Fixed (?) issue with delayed select
[tcl-tlc.git] / scripts / browse_treeview.itcl
1 # vim: ft=tcl foldmarker=<<<,>>>
3 option add Browse_treeview_flat.width 130 widgetDefault
4 option add Browse_treeview_flat.height 200 widgetDefault
6 class tlc::Browse_treeview_flat {
7 inherit tlc::Mywidget tlc::Browsegeneric tlc::Baselog
9 constructor {args} {}
10 destructor {}
12 itk_option define -actionspos actionsPos ActionsPos \
13 {11,10 -fill x} need_relayout
14 itk_option define -actions_orient actionsOrient ActionsOrient h
15 itk_option define -action_buttonwidth actionButtonWidth ActionButtonWidth 9
16 itk_option define -column_widths columnWidths ColumnWidths {}
17 itk_option define -yscrollmode yScrollMode YScrollMode static
18 itk_option define -xscrollmode xScrollMode XScrollMode dynamic
20 public {
21 # inherited, overridden interface
22 method refresh {}
23 method clear {}
24 method add_item {}
25 method update_item {}
26 method remove_item {}
27 method select_items {itemlist}
28 method get_selected_items {}
29 method action_add {args}
30 method action_attach_signal {label signal {sense normal}}
31 method action_add_supported {}
32 method action_tips {args}
33 method filter_add {label varinfo {matchcode 1}}
34 method filter_add_standard {label varinfo matchcode}
35 method filter_data {args}
36 method filter_item {item}
37 method filter_add_cb {cb}
39 # specific to this implementation
40 variable hide_id_col 0
41 variable checkvars {}
42 variable col_justifies ""
43 variable col_paddings ""
44 variable col_widths ""
45 variable hidden_cols {}
46 variable item_bindings {}
47 # for the inbuilt functions: choose case insenstivity or not
48 # for the inbuilt functions: toggle display of case-sensitive checkbutton
49 variable trim_filter 0
50 variable filter_mode 1
51 variable tree_style "" {style_tree}
53 method sortcolumn {colname}
54 method hideshowcol {colname hidden}
55 method filter {searchstring {matchcode ""} {filternames {}}}
57 method get_criteria_form {}
58 method reload_from_criteria_form {}
59 # site references
60 method getsite {sitename}
61 method gen_popup {{pop_commands ""}}
62 method style_tree {{stylename ""}}
63 method get_tv_ref {}
64 method column_configure {colname args}
65 method component_actions {}
68 protected {
69 method relayout {}
72 private {
73 variable tv
74 variable tb
75 variable datatree
76 variable shadowdata {}
77 variable treeheaders {}
78 variable hidden_nodes ""
79 variable cf
80 variable itemform {}
81 variable itemform_header ""
82 variable last_headers {}
83 variable current_edit {}
84 variable filterform {}
85 variable filterform_schema {}
86 variable filtercode
87 variable filterframe
88 variable filter_after_id ""
89 variable last_filter
90 variable or_filter_ok_ids ""
91 variable filtered_nodes
92 variable filter_cbs {}
93 variable cached_col_widths
94 variable selection_present
95 variable delayed_select_afterid ""
97 method onclick {nodeid numclicks}
98 method selection_changed {}
99 method render_filters {}
100 method form_filter {{form_data {}}}
101 method partial_match {filterarray rowarray type
102 {applicable_cols {}} {filternames {}}}
103 method cache_col_widths {}
104 method restore_col_widths {}
105 method process_delayed_select {data row row_id}
110 configbody tlc::Browse_treeview_flat::yscrollmode { #<<<1
111 $w.treeframe.hs configure -mode $itk_option(-yscrollmode)
115 configbody tlc::Browse_treeview_flat::xscrollmode { #<<<1
116 $w.treeframe.hs configure -mode $itk_option(-xscrollmode)
120 configbody tlc::Browse_treeview_flat::actions_orient { #<<<1
121 if {[winfo exists $w.actionsframe.actions]} {
122 $w.actionsframe.actions configure -orient $itk_option(-actions_orient)
127 configbody tlc::Browse_treeview_flat::action_buttonwidth { #<<<1
