Fixes for componentized Pagedform
[tcl-tlc.git] / examples / test_hidden_form_label.itcl
1 #!/usr/bin/env tclsh
3 source "boilerplate.tcl"
5 ttk::setTheme alt
7 option add *Entry.borderWidth 2
9 Form .form -padding 1 -schema {
10 _layout {label_args_sticky -anchor w}
11 _layout {row_args_sticky -resize none}
12 _layout {cell_args -fill x}
13 "Request Date" {rtimestamp subform -winding h -schema {
14 " Date" {rdate label -relief sunken -borderwidth 1 -width 12}
15 "Request Time" {rtime label -relief sunken -borderwidth 1 -width 12}
16 _layout {col_args -resize none}
17 "System Ref" {ref label -relief sunken -borderwidth 1 -width 12}
19 _layout {cell_args -fill x}
20 "Client Name" {cinfo subform -winding h -schema {
21 _layout {cell_args_sticky -fill x}
22 " Cname" {cname lookup -width 30}
23 " Portfolio" {portfolio label -width 25 -relief sunken -borderwidth 1}
25 "Details" {bar subform -winding h -schema {
26 " BS" {bs radiogroup -orient h -borderwidth 0
27 -choices "Buy b Sell s" -value "b"}
28 " CCY1" {ccy1 combobox -width 4
29 -choices "USD ZAR EUR GBP JPY" -initial_choice "USD"}
30 " Amount" {amount tagentry -policy double}
31 "Against" {ccy2 combobox -width 4
32 -choices "USD ZAR EUR GBP JPY" -initial_choice "ZAR"}
34 "Limits" {limits label}
35 "Stop Loss" {stoploss subform -winding h -schema {
36 " Loss" {loss tagentry -width 10 -policy double}
37 "Profit" {profit tagentry -width 10 -policy double}
38 " Use" {use checkbutton -text "Use"}
40 _layout {cell_args -fill both}
41 " Type and Dates" {type_and_dates subform -winding h -schema {
42 _layout {cell_args -anchor w}
43 " Type" {ttype radiogroup -text "Transaction Type" -choices {
44 "Spot" spot
45 "Fixed Forward" fwd_fixed
46 "Partially Optional Forward" fwd_partial
47 "Fully Optional Forward" fwd_full
48 } -value "spot"}
49 _layout {cell_args -anchor c}
50 " Dates" {dates subform -schema {
51 _layout {label_args_sticky -anchor w}
52 "Forward Option Date" {fwd_odate date}
53 "Spot Date" {spot date}
54 "Forward Maturity Date" {fwd_mdate date}
57 _layout {cell_args -fill both -pady {2 0}}
58 _layout {label_args -anchor nw}
59 _layout {row_args -resize both}
60 "Comments" {comments textbox -height 2 -width 40}
62 _tips {
63 "Comments" "You can enter any comments here you want to be seen by the dealers"
64 "Client Name" "Select a client to deal on behalf of"
68 Tools .tools
69 .tools add "Dump" {puts [.form get_data]} right
70 .tools add "Get TType" {puts [.form get_data type_and_dates ttype]} right
71 .tools add "Close" exit right
73 table . -padx 5 -pady 5 \
74 .form 1,1 -fill both \
75 .tools 2,1 -fill x -pady {8 0}
76 table configure . r2 -resize none