Added assert and Scheduler, and started adding proper test frameworks
[tcl-tlc.git] / scripts / lookup.itk
1 # vim: foldmarker=<<<,>>>
3 # Signals:
4 #       onchange(id,text)       - Fired when the data is changed
6 option add *Lookup.buttonBorderwidth            1       widgetDefault
7 option add *Lookup.buttonPadX                           2       widgetDefault
8 option add *Lookup.buttonPadY                           0       widgetDefault
10 class tlc::Lookup {
11         inherit tlc::Mywidget tlc::Handlers tlc::Textvariable tlc::Signalsource
13         constructor {args} {}
14         destructor {}
16         public {
17                 variable button_label   "..."
18                 variable lookup_command {}
19                 variable state                  "normal"
21                 method set_data {id text}
22                 method get_id {}
23                 method get_text {}
24                 method selected_ref {}
25         }
27         protected {
28                 variable toggles
29                 variable id                                     ""
30                 variable text                           ""
32                 method fire_lookup {}
33                 method textvariable_changed {newvalue}
34         }
38 configbody tlc::Lookup::lookup_command { #<<<1
39         $signals(lookup_set) set_state  [expr {$lookup_command != {}}]
40         log debug "$w lookup_command: ([$signals(lookup_set) state]) ($lookup_command)"
44 configbody tlc::Lookup::state { #<<<1
45         $signals(enabled) set_state [expr {$state == "normal"}]
46         log debug "$w state: ([$signals(enabled) state]) ($state)"
50 configbody tlc::Lookup::button_label { #<<<1
51         log debug $w
52         switch -- [string index $button_label 0] {
53                 "@" {
54                         $w.button configure \
55                                         -text "" -image [string range $button_label 1 end]
56                 }
58                 default {
59                         $w.button configure \
60                                         -text $button_label -image ""
61                 }
62         }
66 body tlc::Lookup::constructor {args} { #<<<1
67         tlc::Signal #auto signals(lookup_set) -name "$w lookup_set"
68         tlc::Signal #auto signals(enabled) -name "$w enabled"
69         tlc::Signal #auto signals(item_selected) -name "$w item_selected"
71         $signals(enabled) set_state [expr {$state == "normal"}]
73         itk_component add entry {
74                 entry $w.entry -state disabled -background $tlc::config(textbackground) \
75                                 -textvariable [scope text]
76         } {
77                 usual
78                 ignore -background -state -textvariable
79                 keep -width
80                 switch -- $::tcl_version {
81                         "8.0" -
82                         "8.1" -
83                         "8.2" -
84                         "8.3" {
85                         }
87                         default {
88                                 ignore -disabledbackground
89 #                               keep -disabledbackground
90                         }
91                 }
92         }
94         bind $w.entry <Button-1> [code $this fire_lookup]
96         itk_component add button {
97                 button $w.button -command [code $this fire_lookup]
98         } {
99                 usual
100                 ignore -text
101                 rename -borderwidth -buttonborderwidth buttonBorderwidth ButtonBorderwidth
102                 rename -padx -buttonpadx buttonPadX ButtonPadX
103                 rename -pady -buttonpady buttonPadY ButtonPadY
104         }
106         switch -- $::tcl_version {
107                 "8.0" -
108                 "8.1" -
109                 "8.2" -
110                 "8.3" {
111                         tlc::StateToggle #auto toggles(entry) $w.entry \
112                                         -background [list $tlc::config(disabledbackground) $tlc::config(textbackground)]
113                 }
115                 default {
116                         tlc::StateToggle #auto toggles(entry) $w.entry \
117                                         -background [list $tlc::config(disabledbackground) $tlc::config(textbackground)] \
118                                         -disabledbackground [list $tlc::config(disabledbackground) $tlc::config(textbackground)]
119                 }
120         }
122         tlc::StateToggle #auto toggles(button) $w.button \
123                         -state {disabled normal}
125         $toggles(entry) attach_signal $signals(enabled) 
126         $toggles(button) attach_signal $signals(enabled) 
127         $toggles(button) attach_signal $signals(lookup_set)
129         table $w \
130                         $w.entry        1,1 -fill x \
131                         $w.button       1,2 -fill y
132         table configure $w c2 -resize none
134         eval itk_initialize $args
138 body tlc::Lookup::destructor {} { #<<<1
139         array unset toggles
144 body tlc::Lookup::fire_lookup {} { #<<<1
145         if {![$signals(enabled) state]} return
146         if {![$signals(lookup_set) state]} return
147         set res [uplevel #0 $lookup_command [list $id $text]]
148         set status      [lindex $res 0]
149         if {$status} {
150                 set_data [lindex $res 1] [lindex $res 2]
151         }
155 body tlc::Lookup::set_data {id newtext} { #<<<1
156         set id          $id
157         set text        $newtext
159         set_textvariable $id
161         $signals(item_selected) set_state [expr {$id != ""}]
163         invoke_handlers onchange $id $text
167 body tlc::Lookup::get_id {} { #<<<1
168         return $id
172 body tlc::Lookup::get_text {} { #<<<1
173         return $text
177 body tlc::Lookup::selected_ref {} { #<<<1
178         log warning "selected_ref is deprecated.  use signal_ref item_selected\n[tlc::stackdump]"
179         return $signals(item_selected)
183 body tlc::Lookup::textvariable_changed {newvalue} { #<<<1
184         # TODO: select item
185         # Nasty hack
186         if {$newvalue == ""} {
187                 set_data "" ""
188         }