128 #puts "Browse_treeview_flat: Reconfiguring action_buttonwidth: ($itk_option(-action_buttonwidth))"
129 if {[winfo exists $w.actionsframe.actions]} {
130 $w.actionsframe.actions configure \
131 -buttonwidth $itk_option(-action_buttonwidth)
136 configbody tlc::Browse_treeview_flat::column_widths { #<<<1
137 foreach {colname width} $itk_option(-column_widths) {
138 catch {$tv column configure $colname -width $width}
143 set ::fooseq 0
144 body tlc::Browse_treeview_flat::constructor {args} { #<<<1
145 tlc::Signal #auto selection_present -name "$this selection_present"
147 set datatree [blt::tree create]
148 # (a) create the treeview <<<
149 # (i) create widget
150 set f [frame $w.treeframe]
152 # puts "constructing:
153 # blt::treeview $f.list -width 130 -height 200 \\
154 # -xscrollcommand [list $f.hs set] \\
155 # -yscrollcommand [list $f.vs set] \\
156 # -hideroot 1 \\
157 # -exportselection 1 \\
158 # -selectcommand [code $this selection_changed] \\
159 # -flat 1 \\
160 # -tree $datatree
163 incr ::fooseq
164 itk_component add listview {
165 blt::treeview $f.list$::fooseq
167 keep -takefocus -selectmode -width -height
169 set tv $itk_component(listview)
170 $tv configure \
171 -xscrollcommand [list $f.hs set] \
172 -yscrollcommand [list $f.vs set] \
173 -hideroot 1 \
174 -exportselection 0 \
175 -selectcommand [code $this selection_changed] \
176 -flat 1 \
177 -tree $datatree
179 $tv style checkbox check \
180 -onvalue 1 -offvalue 0 \
181 -showvalue 0
183 $tv column configure treeView -hide 1
184 tlc::myscrollbar_win32 $f.hs -orient h -command [list $tv xview] -mode static
185 tlc::myscrollbar_win32 $f.vs -orient v -command [list $tv yview] -mode static
187 # Geometry <<<
188 blt::table $f \
189 $tv 1,1 -fill both \
190 $f.hs 2,1 -fill x \
191 $f.vs 1,2 -fill y
192 blt::table configure $f r2 c2 -resize none
193 # Geometry >>>
195 # Setup mousewheel x and y scrolling <<<
196 bind $tv <Button-4> {if {!$tk_strictMotif} {%W yview scroll -2 units}}
197 bind $tv <Button-5> {if {!$tk_strictMotif} {%W yview scroll 2 units}}
198 bind $tv <Control-Button-4> {if {!$tk_strictMotif} {%W xview scroll -2 units}}
199 bind $tv <Control-Button-5> {if {!$tk_strictMotif} {%W xview scroll 2 units}}
200 bind $tv <Key-F5> [code $this refresh]
201 bind $w <Key-F5> [code $this refresh]
202 # Setup mousewheel x and y scrolling >>>
203 # (a) create the treeview >>>
205 eval itk_initialize $args
207 # (b) create the criteria form (server-side searching) <<<
208 set f [frame $w.criteriaframe]
209 if {$show_criteria} {
210 label $f.criterialabel -text $criteria_label
212 set cf [tlc::Form $f.criteriaform -schema [$datasource get_criteria]]
213 $f.criteriaform set_data [$datasource get_criteria_values]
215 tlc::Tools $f.criteria_tools
216 $f.criteria_tools add "Refresh" \
217 [code $this reload_from_criteria_form] right
218 $f.criteria_tools attach_signal "Refresh" \
219 [$f.criteriaform dirty_gate_ref]
221 if {$criteria_label != ""} {
222 blt::table $f \
223 $f.criterialabel 1,1 -fill x \
226 blt::table $f \
227 $f.criteriaform 2,1 -fill x -anchor n \
228 $f.criteria_tools 3,1 -fill x
229 blt::table configure $f r1 r3 -resize none
231 # (b) create the criteria form (server-side searching) >>>
233 # (c) create the toolbar (if necessary) <<<
234 set tb [tlc::Tools $w.actionsframe]
235 # (c) create the toolbar (if necessary) >>>
237 # (d) the filter (client-side searching) <<<
238 set filterframe [frame $w.filterframe]
239 # (d) the filter (client-side searching) >>>
241 # (e) layout with table <<<
242 relayout
243 # (e) end layout with table >>>
245 # get an item dialogue
246 set itemform [tlc::Formdialog $w.itemform -mode schema]
250 body tlc::Browse_treeview_flat::destructor {} { #<<<1
