Added assert and Scheduler, and started adding proper test frameworks
[tcl-tlc.git] / scripts / dslookup.itk
1 # vim: ft=tcl foldmethod=marker foldmarker=<<<,>>> ts=4 shiftwidth=4
3 class tlc::DSlookup {
4         inherit tlc::Border tlc::Signalsource tlc::Textvariable tlc::Baselog
6         constructor {args} {}
8         public {
9                 variable state                  "normal"
10                 variable wrap                   0
11                 variable ds                             {}
12                 variable value                  ""      seekvalue
13                 variable pagelength             5       rebindpage
14                 variable zoom_memory    2000            ;# in ms
15                 variable id_field               "id"
16                 variable display_field  "name"
17                 variable show_extra             {}
19                 method move {delta}
20                 method moveto {sel_idx}
21                 method next {{delta 1}}
22                 method prev {{delta 1}}
23                 method last {{offset 0}}
24                 method first {{offset 0}}
25                 method last_idx {}
26                 method popdown {}
27                 method set_choice {info_arr}
28         }
30         protected {
31                 variable idx                    0
33                 method update_view {}
34                 method seekvalue {}
35                 method rebindpage {}
36                 method textvariable_changed {newvalue}
37         }
39         private {
40                 variable toggles
41                 variable last_zoom_ms
42                 variable zoom_spec              ""
43                 variable popup_obj
44                 variable old_ds
45                 variable selected_info  {}
47                 method reset {}
48                 method validate_input {newval}
49                 method scrollwheel {delta}
50                 method zoom {char}
51                 method binding {args}
52                 method popup {}
53                 method toggle_popup {}
54                 method statechanged {newstate}
55         }
59 configbody tlc::DSlookup::state { #<<<1
60         log debug "state: ($state)"
61         [stategate_ref] configure -default [expr {$state == "normal"}]
65 configbody tlc::DSlookup::ds { #<<<1
66         if {[info exists old_ds]} {
67         }
69         reset
73 body tlc::DSlookup::constructor {args} { #<<<1
74         array set toggles       {}
76         tlc::Signal #auto signals(valid) -name "$w valid"
78         # Border hacks <<<
79         $itk_component(border) configure \
80                         -highlightthickness 1 \
81                         -takefocus 1 \
82                         -highlightcolor black
83         tlc::StateToggle #auto toggles(border) $itk_component(border) \
84                         -takefocus {0 1}
85         $toggles(border) attach_signal [stategate_ref]
86         bind $itk_component(border).inner <FocusIn> \
87                         [code focus $itk_component(border)]
88         # Border hacks >>>
90         # Entry <<<
91         itk_component add entry {
92                 entry $w.entry -borderwidth 0 -highlightthickness 0 -state disabled \
93                                 -validate all -validatecommand [code $this validate_input %P]
94         } {
95                 keep -width
96                 rename -background -textbackground textBackground TextBackground
97         }
98         set enabled_fg          [$tlc::theme setting foreground]
99         set enabled_bg          [$tlc::theme setting textbackground]
100         set disabled_fg         [$tlc::theme setting disabledforeground]
101         set disabled_bg         [$tlc::theme setting disabledbackground]
102         tlc::StateToggle #auto toggles(entry) $itk_component(entry) \
103                         -foreground [list $disabled_fg $enabled_fg] \
104                         -background [list $disabled_bg $enabled_bg] \
105                         -disabledforeground [list $disabled_fg $enabled_fg] \
106                         -disabledbackground [list $disabled_bg $enabled_bg]
107         $toggles(entry) attach_signal [stategate_ref]
108         # Entry >>>
110         # Lookup button <<<
111         option add *$wdb.Button.takeFocus                       0
112         option add *$wdb.Button.borderWidth                     1
113         option add *$wdb.Button.padX                            2
114         option add *$wdb.Button.width                           10
115         option add *$wdb.Button.padY                            0
116         option add *$wdb.Button.highlightThickness      0
118         button $w.toggle_lookup -text "..." -command [code $this toggle_lookup]
119         tlc::StateToggle #auto toggles(toggle_lookup) $w.toggle_lookup \
120                         -state {disabled normal}
121         $toggles(toggle_lookup) attach_input [stategate_ref]
122         # Lookup button >>>
124         # Extra fields display <<<
125         itk_component add extra {
126                 label $w.extra
127         }
128         # Extra fields display >>>
130         # Popup <<<
131         itk_component add popup {
132                 tlc::DSpopup $w.#auto -parent $this
133         } {
134                 keep -ds
