RT-AC66 core
[tomato.git] / release / src-rt-6.x / linux / linux-2.6 / arch / x86_64 / boot / compressed / Makefile
2 # linux/arch/x86_64/boot/compressed/Makefile
4 # create a compressed vmlinux image from the original vmlinux
6 # Note all the files here are compiled/linked as 32bit executables.
9 targets := vmlinux vmlinux.bin vmlinux.bin.gz head.o misc.o piggy.o
10 EXTRA_AFLAGS := -traditional
12 # cannot use EXTRA_CFLAGS because base CFLAGS contains -mkernel which conflicts with
13 # -m32
14 CFLAGS := -m64 -D__KERNEL__ -Iinclude -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fPIC -mcmodel=small -fno-builtin
15 LDFLAGS := -m elf_x86_64
17 LDFLAGS_vmlinux := -T
18 $(obj)/vmlinux: $(src)/vmlinux.lds $(obj)/head.o $(obj)/misc.o $(obj)/piggy.o FORCE
19 $(call if_changed,ld)
22 $(obj)/vmlinux.bin: vmlinux FORCE
23 $(call if_changed,objcopy)
25 $(obj)/vmlinux.bin.gz: $(obj)/vmlinux.bin FORCE
26 $(call if_changed,gzip)
28 LDFLAGS_piggy.o := -r --format binary --oformat elf64-x86-64 -T
30 $(obj)/piggy.o: $(obj)/vmlinux.scr $(obj)/vmlinux.bin.gz FORCE
31 $(call if_changed,ld)