251 #destroy $w.treeframe.list ;# DIE DIE DIE
252 after cancel $delayed_select_afterid; set delayed_select_afterid ""
253 if {[winfo exists $w.itemform]} {
254 destroy $w.itemform
259 body tlc::Browse_treeview_flat::refresh {} { #<<<1
260 set headers {}
262 after idle [code $this onclick "" 1] ;# Fake click to blank any existing selection
264 # get data to load <<<
265 set cv [$datasource get_criteria_values]
266 set list_data [$datasource get_labelled_list $cv headers]
267 set last_headers $headers
268 # get data to load >>>
270 clear
272 # if the data's headers have changed, update the treeview columns <<<
273 if {$headers != $treeheaders} {
274 set tmp [lrange [$tv column names] 1 end]
275 # but why? <<<
276 # the first "name" returned should be treeview,
277 # but is something not quite
278 # that; still we don't want to remove it
279 # (unless we are seeking segfaults)
280 # note that the placement of this column is only because
281 # i have chosen to insert
282 # after it -- it's not a hard rule that the first col
283 # is the treeview >>>
284 # remove old headers <<<
285 foreach col $tmp {
286 $tv column delete $col
288 # remove old headers >>>
289 # get format options for headers <<<
290 # (which may have, conceivably, changed, if the field list has changed)
291 foreach col $headers {
292 set jus($col) "left"
293 set pad($col) 2
294 set wid($col) 0
296 array set jus $col_justifies
297 array set pad $col_paddings
298 array set wid $col_widths
299 #array set colwidths $itk_option(-column_widths)
300 array set wid $itk_option(-column_widths)
301 # get format options for headers >>>
302 # Get id column and name <<<
303 set id_col [$datasource get_id_column]
304 set id_col_name [lindex $id_col 1]
305 #puts "Browse_treeview_flat::refresh: id_col: ($id_col) id_col_name: ($id_col_name)"
306 # Get id column and name >>>
308 foreach col $headers {
309 set colargs [list \
310 -justify $jus($col) \
311 -title "$col" \
312 -width $wid($col) \
313 -hide [expr {[lsearch $hidden_cols $col] != -1}] \
314 -command [code $this sortcolumn $col]]
316 if {[lsearch $checkvars $col] >= 0} {
317 lappend colargs -style check
320 if {[catch {
321 set curr_id [eval [list $tv column insert end $col] $colargs]
322 } msg]} {
323 error "Error inserting column ($col): $msg\n\tAll: ([$tv column names])\n$::errorInfo"
326 #if {[info exists colwidths($col)]} {
327 # $tv column configure $col -width $colwidths($col)
331 # if the data's headers have changed, update the treeview columns >>>
333 # Handle the id column (hide, etc) <<<
334 set id_colname [lindex [$datasource get_id_column] 1]
335 if {$hide_id_col && $id_colname != ""} {
336 $tv column configure $id_colname -hide [expr {$hide_id_col}]
338 # Handle the id column (hide, etc) >>>
340 # load up the data <<<
341 set m 0
342 set shadowdata {}
343 foreach row $list_data {
344 set tmpid [$datatree insert root -data $row]
345 lappend shadowdata $row
346 $tv bind $tmpid <Button-1> [code $this onclick $tmpid 1]
347 $tv bind $tmpid <Double-Button-1> [code $this onclick $tmpid 2]
348 $tv bind $tmpid <Key-F5> [code $this refresh]
349 foreach {binding action} $item_bindings {
350 $tv bind $tmpid $binding $action
352 set m [expr {($m + 1) % 2}]
354 # load up the data >>>
356 # Re-apply the filter
357 form_filter
359 style_tree
360 selection_changed
363 body tlc::Browse_treeview_flat::clear {} { #<<<1
364 $datatree delete root
365 set shadowdata {}
368 body tlc::Browse_treeview_flat::sortcolumn {colname} { #<<<1
369 # sort the treeview on a certain column
370 # unscrupulously ripped from the blt treeview demo
371 set old [$tv sort cget -column]
372 set decreasing 0
373 if {"$old" == "$colname"} {
374 set decreasing [$tv sort cget -decreasing]
