[tcl-tlc.git] / scripts / stategate_target.itcl
1 # vim: foldmarker=<<<,>>>
3 class tlc::Stategate_target {
4 inherit tlc::TLCWidget
6 constructor {} {}
7 destructor {}
9 itk_option define -stategate stateGate StateGate ""
10 itk_option define -explain explain Explain 0
12 public {
13 method attach_signal {signal {a_sense normal}}
14 method detach_signal {signal}
15 method explaingate {}
16 method stategate_ref {}
19 protected {
20 variable statechange_cb {}
21 variable bg_change {}
22 variable fg_change {}
25 private {
26 variable sg_gate
27 variable old_stategate ""
28 variable stategate_state 1
30 method stategate_update {{newstate ""}}
31 method nasty_hack {depth}
36 configbody tlc::Stategate_target::stategate { #<<<1
37 # puts stderr "$this -stategate: ($itk_option(-stategate))"
38 if {$old_stategate != ""} {
39 catch {$sg_gate detach_input $old_stategate}
40 # catch {$itk_option(-stategate) detach_output [code $this stategate_update]}
43 if {$itk_option(-stategate) != ""} {
44 if {![$itk_option(-stategate) isa tlc::Signal]} {
45 error "$itk_option(-stategate) is not a tlc::Gate"
48 $sg_gate attach_input $itk_option(-stategate)
49 # $itk_option(-stategate) attach_output [code $this stategate_update]
52 set old_stategate $itk_option(-stategate)
56 body tlc::Stategate_target::constructor {} { #<<<1
57 itk_initialize
59 tlc::Gate #auto sg_gate -mode "and" -name "Stategate_target internal $itk_interior" -default 1
61 $sg_gate attach_output [code $this stategate_update]
62 #nasty_hack 2
63 ttk::frame $
64 pack $ -fill both -expand true
65 set itk_interior $
69 body tlc::Stategate_target::destructor {} { #<<<1
70 if {$old_stategate != ""} {
71 # Our Gate dies, from going out of scope,
72 # so this should be taken care of by the Gate
73 # catch {$itk_option(-stategate) detach_output [code $this stategate_update]}
78 body tlc::Stategate_target::stategate_update {{newstate ""}} { #<<<1
79 if {$newstate != ""} {
80 set stategate_state $newstate
82 # puts stderr "$this stategate_update ($stategate_state)"
83 if {$itk_option(-explain)} {
84 puts stderr [$sg_gate explain_txt]
86 catch {
87 if {$stategate_state} {
88 configure -state normal
89 foreach t $bg_change {
90 $t configure -background $::tlc::config(enabledbackground)
92 foreach t $fg_change {
93 $t configure -foreground $::tlc::config(enabledforeground)
95 } else {
96 configure -state disabled
97 foreach t $bg_change {
98 $t configure -background $::tlc::config(disabledbackground)
100 foreach t $fg_change {
101 $t configure -foreground $::tlc::config(disabledforeground)
105 if {$statechange_cb != {}} {
106 uplevel #0 $statechange_cb [list $stategate_state]
111 body tlc::Stategate_target::attach_signal {signal {a_sense normal}} { #<<<1
112 puts "Stategate_target::attach_signal: ($a_sense)"
113 $sg_gate attach_input $signal $a_sense
117 body tlc::Stategate_target::detach_signal {signal} { #<<<1
118 $sg_gate detach_input $signal
122 body tlc::Stategate_target::explaingate {} { #<<<1
123 return [$sg_gate explain_txt]
127 body tlc::Stategate_target::stategate_ref {} { #<<<1
128 return $sg_gate
132 body tlc::Stategate_target::nasty_hack {depth} { #<<<1
133 incr depth -1
134 if {$depth <= 0} {
135 stategate_update [$sg_gate state]
136 } else {
137 after idle [code $this nasty_hack $depth]