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9 Using the scripts
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18 <H2><A NAME="htoc13">4</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;Using the scripts</H2><UL>
19 <LI><A HREF="smbldap-tools005.html#toc8"> Initial directory's population</A>
20 <LI><A HREF="smbldap-tools005.html#toc9"> User management</A>
21 <LI><A HREF="smbldap-tools005.html#toc10"> Group management</A>
22 <LI><A HREF="smbldap-tools005.html#toc11"> Adding a interdomain trust account</A>
23 </UL>
25 <A NAME="toc8"></A>
26 <H3><A NAME="htoc14">4.1</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;Initial directory's population</H3>
27 You can initialize the LDAP directory using the
28 <TT>smbldap-populate</TT> script. To do that, the account defined in
29 the <TT>/etc/opt/IDEALX/smbldap-tools/smbldap_bind.conf</TT> to access the
30 master directory <B>must</B> must be the manager account defined in the
31 directory configuration. On RedHat system, this file is
32 <TT>/etc/openldap/slapd.conf</TT> and the account is defined with
33 <PRE>
34 rootdn "cn=Manager,dc=idealx,dc=com"
35 rootpw secret
36 </PRE>The <TT>smbldap_bind.conf</TT> file must then be configured so that
37 the parameters to connect to the master LDAP server match the previous ones:
38 <PRE>
39 masterDN="cn=Manager,dc=idealx,dc=com"
40 masterPw="secret"
41 </PRE>
42 Available options for this script are summarized in the table <A HREF="#table::populate">1</A>:
44 <A NAME="code_epsilon_var"></A>
45 <DIV ALIGN=center>
47 <TR><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP>option</TD>
48 <TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP>definition</TD>
49 <TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP>default value</TD>
50 </TR>
51 <TR><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP>-u <I>uidNumber</I></TD>
52 <TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP>first uidNumber to allocate</TD>
53 <TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP>1000</TD>
54 </TR>
55 <TR><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP>-g <I>gidNumber</I></TD>
56 <TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP>first uidNumber to allocate</TD>
57 <TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP>1000</TD>
58 </TR>
59 <TR><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP>-a <I>user</I></TD>
60 <TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP>administrator login name</TD>
61 <TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP>Administrator</TD>
62 </TR>
63 <TR><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP>-b <I>user</I></TD>
64 <TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP>guest login name</TD>
65 <TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP>nobody</TD>
66 </TR>
67 <TR><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP>-e <I>file</I></TD>
68 <TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP>export a init file</TD>
69 <TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP>&nbsp;</TD>
70 </TR>
71 <TR><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP>-i <I>file</I></TD>
72 <TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP>import a init file</TD>
73 <TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP>&nbsp;</TD>
74 </TR></TABLE>
75 </DIV>
76 <BR>
77 <DIV ALIGN=center>Table 1: Options available for the <TT>smbldap-populate</TT> script</DIV><BR>
79 <A NAME="table::populate"></A>
81 In the more general case, to set up your directory, simply use the
82 following command:
83 <PRE>
84 [root@etoile root]# smbldap-populate
85 Using builtin directory structure
86 adding new entry: dc=idealx,dc=com
87 adding new entry: ou=Users,dc=idealx,dc=com
88 adding new entry: ou=Groups,dc=idealx,dc=com
89 adding new entry: ou=Computers,dc=idealx,dc=com
90 adding new entry: ou=Idmap,dc=idealx,dc=org
91 adding new entry: cn=NextFreeUnixId,dc=idealx,dc=org
92 adding new entry: uid=Administrator,ou=Users,dc=idealx,dc=com
93 adding new entry: uid=nobody,ou=Users,dc=idealx,dc=com
94 adding new entry: cn=Domain Admins,ou=Groups,dc=idealx,dc=com
95 adding new entry: cn=Domain Users,ou=Groups,dc=idealx,dc=com
96 adding new entry: cn=Domain Guests,ou=Groups,dc=idealx,dc=com
97 adding new entry: cn=Print Operators,ou=Groups,dc=idealx,dc=com
98 adding new entry: cn=Backup Operators,ou=Groups,dc=idealx,dc=com
99 adding new entry: cn=Replicator,ou=Groups,dc=idealx,dc=com
100 adding new entry: cn=Domain Computers,ou=Groups,dc=idealx,dc=com
101 </PRE>
102 After this step, if you don't want to use the <TT>cn=Manager,dc=idealx,dc=com</TT>
103 account anymore, you can create a dedicated account for Samba and the
104 smbldap-tools. See section <A HREF="smbldap-tools009.html#change::manager">8.2</A> for more details.<BR>
105 <BR>
106 The <TT>cn=NextFreeUnixId,dc=idealx,dc=org</TT> entry is only used to
107 defined the next uidNumber and gidNumber available for creating new
108 users and groups. The default values for those numbers are 1000. You
109 can change it with the <TT>-u</TT> and <TT>-g</TT> option. For
110 example, if you want the first available value for uidNumber and
111 gidNumber to be set to 1500, you can use the following command :
112 <PRE>
113 smbldap-populate -u 1550 -g 1500
114 </PRE>
115 <A NAME="toc9"></A>