375 set decreasing [expr !$decreasing]
377 $tv sort configure -decreasing $decreasing -column $colname -mode integer
378 if {![$tv cget -flat]} {
379 $tv configure -flat yes
381 $tv sort auto yes
382 style_tree $tree_style
383 blt::busy hold $tv
384 update
385 blt::busy release $tv
389 body tlc::Browse_treeview_flat::hideshowcol {colname hidden} { #<<<1
390 if {$hidden} {
391 set hidden_cols [lsort -unique [concat $hidden_cols [list $colname]]]
392 } else {
393 set idx [lsearch $hidden_cols $colname]
394 if {$idx != -1} {
395 set hidden_cols [lreplace $hidden_cols $idx $idx]
398 catch {$tv configure $colname -hide $hidden}
401 body tlc::Browse_treeview_flat::add_item {} { #<<<1
402 # populate with defaults
403 array set res [$datasource get_defaults]
404 if {![$itemform ask res [$datasource get_item_schema]]} return
405 array set res [$datasource add_item [array get res]]
406 need_refresh
407 set row {}
408 foreach header [$datasource get_headers] {
409 if {[info exists res($header)]} {
410 lappend row $res($header)
411 } else {
412 lappend row ""
415 set row_id [lindex $row [lindex $id_col 0]]
416 invoke_handlers onadd_array [array get res]
417 invoke_handlers onadd $row
418 invoke_handlers onadd_id $row_id
421 body tlc::Browse_treeview_flat::update_item {} { #<<<1
422 set oldrows [get_selected_items]
423 # check that the oldrow only contains one row: updating multiple rows is not supported
424 if {[llength $oldrows] > 1} {
425 log debug "multiple row updates are not supported"
426 } else {
427 set oldrow [lindex $oldrows 0]
428 array set res $oldrow
429 if {![$itemform ask res [$datasource get_item_schema]]} return
431 array set res [$datasource update_item $oldrow [array get res]]
432 need_refresh
434 set row ""
435 foreach header [$datasource get_headers] {
436 lappend row $res($header)
438 set row_id [lindex $row [lindex $id_col 0]]
440 invoke_handlers onupdate_array [array get res]
441 invoke_handlers onupdate $row
442 invoke_handlers onupdate_id $row_id
446 body tlc::Browse_treeview_flat::remove_item {} { #<<<1
447 # set up a mini-description of the item
448 set sel_items [get_selected_items]
449 if {[llength $sel_items]>1} {
450 set plural 1
451 set msg "Are you sure you would like to remove these items?"
452 } else {
453 set plural 0
454 set msg "Are you sure you would like to remove this item?"
456 if {[.confirm ask $msg "Ok" "Cancel"] == "Ok"} {
457 set h [$datasource get_headers]
458 foreach item $sel_items {
459 $datasource remove_item $item
460 set row {}
461 foreach header [$datasource get_headers] {
462 if {[info exists res($header)]} {
463 lappend row $res($header)
464 } else {
465 lappend row ""
468 set row_id [lindex $row [lindex $id_col 0]]
469 invoke_handlers ondelete_array $item
470 invoke_handlers ondelete $row
471 invoke_handlers ondelete_id $row_id
473 need_refresh
477 body tlc::Browse_treeview_flat::select_items {itemlist} { #<<<1
480 body tlc::Browse_treeview_flat::getsite {sitename} { #<<<1
481 # returns a site referenced by a keyword -- to be used by a parent that wishes to inject something into one of the sites
482 switch -- [string tolower $sitename] {
483 "criteria" {return $w.criteriaframe}
484 "actions" {return $w.actionframe}
485 "filter" {return $w.filterframe}
486 "tree" -
487 "list" {return $w.treeframe}
488 default {
489 log error "Unable to return reference to site $sitename -- site should be one of: criteria,actions,filter,tree|list"
490 return ""
495 body tlc::Browse_treeview_flat::filter {searchstring {matchcode {}} {filternames {} }} { #<<<1
496 # comments about the function <<<
497 # for each node in the current treeview, we see if it matches up with
498 # the search string, and if so, it gets to stay.
