Fix tests that passed expected input to assert_equals
[tig.git] / test / help / all-keybindings-test.expected
1 Quick reference for tig keybindings:                                                      
3 [-] generic bindings                                                                      
4 View switching                                                                            
5                               m view-main         Show main view                          
6                               d view-diff         Show diff view                          
7                               l view-log          Show log view                           
8                               t view-tree         Show tree view                          
9                               f view-blob         Show blob view                          
10                               b view-blame        Show blame view                         
11                               r view-refs         Show refs view                          
12                            s, S view-status       Show status view                        
13                               c view-stage        Show stage view                         
14                               y view-stash        Show stash view                         
15                               g view-grep         Show grep view                          
16                               p view-pager        Show pager view                         
17                               h view-help         Show help view                          
18 View manipulation                                                                         
19                         <Enter> enter             Enter and open selected line            
20                               < back              Go back to the previous view state      
21             <Down>, <Ctrl-N>, J next              Move to next                            
22               <Up>, <Ctrl-P>, K previous          Move to previous                        
23                             ',' parent            Move to parent                          
24                           <Tab> view-next         Move focus to the next view             
25                         R, <F5> refresh           Reload and refresh view                 
26                               O maximize          Maximize the current view               
27                               q view-close        Close the current view                  
28                               Q quit              Close all views and quit                
29 Cursor navigation                                                                         
30                               k move-up           Move cursor one line up                 
31                               j move-down         Move cursor one line down               
32   <PageDown>, <Ctrl-D>, <Space> move-page-down    Move cursor one page down               
33           <PageUp>, <Ctrl-U>, - move-page-up      Move cursor half a page up              
34                          <Home> move-first-line   Move cursor to first line               
35                           <End> move-last-line    Move cursor to last line                
36 Scrolling                                                                                 
37              <Insert>, <Ctrl-Y> scroll-line-up    Scroll one line up                      
38              <Delete>, <Ctrl-E> scroll-line-down  Scroll one line down                    
39                    <ScrollBack> scroll-page-up    Scroll one page up                      
40                     <ScrollFwd> scroll-page-down  Scroll one page down                    
41                               | scroll-first-col  Scroll to the first line columns        
42                          <Left> scroll-left       Scroll two columns left                 
43                         <Right> scroll-right      Scroll two columns right                
44 Searching                                                                                 
45                               / search            Search the view                         
46                               ? search-back       Search backwards in the view            
47                               n find-next         Find next search match                  
48                               N find-prev         Find previous search match              
49 Misc                                                                                      
50                               e edit              Open in editor                          
51                               : prompt            Open the prompt                         
52                               o options           Open the options menu                   
53                        <Ctrl-L> screen-redraw     Redraw the screen                       
54                               z stop-loading      Stop all loading views                  
55                               v show-version      Show version information                
56 Option toggling:                                                                          
57                               I :toggle sort-order                                        
58                               i :toggle sort-field                                        
59                               # :toggle line-number                                       
60                               D :toggle date                                              
61                               A :toggle author                                            
62                               ~ :toggle line-graphics                                     
63                               F :toggle file-name                                         
64                               W :toggle ignore-space                                      
65                               X :toggle id                                                
66                               $ :toggle commit-title-overflow                             
67                               % :toggle file-filter                                       
68 [-] search bindings                                                                       
69 Searching                                                                                 
70      <Down>, <Ctrl-N>, <Ctrl-J> find-next         Find next search match                  
71        <Up>, <Ctrl-P>, <Ctrl-K> find-prev         Find previous search match              
72 [-] main bindings                                                                         
73 Option toggling:                                                                          
74                               G :toggle commit-title-graph                                
75                               F :toggle commit-title-refs                                 
76 External commands:                                                                        
77                               C ?git cherry-pick %(commit)                                
78 [-] diff bindings                                                                         
79 Option toggling:                                                                          
80                               [ :toggle diff-context -1                                   
81                               ] :toggle diff-context +1                                   
82 Internal commands:                                                                        
83                               @ :/^@@                                                     
84 [-] refs bindings                                                                         
85 External commands:                                                                        
86                               C ?git checkout %(branch)                                   
87                               ! ?git branch -D %(branch)                                  
88 [-] status bindings                                                                       
89 View specific actions                                                                     
90                               u status-update     Stage/unstage chunk or file changes     
91                               ! status-revert     Revert chunk or file changes            
92                               M status-merge      Merge file using external tool          
93 External commands:                                                                        
94                               C !git commit                                               
95 [-] stage bindings                                                                        
96 View specific actions                                                                     
97                               u status-update     Stage/unstage chunk or file changes     
98                               ! status-revert     Revert chunk or file changes            
99                               1 stage-update-line Stage/unstage single line               
100                               \ stage-split-chunk Split current diff chunk                
101 Option toggling:                                                                          
102                               [ :toggle diff-context -1                                   
103                               ] :toggle diff-context +1                                   
104 Internal commands:                                                                        
105                               @ :/^@@                                                     
106 [-] stash bindings                                                                        
107 External commands:                                                                        
108                               P ?git stash pop %(stash)                                   
109 [help] - line 1 of 109                                                                 99%