Samba 3: added Samba 3.0.24 sources
[tomato.git] / release / src / router / samba3 / examples / LDAP / smbldap-tools-0.9.2 / smbldap-passwd
1 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
3 # LDAP to unix password sync script for samba
4 # $Id: smbldap-passwd,v 1.19 2005/10/31 15:05:22 jtournier Exp $
6 # This code was developped by IDEALX ( and
7 # contributors (their names can be found in the CONTRIBUTORS file).
9 # Copyright (C) 2001-2002 IDEALX
11 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
12 # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
13 # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
14 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
16 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
17 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
19 # GNU General Public License for more details.
21 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22 # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
23 # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307,
24 # USA.
26 # Purpose :
27 # . ldap-unix passwd sync for SAMBA>2.2.2 + LDAP
28 # . may also replace /bin/passwd
30 # untaint environment
31 $ENV{'PATH'}= '/bin:/usr/bin';
32 $ENV{'SHELL'}= '/bin/sh';
33 delete @ENV{qw(IFS CDPATH ENV BASH_ENV)};
35 use strict;
36 use FindBin;
37 use FindBin qw($RealBin);
38 use lib "$RealBin/";
39 use smbldap_tools;
41 use Crypt::SmbHash;
42 use Digest::MD5 qw(md5);
43 use Digest::SHA1 qw(sha1);
44 use MIME::Base64 qw(encode_base64);
46 # function declaration
47 sub make_hash;
48 sub make_salt;
50 my $user= undef;
51 my $oldpass= undef;
53 my $arg;
54 my $update_samba_passwd= 1;
55 my $update_unix_passwd= 1;
57 foreach $arg (@ARGV) {
58 if ( substr( $arg, 0, 1 ) eq '-' ) {
59 if ( $arg eq '-h' || $arg eq '-?' || $arg eq '--help' ) {
60 print_banner;
61 print "Usage: $0 [options] [username]\n";
62 print " -h, -?, --help show this help message\n";
63 print " -s update only samba password\n";
64 print " -u update only UNIX password\n";
65 exit (6);
66 } elsif ($arg eq '-s') {
67 $update_samba_passwd= 1; $update_unix_passwd= 0;
68 } elsif ($arg eq '-u') {
69 $update_samba_passwd= 0; $update_unix_passwd= 1;
71 } else {
72 if ( $< != 0 ) {
73 die "Only root can specify username\n";
75 $user= $arg; last;
79 if (!defined($user)) {
80 $user = getpwuid($<); # $user=$ENV{"USER"};
83 # check if $user variable is not tainted
84 # [TODO] create proper user mask
85 $user =~ /^([-\@\ \w.]+\$?)$/ and $user = $1 or
86 die "$0: username '$user' is tainted\n";
89 my ($dn,$ldap_master);
90 # First, connecting to the directory
91 if ($< != 0) {
92 # non-root user
93 if (!defined($oldpass)) {
94 # prompt for password
95 print "Identity validation...\nenter your UNIX password: ";
96 system "/bin/stty -echo" if (-t STDIN);
97 chomp($oldpass=<STDIN>);
98 system "/bin/stty echo" if (-t STDIN);
99 print "\n";
101 $config{masterDN}="uid=$user,$config{usersdn}";
102 $config{masterPw}="$oldpass";
103 $ldap_master=connect_ldap_master();
104 $dn=$config{masterDN};
105 if (!is_user_valid($user, $dn, $oldpass)) {
106 print "Authentication failure\n";
107 exit (10);
110 } else {
111 # root user
112 $ldap_master=connect_ldap_master();
113 # test existence of user in LDAP
114 my $dn_line;
115 if (!defined($dn_line = get_user_dn($user))) {
116 print "$0: user $user doesn't exist\n";
117 exit (10);
119 $dn = get_dn_from_line($dn_line);
122 my $samba = is_samba_user($user);
124 # Printing verbose message
125 if ( $samba and $update_samba_passwd ) {
126 if ( $update_unix_passwd ) {
127 print "Changing UNIX and samba passwords for $user\n";
128 } else {
129 print "Changing samba password for $user\n";
131 } else {
132 if ( $update_unix_passwd ) {
133 print "Changing UNIX password for $user\n";
134 } else {
135 die "Internal error";
139 # prompt for new password
141 my $pass;
142 my $pass2;
144 print "New password: ";
145 system "/bin/stty -echo" if (-t STDIN);
146 chomp($pass=<STDIN>);
147 system "/bin/stty echo" if (-t STDIN);
148 print "\n";
150 print "Retype new password: ";
151 system "/bin/stty -echo" if (-t STDIN);
152 chomp($pass2=<STDIN>);
153 system "/bin/stty echo" if (-t STDIN);
154 print "\n";
156 if ($pass ne $pass2) {
157 print "New passwords don't match!\n";
158 exit (10);
161 # Prepare '$hash_password' for 'userPassword'
162 my $hash_password;
163 # Generate password hash
164 if ($config{with_slappasswd}) {
165 # checking if password is tainted: nothing is changed!!!!
