Added -justify left to hoverbox internal label
[tcl-tlc.git] / scripts / theme.itk
1 # vim: foldmarker=<<<,>>>
3 # Fires signals:
4 #       onchange                - Fired when icon set has changed
6 class tlc::Theme {
7         inherit tlc::Handlers tlc::Baselog
9         constructor {args} {}
10         destructor {}
12         public {
13                 variable icondir                                ""              need_rebuild_icons
14                 variable formats                                {gif}   need_rebuild_icons
15                 variable create_image_command   "image create photo -file"
17                 method need_rebuild_icons {}
18                 method get_icon {name}
19                 method setting {tag}
20                 method adjusthexcolor {color multr {multg -1} {multb -1}}
21         }
23         protected {
24                 method normalize_tag {tag}
25                 method min {args}
26         }
28         private {
29                 variable default_icondir
30                 variable icons
31                 variable afterid                        ""
32                 variable names {
33                         error
34                         exclamation
35                         info
36                         no_entry_sign
37                         passwd
38                         question_sign
39                         cal_icon
40                         cal_icon_small
41                         default_panelbar_icon
42                 }
43                 variable system
45                 method rebuild_icons {}
46                 method destroy_icons {}
47         }
51 body tlc::Theme::constructor {args} { #<<<1
52         array set icons         {}
53         array set system        {}
54         set default_icondir             [file join $::tlc::library scripts images]      
56         set button      [button ._tlc_tmp]
57         set entry       [entry ._tlc_tmp2]
59         if {$::tcl_platform(platform) == "windows"} {
60                 set system(foreground)                  systemButtonText
61                 set system(background)                  systemButtonFace
62                 set system(disabledbackground)  systemInactiveBorder
63                 set system(disabledforeground)  systemButtonText
64                 set system(readonlybackground)  systemInactiveBorder
65                 set system(selectbackground)    systemHighlight
66                 set system(selectforeground)    systemHighlightText
67                 set system(tinyfont)                    {"MS Sans Serif" -6}
68                 set system(smallfont)                   {"MS Sans Serif" -6}
69                 set system(font)                                {"MS Sans Serif" -8}
70                 set system(boldfont)                    {"MS Sans Serif" -8 bold}
71                 set system(hugefont)                    {"MS Sans Serif" -24 bold}
72                 set system(textbackground)              systemWindow
73         } else {
74                 set system(foreground)                  [$button cget -foreground]
75                 set system(background)                  [$button cget -background]
76                 set system(disabledbackground)  [$entry cget -disabledbackground]
77                 set system(disabledforeground)  [$entry cget -disabledforeground]
78                 set system(readonlybackground)  [$entry cget -readonlybackground]
79                 set system(selectforeground)    [$entry cget -selectforeground]
80                 set system(selectbackground)    [$entry cget -selectbackground]
81                 set system(tinyfont)                    {Helvetica -8 {}}
82                 set system(smallfont)                   {Helvetica -10 {}}
83                 set system(font)                                [lrange [$button cget -font] 0 1]
84                 if {[llength $system(font)] < 2} {
85                         lappend system(font)    -12
86                 }
87                 set system(boldfont)                    [concat [lrange $system(font) 0 1] {bold}]
88                 set system(hugefont)                    {Arial -24 bold}
89                 set system(textbackground)              "#ffffff"
90         }
91         set system(fixedfont)                   {Courier -12 {}}
92         set system(borderwidth)                 [$button cget -borderwidth]
93         set system(highlightbackground) [$button cget -highlightbackground]
94         set system(highlightthickness)  [$button cget -highlightthickness]
95         set system(highlightcolor)              [$button cget -highlightcolor]
96         set system(selectborderwidth)   [$entry cget -selectborderwidth]
