ASC-4041: Skip two spidermonkey regression tests due to stack overflow when compiling...
[tamarin-stm.git] / doc / selftest.html
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39 <html>
40 <head>
41 <title>AVM Selftest Harness</title>
42 </head>
44 <body>
45 <h1> AVM Selftest Harness </h1>
47 <h2> Purpose </h2>
49 <P> The selftest infrastructure in the avmplus makes it possible to
50 write test cases below the level of abstraction of ABC files. For
51 example, it can be used to create tests for code generation
52 optimizations, processor features, and low-level GC features.
54 <P> The main virtues of the infrastructure is that much of the
55 drudgery is taken out of writing (and reading!) test code, and that
56 running all tests across the system is quick and easy and requires no
57 special knowledge. Thus everyone can add tests, and they can be run
58 routinely, whether manually or in a test framework.
60 <P> The test infrastructure is non-invasive and can be enabled in
61 release builds without other adverse effects than an increase in code
62 size and the appearance of the command line switch "-Dselftest".
64 <h2> Overview </h2>
66 <h3> Writing and generating tests </h3>
68 <P> Tests are written in C++, but in order to reduce the amount of
69 noise and overhead the test code is placed in a specially formatted
70 ".st" file. A script then processes all ".st" files at once and
71 generates C++ code for each, plus common initialization code. At
72 this time, each ".st" file lives in the "extensions/" folder and has a
73 name that starts with "ST_".
75 <P> For example, "extensions/" contains tests
76 for the interpreter's peephole optimizer.
78 <P> The script that processes the selftest files is
79 "extensions/". It should be run with "extensions/" as the
80 current directory, on all the .st files:
82 <pre>
83 % pwd
84 ~/work/redux/extensions
85 % avmshell -- ST_*.st
87 </pre>
89 <P> A test file - which can contain many tests - belongs to a
90 component and a category; each test is in turn named. By convention,
91 the ".st" file and the generated ".cpp" file are named using the
92 component and category, eg, "".
94 <h3> Running the tests </h3>
96 <P> The ST_*.cpp files should be added to the avmshell project, and
97 AVMPLUS_SELFTEST should be enabled in avmbuild.h. Once the shell has
98 been rebuilt, the tests can be invoked either all at once:
100 <pre>
101 % avmshell -Dselftest
102 </pre>
104 <P> or some can be selected by component, category, and name (using a
105 trailing '*' as an MS-DOS style suffix wildcard):
107 <pre>
108 % avmshell '-Dselftest=avmplus,peephole,get*'
109 </pre>
111 <h3> Output format </h3>
113 <P> The results are formatted as JSON-encoded array data. At this
114 time, they are presented on stdout, and there are no postprocessing
115 facilities (see the "TO DO" section). Each line is tagged with the
116 component, category, and (when appropriate) the test name. For
117 example, a successful run of the "basic" test case presented below
118 looks like this:
120 <pre>
121 ['start', 'avmplus', 'basics']
122 ['test', 'avmplus', 'basics', 'unsigned_int']
123 ['pass', 'avmplus', 'basics', 'unsigned_int']
124 ['test', 'avmplus', 'basics', 'signed_int']
125 ['pass', 'avmplus', 'basics', 'signed_int']
126 ['end', 'avmplus', 'basics']
127 </pre>
129 <P> A "start" line is printed as the tests are entered for a component
130 and category, and an "end" line when those tests are done. Then for
131 each test name, a "test" line is printed, followed by a "pass",
132 "failure", or "exception" line, depending on how the test terminated.
133 A "crash" line is printed if the prologue or epilogue code (see below)
134 throws an exception.
136 <h3> Test format </h3>
138 <P> (A comment block at the top of "extensions/" is the
139 authoritative definition of the test format. The information is
140 repeated and expanded upon here, but the following description is not
141 normative.)
143 <h4> Grammar </h4>
145 <P> Apart from comments and blank lines the input file must match the
146 nonterminal "file" in the following grammar.
148 <pre>
149 file ::= component category ifdef* (decls | methods | prologue | epilogue | test)*
150 component ::= SOL "%%component" ident EOL
151 category ::= SOL "%%category" ident EOL
152 ifdef ::= SOL "%%ifdef" ident EOL
153 decls ::= SOL "%%decls" EOL text
154 methods ::= SOL "%%methods" EOL text
155 prologue ::= SOL "%%prologue" EOL text
156 epilogue ::= SOL "%%epilogue" EOL text
157 test ::= SOL "%%test" ident EOL (text | verify)*
158 verify ::= SOL "%%verify" expr EOL
159 expr ::= text but not newline
160 text ::= arbitrary text not containing "%%" at SOL
161 EOL ::= newline
162 SOL ::= beginning of line, possibly with leading spaces
163 </pre>
165 <P> Comment lines are C++ style: "//" possibly preceded by blanks, to the end of line.