116 <H3><A NAME="htoc15">4.2</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;User management</H3>
118 <H4><A NAME="htoc16">4.2.1</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;Adding a user</H4><A NAME="add::user"></A>
119 To add a user, use the <TT>smbldap-useradd</TT> script. Available
120 options are summarized in the table <A HREF="#table::add::user">2</A>. If applicable,
121 default values are mentionned in the third column. Any string beginning with a
122 $ symbol refers to a parameter defined in the
123 <TT>/etc/opt/IDEALX/smbldap-tools/smbldap.conf</TT> configuration file.
125 <DIV ALIGN=center>
127 <TR><TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>option</TD>
128 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>definition</TD>
129 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>example</TD>
130 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>default value</TD>
131 </TR>
132 <TR><TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-a</TD>
133 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>create a Windows account. Otherwise, only a Posix account
134 is created</TD>
135 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>&nbsp;</TD>
136 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>&nbsp;</TD>
137 </TR>
138 <TR><TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-w</TD>
139 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>create a Windows Workstation account</TD>
140 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>&nbsp;</TD>
141 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>&nbsp;</TD>
142 </TR>
143 <TR><TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-i</TD>
144 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>create an interdomain trust account. See section
145 <A HREF="#trust::account">4.4</A> for more details</TD>
146 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>&nbsp;</TD>
147 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>&nbsp;</TD>
148 </TR>
149 <TR><TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-u</TD>
150 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>set a uid value</TD>
151 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-u 1003</TD>
152 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>first uid available</TD>
153 </TR>
154 <TR><TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-g</TD>
155 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>set a gid value</TD>
156 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-g 1003</TD>
157 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>first gid available</TD>
158 </TR>
159 <TR><TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-G</TD>
160 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>add the new account to one or several supplementary
161 groups (comma-separated)</TD>
162 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-G 512,550</TD>
163 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>&nbsp;</TD>
164 </TR>
165 <TR><TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-d</TD>
166 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>set the home directory</TD>
167 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-d /var/user</TD>
168 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>$userHomePrefix/user</TD>
169 </TR>
170 <TR><TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-s</TD>
171 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>set the login shell</TD>
172 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-s /bin/ksh</TD>
173 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>$userLoginShell</TD>
174 </TR>
175 <TR><TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-c</TD>
176 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>set the user gecos</TD>
177 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-c "admin user"</TD>
178 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>$userGecos</TD>
179 </TR>
180 <TR><TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-m</TD>
181 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>creates user's home directory and copies /etc/skel
182 into it</TD>
183 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>&nbsp;</TD>
184 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>&nbsp;</TD>
185 </TR>
186 <TR><TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-k</TD>
187 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>set the skeleton dir (with -m)</TD>
188 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-k /etc/skel2</TD>
189 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>$skeletonDir</TD>
190 </TR>
191 <TR><TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-P</TD>
192 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>ends by invoking smbldap-passwd to set the user's
193 password</TD>
194 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>&nbsp;</TD>
195 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>&nbsp;</TD>
196 </TR>
197 <TR><TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-A</TD>
198 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>user can change password ? 0 if no, 1 if yes</TD>
199 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-A 1</TD>
200 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>&nbsp;</TD>
201 </TR>
202 <TR><TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-B</TD>