135         }
136         set popup_obj   $itk_component(popup)
137         # Popup >>>
139         blt::table $w \
140                         $w.entry                        1,1 -rspan 2 -fill both \
141                         $w.toggle_lookup        1,2 -fill y \
142                         $w.extra                        1,3 -anchor w
143         blt::table configure $w c2 c3 -resize none
145         eval itk_initialize     $args
147         set listend             [expr {[llength $choices] - 1}]
148         if {$listend < 0} {set listend 0}
150         bind $itk_component(entry) <Button-4> [code $this binding move -1]
151         bind $itk_component(entry) <Button-5> [code $this binding move 1]
152         bind $itk_component(entry) <MouseWheel> [code $this binding scrollwheel %D]
153         #bind $itk_component(entry) <Button-1> [code focus $w]
154         bind $itk_component(entry) <Button-1> [code $this toggle_popup]
155         bind $itk_component(entry) <Button-3> [code $this toggle_popup]
156         bind $itk_component(border) <Key-Up> [code $this binding move -1]
157         bind $itk_component(border) <Key-Down> [code $this binding move 1]
158         bind $itk_component(border) <Key-Home> [code $this binding moveto 0]
159         bind $itk_component(border) <Key-End>  [code $this binding moveto $listend]
160         bind $itk_component(border) <Key>  [code $this zoom %A]
162         [stategate_ref] attach_output [code $this statechanged]
166 body tlc::DSlookup::move {delta}        { #<<<1
167         set sel_idx             [lsearch $choices [$w.entry get]]
169         set choices_len [llength $choices]
171         if {$sel_idx == -1} {
172                 if {$delta < 0} {
173                         set sel_idx             [expr {$choices_len + $delta}]
174                         if {$sel_idx == [llength $choices]} {
175                                 set sel_idx     [expr {$choices_len - 1}]
176                         }
177                 } else {
178                         set sel_idx             [expr {$delta - 1}]
179                         if {$sel_idx < 0} {
180                                 set sel_idx             0
181                         }
182                 }
183         } else {
184                 set sel_idx             [expr {$sel_idx + $delta}]
185         }
187         if {$wrap} {
188                 if {$choices_len == 0} {
189                         set sel_idx             0
190                 } else {
191                         set sel_idx     [expr {$sel_idx % $choices_len}]
192                 }
193         } else {
194                 if {$sel_idx > [last_idx]} {
195                         set sel_idx     [last_idx]
196                 } elseif {$sel_idx < 0} {
197                         set sel_idx     0
198                 }
199         }
201         moveto $sel_idx
205 body tlc::DSlookup::moveto {sel_idx} { #<<<1
206         if {![[stategate_ref] state]} return
207         if {$sel_idx < 0 || $sel_idx > [last_idx]} {
208                 error "Choice out of bounds: $sel_idx (max is [last_idx])"
209         } else {
210                 set idx $sel_idx
211         }
212         update_view
216 body tlc::DSlookup::next {{delta 1}} { #<<<1
217         move $delta     
221 body tlc::DSlookup::prev {{delta 1}} { #<<<1
222         move [expr {0 - $delta}]
226 body tlc::DSlookup::last {{offset 0}} { #<<<1
227         moveto [expr {[last_idx] + $offset}]
231 body tlc::DSlookup::first {{offset 0}} { #<<<1
232         moveto $offset
236 body tlc::DSlookup::last_idx {} { #<<<1
237         return [expr {[llength $choices] - 1}]
241 body tlc::DSlookup::update_view {} { #<<<1
242         set new         [lindex $choices $idx]
244         set hold        [$itk_component(entry) cget -state]
245         $itk_component(entry) configure -state normal
246         $itk_component(entry) delete 0 end
247         $itk_component(entry) insert 0 $new
248         $itk_component(entry) configure -state $hold
250         set_textvariable $new
254 body tlc::DSlookup::seekvalue {} { #<<<1
255         set sel_idx     [lsearch $choices $value]
256         if {$sel_idx != -1} {
257                 moveto $sel_idx
258         }
259         set zoom_spec   ""
263 body tlc::DSlookup::rebindpage {} { #<<<1
264         bind $itk_component(border) <Key-Prior> [code $this binding move -$pagelength]
265         bind $itk_component(border) <Key-Next>  [code $this binding move $pagelength]
269 body tlc::DSlookup::reset {} { #<<<1
270         set tidx                [lsearch $choices [$itk_component(entry) get]]
271         if {$tidx == -1} {
272                 $itk_component(entry) delete 0 end
273         }
275         set listend             [expr {[llength $choices] - 1}]
276         if {$listend < 0} {set listend 0}
278         bind $itk_component(entry) <Key-End> [code $this binding moveto $listend]
280         $popup_obj set_choices [lrange $choices 0 end]
282         set zoom_spec   ""
286 body tlc::DSlookup::validate_input {newval} { #<<<1
287         set exists      [expr {[lsearch $choices $newval] != -1}]
288         $signals(valid) set_state $exists
290         return [expr {$exists || $newval == ""}]
294 body tlc::DSlookup::textvariable_changed {newvalue} { #<<<1
295         if {$newvalue == ""} {
