
273 expr {!$failed}
276 # Adds the given settings to $::autosetup(ccsettings) and
277 # returns the old settings.
279 proc cc-add-settings {settings} {
280 if {[llength $settings] % 2} {
281 autosetup-error "settings list is missing a value: $settings"
284 set prev [cc-get-settings]
285 # workaround a bug in some versions of jimsh by forcing
286 # conversion of $prev to a list
287 llength $prev
289 array set new $prev
291 foreach {name value} $settings {
292 switch -exact -- $name {
293 -cflags - -includes {
294 # These are given as lists
295 lappend new($name) {*}$value
297 -declare {
298 lappend new($name) $value
300 -libs {
301 # Note that new libraries are added before previous libraries
302 set new($name) [list {*}$value {*}$new($name)]
304 -link - -lang {
305 set new($name) $value
307 -source - -sourcefile - -code {
308 # XXX: These probably are only valid directly from cctest
309 set new($name) $value
311 default {
312 autosetup-error "unknown cctest setting: $name"
317 cc-store-settings [array get new]
319 return $prev
322 proc cc-store-settings {new} {
323 set ::autosetup(ccsettings) $new
326 proc cc-get-settings {} {
327 return $::autosetup(ccsettings)
330 # Similar to cc-add-settings, but each given setting
331 # simply replaces the existing value.
333 # Returns the previous settings
334 proc cc-update-settings {args} {
335 set prev [cc-get-settings]
336 cc-store-settings [dict merge $prev $args]
337 return $prev
340 # @cc-with settings ?{ script }?
342 # Sets the given 'cctest' settings and then runs the tests in 'script'.
343 # Note that settings such as -lang replace the current setting, while
344 # those such as -includes are appended to the existing setting.
346 # If no script is given, the settings become the default for the remainder
347 # of the auto.def file.
349 ## cc-with {-lang c++} {
350 ## # This will check with the C++ compiler
351 ## cc-check-types bool
352 ## cc-with {-includes signal.h} {
353 ## # This will check with the C++ compiler, signal.h and any existing includes.
354 ## ...
355 ## }
356 ## # back to just the C++ compiler
357 ## }
359 # The -libs setting is special in that newer values are added *before* earlier ones.
361 ## cc-with {-libs {-lc -lm}} {
362 ## cc-with {-libs -ldl} {
363 ## cctest -libs -lsocket ...
364 ## # libs will be in this order: -lsocket -ldl -lc -lm
365 ## }
366 ## }
367 proc cc-with {settings args} {
368 if {[llength $args] == 0} {
369 cc-add-settings $settings
370 } elseif {[llength $args] > 1} {
371 autosetup-error "usage: cc-with settings ?script?"
372 } else {
373 set save [cc-add-settings $settings]
374 set rc [catch {uplevel 1 [lindex $args 0]} result info]
375 cc-store-settings $save
376 if {$rc != 0} {
377 return $result -code [dict get $info -code]
379 return $result
383 # @cctest ?settings?
385 # Low level C compiler checker. Compiles and or links a small C program
386 # according to the arguments and returns 1 if OK, or 0 if not.