167 <P> Blank lines are legal everywhere.
169 <h4> Semantic constraints on the selftest specification </h4>
171 <UL>
172 <LI> There can be an arbitrary number of tests, but at least one.
173 <LI> There can be at most one prologue or epilogue.
174 <LI> There can be an arbitrary number of decls and methods, they are just cat'ed together.
175 <LI> There must be at least one verify in a test.
176 </UL>
178 <P> (The requirements for at least one test and at least one verify
179 are fascistic, but may help catch errors. Experience will tell.)
181 <h4> Semantics of the specification </h4>
183 <P> A selftest file defines one or more test cases for a component
184 (like "avmplus" or "player") and a category (like "peephole" or
185 "jit"). Additionally, each test is named. The test harness lets the
186 user define the components, categories, and tests to run.
188 <P> Each generated file is compiled conditionally on the existence of
189 AVMPLUS_SELFTEST and also each of the names declared in %%ifdef
190 statements.
192 <P> The code that is generated comprises a class and its methods, all
193 within a "namespace avmplus" block. Text in %%decls blocks is inserted
194 verbatim into the class definition; text in %%methods blocks is
195 inserted verbatim into the top level of the file. These sections allow
196 the test case to define and use auxiliary data and methods.
198 <P> The code in a %%prologue section will be run once, before any test
199 in the file is run. The code in an %%epilogue section will also be
200 run once, after all tests in the file have been run. They are
201 typically used to initialize instance data (declared by %%decls).
203 <P> Each %%test is enclosed in an anonymous method of the generated
204 class. Each %%verify that appears in the test will test its
205 condition, and if it does not hold that test function will be aborted
206 and the error recorded. Subsequent %%verify statements in that test
207 will not be executed; however, subsequent tests in the same selftest
208 spec will be executed.
210 <P> Comment lines preceding directives are copied verbatim to the output.
212 <h3> Examples </h3>
214 <h4> Simple example </h4>
216 <P> The following trivial example containing two tests tests whether
217 right shift works as we require it to.
219 <pre>
220 %%component avmplus
221 %%category basics
223 %%test unsigned_int
225 // Does right shift of unsigned quantities work?
226 %%verify (int)(~0U >> 1) > 0
228 %%test signed_int
230 // Does right shift of signed quantities work?
231 %%verify (-1 >> 1) == -1
232 </pre>
234 <h4> Complicated example </h4>
236 <P> The following example tests the peephole optimizer. It shows how
237 additional constraints are placed on the test with %%ifdef, how
238 instance variables are inserted into the generated class, then
239 initialized, used, and destroyed, and how multiple verifications may
240 be used in a single test.
242 <P> (The actual test is that two GETLOCAL instructions are coalesced
243 as a GET2LOCALS, provided that the original arguments are in the
244 correct range. The third GETLOCAL is not folded with the earlier ones
245 into GET3LOCALS because its argument is too large.)
247 <pre>
248 %%component avmplus
249 %%category peephole
252 %%decls
254 private:
256 void** opcode_labels;
257 #endif
259 %%prologue
262 int len = WOP_LAST+1
263 opcode_labels = new void*[len];
264 for ( int i=0 ; i &lt; len ; i++ )
265 opcode_labels[i] = (void*)i;
266 #endif
268 %%epilogue
271 delete [] opcode_labels;
272 #endif
274 %%test get2locals
277 Translator* t = new Translator(core, NULL, opcode_labels);
278 #else
279 Translator* t = new Translator(core, NULL);
280 #endif
282 t->emitOp1(WOP_getlocal, 5);
283 t->emitOp1(WOP_getlocal, 4);
284 t->emitOp1(WOP_getlocal, 65536);
285 uint32_t* code;
286 uint32_t len = t->epilogue(&code);
288 %%verify len == 4
289 %%verify code[0] == NEW_OPCODE(WOP_get2locals)
290 %%verify code[1] == ((4 &lt;&lt; 16) | 5)
291 %%verify code[2] == NEW_OPCODE(WOP_getlocal)
292 %%verify code[3] == 65536
294 delete t;
295 </pre>
298 <h2> TO DO </h2>
300 <P> <b>Postprocessing facilities:</b> We're really not interested in
301 knowing about the tests that pass, only those that fail (in some way),
302 but the output is voluminous. There needs to be a postprocessing
303 script.
305 <P> <b>Negative tests:</b> The only test form is %%verify, but we're
306 going to need %%verify-not and %%verify-throw before long, I bet.
308 </body>
309 </html>