499 # If not, it gets dumped in the removed_nodes variable (which is just
500 # a list of lists)
501 # This variable is also checked for matches, which are added back
502 # into the tree if found
503 # >>>
504 # set up the filter array
505 if {$filterform != ""} {
506 array set filter [$filterform get_data]
507 } else {
508 log error "filterform does not exist: ($filterform)"
509 array set filter {}
511 switch -- $filter_mode {
512 "and" -
514 log debug "enter"
515 foreach node [$datatree children root] {
516 set rawrow [$datatree get $node]
517 if {[llength $rawrow] > 0} {
518 array set row $rawrow
519 if {![expr $matchcode]} {
520 $datatree delete $node
524 log debug "leave"
526 default {
527 error "Bad filter_mode $filter_mode: only \"and\" is supported"
532 body tlc::Browse_treeview_flat::get_criteria_form {} { #<<<1
533 return $cf
536 body tlc::Browse_treeview_flat::reload_from_criteria_form {} { #<<<1
537 $datasource set_criteria_values [$cf get_data]
538 need_refresh
539 $w.criteriaframe.criteriaform mark_dirty 0
542 body tlc::Browse_treeview_flat::get_selected_items {} { #<<<1
543 set sel_ids [$tv curselection]
544 set ret {}
545 foreach id $sel_ids {
546 lappend ret [$datatree get $id]
548 return $ret
552 body tlc::Browse_treeview_flat::onclick {nodeid numclicks} { #<<<1
553 if {$nodeid != ""} {
554 set data [$datatree get $nodeid]
555 } else {
556 set data {}
558 array set tmp $data
560 set row {}
561 foreach h $last_headers {
562 if {![info exists tmp($h)]} {
563 lappend row {}
564 } else {
565 lappend row $tmp($h)
569 set row_id [$datasource extract_id $row]
571 set cb {}
572 switch -- $numclicks {
573 1 {set cb "onselect"}
574 2 {set cb "doubleclick"}
575 default {error "mad number of clicks sent through: ($numclicks)"}
578 #puts "onclick: nodeid: ($nodeid) data: ($data) selection present: ([$tv selection present])"
579 $item_selected set_state [expr {$nodeid != ""}]
580 if {$cb != ""} {
581 if {$delayed_select_afterid != ""} {
582 set pending [lindex [after info $delayed_select_afterid] 0]
583 if {$pending != ""} {
584 uplevel #0 $pending
587 set delayed_select_afterid [after idle \
588 [code $this process_delayed_select $data $row $row_id]]
592 body tlc::Browse_treeview_flat::action_add {args} { #<<<1
593 set label [lindex $args 0]
594 if {![winfo exists $w.actionsframe.actions]} {
595 set f $w.actionsframe
596 #puts "\n\nBrowse_treeview_flat::action_add:\n\torient: ($itk_option(-actions_orient))\n\tbuttonwidth: ($itk_option(-action_buttonwidth))\n\n"
597 set tb [tlc::Tools $f.actions \
598 -buttonwidth $itk_option(-action_buttonwidth) \
599 -orient $itk_option(-actions_orient)]
600 blt::table $f $f.actions 1,1 -fill both
603 switch -- [string tolower [lindex $args 1]] {
604 "insert" -
605 "new" -
606 "add" {
607 if {[$datasource can_do insert]} {
608 set title [lindex $args 0]
609 set ltitle [expr {[string length $title]?"$title":"Add New"}]
610 $tb add $ltitle [code $this add_item]
611 lappend actions "$ltitle" "[code $this add_item]"
612 } else {
613 error "Datasource can't do insert; refusing to create add\
614 button."
617 "delete" -
618 "remove" -
619 "del" {
620 if {[$datasource can_do delete]} {
621 set title [lindex $args 0]
622 set ltitle [expr {[string length $title] ? "$title" : "Delete"}]
623 $tb add $ltitle [code $this remove_item]
624 $tb attach_signal $ltitle [selected_ref]
625 lappend actions "$ltitle" "[code $this remove_item]"
626 } else {
627 error "Datasource can't do delete; refusing to create delete\
628 button."
631 "update" -
632 "edit" -
633 "upd" {
634 if {[$datasource can_do update]} {
635 set title [lindex $args 0]
636 set ltitle [expr {[string length $title] ? "$title" : "Update"}]
637 $tb add $ltitle [code $this update_item]
638 $tb attach_signal $ltitle [selected_ref]
639 lappend actions "$ltitle" "[code $this update_item]"
640 } else {
641 error "Datasource can't do update; refusing to create update\
642 button."
