Samba 3.0.37 update: unpatched sources
[tomato.git] / release / src / router / samba3 / docs-xml / xslt / db2latex-xsl / xsl / mathml / ent / isoamso.ent
2 <!--
3 File isoamso.ent produced by the XSL script mmldtd.xsl
4 from input data in unicode.xml.
6 Please report any errors to
7 David Carlisle <>.
9 The numeric character values assigned to each entity
10 (should) match either official Unicode assignments
11 or assignments provisionally allocated by the
12 Unicode Consortium based on the characters in the `STIX'
13 propsal for mathematics. Note that these assignments
14 have not been ratified by the corresponding ISO
15 committee and thus should be considered liable to
16 change.
18 Entity names in this file are derived from files carrying the
19 following notice:
21 (C) International Organization for Standardization 1991
22 Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with
23 conforming SGML systems and applications as defined in
24 ISO 8879, provided this notice is included in all copies.
26 -->
28 <!ENTITY ang "&#x02220;" ><!--/angle - angle -->
29 <!ENTITY ange "&#x029A4;" ><!--angle, equal -->
30 <!ENTITY angmsd "&#x02221;" ><!--/measuredangle - angle-measured -->
31 <!ENTITY angmsdaa "&#x029A8;" ><!--angle-measured, arrow, up, right -->
32 <!ENTITY angmsdab "&#x029A9;" ><!--angle-measured, arrow, up, left -->
33 <!ENTITY angmsdac "&#x029AA;" ><!--angle-measured, arrow, down, right -->
34 <!ENTITY angmsdad "&#x029AB;" ><!--angle-measured, arrow, down, left -->
35 <!ENTITY angmsdae "&#x029AC;" ><!--angle-measured, arrow, right, up -->
36 <!ENTITY angmsdaf "&#x029AD;" ><!--angle-measured, arrow, left, up -->
37 <!ENTITY angmsdag "&#x029AE;" ><!--angle-measured, arrow, right, down -->
38 <!ENTITY angmsdah "&#x029AF;" ><!--angle-measured, arrow, left, down -->
39 <!ENTITY angrtvb "&#x0299D;&#x02063;" ><!--right angle-measured -->
40 <!ENTITY angrtvbd "&#x0299D;" ><!--right angle-measured, dot -->
41 <!ENTITY bbrk "&#x023B5;" ><!--bottom square bracket -->
42 <!ENTITY bemptyv "&#x029B0;" ><!--reversed circle, slash -->
43 <!ENTITY beth "&#x02136;" ><!--/beth - beth, Hebrew -->
44 <!ENTITY boxbox "&#x029C9;" ><!--two joined squares -->
45 <!ENTITY bprime "&#x02035;" ><!--/backprime - reverse prime -->
46 <!ENTITY bsemi "&#x0204F;" ><!--reverse semi-colon -->
47 <!ENTITY cemptyv "&#x029B2;" ><!--circle, slash, small circle above -->
48 <!ENTITY cirE "&#x029C3;" ><!--circle, two horizontal stroked to the right -->
49 <!ENTITY cirscir "&#x029C2;" ><!--circle, small circle to the right -->
50 <!ENTITY comp "&#x02201;" ><!--/complement - complement sign -->
51 <!ENTITY daleth "&#x02138;" ><!--/daleth - daleth, Hebrew -->
52 <!ENTITY demptyv "&#x029B1;" ><!--circle, slash, bar above -->
53 <!ENTITY ell "&#x02113;" ><!--/ell - cursive small l -->
54 <!ENTITY empty "&#x02205;&#x02063;" ><!--/emptyset - zero, slash -->
55 <!ENTITY emptyv "&#x02205;" ><!--/varnothing - circle, slash -->
56 <!ENTITY gimel "&#x02137;" ><!--/gimel - gimel, Hebrew -->
57 <!ENTITY iiota "&#x02129;" ><!--inverted iota -->
58 <!ENTITY image "&#x02111;" ><!--/Im - imaginary -->
59 <!ENTITY imath "&#x00131;" ><!--/imath - small i, no dot -->
60 <!ENTITY jmath "&#x0006A;&#x02063;" ><!--/jmath - small j, no dot -->
61 <!ENTITY laemptyv "&#x029B4;" ><!--circle, slash, left arrow above -->
62 <!ENTITY lltri "&#x025FA;" ><!--lower left triangle -->
63 <!ENTITY lrtri "&#x022BF;" ><!--lower right triangle -->
64 <!ENTITY mho "&#x02127;" ><!--/mho - conductance -->
65 <!ENTITY nang "&#x02220;&#x00338;" ><!--not, vert, angle -->
66 <!ENTITY nexist "&#x02204;" ><!--/nexists - negated exists -->
67 <!ENTITY oS "&#x024C8;" ><!--/circledS - capital S in circle -->
68 <!ENTITY plank "&#x0210F;" ><!--/hbar - Planck's over 2pi -->
69 <!ENTITY plankv "&#x0210F;" ><!--/hslash - variant Planck's over 2pi -->
70 <!ENTITY raemptyv "&#x029B3;" ><!--circle, slash, right arrow above -->
71 <!ENTITY range "&#x029A5;" ><!--reverse angle, equal -->
72 <!ENTITY real "&#x0211C;" ><!--/Re - real -->
73 <!ENTITY tbrk "&#x023B4;" ><!--top square bracket -->
74 <!ENTITY ultri "&#x025F8;" ><!--upper left triangle -->
75 <!ENTITY urtri "&#x025F9;" ><!--upper right triangle -->
76 <!ENTITY vzigzag "&#x0299A;" ><!--vertical zig-zag line -->
77 <!ENTITY weierp "&#x02118;" ><!--/wp - Weierstrass p -->