mySQL 5.0.11 sources for tomato
[tomato.git] / release / src / router / mysql / storage / innodb_plugin / include / trx0purge.h
1 /*****************************************************************************
3 Copyright (c) 1996, 2009, Innobase Oy. All Rights Reserved.
5 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
6 the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
7 Foundation; version 2 of the License.
9 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
10 ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
11 FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
13 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
14 this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
15 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
17 *****************************************************************************/
19 /**************************************************//**
20 @file include/trx0purge.h
21 Purge old versions
23 Created 3/26/1996 Heikki Tuuri
24 *******************************************************/
26 #ifndef trx0purge_h
27 #define trx0purge_h
29 #include "univ.i"
30 #include "trx0types.h"
31 #include "mtr0mtr.h"
32 #include "trx0sys.h"
33 #include "que0types.h"
34 #include "page0page.h"
35 #include "usr0sess.h"
36 #include "fil0fil.h"
38 /** The global data structure coordinating a purge */
39 extern trx_purge_t* purge_sys;
41 /** A dummy undo record used as a return value when we have a whole undo log
42 which needs no purge */
43 extern trx_undo_rec_t trx_purge_dummy_rec;
45 /********************************************************************//**
46 Calculates the file address of an undo log header when we have the file
47 address of its history list node.
48 @return file address of the log */
50 fil_addr_t
51 trx_purge_get_log_from_hist(
52 /*========================*/
53 fil_addr_t node_addr); /*!< in: file address of the history
54 list node of the log */
55 /*****************************************************************//**
56 Checks if trx_id is >= purge_view: then it is guaranteed that its update
57 undo log still exists in the system.
58 @return TRUE if is sure that it is preserved, also if the function
59 returns FALSE, it is possible that the undo log still exists in the
60 system */
62 ibool
63 trx_purge_update_undo_must_exist(
64 /*=============================*/
65 trx_id_t trx_id);/*!< in: transaction id */
66 /********************************************************************//**
67 Creates the global purge system control structure and inits the history
68 mutex. */
70 void
71 trx_purge_sys_create(void);
72 /*======================*/
73 /********************************************************************//**
74 Frees the global purge system control structure. */
76 void
77 trx_purge_sys_close(void);
78 /*======================*/
79 /************************************************************************
80 Adds the update undo log as the first log in the history list. Removes the
81 update undo log segment from the rseg slot if it is too big for reuse. */
83 void
84 trx_purge_add_update_undo_to_history(
85 /*=================================*/
86 trx_t* trx, /*!< in: transaction */
87 page_t* undo_page, /*!< in: update undo log header page,
88 x-latched */
89 mtr_t* mtr); /*!< in: mtr */
90 /********************************************************************//**
91 Fetches the next undo log record from the history list to purge. It must be
92 released with the corresponding release function.
93 @return copy of an undo log record or pointer to trx_purge_dummy_rec,
94 if the whole undo log can skipped in purge; NULL if none left */
96 trx_undo_rec_t*
97 trx_purge_fetch_next_rec(
98 /*=====================*/
99 roll_ptr_t* roll_ptr,/*!< out: roll pointer to undo record */
100 trx_undo_inf_t** cell, /*!< out: storage cell for the record in the
101 purge array */
102 mem_heap_t* heap); /*!< in: memory heap where copied */
103 /*******************************************************************//**
104 Releases a reserved purge undo record. */
106 void
107 trx_purge_rec_release(
108 /*==================*/
109 trx_undo_inf_t* cell); /*!< in: storage cell */
110 /*******************************************************************//**
111 This function runs a purge batch.
112 @return number of undo log pages handled in the batch */
114 ulint
115 trx_purge(void);
116 /*===========*/
117 /******************************************************************//**
118 Prints information of the purge system to stderr. */
120 void
121 trx_purge_sys_print(void);
122 /*======================*/
124 /** The control structure used in the purge operation */
125 struct trx_purge_struct{
126 ulint state; /*!< Purge system state */
127 sess_t* sess; /*!< System session running the purge
128 query */
129 trx_t* trx; /*!< System transaction running the purge
130 query: this trx is not in the trx list
131 of the trx system and it never ends */
132 que_t* query; /*!< The query graph which will do the
133 parallelized purge operation */
134 rw_lock_t latch; /*!< The latch protecting the purge view.
135 A purge operation must acquire an
136 x-latch here for the instant at which
137 it changes the purge view: an undo
138 log operation can prevent this by
139 obtaining an s-latch here. */
140 read_view_t* view; /*!< The purge will not remove undo logs
141 which are >= this view (purge view) */
142 mutex_t mutex; /*!< Mutex protecting the fields below */
143 ulonglong n_pages_handled;/*!< Approximate number of undo log
144 pages processed in purge */
145 ulonglong handle_limit; /*!< Target of how many pages to get
146 processed in the current purge */
147 /*------------------------------*/
148 /* The following two fields form the 'purge pointer' which advances
149 during a purge, and which is used in history list truncation */
151 trx_id_t purge_trx_no; /*!< Purge has advanced past all
152 transactions whose number is less
153 than this */
154 undo_no_t purge_undo_no; /*!< Purge has advanced past all records
155 whose undo number is less than this */
156 #ifdef UNIV_DEBUG
157 trx_id_t done_trx_no; /* Indicate 'purge pointer' which have
158 purged already accurately. */
159 #endif /* UNIV_DEBUG */
160 /*-----------------------------*/
161 ibool next_stored; /*!< TRUE if the info of the next record
162 to purge is stored below: if yes, then
163 the transaction number and the undo
164 number of the record are stored in
165 purge_trx_no and purge_undo_no above */
166 trx_rseg_t* rseg; /*!< Rollback segment for the next undo
167 record to purge */
168 ulint page_no; /*!< Page number for the next undo
169 record to purge, page number of the
170 log header, if dummy record */
171 ulint offset; /*!< Page offset for the next undo
172 record to purge, 0 if the dummy
173 record */
174 ulint hdr_page_no; /*!< Header page of the undo log where
175 the next record to purge belongs */
176 ulint hdr_offset; /*!< Header byte offset on the page */
177 /*-----------------------------*/
178 trx_undo_arr_t* arr; /*!< Array of transaction numbers and
179 undo numbers of the undo records
180 currently under processing in purge */
181 mem_heap_t* heap; /*!< Temporary storage used during a
182 purge: can be emptied after purge
183 completes */
186 #define TRX_PURGE_ON 1 /* purge operation is running */
187 #define TRX_STOP_PURGE 2 /* purge operation is stopped, or
188 it should be stopped */
189 #ifndef UNIV_NONINL
190 #include "trx0purge.ic"
191 #endif
193 #endif