645 "refresh" {
646 set title [lindex $args 0]
647 set ltitle [expr {[string length $title] ? "$title" : "Refresh"}]
648 $tb add $ltitle [code $this refresh]
649 lappend actions "$ltitle" "[code $this refresh]"
651 default {
652 eval [list $tb add] $args
653 lappend actions "[lindex $args 0]" "[lindex $args 1]"
658 body tlc::Browse_treeview_flat::action_add_supported {} { #<<<
659 foreach action "insert update delete" {
660 if {[$datasource can_do $action]} {
661 action_add "" $action
664 action_add "" "refresh"
667 body tlc::Browse_treeview_flat::action_attach_signal {label signal {sense normal}} { #<<<1
668 #puts "Browse_treeview_flat::action_attach_signal ($label) ($signal) ($sense)"
669 $tb attach_signal $label $signal $sense
673 body tlc::Browse_treeview_flat::action_tips {args} { #<<<1
674 eval [list $tb set_tips] $args
678 body tlc::Browse_treeview_flat::selection_changed {} { #<<<1
679 $selection_present set_state [$tv selection present]
682 body tlc::Browse_treeview_flat::gen_popup {{pop_commands ""}} { #<<<1
683 set menu_schema {}
684 if {$pop_follows_actions} {
685 foreach {action cmd} $actions {
686 lappend menu_schema "$action" "command [list $cmd]"
689 #puts "generating popup with schema: ($menu_schema $pop_commands)"
690 Mymenu $w.pop -schema "$menu_schema $pop_commands"
691 bind $tv <Button-3> [list tk_popup $w.pop %X %Y]
694 body tlc::Browse_treeview_flat::filter_add {label varinfo {matchcode 1}} { #<<<1
695 set varname [lindex $varinfo 0]
696 lappend filterform_schema $label $varinfo
697 set filtercode($varname) $matchcode
698 set last_filter($varname) ""
699 set filter_after_id [after idle [code $this render_filters]]
703 body tlc::Browse_treeview_flat::filter_add_standard {label varinfo matchcode} { #<<<1
704 # implement some fairly standard search capabilities
705 set orig_matchcode $matchcode
707 set mangle 0
708 switch -- [lindex $matchcode 0] {
709 "left" -
710 "left_match" -
711 "match_left" {
712 set matchcode {[eval partial_match [list [array get filter]] \
713 [list [array get row]] "left" \
714 {foo}
715 [list $filternames]]}
716 set mangle 1
718 "right" -
719 "right_match" -
720 "match_right" {
721 set matchcode {[partial_match [list [array get filter]] \
722 [list [array get row]] "right" \
723 {foo} \
724 [list $filternames]]}
725 set mangle 1
727 "exact" -
728 "exact_match" -
729 "match_exact" {
730 set matchcode {[partial_match [list [array get filter]] \
731 [list [array get row]] "exact" \
732 {foo} \
733 [list $filternames]]}
734 set mangle 1
736 "" -
737 "partial" -
738 "partial_match" -
739 "match_partial" {
740 set matchcode {[eval partial_match [list [array get filter]] \
741 [list [array get row]] "partial" \
742 {foo} \
743 [list $filternames]]}
744 set mangle 1
746 default { ;# default is to leave the match code alone
750 if {$mangle} {
751 set repidx [lsearch $matchcode "%%foo%%"]
752 set matchcode [lreplace $matchcode $repidx $repidx [lrange $orig_matchcode 1 end]]
755 return [filter_add $label $varinfo $matchcode]
759 body tlc::Browse_treeview_flat::render_filters {} { #<<<1
760 after cancel $filter_after_id
761 set filter_after_id ""
762 if {$filter_label != ""} {
763 label $filterframe.filterheader -text $filter_label
764 blt::table $filterframe \
765 $filterframe.filterheader 1,1 -columnspan 2
767 if {[winfo exists $filterframe.filterform]} {
768 $filterframe.filterform configure -schema $filterform_schema
769 } else {
770 set filterform [tlc::Form $filterframe.filterform -schema $filterform_schema]
773 blt::table $filterframe \
774 $filterframe.filterform 2,1 -columnspan 2
775 blt::table configure $filterframe r1 r2 -resize none
777 if {$filter_allow_sense_change} {
778 label $filterframe.insensitivelabel -text "Filter is case insensitive:"
779 checkbutton $filterframe.insensitive -variable $filter_insensitive
780 blt::table $filterframe \
781 $filterframe.insensitivelabel 3,1 -anchor ne \
782 $filterframe.insensitive 3,2 -anchor nw
783 blt::table configure $filterframe r3 -resize none
786 if {$filter_allow_mode_change && [llength [array names filtercode]] > 1} {
787 label $filterframe.modelabel -text "Require all conditions be met."
