Added assert and Scheduler, and started adding proper test frameworks
[tcl-tlc.git] / scripts / spinner.itcl
1 # vim: ft=tcl foldmethod=marker foldmarker=<<<,>>> ts=4 shiftwidth=4
3 # Signals fired:
4 # onselect(newvalue) - New value selected
6 class tlc::Spinner {
7 inherit tlc::Border tlc::Signalsource tlc::Textvariable tlc::Handlers
9 constructor {args} {}
10 destructor {}
12 public {
13 variable state "normal"
14 variable wrap 0
15 variable choices {}
16 variable value "" seekvalue
17 variable pagelength 5 rebindpage
18 variable zoom_memory 2000 ;# in ms
20 method move {delta}
21 method moveto {sel_idx}
22 method next {{delta 1}}
23 method prev {{delta 1}}
24 method last {{offset 0}}
25 method first {{offset 0}}
26 method last_idx {}
27 method popdown {}
28 method set_choice {newidx args}
31 protected {
32 variable idx 0
34 method update_view {}
35 method seekvalue {}
36 method rebindpage {}
37 method textvariable_changed {newvalue}
40 private {
41 variable toggles
42 variable last_zoom_ms
43 variable zoom_spec ""
44 variable popup_obj
45 variable choices_init 1
46 variable oldvalue
48 common upimg
49 common downimg
50 common upimg_refcount
51 common downimg_refcount
53 method reset {}
54 method validate_input {newval}
55 method scrollwheel {delta}
56 method zoom {char}
57 method binding {args}
58 method popup {}
59 method toggle_popup {}
60 method statechanged {newstate}
61 method choices_set_changed {newstate}
66 configbody tlc::Spinner::value { #<<<1
67 if {$value == "" && [info exists oldvalue]} {
68 set value $oldvalue
70 set oldvalue $value
71 seekvalue
75 configbody tlc::Spinner::choices { #<<<1
76 if {$choices_init} {
77 set choices_init 0
78 } else {
79 puts stderr "choices: ([join $choices |]) value: ($value)"
80 $signals(choices_set) set_state 1
82 reset
86 configbody tlc::Spinner::state { #<<<1
87 log debug "state: ($state)"
88 [stategate_ref] configure -default [expr {$state == "normal"}]
92 body tlc::Spinner::constructor {args} { #<<<1
93 array set toggles {}
95 tlc::Signal #auto signals(valid) -name "$w valid"
96 tlc::Signal #auto signals(choices_set) -name "$w choices_set"
98 $signals(choices_set) attach_output [code $this choices_set_changed]
100 # Initialize bitmaps <<<
101 if {![info exists upimg]} {
102 set upimg [image create bitmap \
103 -file [file join $::tlc::library scripts images spinup.xbm] \
104 -foreground $tlc::config(enabledforeground)]
105 set upimg_refcount 1
106 } else {
107 incr upimg_refcount
110 if {![info exists downimg]} {
111 set downimg [image create bitmap \
112 -file [file join $::tlc::library scripts images spindown.xbm] \
113 -foreground $tlc::config(enabledforeground)]
114 set downimg_refcount 1
115 } else {
116 incr downimg_refcount
118 # Initialize bitmaps >>>
120 # Border hacks <<<
121 $itk_component(border) configure \
122 -highlightthickness 1 \
123 -takefocus 1 \
124 -highlightcolor black
125 tlc::StateToggle #auto toggles(border) $itk_component(border) \
126 -takefocus {0 1}
127 $toggles(border) attach_signal [stategate_ref]
128 bind $itk_component(border).inner <FocusIn> \
129 [code focus $itk_component(border)]
130 # Border hacks >>>
132 # Entry <<<
133 itk_component add entry {
134 entry $w.entry -borderwidth 0 -highlightthickness 0 -state disabled \
135 -validate all -validatecommand [code $this validate_input %P]
137 keep -width
138 rename -background -textbackground textBackground TextBackground
140 set enabled_fg [$tlc::theme setting foreground]
141 set enabled_bg [$tlc::theme setting textbackground]
142 set disabled_fg [$tlc::theme setting disabledforeground]
143 set disabled_bg [$tlc::theme setting disabledbackground]
144 tlc::StateToggle #auto toggles(entry) $itk_component(entry) \
145 -foreground [list $disabled_fg $enabled_fg] \
146 -background [list $disabled_bg $enabled_bg] \
147 -disabledforeground [list $disabled_fg $enabled_fg] \
148 -disabledbackground [list $disabled_bg $enabled_bg]
149 $toggles(entry) attach_signal [stategate_ref]
150 # Entry >>>
152 # Spin buttons <<<
153 option add *$wdb.Button.takeFocus 0
154 option add *$wdb.Button.borderWidth 1
155 option add *$wdb.Button.padX 2