388 # Supported settings are:
390 ## -cflags cflags A list of flags to pass to the compiler
391 ## -includes list A list of includes, e.g. {stdlib.h stdio.h}
392 ## -declare code Code to declare before main()
393 ## -link 1 Don't just compile, link too
394 ## -lang c|c++ Use the C (default) or C++ compiler
395 ## -libs liblist List of libraries to link, e.g. {-ldl -lm}
396 ## -code code Code to compile in the body of main()
397 ## -source code Compile a complete program. Ignore -includes, -declare and -code
398 ## -sourcefile file Shorthand for -source [readfile [get-define srcdir]/$file]
400 # Unless -source or -sourcefile is specified, the C program looks like:
402 ## #include <firstinclude> /* same for remaining includes in the list */
404 ## declare-code /* any code in -declare, verbatim */
406 ## int main(void) {
407 ## code /* any code in -code, verbatim */
408 ## return 0;
409 ## }
411 # Any failures are recorded in 'config.log'
413 proc cctest {args} {
414 set src conftest__.c
415 set tmp conftest__
417 # Easiest way to merge in the settings
418 cc-with $args {
419 array set opts [cc-get-settings]
422 if {[info exists opts(-sourcefile)]} {
423 set opts(-source) [readfile [get-define srcdir]/$opts(-sourcefile) "#error can't find $opts(-sourcefile)"]
425 if {[info exists opts(-source)]} {
426 set lines $opts(-source)
427 } else {
428 foreach i $opts(-includes) {
429 if {$opts(-code) ne "" && ![feature-checked $i]} {
430 # Compiling real code with an unchecked header file
431 # Quickly (and silently) check for it now
433 # Remove all -includes from settings before checking
434 set saveopts [cc-update-settings -includes {}]
435 msg-quiet cc-check-includes $i
436 cc-store-settings $saveopts
438 if {$opts(-code) eq "" || [have-feature $i]} {
439 lappend source "#include <$i>"
442 lappend source {*}$opts(-declare)
443 lappend source "int main(void) {"
444 lappend source $opts(-code)
445 lappend source "return 0;"
446 lappend source "}"
448 set lines [join $source \n]
451 # Build the command line
452 set cmdline {}
453 lappend cmdline {*}[get-define CCACHE]
454 switch -exact -- $opts(-lang) {
455 c++ {
456 lappend cmdline {*}[get-define CXX] {*}[get-define CXXFLAGS]
459 lappend cmdline {*}[get-define CC] {*}[get-define CFLAGS]
461 default {
462 autosetup-error "cctest called with unknown language: $opts(-lang)"
466 if {!$opts(-link)} {
467 set tmp conftest__.o
468 lappend cmdline -c
470 lappend cmdline {*}$opts(-cflags)
472 switch -glob -- [get-define host] {
473 *-*-darwin* {
474 # Don't generate .dSYM directories
475 lappend cmdline -gstabs
478 lappend cmdline $src -o $tmp {*}$opts(-libs)
480 # At this point we have the complete command line and the
481 # complete source to be compiled. Get the result from cache if
482 # we can
483 if {[info exists ::cc_cache($cmdline,$lines)]} {
484 msg-checking "(cached) "
485 set ok $::cc_cache($cmdline,$lines)
486 if {$::autosetup(debug)} {
487 configlog "From cache (ok=$ok): [join $cmdline]"
488 configlog "============"
489 configlog $lines
490 configlog "============"
492 return $ok
495 writefile $src $lines\n
497 set ok 1
498 if {[catch {exec-with-stderr {*}$cmdline} result errinfo]} {
499 configlog "Failed: [join $cmdline]"
500 configlog $result
501 configlog "============"
502 configlog "The failed code was:"
503 configlog $lines
504 configlog "============"
505 set ok 0
506 } elseif {$::autosetup(debug)} {
507 configlog "Compiled OK: [join $cmdline]"
508 configlog "============"
509 configlog $lines
510 configlog "============"
512 file delete $src
513 file delete $tmp
515 # cache it
516 set ::cc_cache($cmdline,$lines) $ok
518 return $ok
521 # @make-autoconf-h outfile ?auto-patterns=HAVE_*? ?bare-patterns=SIZEOF_*?
523 # Deprecated - see make-config-header
524 proc make-autoconf-h {file {autopatterns {HAVE_*}} {barepatterns {SIZEOF_* HAVE_DECL_*}}} {
525 user-notice "*** make-autoconf-h is deprecated -- use make-config-header instead"
526 make-config-header $file -auto $autopatterns -bare $barepatterns
529 # @make-config-header outfile ?-auto patternlist? ?-bare patternlist? ?-none patternlist? ?-str patternlist? ...
531 # Examines all defined variables which match the given patterns
532 # and writes an include file, $file, which defines each of these.
533 # Variables which match '-auto' are output as follows:
534 # - defines which have the value "0" are ignored.
