Column sorting fixes, thanks to Tony550
[tomato.git] / release / src / router / www / ipt-24.asp
2 <!--
3 Tomato GUI
4 Copyright (C) 2006-2010 Jonathan Zarate
7 IP Traffic enhancements
8 Copyright (C) 2011 Augusto Bott
11 For use with Tomato Firmware only.
12 No part of this file may be used without permission.
13 -->
14 <html>
15 <head>
16 <meta http-equiv='content-type' content='text/html;charset=utf-8'>
17 <meta name='robots' content='noindex,nofollow'>
18 <title>[<% ident(); %>] IP Traffic: Last 24 Hours</title>
19 <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='tomato.css'>
20 <% css(); %>
21 <script type='text/javascript' src='tomato.js'></script>
23 <!-- / / / -->
25 <style type='text/css'>
26 #txt {
27 width: 550px;
28 white-space: nowrap;
30 #bwm-controls {
31 text-align: right;
32 margin-right: 5px;
33 margin-top: 5px;
34 float: right;
35 visibility: hidden;
37 ul.tabs a,
38 #tabs a {
39 width: 140px;
40 height: 12px;
41 font-size: 9px;
42 font-weight:bold;
44 </style>
46 <script type='text/javascript' src='debug.js'></script>
48 <script type='text/javascript' src='wireless.jsx?_http_id=<% nv(http_id); %>'></script>
49 <script type='text/javascript' src='bwm-common.js'></script>
50 <script type='text/javascript' src='bwm-hist.js'></script>
51 <script type='text/javascript' src='interfaces.js'></script>
53 <script type='text/javascript'>
55 // <% nvram("wan_ifname,lan_ifname,wl_ifname,wan_proto,wan_iface,web_svg,cstats_enable,cstats_colors,dhcpd_static,lan_ipaddr,lan_netmask,lan1_ipaddr,lan1_netmask,lan2_ipaddr,lan2_netmask,lan3_ipaddr,lan3_netmask,cstats_labels"); %>
57 // <% devlist(); %>
59 var cprefix = 'ipt_';
60 var updateInt = 120;
61 var updateDiv = updateInt;
62 var updateMaxL = 720;
63 var updateReTotal = 1;
64 var hours = 24;
65 var lastHours = 0;
66 var debugTime = 0;
68 var ipt_addr_shown = [];
69 var ipt_addr_hidden = [];
71 hostnamecache = [];
73 function showHours() {
74 if (hours == lastHours) return;
75 showSelectedOption('hr', lastHours, hours);
76 lastHours = hours;
79 function switchHours(h) {
80 if ((!svgReady) || (updating)) return;
82 hours = h;
83 updateMaxL = (720 / 24) * hours;
84 showHours();
85 loadData();
86 cookie.set(cprefix + 'hrs', hours);
89 var ref = new TomatoRefresh('update.cgi', 'exec=ipt_bandwidth&arg0=speed');
91 ref.refresh = function(text) {
92 ++updating;
93 try {
94 this.refreshTime = 1500;
95 speed_history = {};
96 try {
97 eval(text);
99 var i;
100 for (i in speed_history) {
101 if ((ipt_addr_hidden.find(i) == -1) && (ipt_addr_shown.find(i) == -1) && (i != '_next')) {
102 ipt_addr_shown.push(i);
103 var option=document.createElement("option");
104 option.value=i;
105 if (hostnamecache[i] != null) {
106 option.text = hostnamecache[i] + ' (' + i + ')';
107 } else {
108 option.text=i;
110 E('_f_ipt_addr_shown').add(option,null);
111 speed_history[i].hide = 0;
114 if (ipt_addr_hidden.find(i) != -1) {
115 speed_history[i].hide = 1;
116 } else {
117 speed_history[i].hide = 0;
121 if (cstats_busy) {
122 E('rbusy').style.display = 'none';
123 cstats_busy = 0;
125 this.refreshTime = (fixInt(speed_history._next, 1, 120, 60) + 2) * 1000;
