Added custom field type support to Form
[tcl-tlc.git] / scripts / tablelist.itk
1 # vim: foldmethod=marker foldmarker=<<<,>>> ts=4 shiftwidth=4 ft=tcl
3 class tlc::Tablelist {
4         inherit tlc::Mywidget tlc::Handlers tlc::Textvariable tlc::Signalsource
6         constructor {args} {}
8         itk_option define -allow_add allowAdd AllowAdd 1 need_rerender
9         itk_option define -allow_remove allowRemove AllowRemove 1 need_rerender
10         itk_option define -allow_reorder allowReorder AllowReorder 1 need_rerender
12         public {
13                 variable schema         {}      need_rerender
14                 variable state
16                 method set_rows {args}
17                 method set_tags {args}
18                 method get_rows {}
19         }
21         protected {
22                 method textvariable_changed {newvalue}
23         }
25         private {
26                 variable oldschema      {}
27                 variable colmap
28                 variable rowidx         0
29                 variable td
30                 variable arrdat         {}              
31                 variable colschema
32                 variable colvarname
33                 variable titlerows      1
34                 variable titlecols      0
35                 variable dominos
36                 variable row_args
38                 method need_rerender {}
39                 method rerender {}
40                 method cannonize_type {intype}
41                 method render_row {r arr}
42                 method tableclick {row col idx wid}
43                 method destroy_children {}
44                 method td_changed {}
45         }
49 configbody tlc::Tablelist::state { #<<<1
50         log warning "$w -state not implemented yet"
54 body tlc::Tablelist::constructor {args} { #<<<1
55         log debug $w
57         # This requires tktable, and to ensure no conflict with blt::table
58         # the user must arrange to have the command 'tktable' refer to the
59         # Tktable widget
61         array set colmap                {}
62         array set colschema             {}
63         array set td                    {}
64         array set dominos               {}
65         array set colvarname    {}
66         array set row_args              {}
68         itk_component add list {
69                 tktable $w.list \
70                                 -rows 1 \
71                                 -cols 1 \
72                                 -cursor "" \
73                                 -cache 1 \
74                                 -titlerows $titlerows \
75                                 -titlecols $titlecols \
76                                 -colstretch last -rowstretch none \
77                                 -variable [scope td] \
78                                 -yscrollcommand [list $w.vsb set] \
79                                 -background white \
80                                 -resizeborders col \
81                                 -ipadx 2 \
82                                 -sparsearray 0 \
83                                 -selecttype cell \
84                                 -browsecommand [code $this tableclick %r %c %s %W] \
85                                 -relief sunken \
86                                 -borderwidth 1 \
87                                 -highlightthickness 1
88         } {
89                 keep -autoclear
90         }
92         bind $w.list <Return> {
93                 set r   [%W index active row]
94                 set c   [%W index active col]
95                 set tc  [%W cget -cols]
96                 incr tc -1
97                 if {$c == $tc} {
98                         %W activate [incr r],1
99                 } else {
100                         %W activate $r,[incr c]
101                 }
102                 %W see active
103         }
104         bind $w.list <KP_Enter> [bind $w.list <Return>]
105         bind $w.list <Tab> [bind $w.list <Return>]
107         itk_component add vsb {
108                 tlc::myscrollbar_win32 $w.vsb -orient v -command [list $w.list yview] \
109                         -mode static
110         } {
111         }
113         tlc::Signal #auto signals(item_selected) -name "$w item_selected"
114         tlc::Domino #auto dominos(need_rerender) -name "$w need_rerender"
115         tlc::Vardomino #auto dominos(td_changed) -name "$w td_changed" \
116                         -textvariable [scope td]
118         $dominos(need_rerender) attach_output [code $this rerender]
119         $dominos(td_changed) attach_output [code $this td_changed]
121         # Styles <<<
122         $w.list tag configure lastrow \
123                         -background #b2b2b2 \
124                         -relief sunken \
125                         -state disabled 
126         # Styles >>>
128         eval itk_initialize $args
130         blt::table $w \
131                         $w.list         1,1 -fill both \
132                         $w.vsb          1,2 -fill y
133         blt::table configure $w c2 -resize none
135         $w.list configure -flashmode 1 -flashtime 2
137         $dominos(need_rerender) tip
141 body tlc::Tablelist::need_rerender {} { #<<<1
142         $dominos(need_rerender) tip
146 body tlc::Tablelist::rerender {} { #<<<1
147         if {[info exists oldschema] && $schema == $oldschema} return
148         set oldschema $schema
150         destroy_children
152         array unset colmap *
153         array unset colschema *
155         set colidx              0
156         set datacols    0
157         array set colwidths     {}
158         array set colsettings   {}
160         array set layout {
161                 col_width_sticky                default
162                 col_args_sticky                 {
163                         -multiline 0
164                         -anchor w
165                 }
166                 row_args                        {}
167                 row_args_even           {}
168                 row_args_odd            {}
169                 table_args                      {}
170         }
172         if {$itk_option(-allow_remove)} {
173                 set td(0,$colidx) "Del"
174                 set colwidths($colidx)  -25
175                 incr colidx
176         }
178         if {$itk_option(-allow_reorder)} {
179                 set td(0,$colidx) ""
180                 set colwidths($colidx)  -35