535 # - defines which have integer values are defined as the integer value.
536 # - any other value is defined as a string, e.g. "value"
537 # Variables which match '-bare' are defined as-is.
538 # Variables which match '-str' are defined as a string, e.g. "value"
539 # Variables which match '-none' are omitted.
541 # Note that order is important. The first pattern which matches is selected
542 # Default behaviour is:
544 # -bare {SIZEOF_* HAVE_DECL_*} -auto HAVE_* -none *
546 # If the file would be unchanged, it is not written.
547 proc make-config-header {file args} {
548 set guard _[string toupper [regsub -all {[^a-zA-Z0-9]} [file tail $file] _]]
549 file mkdir [file dirname $file]
550 set lines {}
551 lappend lines "#ifndef $guard"
552 lappend lines "#define $guard"
554 # Add some defaults
555 lappend args -bare {SIZEOF_* HAVE_DECL_*} -auto HAVE_*
557 foreach n [lsort [dict keys [all-defines]]] {
558 set value [get-define $n]
559 set type [calc-define-output-type $n $args]
560 switch -exact -- $type {
561 -bare {
562 # Just output the value unchanged
564 -none {
565 continue
567 -str {
568 set value \"$value\"
570 -auto {
571 # Automatically determine the type
572 if {$value eq "0"} {
573 lappend lines "/* #undef $n */"
574 continue
576 if {![string is integer -strict $value]} {
577 set value \"$value\"
580 "" {
581 continue
583 default {
584 autosetup-error "Unknown type in make-config-header: $type"
587 lappend lines "#define $n $value"
589 lappend lines "#endif"
590 set buf [join $lines \n]
591 write-if-changed $file $buf {
592 msg-result "Created $file"
596 proc calc-define-output-type {name spec} {
597 foreach {type patterns} $spec {
598 foreach pattern $patterns {
599 if {[string match $pattern $name]} {
600 return $type
604 return ""
607 # Initialise some values from the environment or commandline or default settings
609 lassign $i var default
610 define $var [get-env $var $default]
613 if {[env-is-set CC]} {
614 # Set by the user, so don't try anything else
615 set try [list [get-env CC ""]]
616 } else {
617 # Try some reasonable options
618 set try [list [get-define cross]cc [get-define cross]gcc]
620 define CC [find-an-executable {*}$try]
621 if {[get-define CC] eq ""} {
622 user-error "Could not find a C compiler. Tried: [join $try ", "]"
625 define CPP [get-env CPP "[get-define CC] -E"]
627 # XXX: Could avoid looking for a C++ compiler until requested
628 # Note that if CXX isn't found, we just set it to "false". It might not be needed.
629 if {[env-is-set CXX]} {
630 define CXX [find-an-executable -required [get-env CXX ""]]
631 } else {
632 define CXX [find-an-executable [get-define cross]c++ [get-define cross]g++ false]
635 # CXXFLAGS default to CFLAGS if not specified
636 define CXXFLAGS [get-env CXXFLAGS [get-define CFLAGS]]
638 cc-check-tools ld
640 # May need a CC_FOR_BUILD, so look for one
641 define CC_FOR_BUILD [find-an-executable [get-env CC_FOR_BUILD ""] cc gcc false]
643 if {[get-define CC] eq ""} {
644 user-error "Could not find a C compiler. Tried: [join $try ", "]"
647 define CCACHE [find-an-executable [get-env CCACHE ccache]]
649 # Initial cctest settings
650 cc-store-settings {-cflags {} -includes {} -declare {} -link 0 -lang c -libs {} -code {}}
652 msg-result "C compiler...[get-define CCACHE] [get-define CC] [get-define CFLAGS]"
653 if {[get-define CXX] ne "false"} {
654 msg-result "C++ compiler...[get-define CCACHE] [get-define CXX] [get-define CXXFLAGS]"
656 msg-result "Build C compiler...[get-define CC_FOR_BUILD]"
658 if {![cc-check-includes stdlib.h]} {
659 user-error "Compiler does not work. See config.log"