156 option add *$wdb.Button.width 10
157 option add *$wdb.Button.padY 0
158 option add *$wdb.Button.highlightThickness 0
160 button $w.up -image $upimg -command [code $this prev]
161 tlc::StateToggle #auto toggles(up) $w.up \
162 -state {disabled normal}
163 $toggles(up) attach_input [stategate_ref]
165 button $w.down -image $downimg -command [code $this next]
166 tlc::StateToggle #auto toggles(down) $w.down \
167 -state {disabled normal}
168 $toggles(down) attach_input [stategate_ref]
169 # Spin buttons >>>
171 # Popup <<<
172 itk_component add popup {
173 tlc::Comboselect $w.#auto -parent $this
175 keep -maxheight -textbackground
176 rename -listwidth -width width Width
178 set popup_obj $itk_component(popup)
179 # Popup >>>
181 blt::table $w \
182 $w.entry 1,1 -rspan 2 -fill both \
183 $w.up 1,2 -fill y \
184 $w.down 2,2 -fill y
185 blt::table configure $w c2 -resize none
187 eval itk_initialize $args
189 set baselog_instancename $w
191 set listend [expr {[llength $choices] - 1}]
192 if {$listend < 0} {set listend 0}
194 bind $itk_component(entry) <Button-4> [code $this binding move -1]
195 bind $itk_component(entry) <Button-5> [code $this binding move 1]
196 bind $itk_component(entry) <MouseWheel> [code $this binding scrollwheel %D]
197 #bind $itk_component(entry) <Button-1> [code focus $w]
198 bind $itk_component(entry) <Button-1> [code $this toggle_popup]
199 bind $itk_component(entry) <Button-3> [code $this toggle_popup]
200 bind $itk_component(border) <Key-Up> [code $this binding move -1]
201 bind $itk_component(border) <Key-Down> [code $this binding move 1]
202 bind $itk_component(border) <Key-Home> [code $this binding moveto 0]
203 bind $itk_component(border) <Key-End> [code $this binding moveto $listend]
204 bind $itk_component(border) <Key> [code $this zoom %A]
206 [stategate_ref] attach_output [code $this statechanged]
210 body tlc::Spinner::destructor {} { #<<<1
211 incr upimg_refcount -1
212 incr downimg_refcount -1
213 if {$upimg_refcount == 0} {
214 image delete $upimg
215 unset upimg
216 unset upimg_refcount
218 if {$downimg_refcount == 0} {
219 image delete $downimg
220 unset downimg
221 unset downimg_refcount
226 body tlc::Spinner::move {delta} { #<<<1
227 set sel_idx [lsearch $choices [$w.entry get]]
229 set choices_len [llength $choices]
231 if {$sel_idx == -1} {
232 if {$delta < 0} {
233 set sel_idx [expr {$choices_len + $delta}]
234 if {$sel_idx == [llength $choices]} {
235 set sel_idx [expr {$choices_len - 1}]
237 } else {
238 set sel_idx [expr {$delta - 1}]
239 if {$sel_idx < 0} {
240 set sel_idx 0
243 } else {
244 set sel_idx [expr {$sel_idx + $delta}]
247 if {$wrap} {
248 if {$choices_len == 0} {
249 set sel_idx 0
250 } else {
251 set sel_idx [expr {$sel_idx % $choices_len}]
253 } else {
254 if {$sel_idx > [last_idx]} {
255 set sel_idx [last_idx]
256 } elseif {$sel_idx < 0} {
257 set sel_idx 0
261 moveto $sel_idx
265 body tlc::Spinner::moveto {sel_idx} { #<<<1
266 if {![[stategate_ref] state]} return
267 if {$sel_idx < 0 || $sel_idx > [last_idx]} {
268 error "Spinner choice out of bounds: $sel_idx (max is [last_idx])"
269 } else {
270 set idx $sel_idx
272 update_view
276 body tlc::Spinner::next {{delta 1}} { #<<<1
277 move $delta
281 body tlc::Spinner::prev {{delta 1}} { #<<<1
282 move [expr {0 - $delta}]
286 body tlc::Spinner::last {{offset 0}} { #<<<1
287 moveto [expr {[last_idx] + $offset}]
291 body tlc::Spinner::first {{offset 0}} { #<<<1
292 moveto $offset
296 body tlc::Spinner::last_idx {} { #<<<1
297 return [expr {[llength $choices] - 1}]
301 body tlc::Spinner::update_view {} { #<<<1
302 set new [lindex $choices $idx]
304 set hold [$itk_component(entry) cget -state]
305 $itk_component(entry) configure -state normal
306 $itk_component(entry) delete 0 end
307 $itk_component(entry) insert 0 $new
308 $itk_component(entry) configure -state $hold
310 set_textvariable $new
311 invoke_handlers onselect $new
315 body tlc::Spinner::seekvalue {} { #<<<1
316 if {![$signals(choices_set) state]} return
317 log debug "looking for ($value) in ([join $choices |])"
318 set sel_idx [lsearch $choices $value]
319 if {$sel_idx != -1} {