296                 set hold        [$itk_component(entry) cget -state]
297                 $itk_component(entry) configure -state normal
298                 $itk_component(entry) delete 0 end
299                 $itk_component(entry) insert 0 ""
300                 $itk_component(entry) configure -state $hold
301         } else {
302                 if {[lsearch $choices $newvalue] == -1} {
303                         error "Invalid value" "" [list reject_change]
304                 }
306                 configure -value $newvalue
307         }
311 body tlc::DSlookup::scrollwheel {delta} { #<<<1
312         if {$delta > 0} {
313                 move -1
314         } else {
315                 move 1
316         }
320 body tlc::DSlookup::zoom {char} { #<<<1
321         set now         [clock clicks -milliseconds]
322         if {![info exists last_zoom_ms] || $now - $last_zoom_ms > $zoom_memory} {
323                 set zoom_spec           $char
324         } else {
325                 append zoom_spec        $char
326         }
327         set last_zoom_ms        $now
329         set zoom_spec   [string tolower $zoom_spec]
331         set zoom_last   [string length $zoom_spec]
332         incr zoom_last  -1
334         set tidx                -1
335         foreach choice $choices {
336                 incr tidx
337                 if {
338                         [string tolower [string range $choice 0 $zoom_last]] == $zoom_spec
339                 } {
340                         moveto $tidx
341                         return
342                 }
343         }
345         if {[string length $zoom_spec] > 1} {
346                 # Try instead with this char only
347                 set zoom_spec   ""
348                 zoom $char
349         }
353 body tlc::DSlookup::binding {args} { #<<<1
354         log debug "Binding: $args"
355         focus $w
356         eval [code $this] $args
360 body tlc::DSlookup::popup {} { #<<<1
361         if {![[stategate_ref] state]} return
362         grab -global $w
363         set topx                [winfo rootx $w.up]
364         set topy                [winfo rooty $w.up]
366         set screenheight        [winfo screenheight $w]
367         set screenwidth         [winfo screenwidth $w]
369         table arrange $w
370         update idletasks
371         foreach {id x y wd ht} [table extents $w c2] break
373         set botx                [expr $topx + $wd]
374         set boty                [expr $topy + $ht]
376         #$popup_obj set_choices [$ds get_list {}]
378         set listwidth   [winfo reqwidth $popup_obj]
379         set listheight  [winfo reqheight $popup_obj]
380         wm overrideredirect $popup_obj 1
381         wm positionfrom $popup_obj user
383         set planx       [expr {$botx - $listwidth}]
384         set plany       [expr {$boty + 1}]
386         # Avoid going off the screen <<<
387         if {$planx < 0} {set planx 0}
388         if {$plany < 0} {set plany 0}
389         if {$planx + $listwidth > $screenwidth} {
390                 set planx       [expr {$screenwidth - $listwidth}]
391         }
392         if {$plany + $listheight > $screenheight} {
393                 set plany       [expr {$screenheight - $listheight}]
394         }
395         # Avoid going off the screen >>>
397         $popup_obj moveto $planx $plany
398         $popup_obj show
400         focus [$popup_obj component list]
402         bind $w <Button> [code $this popdown]
403         bind $w <Key> [code $this popdown]
407 body tlc::DSlookup::popdown {} { #<<<1
408         if {[winfo ismapped $popup_obj]} {
409                 grab release $w
410                 $popup_obj hide
412                 focus $itk_component(border)
413         }
417 body tlc::DSlookup::toggle_popup {} { #<<<1
418         if {[winfo ismapped $popup_obj]} {
419                 popdown
420         } else {
421                 popup
422         }
426 body tlc::DSlookup::set_choice {info_arr} { #<<<1
427         set selected_info       $info_arr
428         array set info  $info_arr
430         foreach reqf [list $id_field $display_field] {
431                 if {![info exists info($reqf)]} {
432                         error "Specified item does not contain the field ($reqf)" "" \
433                                         [list missing_field $reqf]
434                 }
435         }
436         set new         $info($display_field)
437         set id          $info($id_field)
439         set hold        [$itk_component(entry) cget -state]
440         $itk_component(entry) configure -state normal
441         $itk_component(entry) delete 0 end
442         $itk_component(entry) insert 0 $new
443         $itk_component(entry) configure -state $hold
445         set extra
446         foreach f $show_extra {
447                 if {[info exists info($f)]} {
448                         lappend extra   $info($f)
449                 } else {
450                         log warning "Requested additional field is not set: \"$f\""
451                 }
452         }
453         $itk_component(extra) configure -text [join $extra ", "]
455         set_textvariable $id
457         popdown
461 body tlc::DSlookup::statechanged {newstate} { #<<<1
462         if {$newstate} {
463         } else {
464                 popdown
465         }