166 # essential for perl 5.8
167 ($pass =~ /^(.*)$/ and $pass=$1) or
168 die "$0: user password is tainted\n";
170 # use slappasswd to generate hash
171 if ( $config{hash_encrypt} eq "CRYPT" && defined($config{crypt_salt_format}) ) {
172 open BUF, "-|" or
173 exec "$config{slappasswd}",
174 "-h","{$config{hash_encrypt}}",
175 "-c","$config{crypt_salt_format}",
176 "-s","$pass";
177 $hash_password = <BUF>;
178 close BUF;
179 } else {
180 open(BUF, "-|") or
181 exec "$config{slappasswd}",
182 "-h","{$config{hash_encrypt}}",
183 "-s","$pass";
184 $hash_password = <BUF>;
185 close BUF;
187 } else {
188 # use perl libraries to generate hash
189 $hash_password = make_hash($pass,$config{hash_encrypt},$config{crypt_salt_format});
191 # check if a hash was generated, otherwise die
192 defined($hash_password) or
193 die "I cannot generate the proper hash!\n";
194 chomp($hash_password);
196 # First, connecting to the directory
197 if ($< != 0) {
198 # if we are not root, we close the connection to re-open it as a normal user
199 $ldap_master->unbind;
200 $config{masterDN}="uid=$user,$config{usersdn}";
201 $config{masterPw}="$oldpass";
202 $ldap_master=connect_ldap_master();
205 # only modify smb passwords if smb user
206 if ( $samba and $update_samba_passwd ) {
207 if (!$config{with_smbpasswd}) {
208 # generate LanManager and NT clear text passwords
209 my ($sambaLMPassword,$sambaNTPassword) = ntlmgen $pass;
210 # the sambaPwdLastSet must be updating
211 my $date=time;
212 my @mods;
213 push(@mods, 'sambaLMPassword' => $sambaLMPassword);
214 push(@mods, 'sambaNTPassword' => $sambaNTPassword);
215 push(@mods, 'sambaPwdLastSet' => $date);
216 if (defined $config{defaultMaxPasswordAge}) {
217 my $new_sambaPwdMustChange=$date+$config{defaultMaxPasswordAge}*24*60*60;
218 push(@mods, 'sambaPwdMustChange' => $new_sambaPwdMustChange);
219 if ($< ==0) {
220 push(@mods, 'sambaAcctFlags' => '[U]');
223 # Let's change nt/lm passwords
224 my $modify = $ldap_master->modify ( "$dn",
225 'replace' => { @mods }
227 $modify->code && warn "failed to modify entry: ", $modify->error ;
229 } else {
230 if ($< != 0) {
231 my $FILE="|$config{smbpasswd} -s >/dev/null";
232 open (FILE, $FILE) || die "$!\n";
233 print FILE <<EOF;
234 $oldpass
235 $pass
236 $pass
239 close FILE;
240 } else {
241 open FILE,"|-" or
242 exec "$config{smbpasswd}","$user","-s";
243 local $SIG{PIPE} = sub {die "buffer pipe terminated" };
244 print FILE <<EOF;
245 $pass
246 $pass
249 close FILE;
254 # Update 'userPassword' field
255 if ( $update_unix_passwd ) {
256 my $modify = $ldap_master->modify ( "$dn",
257 changes => [
258 replace => [userPassword => "$hash_password"]
261 $modify->code && warn "Unable to change password: ", $modify->error ;
264 # take down session
265 $ldap_master->unbind;
267 exit 0;
269 # Generates hash to be one of the following RFC 2307 schemes:
271 # SSHA is default
272 # '%s' is a default crypt_salt_format