320 moveto $sel_idx
322 set zoom_spec ""
326 body tlc::Spinner::rebindpage {} { #<<<1
327 bind $itk_component(border) <Key-Prior> [code $this binding move -$pagelength]
328 bind $itk_component(border) <Key-Next> [code $this binding move $pagelength]
332 body tlc::Spinner::reset {} { #<<<1
333 log debug "choices are: ([join $choices |]) value is: ($value)"
334 set tidx [lsearch $choices [$itk_component(entry) get]]
335 if {$tidx == -1} {
336 $itk_component(entry) delete 0 end
339 set listend [expr {[llength $choices] - 1}]
340 if {$listend < 0} {set listend 0}
342 bind $itk_component(entry) <Key-End> [code $this binding moveto $listend]
344 $popup_obj set_choices [lrange $choices 0 end]
346 seekvalue
350 body tlc::Spinner::validate_input {newval} { #<<<1
351 set exists [expr {[lsearch $choices $newval] != -1}]
352 $signals(valid) set_state $exists
354 return [expr {$exists || $newval == ""}]
358 body tlc::Spinner::textvariable_changed {newvalue} { #<<<1
359 log debug "choices set? [$signals(choices_set) state] choices: ([join $choices |])"
361 if {$newvalue == ""} {
362 set hold [$itk_component(entry) cget -state]
363 $itk_component(entry) configure -state normal
364 $itk_component(entry) delete 0 end
365 $itk_component(entry) insert 0 ""
366 $itk_component(entry) configure -state $hold
367 } else {
368 if {[$signals(choices_set) state]} {
369 if {[lsearch $choices $newvalue] == -1} {
370 error "Invalid value" "" [list reject_change]
374 configure -value $newvalue
379 body tlc::Spinner::scrollwheel {delta} { #<<<1
380 if {$delta > 0} {
381 move -1
382 } else {
383 move 1
388 body tlc::Spinner::zoom {char} { #<<<1
389 set now [clock clicks -milliseconds]
390 if {![info exists last_zoom_ms] || $now - $last_zoom_ms > $zoom_memory} {
391 set zoom_spec $char
392 } else {
393 append zoom_spec $char
395 set last_zoom_ms $now
397 set zoom_spec [string tolower $zoom_spec]
399 set zoom_last [string length $zoom_spec]
400 incr zoom_last -1
402 set tidx -1
403 foreach choice $choices {
404 incr tidx
405 if {
406 [string tolower [string range $choice 0 $zoom_last]] == $zoom_spec
408 moveto $tidx
409 return
413 if {[string length $zoom_spec] > 1} {
414 # Try instead with this char only
415 set zoom_spec ""
416 zoom $char
421 body tlc::Spinner::binding {args} { #<<<1
422 log debug "Binding: $args"
423 focus $w
424 eval [code $this] $args
428 body tlc::Spinner::popup {} { #<<<1
429 if {![[stategate_ref] state]} return
430 grab -global $w
431 set topx [winfo rootx $w.up]
432 set topy [winfo rooty $w.up]
434 set screenheight [winfo screenheight $w]
435 set screenwidth [winfo screenwidth $w]
437 table arrange $w
438 update idletasks
439 foreach {id x y wd ht} [table extents $w c2] break
441 set botx [expr $topx + $wd]
442 set boty [expr $topy + $ht]
444 $popup_obj set_choices [lrange $choices 0 end]
446 set listwidth [winfo reqwidth $popup_obj]
447 set listheight [winfo reqheight $popup_obj]
448 wm overrideredirect $popup_obj 1
449 wm positionfrom $popup_obj user
451 set planx [expr {$botx - $listwidth}]
452 set plany [expr {$boty + 1}]
454 # Avoid going off the screen <<<
455 if {$planx < 0} {set planx 0}
456 if {$plany < 0} {set plany 0}
457 if {$planx + $listwidth > $screenwidth} {
458 set planx [expr {$screenwidth - $listwidth}]
460 if {$plany + $listheight > $screenheight} {
461 set plany [expr {$screenheight - $listheight}]
463 # Avoid going off the screen >>>
465 $popup_obj moveto $planx $plany
466 $popup_obj show
468 focus [$popup_obj component list]
470 bind $w <Button> [code $this popdown]
471 bind $w <Key> [code $this popdown]
475 body tlc::Spinner::popdown {} { #<<<1
476 if {[winfo ismapped $popup_obj]} {
477 grab release $w
478 $popup_obj hide
480 focus $itk_component(border)
485 body tlc::Spinner::toggle_popup {} { #<<<1
486 if {[winfo ismapped $popup_obj]} {
487 popdown
488 } else {
489 popup
494 body tlc::Spinner::set_choice {newidx args} { #<<<1
495 moveto $newidx
497 popdown
501 body tlc::Spinner::statechanged {newstate} { #<<<1
502 if {$newstate} {
503 } else {
504 popdown
509 body tlc::Spinner::choices_set_changed {newstate} { #<<<1
510 log debug