181                 incr colidx
182         }
184         set reset       1
185         foreach {label info} [tlc::decomment $schema] {
186                 if {$reset} {
187                         set layout(col_width)           $layout(col_width_sticky)
188                         set layout(col_args)            $layout(col_args_sticky)
189                 }
191                 if {[string index $label 0] == "_"} {
192                         switch -- $label {
193                                 "_layout" {
194                                         switch -- [lindex $info 0] {
195                                                 "col_width" {
196                                                         set layout(col_width)   [lindex $info 1]
197                                                         set reset       0
198                                                 }
200                                                 "col_width_sticky" {
201                                                         set layout(col_width_sticky)    [lindex $info 1]
202                                                 }
204                                                 "col_args" {
205                                                         array set tmp   $layout(col_args)
206                                                         array set tmp   [lrange $info 1 end]
207                                                         set layout(col_args)    [array get tmp]
208                                                         set reset       0
209                                                 }
211                                                 "col_args_sticky" {
212                                                         array set tmp   $layout(col_args_sticky)
213                                                         array set tmp   [lrange $info 1 end]
214                                                         set layout(col_args_sticky)     [array get tmp]
215                                                 }
217                                                 "row_args" {
218                                                         set layout(row_args)            [lrange $info 1 end]
219                                                 }
221                                                 "row_args_even" {
222                                                         set layout(row_args_even)       [lrange $info 1 end]
223                                                 }
225                                                 "row_args_odd" {
226                                                         set layout(row_args_odd)        [lrange $info 1 end]
227                                                 }
229                                                 "table_args" {
230                                                         array set tmp   $layout(table_args)
231                                                         array set tmp   [lrange $info 1 end]
232                                                         set layout(table_args)          [array get tmp]
233                                                 }
235                                                 default {
236                                                         log error "Invalid layout type: ([lindex $info 0])"
237                                                 }
238                                         }
239                                 }
241                                 "_validation" {
242                                         log warning "Validation not implemented yet"
243                                 }
245                                 default {
246                                         log error "Invalid schema directive: ($label)"
247                                 }
248                         }
250                         continue
251                 }
253                 set reset       1
255                 set varname [lindex $info 0]
256                 set colschema($varname) [lrange $info 1 end]
258                 set colmap($varname)    $colidx
259                 set colvarname($colidx) $varname
260                 set td(0,$colidx)               $label
261                 set colwidths($colidx)  $layout(col_width)
263                 set colsettings($colidx)        $layout(col_args)
265                 incr datacols
266                 incr colidx
267         }
269         log debug "Before:\n\t[join $arrdat \n\t]"
270         parray td
272         $w.list configure -cols $colidx
274         for {set i 0} {$i < $colidx} {incr i} {
275                 if {![info exists colwidths($i)]} {
276                         log error "Missing column width setting for column $i"
277                 } else {
278                         $w.list width $i $colwidths($i)
279                 }
280                 if {![info exists colsettings($i)]} {
281                         log error "Missing column settings for column $i"
282                 } else {
283                         set settings    [string map [list "\n" " "] $colsettings($i)]
284                         log debug "Configuring col tags for $i ($colvarname($i)): ($settings)"
285                         eval [list $w.list tag configure col$i] $settings
286                         $w.list tag col col$i $i
287                 }
288         }
290         array unset tmp
291         array set tmp           $layout(row_args)
292         array set tmp           $layout(row_args_even)
293         set row_args(even)      [array get tmp]
295         array unset tmp
296         array set tmp           $layout(row_args)
297         array set tmp           $layout(row_args_odd)
298         set row_args(odd)       [array get tmp]
299         array unset tmp
301         if {[llength $layout(table_args)] > 0} {
302                 eval [list $w.list configure] \
303                                 [string map [list "\n" " "] $layout(table_args)]
304         }
306         set_rows $arrdat
308         foreach {label info} [tlc::decomment $schema] {
309                 if {$label == "_set_tags"} {
310                         foreach {tag settings} $info {
311                                 set_tags $tag $settings
312                         }
313                 }
314         }
316         log debug "After:"
317         parray td
321 body tlc::Tablelist::set_rows {args} { #<<<1
322         $dominos(need_rerender) force_if_pending