203 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>user must change password at first session ? 0 if no, 1
204 if yes</TD>
205 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-B 1</TD>
206 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>&nbsp;</TD>
207 </TR>
208 <TR><TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-C</TD>
209 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>set the samba home share</TD>
210 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-C \\PDC\homes</TD>
211 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>$userSmbHome</TD>
212 </TR>
213 <TR><TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-D</TD>
214 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>set a letter associated with the home share</TD>
215 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-D H:</TD>
216 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>$userHomeDrive</TD>
217 </TR>
218 <TR><TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-E</TD>
219 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>set DOS script to execute on login</TD>
220 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-E common.bat</TD>
221 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>$userScript</TD>
222 </TR>
223 <TR><TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-F</TD>
224 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>set the profile directory</TD>
225 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-F \\PDC\profiles\user</TD>
226 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>$userProfile</TD>
227 </TR>
228 <TR><TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-H</TD>
229 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>set the samba account control bits
230 like'[NDHTUMWSLKI]'</TD>
231 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-H [X]</TD>
232 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>&nbsp;</TD>
233 </TR>
234 <TR><TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-N</TD>
235 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>set the canonical name of the user</TD>
236 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>&nbsp;</TD>
237 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>&nbsp;</TD>
238 </TR>
239 <TR><TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-S</TD>
240 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>set the surname of the user</TD>
241 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>&nbsp;</TD>
242 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>&nbsp;</TD>
243 </TR>
244 <TR><TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-M</TD>
245 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>local mailAddress (comma seperated)</TD>
246 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-M testuser,aliasuser</TD>
247 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>&nbsp;</TD>
248 </TR>
249 <TR><TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-T</TD>
250 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>forward mail address (comma seperated)</TD>
251 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-T
253 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>&nbsp;</TD>
254 </TR></TABLE>
255 </DIV>
256 <BR>
257 <DIV ALIGN=center>Table 2: Options available to the <TT>smbldap-useradd</TT> script</DIV><BR>
259 <A NAME="table::add::user"></A>
260 <DIV ALIGN=center><HR WIDTH="80%" SIZE=2></DIV></BLOCKQUOTE>
262 For example, if you want to add a user named <I>user_admin</I> and who :
263 <UL><LI>
264 is a windows user
265 <LI>must belong to the group of gid=512 ('Domain Admins' group)
266 <LI>has a home directory
267 <LI>does not have a login shell
268 <LI>has a homeDirectory set to /dev/null
269 <LI>does not have a roaming profile
270 <LI>and for whom we want to set a first login password
271 </UL>
272 you must invoke:
273 <PRE>
274 smbldap-useradd -a -G 512 -m -s /bin/false -d /dev/null -F "" -P user_admin
275 </PRE>
277 <H4><A NAME="htoc17">4.2.2</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;Removing a user</H4>
278 To remove a user account, use the <TT>smbldap-userdel</TT> script.
279 Available options are
281 <DIV ALIGN=center>
283 <TR><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP>option</TD>
284 <TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP>definition</TD>
285 </TR>
286 <TR><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP>-r</TD>
287 <TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP>remove home directory</TD>
288 </TR>
289 <TR><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP>-R</TD>
290 <TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP>remove home directory interactively</TD>
291 </TR></TABLE>
292 </DIV>
293 <BR>
294 <DIV ALIGN=center>Table 3: Option available to the <TT>smbldap-userdel</TT> script</DIV><BR>
296 <A NAME="table::del::user"></A>
297 <DIV ALIGN=center><HR WIDTH="80%" SIZE=2></DIV></BLOCKQUOTE>
298 For example, if you want to remove the <I>user1</I> account
299 from the LDAP directory, and if you also want to delete his home
300 directory, use the following command :
301 <PRE>
302 smbldap-userdel -r user1
303 </PRE>
304 Note: '-r' is dangerous as it may delete precious and unbackuped data,
305 please be careful.<BR>
306 <BR>
308 <H4><A NAME="htoc18">4.2.3</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;Modifying a user</H4><A NAME="modify::user"></A>