788 checkbutton $filterframe.mode \
789 -command [code $this form_filter] \
790 -variable [scope filter_mode]
791 blt::table $filterframe \
792 $filterframe.modelabel 4,1 -anchor ne \
793 $filterframe.mode 4,2 -anchor nw
794 blt::table configure $filterframe r4 -resize none
796 $filterform register_handler onchange [code $this form_filter]
799 body tlc::Browse_treeview_flat::form_filter {{form_data {}}} { #<<<1
800 if {[llength $form_data] == 0 && $filterform != ""} {
801 set form_data [$filterform get_data]
802 } else {
803 set form_data $form_data
805 # initial filtering method notes: <<<
806 # we have two possible filter methods: and and or (keeping it simple)
807 # for the case of an or, we start with a blank datatree and add in
808 # the elements from the shadowtree that make the grade.
809 # for the case of an and, we start with a filled datatree and remove
810 # items that violate the filtering rules
811 # >>>
812 set required_filters {}
813 array set lfilters $form_data
814 foreach {filter value} [array get lfilters] {
815 if {$value != ""} {
816 lappend required_filters $filter
819 cache_col_widths
820 switch -- $filter_mode {
821 "and" -
823 log debug "enter"
824 $datatree delete root
825 foreach dataarray $shadowdata {
826 set tmpid [$datatree insert root \
827 -data $dataarray]
828 $tv bind $tmpid <Button-1> [code $this onclick $tmpid 1]
829 $tv bind $tmpid <Double-Button-1> \
830 [code $this onclick $tmpid 2]
831 $tv bind $tmpid <Key-F5> [code $this refresh]
832 foreach {binding action} $item_bindings {
833 $tv bind $tmpid $binding $action
836 log debug "populated"
837 #puts "filtercode:"
838 #parray filtercode
839 foreach filter $required_filters {
840 filter $lfilters($filter) $filtercode($filter) $filter
842 foreach cb $filter_cbs {
843 foreach node [$datatree children root] {
844 set rawrow [$datatree get $node]
845 if {[llength $rawrow] > 0} {
846 if {![$cb $rawrow]} {
847 $datatree delete $node
852 log debug "leave"
855 restore_col_widths
858 body tlc::Browse_treeview_flat::partial_match {filterarray rowarray type
859 {applicable_cols {}} {filternames {}}} {
860 array set afilter $filterarray
861 array set arow $rowarray
862 if {[llength $applicable_cols] == 0} {
863 foreach idx [array names afilter] {
864 lappend applicable_cols $idx
867 if {[llength $filternames] == 0} {set filternames [array names afilter]}
869 switch -- $type {
870 "partial" {set pre "*"; set post "*"}
871 "left" {set pre ""; set post "*"}
872 "right" {set pre "*"; set post ""}
873 "exact" -
874 default {set pre ""; set post ""}
876 set hits 0
877 if {$trim_filter} {set val [string trim $val]}
878 # ok, bear with me: i'm trying to keep the miniumum of checks on the
879 # inner loop, so there are a lot of variations on a theme here
880 if {$filter_insensitive} {
881 foreach idx $filternames {
882 if {[lsearch $applicable_cols $idx] > -1} {
883 if {[info exists arow($idx)]} {
884 if {$afilter($idx) != ""} {
885 if {[eval string match -nocase \
886 {${pre}$afilter($idx)${post}} \
887 {$arow($idx)} ] == 1} {
888 return 1
894 } else {
895 foreach {idx val} $filternames {
896 if {[lsearch $applicable_cols $idx] > -1} {
897 if {[info exists arow($idx)]} {
898 if {$afilter($idx) != ""} {
899 if {[eval string match \
900 {${pre}$afilter($idx)${post}} \
901 {$arow($idx)} ] == 1} {
902 return 1
909 return 0
910 switch -- $filter_mode {
911 "and" -
912 1 {return [expr {[llength $applicable_cols] == $hits ? 1 : 0}]}
913 "or" -
914 0 {return [expr {$hits > 0 ? 1 : 0}]}
918 body tlc::Browse_treeview_flat::cache_col_widths {} { #<<<1
919 foreach col [$tv column names] {
920 set cached_col_widths($col) [$tv column cget $col -width]
924 body tlc::Browse_treeview_flat::restore_col_widths {} { #<<<1
925 foreach col [$tv column names] {
926 if {[info exists cached_col_widths($col)]} {