97         set system(entryrelief)                 [$entry cget -relief]
98         set system(entryborderwidth)    [$entry cget -borderwidth]
99         set system(formpadding)                 1
101         # Derivative values <<<
102         set system(alt_textbackground) \
103                         [adjusthexcolor $system(textbackground) 0.9 0.9 0.95]
104         # Derivative values >>>
106         destroy $button
107         destroy $entry
109         eval configure $args
111         need_rebuild_icons
115 body tlc::Theme::destructor {} { #<<<1
116         after cancel $afterid; set afterid      ""
117         destroy_icons
121 body tlc::Theme::need_rebuild_icons {} { #<<<1
122         if {$afterid != ""} return
123         set afterid                     [after idle [code $this rebuild_icons]]
127 body tlc::Theme::rebuild_icons {} { #<<<1
128         after cancel $afterid;  set afterid             ""
129         destroy_icons
131         foreach name $names {
132                 set filename_base       [file join $icondir $name]
133                 set filename            ""
134                 foreach ext $formats {
135                         if {[file exists ${filename_base}.$ext]} {
136                                 set filename    ${filename_base}.$ext
137                                 break
138                         }
139                 }
140                 if {$filename == ""} {
141                         set filename    [file join $default_icondir ${name}.gif]
142                         set icons($name)        [image create photo -file $filename]
143                 } else {
144                         set icons($name)        [uplevel #0 $create_image_command [list $filename]]
145                 }
146         }
148         invoke_handlers onchange
152 body tlc::Theme::destroy_icons {} { #<<<1
153         foreach {name image} [array get icons] {
154                 image delete $image
155                 array unset icons $name
156         }
160 body tlc::Theme::get_icon {name} { #<<<1
161         if {$afterid != ""} rebuild_icons
163         if {![info exists icons($name)]} {
164                 error "Requested icon does not exist!"
165         }
167         return $icons($name)
171 body tlc::Theme::setting {tag} { #<<<1
172         set tag [normalize_tag $tag]
174         switch -- $tag {
175                 selectborderwidth               {return 0}
176                 texthighlightbackground {return "#d9d9d9"}
177                 hidebg                                  {return "#d9d9d9"}
178                 framerelief                             {return "sunken"}
179                 frameborderwidth                {return 0}
180                 button_pady                             {return [expr {$::tcl_platform(platform) == "windows" ? 1 : 2}]}
181         }
183         if {![info exists system($tag)]} {
184                 return -code error -errorcode [list invalid_setting $tag] \
185                                 "No such theme setting: ($tag)"
186         }
188         return $system($tag)
192 body tlc::Theme::normalize_tag {tag} { #<<<1
193         switch -- $tag {
194                 fg                                      {return "foreground"}
195                 bg                                      {return "background"}
196                 bd                                      {return "borderwidth"}
197                 enabledforeground       {return "foreground"}
198                 texthighlightbackground {return "highlightbackground"}
200                 default         {return $tag}
201         }
205 body tlc::Theme::min {args} { #<<<1
206         set min         [lindex $args 0]
207         foreach a [lrange $args 1 end] {
208                 if {$a < $min} {set min $a}
209         }
211         return $min
215 body tlc::Theme::adjusthexcolor {color multr {multg -1} {multb -1}} { #<<<1
216         # this proc to adjust a hex triplet color by a percentage and output as a
217         # color.
218         # the outputs sometimes seem a little long and odd, but they work fine
219         # mult should be a fractional value like 0.8 or 1.25
220         if {$multg == -1} {set multg $multr}
221         if {$multb == -1} {set multb $multr}
223         set maxrgb [winfo rgb . #ffffff]
224         set maxval [lindex $maxrgb 0]
226         set rbg [winfo rgb . $color]
227         set ret [format "#%02x%02x%02x" \
228                 [min [expr {round([lindex $rbg 0] * $multr * 255/$maxval)}] 255] \
229                 [min [expr {round([lindex $rbg 1] * $multg * 255/$maxval)}] 255] \
230                 [min [expr {round([lindex $rbg 2] * $multb * 255/$maxval)}] 255]]
232         return $ret