126 } catch (ex) {
127 speed_history = {};
128 cstats_busy = 1;
129 E('rbusy').style.display = '';
131 if (debugTime) E('dtime').innerHTML = (ymdText(new Date())) + ' ' + (this.refreshTime / 1000);
133 loadData();
135 catch (ex) {
137 // alert('ex=' + ex);
140 --updating;
143 ref.showState = function() {
144 E('refresh-button').value = this.running ? 'Stop' : 'Start';
147 ref.toggleX = function() {
148 this.toggle();
149 this.showState();
150 cookie.set(cprefix + 'refresh', this.running ? 1 : 0);
153 ref.initX = function() {
154 var a;
156 a = fixInt(cookie.get(cprefix + 'refresh'), 0, 1, 1);
157 if (a) {
158 ref.refreshTime = 100;
159 ref.toggleX();
163 function init() {
164 if (nvram.cstats_enable != '1') {
165 E('refresh-button').disabled = 1;
166 return;
169 populateCache();
171 var c,i;
172 if ((c = cookie.get('ipt_addr_hidden')) != null) {
173 c = c.split(',');
174 for (var i = 0; i < c.length; ++i) {
175 if (c[i].trim() != '') {
176 ipt_addr_hidden.push(c[i]);
177 var option=document.createElement("option");
178 option.value=c[i];
179 if (hostnamecache[c[i]] != null) {
180 option.text = hostnamecache[c[i]] + ' (' + c[i] + ')';
181 } else {
182 option.text = c[i];
184 E('_f_ipt_addr_hidden').add(option,null);
189 try {
190 // <% ipt_bandwidth("speed"); %>
192 for (i in speed_history) {
193 if ((ipt_addr_hidden.find(i) == -1) && (ipt_addr_shown.find(i) == -1) && ( i != '_next') && (i.trim() != '')) {
194 ipt_addr_shown.push(i);
195 var option=document.createElement("option");
196 var ii = i;
197 if (hostnamecache[i] != null) {
198 ii = hostnamecache[i] + ' (' + i + ')';
200 option.text=ii;
201 option.value=i;
202 E('_f_ipt_addr_shown').add(option,null);
203 speed_history[i].hide = 0;
205 if (ipt_addr_hidden.find(i) != -1) {
206 speed_history[i].hide = 1;
207 } else {
208 speed_history[i].hide = 0;
212 catch (ex) {
214 // speed_history = {};
217 cstats_busy = 0;
218 if (typeof(speed_history) == 'undefined') {
219 speed_history = {};
220 cstats_busy = 1;
221 E('rbusy').style.display = '';
224 hours = fixInt(cookie.get(cprefix + 'hrs'), 1, 24, 24);
225 updateMaxL = (720 / 24) * hours;
226 showHours();
228 initCommon(1, 0, 0);
230 verifyFields(null,1);
232 var theRules = document.styleSheets[document.styleSheets.length-1].cssRules;
233 switch (nvram['cstats_labels']) {
234 case '1': // show hostnames only
235 theRules[theRules.length-1].style.cssText = 'width: 140px; font-weight:bold;';
236 /* REMOVE-BEGIN */
237 // document.styleSheets[2].deleteRule(theRules.length - 1);
238 /* REMOVE-END */
239 break;
240 case '2': // show IPs only
241 theRules[theRules.length-1].style.cssText = 'width: 140px; font-weight:bold;';
242 break;
243 case '0': // show hostnames + IPs
244 default:
245 /* REMOVE-BEGIN */
246 // theRules[theRules.length-1].style.cssText = 'width: 140px; height: 12px; font-size: 9px;';
247 /* REMOVE-END */
248 break;
251 ref.initX();
254 function verifyFields(focused, quiet) {
255 var changed_addr_hidden = 0;
256 if (focused != null) {
257 if ( == '_f_ipt_addr_shown') {
258 ipt_addr_shown.remove(focused.options[focused.selectedIndex].value);
