UPS: apcupsd clean sources
[tomato.git] / release / src / router / apcupsd / doc / home-page / support.html
1 <html>
2 <head>
3 <title>Apcupsd, a daemon for controlling APC UPSes</title>
4 <meta name="Description" content="Apcupsd a monitoring daemon for APC UPSes">
5 <meta name="Keywords" content="Apcupsd, APC, UPS, UNIX, monitor">
6 <meta name="Copyright" content="Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Kern Sibbald">
7 </head>
8 <body bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#000000" link="#333399" alink="#9999ff" vlink="#000066">
9 <blockquote>
10 <div align="center">
11 <img src="apcupsd.gif" ALT="Apcupsd" height="64" width="584">
12 </div>
13 <table height="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpading="4" summary="">
14 <tr> <td width="12%" bgcolor="#ffffff" valign="top">
15 <font color="#0000ff" size="+2"><b>General</b></font><br>
16 <a href="index.html">Apcupsd Home</a><br>
17 <a href="">Site Visits</a><br>
18 &nbsp;<br>
19 <font color="#0000ff" size="+2"><b>Documentation</b></font><br>
20 <a href="manual/manual.html">Online Manual</a><br>
21 <a href="manual/manual.pdf">PDF Manual</a><br>
22 &nbsp;<br>
23 <font color="#0000ff" size="+2"><b>Downloads</b></font><br>
24 <a href="">All Files</a><br>
25 &nbsp;<br>
26 <font color="#0000ff" size="+2"><b>Support</b></font><br>
27 <a href="lists.html">Email Lists</a><br>
28 <a href="support.html">Support</a><br>
29 <a href="bugs.html">Bug Reporting</a><br>
30 &nbsp;<br>
31 <font color="#0000ff" size="+2"><b>SourceForge</b></font><br>
32 <a href="">Project Page</a><br>
33 <a href="">CVS</a><br>
34 <p>
35 <a href="">
36 <img src="" border="0" width="120" height="30" alt=" Logo">
37 </a>
38 </td>
39 <td bgcolor="#ffffff"><font size="1">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</font></td>
40 <td bgcolor="#ffffff" valign="top">
41 <h1>Support</h1>
42 Please keep in mind that we are not getting paid for this,
43 and since the project is rather mature, there is not any
44 active development, which means that activity and support
45 on the list is rather light. Apcupsd is, however, being maintained,
46 and it is our desire to see as many people using
47 it as possible.
48 <h2>Read the Manual</h2>
49 Before sending a request for help, please at least try to read
50 the manual. If it is obvious you have not tried to find the
51 information in the manual, you won't have done your part
52 of the work, and consequently, you may not get an answer to
53 your request for help.
54 <p>
55 If you have a USB UPS, please see the following section
56 of the manual before sending a request for help as
57 it contains all the information we know about
58 resolving USB problems.
59 <h2>Getting Help</h2>
60 If you send an email to the
61 <a href="mailto:apcupsd-users (@)">
62 apcupsd-users (@)</a> email list, and your support
63 request is well defined, most likely some kind user will
64 help you. Regrettably, because of spam attacks,
65 we have had to require you to be subscribed in order
66 to send email to it.
67 <p>
68 Please see <b>Information Needed</b> below for what to
69 include in your support request.
70 <p>I (Kern) get a number of &quot;off-list&quot; emails sent
71 directly to me. Please always copy the appropriate list, if you
72 do not copy the list, I may not answer you, or I will answer by copying
73 the list. If you <em>really</em> have something confidential,
74 please clearly indicate it.
75 <h2>Information Needed</h2>
76 For us to respond to a support request, we normally need the following
77 as the minimum information:
78 <ul>
79 <li>Your operating system</li>
80 <li>The version of apcupsd you are using</li>
81 <li>The model and UPS cable you are using</li>
82 <li>A clear description of the problem</li>
83 </ul>
84 The first three of these items can be fulfilled by sending
85 us a copy of your <b>config.out</b> file, which is in the
86 main <b>apcupsd</b> source directory after you have done
87 your <b>./configure</b>.
88 <p>In addition, we will often need a copy of your apcupsd
89 configuration file. If you
90 think it is a configuration problem, please don't hesitate
91 to send them preferably as an attachment.
92 </td>
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94 </table>
95 </blockquote>
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