927 $tv column configure $col -width $cached_col_widths($col)
932 body tlc::Browse_treeview_flat::style_tree {{stylename ""}} { #<<<1
933 switch -- $stylename {
934 "webby" -
935 "web" {
936 # flat, light look
937 $tv configure \
938 -relief solid \
939 -borderwidth 1
940 set s "light1"
941 foreach col [$tv column names] {
942 $tv column configure $col \
943 -titlerelief raised \
944 -titlebackground "#e5e5e5" \
945 -activetitlebackground "#e5e5e5" \
946 -titleforeground "#000000" \
947 -borderwidth 0 \
948 -background "#f5f5f5" \
949 -titleborderwidth 1 \
950 -relief solid
951 # -titleshadow ""
954 default {
955 # tries to make the listview fit in with the chrome of the system
956 set chrome [$tlc::theme setting background]
957 set fg [$tlc::theme setting foreground]
958 $tv configure \
959 -relief sunken \
960 -selectbackground [$tlc::theme setting selectbackground] \
961 -foreground $fg \
962 -borderwidth 1 \
963 -background $tlc::config(textbackground)
964 foreach col [$tv column names] {
965 $tv column configure $col \
966 -titlerelief raised \
967 -background $tlc::config(textbackground) \
968 -titlebackground $chrome \
969 -activetitlebackground $chrome \
970 -titleforeground $fg \
971 -borderwidth 1 \
972 -activetitlebackground $chrome
973 # -titleshadow ""
979 body tlc::Browse_treeview_flat::get_tv_ref {} { #<<<1
980 return $tv
984 body tlc::Browse_treeview_flat::column_configure {colname args} { #<<<1
985 if {[refresh_pending]} {
986 do_refresh
988 return [eval [list $tv column configure $colname] $args]
992 body tlc::Browse_treeview_flat::relayout {} { #<<<1
993 eval [list blt::table $w $w.treeframe] $listpos
994 eval [list blt::table $w $w.filterframe] $filterpos
995 set coords [split [lindex $filterpos 0] ","]
997 eval [list blt::table $w $w.criteriaframe] $criteriapos
998 set coords [split [lindex $criteriapos 0] ","]
1000 eval [list blt::table $w $w.actionsframe] $itk_option(-actionspos)
1001 set coords [split [lindex $itk_option(-actionspos) 0], ","]
1003 # Restrict row and col growth to those containing the list <<<
1004 array set targets {}
1005 foreach child [blt::table search $w -pattern *] {
1006 set table_info [blt::table info $w $child]
1007 foreach {row col} [split [lindex $table_info 0] ,] break
1008 set targets(r$row) 1
1009 set targets(c$col) 1
1011 eval [list blt::table configure $w] [array names targets] -resize none
1012 foreach {row col} [split [lindex [blt::table info $w $w.treeframe] 0] ,] break
1013 blt::table configure $w r$row c$col -resize both
1014 # Restrict row and col growth to those containing the list >>>
1018 body tlc::Browse_treeview_flat::component_actions {} { #<<<1
1019 if {[winfo exists $w.actionsframe.actions]} {
1020 return $w.actionsframe.actions
1021 } else {
1022 error "No actions configured"
1027 body tlc::Browse_treeview_flat::filter_data {args} { #<<<1
1028 if {$filter_after_id != ""} {render_filters}
1029 switch -- [llength $args] {
1031 if {$filterform != ""} {
1032 return [$filterform get_data]
1033 } else {
1034 log error "filterform does not exist: ($filterform)"
1035 return {}
1040 if {$filterform != ""} {
1041 return [$filterform set_data [lindex $args 0]]
1042 } else {
1043 log error "filterform does not exist: ($filterform)"
1044 return {}
1048 default {
1049 error "Incorrect number of arguments: ($args) must be ?newdata?"
1055 body tlc::Browse_treeview_flat::filter_item {item} { #<<<1
1056 return [$filterform path $item]
1060 body tlc::Browse_treeview_flat::filter_add_cb {cb} { #<<<1
1061 lappend filter_cbs $cb
1063 need_refresh
1067 body tlc::Browse_treeview_flat::process_delayed_select {data row row_id} { #<<<1
1068 after cancel $delayed_select_afterid; set delayed_select_afterid ""
1070 invoke_handlers ${cb}_array $data
1071 invoke_handlers $cb $row
1072 invoke_handlers ${cb}_id $row_id