259 ipt_addr_hidden.push(focused.options[focused.selectedIndex].value);
260 var option=document.createElement("option");
261 option.text=focused.options[focused.selectedIndex].text;
262 option.value=focused.options[focused.selectedIndex].value;
263 E('_f_ipt_addr_shown').remove(focused.selectedIndex);
264 E('_f_ipt_addr_shown').selectedIndex=0;
265 E('_f_ipt_addr_hidden').add(option,null);
266 changed_addr_hidden = 1;
269 if ( == '_f_ipt_addr_hidden') {
270 ipt_addr_hidden.remove(focused.options[focused.selectedIndex].value);
271 ipt_addr_shown.push(focused.options[focused.selectedIndex].value);
272 var option=document.createElement("option");
273 option.text=focused.options[focused.selectedIndex].text;
274 option.value=focused.options[focused.selectedIndex].value;
275 E('_f_ipt_addr_hidden').remove(focused.selectedIndex);
276 E('_f_ipt_addr_hidden').selectedIndex=0;
277 E('_f_ipt_addr_shown').add(option,null);
278 changed_addr_hidden = 1;
280 if (changed_addr_hidden == 1) {
281 cookie.set('ipt_addr_hidden', ipt_addr_hidden.join(','), 1);
282 if (!ref.running) {
283 ref.once = 1;
284 ref.start();
285 } else {
286 ref.stop();
287 ref.start();
292 if (E('_f_ipt_addr_hidden').length < 2) {
293 E('_f_ipt_addr_hidden').disabled = 1;
294 } else {
295 E('_f_ipt_addr_hidden').disabled = 0;
298 if (E('_f_ipt_addr_shown').length < 2) {
299 E('_f_ipt_addr_shown').disabled = 1;
300 } else {
301 E('_f_ipt_addr_shown').disabled = 0;
304 return 1;
306 </script>
308 </head>
309 <body onload='init()'>
310 <form>
311 <table id='container' cellspacing=0>
312 <tr><td colspan=2 id='header'>
313 <div class='title'>Tomato</div>
314 <div class='version'>Version <% version(); %></div>
315 </td></tr>
316 <tr id='body'><td id='navi'><script type='text/javascript'>navi()</script></td>
317 <td id='content'>
318 <div id='ident'><% ident(); %></div>
320 <!-- / / / -->
322 <div id='cstats'>
323 <div id='tab-area'></div>
325 <script type='text/javascript'>
326 if ((nvram.web_svg != '0') && (nvram.cstats_enable == '1')) {
327 // without a div, Opera 9 moves svgdoc several pixels outside of <embed> (?)
328 W("<div style='border-top:1px solid #f0f0f0;border-bottom:1px solid #f0f0f0;visibility:hidden;padding:0;margin:0' id='graph'><embed src='bwm-graph.svg?<% version(); %>' style='width:760px;height:300px;margin:0;padding:0' type='image/svg+xml' pluginspage=''></embed></div>");
330 </script>
332 <div id='bwm-controls'>
333 <small>(2 minute interval)</small><br>
334 <br>
335 Hours:&nbsp;
336 <a href='javascript:switchHours(1);' id='hr1'>1</a>,
337 <a href='javascript:switchHours(2);' id='hr2'>2</a>,
338 <a href='javascript:switchHours(4);' id='hr4'>4</a>,
339 <a href='javascript:switchHours(6);' id='hr6'>6</a>,
340 <a href='javascript:switchHours(12);' id='hr12'>12</a>,
341 <a href='javascript:switchHours(18);' id='hr18'>18</a>,
342 <a href='javascript:switchHours(24);' id='hr24'>24</a><br>
343 Avg:&nbsp;
344 <a href='javascript:switchAvg(1)' id='avg1'>Off</a>,
345 <a href='javascript:switchAvg(2)' id='avg2'>2x</a>,
346 <a href='javascript:switchAvg(4)' id='avg4'>4x</a>,
347 <a href='javascript:switchAvg(6)' id='avg6'>6x</a>,
348 <a href='javascript:switchAvg(8)' id='avg8'>8x</a><br>
