Tuxera NTFS driver
[tomato.git] / release / src-rt-6.x.4708 / router / tuxera / broadcom_arm / ntfs / docs / html / ntfslabel.html
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16 <title>NTFSLABEL</title>
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21 <h1 align="center">NTFSLABEL</h1>
23 <a href="#NAME">NAME</a><br>
24 <a href="#SYNOPSIS">SYNOPSIS</a><br>
25 <a href="#DESCRIPTION">DESCRIPTION</a><br>
26 <a href="#OPTIONS">OPTIONS</a><br>
27 <a href="#BUGS">BUGS</a><br>
29 <a href="#SEE ALSO">SEE ALSO</a><br>
31 <hr>
34 <h2>NAME
35 <a name="NAME"></a>
36 </h2>
39 <p style="margin-left:11%; margin-top: 1em">ntfslabel
40 &minus; display/change the label on an NTFS file system</p>
43 <a name="SYNOPSIS"></a>
44 </h2>
48 <p style="margin-left:11%; margin-top: 1em"><b>ntfslabel</b>
49 [<i>options</i>] <i>device</i> [<i>new&minus;label</i>]</p>
52 <a name="DESCRIPTION"></a>
53 </h2>
57 <p style="margin-left:11%; margin-top: 1em"><b>ntfslabel</b>
58 will display or change the file system label on the ntfs
59 file system located on <i>device</i>.</p>
61 <p style="margin-left:11%; margin-top: 1em">If the optional
62 argument <i>new&minus;label</i> is not present,
63 <b>ntfslabel</b> will simply display the current file system
64 label.</p>
66 <p style="margin-left:11%; margin-top: 1em">If the optional
67 argument <i>new&minus;label</i> is present, then
68 <b>ntfslabel</b> will set the file system label to be
69 <i>new&minus;label</i>. NTFS file system labels can be at
70 most 128 Unicode characters long; if <i>new&minus;label</i>
71 is longer than 128 Unicode characters, <b>ntfslabel</b> will
72 truncate it and print a warning message.</p>
74 <p style="margin-left:11%; margin-top: 1em">It is also
75 possible to set the file system label using the
76 <b>&minus;L</b> option of <b>mkntfs</b>(8) during creation
77 of the file system.</p>
79 <h2>OPTIONS
80 <a name="OPTIONS"></a>
81 </h2>
84 <p style="margin-left:11%; margin-top: 1em">Below is a
85 summary of all the options that <b>ntfslabel</b> accepts.
86 Nearly all options have two equivalent names. The short name
87 is preceded by <b>&minus;</b> and the long name is preceded
88 by <b>&minus;&minus;</b>. Any single letter options, that
89 don&rsquo;t take an argument, can be combined into a single
90 command, e.g. <b>&minus;fv</b> is equivalent to <b>&minus;f
91 &minus;v</b>. Long named options can be abbreviated to any
92 unique prefix of their name. <b><br>
93 &minus;f</b>, <b>&minus;&minus;force</b></p>
95 <p style="margin-left:22%;">This will override some
96 sensible defaults, such as not working with a mounted
97 volume. Use this option with caution.</p>
99 <p style="margin-left:11%;"><b>&minus;h</b>,
100 <b>&minus;&minus;help</b></p>
102 <p style="margin-left:22%;">Show a list of options with a
103 brief description of each one.</p>
105 <p style="margin-left:11%;"><b>&minus;n</b>,
106 <b>&minus;&minus;no&minus;action</b></p>
108 <p style="margin-left:22%;">Don&rsquo;t actually write to
109 disk.</p>
111 <p style="margin-left:11%;"><b>&minus;q</b>,
112 <b>&minus;&minus;quiet</b></p>
114 <p style="margin-left:22%;">Reduce the amount of output to
115 a minimum.</p>
117 <p style="margin-left:11%;"><b>&minus;v</b>,
118 <b>&minus;&minus;verbose</b></p>
120 <p style="margin-left:22%;">Increase the amount of output
121 that <b>ntfslabel</b> prints.</p>
123 <p style="margin-left:11%;"><b>&minus;V</b>,
124 <b>&minus;&minus;version</b></p>
126 <p style="margin-left:22%;">Show the version number,
127 copyright and license for <b>ntfslabel</b>.</p>
129 <h2>BUGS
130 <a name="BUGS"></a>
131 </h2>
134 <p style="margin-left:11%; margin-top: 1em">If you find a
135 bug please send an email describing the problem to
136 ntfs-support@tuxera.com.</p>
139 <a name="AVAILABILITY"></a>
140 </h2>
144 <p style="margin-left:11%; margin-top: 1em"><b>ntfslabel</b>
145 is part of the <b>Tuxera NTFS</b> package.</p>
147 <h2>SEE ALSO
148 <a name="SEE ALSO"></a>
149 </h2>
153 <p style="margin-left:11%; margin-top: 1em"><b>mkntfs</b>(8)</p>
154 <hr>
155 </body>
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