309 To modify a user account, use the <TT>smbldap-usermod</TT> script.
310 Availables options are listed in the table <A HREF="#table::modify::user">4</A>.
312 <DIV ALIGN=center>
314 <TR><TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>option</TD>
315 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>definition</TD>
316 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>example</TD>
317 </TR>
318 <TR><TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-c</TD>
319 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>set the user gecos</TD>
320 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-c "admin user"</TD>
321 </TR>
322 <TR><TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-d</TD>
323 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>set the home directory</TD>
324 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-d /var/user</TD>
325 </TR>
326 <TR><TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-u</TD>
327 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>set a uid value</TD>
328 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-u 1003</TD>
329 </TR>
330 <TR><TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-g</TD>
331 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>set a gid value</TD>
332 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-g 1003</TD>
333 </TR>
334 <TR><TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-G</TD>
335 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>add the new account to one or several supplementary
336 groups (comma-separated)</TD>
337 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-G 512,550</TD>
338 </TR>
339 <TR><TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left> </TD>
340 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left> </TD>
341 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-G -512,550</TD>
342 </TR>
343 <TR><TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left> </TD>
344 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left> </TD>
345 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-G +512,550</TD>
346 </TR>
347 <TR><TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-s</TD>
348 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>set the login shell</TD>
349 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-s /bin/ksh</TD>
350 </TR>
351 <TR><TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-N</TD>
352 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>set the canonical name of the user</TD>
353 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>&nbsp;</TD>
354 </TR>
355 <TR><TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-S</TD>
356 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>set the surname of the user</TD>
357 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>&nbsp;</TD>
358 </TR>
359 <TR><TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-P</TD>
360 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>ends by invoking smbldap-passwd to set the user's password</TD>
361 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>&nbsp;</TD>
362 </TR>
363 <TR><TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-a</TD>
364 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>add sambaSAMAccount objectclass</TD>
365 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>&nbsp;</TD>
366 </TR>
367 <TR><TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-e</TD>
368 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>set an expiration date for the password (format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS)</TD>
369 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>&nbsp;</TD>
370 </TR>
371 <TR><TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-A</TD>
372 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>user can change password ? 0 if no, 1 if yes</TD>
373 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-A 1</TD>
374 </TR>
375 <TR><TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-B</TD>
376 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>user must change password at first session ? 0 if no, 1
377 if yes</TD>
378 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-B 1</TD>
379 </TR>
380 <TR><TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-C</TD>
381 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>set the samba home share</TD>
382 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-C \\PDC\homes</TD>
383 </TR>
384 <TR><TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left> </TD>
385 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left> </TD>
386 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-C ""</TD>
387 </TR>
388 <TR><TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-D</TD>
389 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>set a letter associated with the home share</TD>
390 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-D H:</TD>
391 </TR>
392 <TR><TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left> </TD>
393 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left> </TD>
394 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-D ""</TD>
395 </TR>
396 <TR><TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-E</TD>
397 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>set DOS script to execute on login</TD>
398 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-E common.bat</TD>
399 </TR>
400 <TR><TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left> </TD>
401 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left> </TD>
402 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-E ""</TD>
403 </TR>
404 <TR><TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-F</TD>
405 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>set the profile directory</TD>
406 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-F \\PDC\profiles\user</TD>
407 </TR>
408 <TR><TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left> </TD>
409 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left> </TD>
410 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-F ""</TD>
411 </TR>
412 <TR><TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-H</TD>
413 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>set the samba account control bits like'[NDHTUMWSLKI]'</TD>
414 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-H [X]</TD>
415 </TR>
416 <TR><TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-I</TD>
417 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>disable a user account</TD>
418 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-I 1</TD>
419 </TR>
420 <TR><TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-J</TD>
421 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>enable a user</TD>
422 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-J 1</TD>
423 </TR>
424 <TR><TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-M</TD>
425 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>local mailAddress (comma seperated)</TD>
426 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-M testuser,aliasuser</TD>
427 </TR>
428 <TR><TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-T</TD>
429 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>forward mail address (comma seperated)</TD>
430 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-T
432 </TR></TABLE>
433 </DIV>
434 <BR>
435 <DIV ALIGN=center>Table 4: Options available to the <TT>smbldap-usermod</TT> script</DIV><BR>
437 <A NAME="table::modify::user"></A>
438 <DIV ALIGN=center><HR WIDTH="80%" SIZE=2></DIV></BLOCKQUOTE>
439 You can also use the <TT>smbldap-userinfo</TT> script to update user's information. This script can
440 also be used by users themselves to update their own informations listed in the tables
441 <A HREF="#table::modify::self::user">5</A> (adequats ACL must be set in the directory server). Available
442 options are&nbsp;:
444 <DIV ALIGN=center>
446 <TR><TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>option</TD>
447 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>definition</TD>
448 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>example</TD>
449 </TR>
450 <TR><TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-f</TD>
451 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>set the full name's user</TD>
452 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-f MyName</TD>
453 </TR>
454 <TR><TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-r</TD>
455 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>set the room number</TD>
456 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-r 99</TD>
457 </TR>
458 <TR><TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-w</TD>
459 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>set the work phone number</TD>
460 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-w 111111111</TD>
461 </TR>
462 <TR><TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-h</TD>
463 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>set the home phone number</TD>
464 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-h 222222222</TD>
465 </TR>
466 <TR><TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-o</TD>
467 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>set other information (in gecos definition)</TD>
468 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-o "second stage"</TD>
469 </TR>
470 <TR><TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-s</TD>
471 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>set the default bash</TD>
472 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>-s /bin/ksh</TD>
473 </TR></TABLE>
474 </DIV>
475 <BR>
476 <DIV ALIGN=center>Table 5: Options available to the <TT>smbldap-userinfo</TT> script</DIV><BR>
478 <A NAME="table::modify::self::user"></A>
479 <DIV ALIGN=center><HR WIDTH="80%" SIZE=2></DIV></BLOCKQUOTE>
480 <A NAME="toc10"></A>
481 <H3><A NAME="htoc19">4.3</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;Group management</H3>
483 <H4><A NAME="htoc20">4.3.1</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;Adding a group</H4>
484 To add a new group in the LDAP directory, use the <TT>smbldap-groupadd</TT>
485 script. Available options are listed in the table
486 <A HREF="#table::add::group">6</A>.