349 Max:&nbsp;
350 <a href='javascript:switchScale(0)' id='scale0'>Uniform</a>,
351 <a href='javascript:switchScale(1)' id='scale1'>Per Address</a><br>
352 Display:&nbsp;
353 <a href='javascript:switchDraw(0)' id='draw0'>Solid</a>,
354 <a href='javascript:switchDraw(1)' id='draw1'>Line</a><br>
355 Color:&nbsp; <a href='javascript:switchColor()' id='drawcolor'>-</a><br>
356 <small><a href='javascript:switchColor(1)' id='drawrev'>[reverse]</a></small><br>
357 <br><br>
358 &nbsp; &raquo; <a href="admin-iptraffic.asp">Configure</a>
359 </div>
361 <br><br>
362 <table border=0 cellspacing=2 id='txt'>
363 <tr>
364 <td width='8%' align='right' valign='top'><b style='border-bottom:blue 1px solid' id='rx-name'>RX</b></td>
365 <td width='15%' align='right' valign='top'><span id='rx-current'></span></td>
366 <td width='8%' align='right' valign='top'><b>Avg</b></td>
367 <td width='15%' align='right' valign='top' id='rx-avg'></td>
368 <td width='8%' align='right' valign='top'><b>Peak</b></td>
369 <td width='15%' align='right' valign='top' id='rx-max'></td>
370 <td width='8%' align='right' valign='top'><b>Total</b></td>
371 <td width='14%' align='right' valign='top' id='rx-total'></td>
372 <td>&nbsp;</td>
373 </tr>
374 <tr>
375 <td width='8%' align='right' valign='top'><b style='border-bottom:blue 1px solid' id='tx-name'>TX</b></td>
376 <td width='15%' align='right' valign='top'><span id='tx-current'></span></td>
377 <td width='8%' align='right' valign='top'><b>Avg</b></td>
378 <td width='15%' align='right' valign='top' id='tx-avg'></td>
379 <td width='8%' align='right' valign='top'><b>Peak</b></td>
380 <td width='15%' align='right' valign='top' id='tx-max'></td>
381 <td width='8%' align='right' valign='top'><b>Total</b></td>
382 <td width='14%' align='right' valign='top' id='tx-total'></td>
383 <td>&nbsp;</td>
384 </tr>
385 </table>
387 <!-- / / / -->
389 <br>
391 <div>
392 <script type='text/javascript'>
393 createFieldTable('', [
394 { title: 'IPs currently on graphic', name: 'f_ipt_addr_shown', type: 'select', options: [[0,'Select']], suffix: ' <small>(Click/select a device from this list to hide it)</small>' },
395 { title: 'Hidden addresses', name: 'f_ipt_addr_hidden', type: 'select', options: [[0,'Select']], suffix: ' <small>(Click/select to show it again)</small>' }
397 </script>
398 </div>
400 </div>
402 </div>
403 <br>
405 <!-- / / / -->
407 <script type='text/javascript'>
408 if (nvram.cstats_enable != '1') {
409 W('<div class="note-disabled">IP Traffic monitoring disabled.</b><br><br><a href="admin-iptraffic.asp">Enable &raquo;</a><div>');
410 E('cstats').style.display = 'none';
411 }else {
412 W('<div class="note-warning" style="display:none" id="rbusy">The cstats program is not responding or is busy. Try reloading after a few seconds.</div>');
414 </script>
416 <!-- / / / -->
418 </td></tr>
419 <tr><td id='footer' colspan=2>
420 <span id='dtime'></span>
421 <img src='spin.gif' id='refresh-spinner' onclick='debugTime=1'>
422 <input type='button' value='Refresh' id='refresh-button' onclick='ref.toggleX()'>
423 </td></tr>
424 </table>
425 </form>
426 </body>
427 </html>