Moved remaining classes to classes.lisp
[texinfo-docstrings.git] / writer-common.lisp
1 ;;; -*- lisp -*-
3 ;;;; A docstring extractor for the sbcl manual. Creates
4 ;;;; @include-ready documentation from the docstrings of exported
5 ;;;; symbols of specified packages.
7 ;;;; This software was originally part of the SBCL software system.
8 ;;;; SBCL is in the public domain and is provided with absolutely no warranty.
9 ;;;; See the COPYING file for more information.
10 ;;;;
11 ;;;; Written by Rudi Schlatte <>, mangled
12 ;;;; by Nikodemus Siivola, Luis Oliveira, David Lichteblau, and others.
14 ;;;; TODO
15 ;;;; * Method documentation untested
16 ;;;; * Method sorting, somehow
17 ;;;; * Index for macros & constants?
18 ;;;; * This is getting complicated enough that tests would be good
20 (in-package #:texinfo-docstrings)
22 (defvar *document-output*)
24 ;;;; utilities
26 (defun flatten (list)
27 (cond ((null list)
28 nil)
29 ((consp (car list))
30 (nconc (flatten (car list)) (flatten (cdr list))))
31 ((null (cdr list))
32 (cons (car list) nil))
34 (cons (car list) (flatten (cdr list))))))
36 (defun flatten-to-string (list)
37 (format nil "~{~A~^~%~}" (flatten list)))
39 (defun ensure-class-precedence-list (class)
40 (unless (class-finalized-p class)
41 (finalize-inheritance class))
42 (class-precedence-list class))
45 ;;;; document formats
47 (defclass document-format ()
48 ((name :initarg :name :reader document-format-name)
49 (pathname-type :initarg :pathname-type :reader document-format-pathname-type)))
51 (defmethod document-format-pathname-type ((format symbol))
52 (document-format-pathname-type (find-document-format format)))
54 (defparameter *document-formats* (make-hash-table))
56 (defmacro define-document-format (name type)
57 `(setf (gethash ,name *document-formats*)
58 (make-instance 'document-format
59 :name ,name
60 :pathname-type ,type)))
62 (defvar *default-document-format* :html)
64 (defun find-document-format (format)
65 (if (typep format 'document-format)
66 format
67 (or (gethash format *document-formats*)
68 (error "Unknown document format: ~S" format))))
70 (defgeneric format-doc (stream doc format))
72 (defun document-package-pathname (package &key format)
73 (make-pathname :name (string-downcase (package-name package))
74 :type (document-format-pathname-type
75 (or format *default-document-format*))))
77 (defmacro with-document-file ((stream pathname format package) &body body)
78 (sb-int:once-only ((format format) (package package))
79 `(with-open-file (,stream ,pathname
80 :direction :output
81 :if-does-not-exist :create
82 :if-exists :supersede)
83 (format-document-start ,stream ,package ,format)
84 ,@body
85 (format-document-end ,stream ,package ,format))))
87 (defun document-package (package &key output-file (format *default-document-format*))
88 "Create a file containing all available documentation for the
89 exported symbols of `package' in Texinfo format. If `filename' is not
90 supplied, a file \"<packagename>.texinfo\" is generated.
92 The definitions can be referenced using Texinfo statements like
93 @ref{<doc-type>_<packagename>_<symbol-name>.texinfo}. Texinfo
94 syntax-significant characters are escaped in symbol names, but if a
95 docstring contains invalid Texinfo markup, you lose."
96 (let ((real-package (find-package package)))
97 (unless real-package
98 (error "Unknown package: ~S" package))
99 (let* ((real-format (find-document-format format))
100 (real-output-file
101 (if output-file
102 (pathname output-file)
103 (document-package-pathname package :format real-format)))
104 (docs (sort (parse-docstrings:collect-documentation real-package)
105 #'parse-docstrings:documentation<)))
106 (with-document-file (f real-output-file format real-package)
107 (dolist (doc docs)
108 (format-doc f doc format)))
109 real-output-file)))