mySQL 5.0.11 sources for tomato
[tomato.git] / release / src / router / mysql / extra / yassl / taocrypt / include / asn.hpp
1 /*
2 Copyright (c) 2005, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
4 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6 the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
8 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 GNU General Public License for more details.
13 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14 along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
15 Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston,
16 MA 02110-1301 USA.
19 /* asn.hpp provides ASN1 BER, PublicKey, and x509v3 decoding
23 #ifndef TAO_CRYPT_ASN_HPP
24 #define TAO_CRYPT_ASN_HPP
27 #include "misc.hpp"
28 #include "block.hpp"
29 #include "error.hpp"
30 #ifdef USE_SYS_STL
31 #include <list>
32 #else
33 #include "list.hpp"
34 #endif
37 namespace STL = STL_NAMESPACE;
40 namespace TaoCrypt {
42 // these tags and flags are not complete
43 enum ASNTag
45 BOOLEAN = 0x01,
46 INTEGER = 0x02,
47 BIT_STRING = 0x03,
48 OCTET_STRING = 0x04,
49 TAG_NULL = 0x05,
52 EXTERNAL = 0x08,
53 REAL = 0x09,
54 ENUMERATED = 0x0a,
55 UTF8_STRING = 0x0c,
56 SEQUENCE = 0x10,
57 SET = 0x11,
60 T61_STRING = 0x14,
62 IA5_STRING = 0x16,
63 UTC_TIME = 0x17,
68 LONG_LENGTH = 0x80
71 enum ASNIdFlag
73 UNIVERSAL = 0x00,
74 DATA = 0x01,
75 HEADER = 0x02,
76 CONSTRUCTED = 0x20,
77 APPLICATION = 0x40,
79 PRIVATE = 0xc0
83 enum DNTags
85 COMMON_NAME = 0x03, // CN
86 SUR_NAME = 0x04, // SN
87 COUNTRY_NAME = 0x06, // C
88 LOCALITY_NAME = 0x07, // L
89 STATE_NAME = 0x08, // ST
90 ORG_NAME = 0x0a, // O
91 ORGUNIT_NAME = 0x0b // OU
95 enum PCKS12_Tags
97 /* DATA = 1, */ // from ASN1
106 enum Constants
108 MIN_DATE_SZ = 13,
109 MAX_DATE_SZ = 16,
110 MAX_ALGO_SZ = 16,
111 MAX_LENGTH_SZ = 5,
112 MAX_SEQ_SZ = 5, // enum(seq|con) + length(4)
113 MAX_ALGO_SIZE = 9,
114 MAX_DIGEST_SZ = 25, // SHA + enum(Bit or Octet) + length(4)
115 DSA_SIG_SZ = 40,
116 ASN_NAME_MAX = 512 // max total of all included names
120 class Source;
121 class RSA_PublicKey;
122 class RSA_PrivateKey;
123 class DSA_PublicKey;
124 class DSA_PrivateKey;
125 class Integer;
126 class DH;
129 // General BER decoding
130 class BER_Decoder : public virtual_base {
131 protected:
132 Source& source_;
133 public:
134 explicit BER_Decoder(Source& s) : source_(s) {}
135 virtual ~BER_Decoder() {}
137 Integer& GetInteger(Integer&);
138 word32 GetSequence();
139 word32 GetSet();
140 word32 GetVersion();
141 word32 GetExplicitVersion();
143 Error GetError();
144 private:
145 virtual void ReadHeader() = 0;
147 BER_Decoder(const BER_Decoder&); // hide copy
148 BER_Decoder& operator=(const BER_Decoder&); // and assign
152 // RSA Private Key BER Decoder
153 class RSA_Private_Decoder : public BER_Decoder {
154 public:
155 explicit RSA_Private_Decoder(Source& s) : BER_Decoder(s) {}
156 void Decode(RSA_PrivateKey&);
157 private:
158 void ReadHeader();
162 // RSA Public Key BER Decoder
163 class RSA_Public_Decoder : public BER_Decoder {
164 public:
165 explicit RSA_Public_Decoder(Source& s) : BER_Decoder(s) {}
166 void Decode(RSA_PublicKey&);
167 private:
168 void ReadHeader();
169 void ReadHeaderOpenSSL();
173 // DSA Private Key BER Decoder
174 class DSA_Private_Decoder : public BER_Decoder {
175 public:
176 explicit DSA_Private_Decoder(Source& s) : BER_Decoder(s) {}
177 void Decode(DSA_PrivateKey&);
178 private:
179 void ReadHeader();
183 // DSA Public Key BER Decoder
184 class DSA_Public_Decoder : public BER_Decoder {
185 public:
186 explicit DSA_Public_Decoder(Source& s) : BER_Decoder(s) {}
187 void Decode(DSA_PublicKey&);
188 private:
189 void ReadHeader();
193 // DH Key BER Decoder
194 class DH_Decoder : public BER_Decoder {
195 public:
196 explicit DH_Decoder(Source& s) : BER_Decoder(s) {}
197 void Decode(DH&);
198 private:
199 void ReadHeader();
203 // PKCS12 BER Decoder
204 class PKCS12_Decoder : public BER_Decoder {
205 public:
206 explicit PKCS12_Decoder(Source& s) : BER_Decoder(s) {}
207 void Decode();
208 private:
209 void ReadHeader();
213 // General PublicKey
214 class PublicKey {
215 byte* key_;
216 word32 sz_;
217 public:
218 explicit PublicKey(const byte* k = 0, word32 s = 0);
219 ~PublicKey() { tcArrayDelete(key_); }
221 const byte* GetKey() const { return key_; }
222 word32 size() const { return sz_; }