488 <DIV ALIGN=center>
490 <TR><TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left NOWRAP>option</TD>
491 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>definition</TD>
492 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left NOWRAP>example</TD>
493 </TR>
494 <TR><TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left NOWRAP>-a</TD>
495 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>add automatic group mapping entry</TD>
496 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left NOWRAP>&nbsp;</TD>
497 </TR>
498 <TR><TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left NOWRAP>-g <TT>gid</TT></TD>
499 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>set the <I>gidNumer</I> for this group to
500 <I>gid</I></TD>
501 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left NOWRAP><TT>-g 1002</TT></TD>
502 </TR>
503 <TR><TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left NOWRAP>-o</TD>
504 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>gidNumber is not unique</TD>
505 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left NOWRAP>&nbsp;</TD>
506 </TR>
507 <TR><TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left NOWRAP>-r <TT>group-rid</TT></TD>
508 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>set the rid of the group to
509 <I>group-rid</I></TD>
510 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left NOWRAP><TT>-r 1002</TT></TD>
511 </TR>
512 <TR><TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left NOWRAP>-s <TT>group-sid</TT></TD>
513 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>set the sid of the group to
514 <I>group-sid</I></TD>
516 S-1-5-21-3703471949-3718591838-2324585696-1002</FONT></TT></TD>
517 </TR>
518 <TR><TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left NOWRAP>-t <TT>group-type</TT></TD>
519 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>set the <I>sambaGroupType</I> to
520 <I>group-type</I></TD>
521 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left NOWRAP><TT>-t 2</TT></TD>
522 </TR>
523 <TR><TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left NOWRAP>-p</TD>
524 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left>print the gidNumber to stdout</TD>
525 <TD VALIGN=top ALIGN=left NOWRAP>&nbsp;</TD>
526 </TR></TABLE>
527 </DIV>
528 <BR>
529 <DIV ALIGN=center>Table 6: Options available for the <TT>smbldap-groupadd</TT> script</DIV><BR>
531 <A NAME="table::add::group"></A>
532 <DIV ALIGN=center><HR WIDTH="80%" SIZE=2></DIV></BLOCKQUOTE>
534 <H4><A NAME="htoc21">4.3.2</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;Removing a group</H4>
535 To remove the group named <TT>group1</TT>, just use the following
536 command :
537 <PRE>
538 smbldap-userdel group1
539 </PRE>
540 <A NAME="toc11"></A>
541 <H3><A NAME="htoc22">4.4</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;Adding a interdomain trust account</H3><A NAME="trust::account"></A>
542 To add an interdomain trust account to the primary controller <I>trust-pdc</I>, use the <TT>-i</TT> option of
543 <TT>smbldap-useradd</TT> as follows :
544 <PRE>
545 [root@etoile root]# smbldap-useradd -i trust-pdc
546 New password : *******
547 Retype new password : *******
548 </PRE>
549 The script will terminate asking for a password for this trust
550 account. The account will be created in the directory branch where
551 all computer accounts are stored (<TT>ou=Computers</TT> by
552 default). The only two particularities of this account are that you are
553 setting a password for this account, and the flags of this account are
554 <TT>[I ]</TT>.
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