323         log debug [tlc::stackdump]
324         $dominos(td_changed) lock
326         tlc::try {
327                 destroy_children
328                 array set tmp   {}
329                 for {set r 0} {$r < $titlerows} {incr r} {
330                         array set tmp   [array get td $r,*]
331                 }
332                 array unset td *
333                 array set td    [array get tmp]
335                 log debug "Setting arrdat to \$args"
336                 set arrdat      $args
338                 set drows       [expr {[llength $arrdat] + $titlerows}]
339                 if {$itk_option(-allow_add)} {
340                         incr drows
341                 }
342                 $w.list config -rows $drows
344                 log debug "rendering rows"
345                 log debug "colschema:"
346                 parray colschema
347                 set r   $titlerows
348                 foreach row $arrdat {
349                         render_row $r $row
350                         incr r
351                 }
352         } onerr {
353                 default {STDMSG}
354         }
356         log debug "releasing td_changed lock"
357         $dominos(td_changed) unlock
358         log debug "arrdat: ($arrdat)"
359         parray td
360         log debug "exiting set_rows"
364 body tlc::Tablelist::render_row {r arr} { #<<<1
365         log debug
366         foreach {varname value} $arr {
367                 log debug "varname: ($varname)\[[info exists colschema($varname)]\], value: \"$value\""
368                 if {![info exists colschema($varname)]} continue
369                 set s                   $colschema($varname)
370                 set c                   $colmap($varname)
372                 set type                [cannonize_type [lindex $s 0]]
373                 set arglist             [lrange $s 1 end]
374                 log debug "setting td($r,$c) to \"$value\""
375                 set td($r,$c)   $value
377                 set scoped_varname      [scope td($r,$c)]
378                 set wn                          $w.list.$type,$r,$c
380                 switch -- $type {
381                         plain {
382                         }
384                         combobox {
385                                 tlc::mycombobox $wn -textvariable $scoped_varname
386                         }
388                         spinner {
389                                 tlc::Spinner $wn -textvariable $scoped_varname
390                         }
392                         default {
393                                 error "Unknown type: ($type)" "" [list unknown_type $type]
394                         }
395                 }
397                 if {[winfo exists $wn]} {
398                         if {[llength $arglist] != 0} {
399                                 eval [list $wn configure] $arglist
400                         }
401                         log debug "Configuring $type in row $r with value \"$td($r,$c)\""
402                         $w.list window config $r,$c -window $wn -sticky news
403                 }
404         }
405         if {$r % 2 == 0} {
406                 set tags        $row_args(even)
407         } else {
408                 set tags        $row_args(odd)
409         }
410         eval [list $w.list tag configure row$r] [string map [list "\n" " "] $tags]
411         $w.list tag row row$r $r
415 body tlc::Tablelist::set_tags {args} { #<<<1
416         log debug
417         foreach {tag settings} $args {
418                 set settings    [string map [list "\n" " "] $settings]
419                 eval [list $w.list tag configure $tag] $settings
420         }
424 body tlc::Tablelist::get_rows {} { #<<<1
425         log debug
426         # Ensure no pending updates of arrdat are in flight
427         $dominos(td_changed) force_if_pending
429         log debug "[llength $arrdat] items"
430         return $arrdat
434 body tlc::Tablelist::cannonize_type {intype} { #<<<1
435         switch -- $intype {
436                 "" -
437                 plain {
438                         return "plain"
439                 }
441                 combobox -
442                 mycombobox {
443                         return "combobox"
444                 }
446                 spinner {
447                         return "spinner"
448                 }
450                 default {
451                         error "Unknown type: ($intype)" "" [list unknown_type $intype]
452                 }
453         }
457 body tlc::Tablelist::tableclick {row col idx wid} { #<<<1
458         # Appending of new blank row to be handled by transcriber of td to arrdat
462 body tlc::Tablelist::destroy_children {} { #<<<1
463         foreach child [winfo children $w.list] {
464                 try {
465                         if {[itcl::is object $child]} {
466                                 delete object $child
467                         } else {
468                                 destroy $child
469                         }
470                 } onerr {
471                         default {STDMSG}
472                 }
473         }
477 body tlc::Tablelist::td_changed {} { #<<<1
478         array set rowinf {}
479         set max_r                -1
480         foreach {key value} [array get td] {
481                 foreach {r c} [split $key ,] break
483                 if {$r < $titlerows} continue
484                 if {![info exists colvarname($c)]} continue
486                 set varname     $colvarname($c)
487                 lappend rowinf($r)      $varname $value
488                 if {$max_r < $r} {
489                         set max_r       $r
490                 }
491         }
493         log debug "td to arrdat conversion, first stage:"
494         parray rowinf
495         set build               {}
496         for {set r $titlerows} {$r <= $max_r} {incr r} {
497                 if {![info exists rowinf($r)]} {
498                         log warning "No data found for row $r"
499                         lappend build   {}
500                 } else {
501                         lappend build   $rowinf($r)
502                 }
503         }
504         log debug "setting arrdat to \$build: [llength $build] items, from [tlc::stackdump]"
505         set arrdat      $build
507         set_textvariable $arrdat
511 body tlc::Tablelist::textvariable_changed {newvalue} { #<<<1
512         set_rows $newvalue