224 void SetKey(const byte*);
225 void SetSize(word32 s);
227 void AddToEnd(const byte*, word32);
228 private:
229 PublicKey(const PublicKey&); // hide copy
230 PublicKey& operator=(const PublicKey&); // and assign
234 enum { SHA_SIZE = 20 };
237 // A Signing Authority
238 class Signer {
239 PublicKey key_;
240 char name_[ASN_NAME_MAX];
241 byte hash_[SHA_SIZE];
242 public:
243 Signer(const byte* k, word32 kSz, const char* n, const byte* h);
244 ~Signer();
246 const PublicKey& GetPublicKey() const { return key_; }
247 const char* GetName() const { return name_; }
248 const byte* GetHash() const { return hash_; }
250 private:
251 Signer(const Signer&); // hide copy
252 Signer& operator=(const Signer&); // and assign
256 typedef STL::list<Signer*> SignerList;
259 enum ContentType { HUH = 651 };
260 enum SigType { SHAwDSA = 517, MD2wRSA = 646, MD5wRSA = 648, SHAwRSA =649};
261 enum HashType { MD2h = 646, MD5h = 649, SHAh = 88 };
262 enum KeyType { DSAk = 515, RSAk = 645 }; // sums of algo OID
265 // an x509v Certificate BER Decoder
266 class CertDecoder : public BER_Decoder {
267 public:
268 enum DateType { BEFORE, AFTER };
269 enum NameType { ISSUER, SUBJECT };
270 enum CertType { CA, USER };
272 explicit CertDecoder(Source&, bool decode = true, SignerList* sl = 0,
273 bool noVerify = false, CertType ct = USER);
274 ~CertDecoder();
276 const PublicKey& GetPublicKey() const { return key_; }
277 KeyType GetKeyType() const { return KeyType(keyOID_); }
278 const char* GetIssuer() const { return issuer_; }
279 const char* GetCommonName() const { return subject_; }
280 const byte* GetHash() const { return subjectHash_; }
281 const char* GetBeforeDate() const { return beforeDate_; }
282 const char* GetAfterDate() const { return afterDate_; }
284 void DecodeToKey();
285 private:
286 PublicKey key_;
287 word32 certBegin_; // offset to start of cert
288 word32 sigIndex_; // offset to start of signature
289 word32 sigLength_; // length of signature
290 word32 signatureOID_; // sum of algorithm object id
291 word32 keyOID_; // sum of key algo object id
292 byte subjectHash_[SHA_SIZE]; // hash of all Names
293 byte issuerHash_[SHA_SIZE]; // hash of all Names
294 byte* signature_;
295 char issuer_[ASN_NAME_MAX]; // Names
296 char subject_[ASN_NAME_MAX]; // Names
297 char beforeDate_[MAX_DATE_SZ]; // valid before date
298 char afterDate_[MAX_DATE_SZ]; // valid after date
299 bool verify_; // Default to yes, but could be off
301 void ReadHeader();
302 void Decode(SignerList*, CertType);
303 void StoreKey();
304 void AddDSA();
305 bool ValidateSelfSignature();
306 bool ValidateSignature(SignerList*);
307 bool ConfirmSignature(Source&);
308 void GetKey();
309 char* AddTag(char*, const char*, const char*, word32, word32);
310 void GetName(NameType);
311 void GetValidity();
312 void GetDate(DateType);
313 void GetCompareHash(const byte*, word32, byte*, word32);
314 word32 GetAlgoId();
315 word32 GetSignature();
316 word32 GetDigest();
320 word32 GetLength(Source&);
322 word32 SetLength(word32, byte*);
323 word32 SetSequence(word32, byte*);
325 word32 EncodeDSA_Signature(const byte* signature, byte* output);
326 word32 EncodeDSA_Signature(const Integer& r, const Integer& s, byte* output);
327 word32 DecodeDSA_Signature(byte* decoded, const byte* encoded, word32 sz);
330 // General DER encoding
331 class DER_Encoder : public virtual_base {
332 public:
333 DER_Encoder() {}
334 virtual ~DER_Encoder() {}
336 word32 SetAlgoID(HashType, byte*);
338 Error GetError() const { return error_; }
339 private:
340 //virtual void WriteHeader() = 0;
341 Error error_;
343 DER_Encoder(const DER_Encoder&); // hide copy
344 DER_Encoder& operator=(const DER_Encoder&); // and assign
349 class Signature_Encoder : public DER_Encoder {
350 const byte* digest_;
351 word32 digestSz_;
352 SigType digestOID_;
353 public:
354 explicit Signature_Encoder(const byte*, word32, HashType, Source&);
356 private:
357 void WriteHeader();
358 word32 SetDigest(const byte*, word32, byte*);
360 Signature_Encoder(const Signature_Encoder&); // hide copy
361 Signature_Encoder& operator=(const Signature_Encoder&); // and assign
365 // Get Cert in PEM format from BEGIN to END
366 int GetCert(Source&);
368 // Get Cert in PEM format from pkcs12 file
369 int GetPKCS_Cert(const char* password, Source&);
371 } // namespace
374 #endif // TAO_CRYPT_ASN_HPP