Update: Syncing and typos. It's the final Tomato RAF 1.28.9013 v1.2
[tomato.git] / release / src / router / www / index.html
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4 <TITLE>NGINX Server Testpage</TITLE>
5 <META content="iso-8859-1" http-equiv="charset">
6 <META name="author" Vicente Soriano, Tomato RAF, mail:victek@tomatoraf.com>
7 <META notice="No part of this code can be modified without explicit consent from the author">
8 <META notice="You MUST keep this page as test page for webserver if you build or integrate this feature in your firmware">
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14 <TD rowspan="3" bgcolor="#CCCCFF" width="50">&nbsp;</TD>
15 <td valign=top height="50" width="0" bgcolor="#CCCCFF">&nbsp;</td>
16 <td valign=middle height="50" width="50" bgcolor="#CCCCFF">
17 <div align="center">
18 <font face="Arial" size="6" color="#000000"><b>NGINX Server</b></font>
19 </div>
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23 <td width="100" height="100" align="center" valign="bottom"><IMG src="tomato.png" width=200 height=100 hspace=0 vspace=0 border=0 alt=" ">
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25 <td width="497" height="100" valign="middle">
26 <div align="center">
27 <font face="helvetica,arial,sans-serif" size="4">Tomato RAF is not responsible for the usage of this module !</font>
28 </div>
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32 <TD height="50" align=left width="10" colspan="1"></TD>
33 <TD width="558" colspan="2" rowspan="1" valign=top>
34 <FONT face="helvetica, arial, sans-serif">
35 <B>Operating system:</B> [ Linux (MIPS)]<BR>
36 <B>Host:</B> [ Tomato Router ]
37 </FONT>
38 </TD>
39 </TR>
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41 <TD rowspan="3" bgcolor="#CCCCFF" width="50">&nbsp;</TD>
42 <TD height="50" align=left width="10" colspan="1"></TD>
43 <TD width="529" colspan="2" rowspan="1" valign=top>
44 <FONT face="helvetica,arial,sans-serif" size="2">
45 <B>Packages dependencies for this feature:</B><br>
46 [ nginx 1.4.2 released 17 July 2013 ]<br>
47 [ pcre 8.32 released 30 November 2012]<br>
48 [ zlib 1.27 released 15 March 2013]<br>
49 [ openssl 1.0.1c released 10 May 2012]<br>
50 [ php-cli 5.4.14 released 11 April 2013]<br>
51 [ php-cgi 5.4.14 released 11 April 2013]<br>
52 [ php-fastcgi 5.4.14 released 11 April 2013]<br>
53 </FONT>
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58 <TD width="529" colspan="2" rowspan="1" valign=top><br>
59 <FONT face="helvetica,arial,sans-serif" size="2">
60 <A HREF="http://tomatoraf.com/">[ Developper link ]</A><BR>
61 </FONT>
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