273 # A substitute for slappasswd tool
274 sub make_hash
276 my $hash_encrypt;
277 my $crypt_salt_format;
279 my $clear_pass=$_[0] or return undef;
280 $hash_encrypt='{' . $_[1] . '}' or $hash_encrypt = "{SSHA}";
281 $crypt_salt_format=$_[2] or $crypt_salt_format = '%s';
283 my $hash_pass;
284 if ($hash_encrypt eq "{CRYPT}" && defined($crypt_salt_format)) {
285 # Generate CRYPT hash
286 # for unix md5crypt $crypt_salt_format = '$1$%.8s'
287 my $salt = sprintf($crypt_salt_format,make_salt());
288 $hash_pass = "{CRYPT}" . crypt($clear_pass,$salt);
290 } elsif ($hash_encrypt eq "{MD5}") {
291 # Generate MD5 hash
292 $hash_pass = "{MD5}" . encode_base64( md5($clear_pass),'' );
294 } elsif ($hash_encrypt eq "{SMD5}") {
295 # Generate SMD5 hash (MD5 with salt)
296 my $salt = make_salt(4);
297 $hash_pass = "{SMD5}" . encode_base64( md5($clear_pass . $salt) . $salt,'');
299 } elsif ($hash_encrypt eq "{SHA}") {
300 # Generate SHA1 hash
301 $hash_pass = "{SHA}" . encode_base64( sha1($clear_pass),'' );
303 } elsif ($hash_encrypt eq "{SSHA}") {
304 # Generate SSHA hash (SHA1 with salt)
305 my $salt = make_salt(4);
306 $hash_pass = "{SSHA}" . encode_base64( sha1($clear_pass . $salt) . $salt,'' );
308 } elsif ($hash_encrypt eq "{CLEARTEXT}") {
309 $hash_pass=$clear_pass;
311 } else {
312 $hash_pass=undef;
314 return $hash_pass;
317 # Generates salt
318 # Similar to Crypt::Salt module from CPAN
319 sub make_salt
321 my $length=32;
322 $length = $_[0] if exists($_[0]);
324 my @tab = ('.', '/', 0..9, 'A'..'Z', 'a'..'z');
325 return join "",@tab[map {rand 64} (1..$length)];
328 # - The End
330 =head1 NAME
332 smbldap-passwd - change user password
334 =head1 SYNOPSIS
336 smbldap-passwd [-?|--help|-s|-u] [name]
338 =head1 DESCRIPTION
340 smbldap-passwd changes passwords for user accounts. A normal user may only change the password for their own account, the super user may change the password for any account.
342 If option -s specified then changed only samba password.
343 If options -u specified then changed only UNIX password.
344 With no options then changed both - UNIX and samba passwords.
346 Password Changes
347 The user is first prompted for their old password, if one is present. This password is then tested against the stored password by binding to the server. The user has only one chance to enter the correct passwword. The super user is permitted to bypass this step so that forgotten passwords may be changed.
348 The user is then prompted for a replacement password. As a general guideline, passwords should consist of 6 to 8 characters including one or more from each of following sets:
350 Lower case alphabetics
352 Upper case alphabetics
354 Digits 0 thru 9
356 Punctuation marks
358 Password will prompt again and compare the second entry against the first. Both entries are require to match in order for the password to be changed.
360 =head1 SEE ALSO
362 passwd(1)
364 =cut