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10 <p>
11 Node:<a name="Version-control%20support">Version-control support</a>,
12 Next:<a rel=next accesskey=n href="Using-eshell.html#Using%20eshell">Using eshell</a>,
13 Previous:<a rel=previous accesskey=p href="Remote-directories.html#Remote%20directories">Remote directories</a>,
14 Up:<a rel=up accesskey=u href="Tips-and-tricks.html#Tips%20and%20tricks">Tips and tricks</a>
15 <hr><br>
17 <h3>Supporting Version control systems</h3>
19 <p>Beginning with version 2.30 ECB supports Version-control systems (in
20 the following named VC-systems). This means the special tree-buffers
21 of ECB display files managed by a VC-system with an appropriate
22 image-icon<a rel=footnote href="#fn-1"><sup>1</sup></a> in front
23 of the filename.
25 <p>The following four options allow full control over this feature (see
26 also <a href="ecb-version-control.html#ecb-version-control">ecb-version-control</a>:
28 <dl>
29 <dt><code>ecb-vc-enable-support</code>
30 <dd>Enable or disable this feature.
31 <br><dt><code>ecb-vc-supported-backends</code>
32 <dd>The most important option for this feature. Allows to specify how ECB
33 should test if a directory is managed by a VC-system (how to identify
34 the VC-backend of a directory) and - if yes - how it should check the
35 VC-state of a certain file. The former ones are called
36 <dfn>identify-backend-functions</dfn> and the latter ones
37 <dfn>check-state-functions</dfn>.
38 <br><dt><code>ecb-vc-directory-exclude-regexps</code>
39 <dd>Allows excluding certain directories (on a regexp-basis) from the
40 VC-support even if they are managed by a VC-system.
41 <br><dt><code>ecb-vc-state-mapping</code>
42 <dd>Defines the mapping between the state-values returned by a
43 check-state-function (a function set in
44 <code>ecb-vc-supported-backends</code> and used for getting the VC-state of
45 a file, e.g. <code>vc-state</code>) and the allowed state-values ECB can
46 understand.
47 </dl>
49 <p>Probably the default settings will fit your needs but to get sure you
50 should carefully read the documentation of these options!
52 <p>The following subsection give you important informations about
53 identify-backend-functions, check-state-functions, about working with
54 remote repositories.
56 <ul>
57 <li><a accesskey=1 href="Identifying-backends.html#Identifying%20backends">Identifying backends</a>: How ECB identifies the VC-backend of a dir
58 <li><a accesskey=2 href="Checking-the-state.html#Checking%20the%20state">Checking the state</a>: How ECB checks the VC-state of a file
59 <li><a accesskey=3 href="Remote-repositories.html#Remote%20repositories">Remote repositories</a>: What you should know about this
60 <li><a accesskey=4 href="Refreshing-the-VC-state.html#Refreshing%20the%20VC-state">Refreshing the VC-state</a>: How to refresh when state changed outside
61 <li><a accesskey=5 href="Adding-new-backends.html#Adding%20new%20backends">Adding new backends</a>: Necessary steps for adding new backends
62 <li><a accesskey=6 href="Known-VC-problems.html#Known%20VC-problems">Known VC-problems</a>: Currently known problems of the VC-support
63 </ul>
65 <hr><h4>Footnotes</h4>
66 <ol type="1">
67 <li><a name="fn-1"></a>
68 <p>Of course only when Emacs is capable to display
69 images; otherwise a suitable ascii-icon will be displayed.</p>
71 </ol><hr>
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