[tamarin-stm.git] / test / acceptance /
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 # -*- Mode: Python; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 4 -*-
3 # vi: set ts=4 sw=4 expandtab: (add to ~/.vimrc: set modeline modelines=5)
5 # ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
6 # Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
8 # The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
9 # 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
10 # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
11 #
13 # Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
14 # WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
15 # for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
16 # License.
18 # The Original Code is [Open Source Virtual Machine.].
20 # The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
21 # Adobe System Incorporated.
22 # Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2005-2009
23 # the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
25 # Contributor(s):
26 #
27 # Adobe AS3 Team
29 # Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
30 # either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
31 # the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
32 # in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
33 # of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
34 # under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
35 # use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
36 # decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
37 # and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
38 # the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
39 # the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
41 # ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
44 import os, sys, getopt, datetime, pipes, glob, itertools, tempfile, string
45 import re, platform, threading, time
46 from os.path import *
47 from os import getcwd,environ,walk
48 from datetime import datetime
49 from glob import glob
50 from sys import argv, exit
51 from getopt import getopt
52 from itertools import count
55 # add parent dir to python module search path
56 sys.path.append('..')
57 from util.runtestBase import RuntestBase
58 # runtestUtils must be imported after "from os.path import *" as walk is overridden
59 from util.runtestUtils import *
61 class AcceptanceRuntest(RuntestBase):
62 runESC = False
63 escbin = '../../esc/bin/'
64 androidthreads = False
65 androiddevices = []
66 verifyonly = False
67 swfversions = [9,10,11,12]
69 def __init__(self):
70 # Set threads to # of available cpus/cores
71 self.threads = detectCPUs()
72 RuntestBase.__init__(self)
74 def setEnvironVars(self):
75 RuntestBase.setEnvironVars(self)
76 if 'ESCBIN' in environ:
77 self.escbin = environ['ESCBIN'].strip()
79 def usage(self, c):
80 RuntestBase.usage(self, c)
81 print(' --esc run esc instead of avm')
82 print(' --escbin location of esc/bin directory - defaults to ../../esc/bin')
83 print(' --eval use run-time compiler')
84 print(' --ext set the testfile extension (defaults to .as)')
85 print(' --ats generate ats swfs instead of running tests')
86 print(' --atsdir base output directory for ats swfs - defaults to ATS_SWFS')
87 print(' --threads number of threads to run (default=# of cpu/cores), set to 1 to have tests finish sequentially')
88 print(' --androidthreads assign a thread for each android device connected.')
89 print(' --verify run a verify pass instead of running abcs')
90 print(' --verifyonly run a -Dverifyonly pass: only checks test exitcode')
91 print(' --remoteip IP/DNS address of the machine to run the tests on.')
92 print(' --remoteuser user name to use to connect to the remote machine.')
93 exit(c)
95 def setOptions(self):
96 RuntestBase.setOptions(self)
97 self.longOptions.extend(['ext=','esc','escbin=','eval','threads=','ats',
98 'atsdir=','verify','verifyonly','androidthreads'])
100 def parseOptions(self):
101 opts = RuntestBase.parseOptions(self)
102 for o, v in opts:
103 if o in ('--ext',):
104 self.sourceExt = v
105 elif o in ('--esc',):
106 self.runESC = True
107 elif o in ('--escbin',):
108 self.escbin = v
109 elif o in ('--eval',):
110 self.eval = True
111 elif o in ('--androidthreads',):
112 self.androidthreads=True
113 self.threads=1
114 elif o in ('--threads',):
115 try:
116 self.threads=int(v)
117 except ValueError:
118 print('Incorrect threads value: %s\n' % v)
119 self.usage(2)
120 elif o in ('--ats',):
121 self.genAtsSwfs = True
122 self.rebuildtests = True
123 # Need to run single threaded since we create a temp file for
124 # every test and this file can collide when using multiple threads
125 self.threads = 1
126 elif o in ('--atsdir',):
127 self.atsDir = v
128 elif o in ('--verify',):
129 self.verify = True
130 self.vmargs = '-Dverifyall -Dverbose=verify'
131 elif o in ('--verifyonly',):
132 self.verifyonly = True
133 if '-Dverifyonly' not in self.vmargs:
134 self.vmargs += ' -Dverifyonly'
135 elif o in ('--remoteip',):
136 self.remoteip = v
137 elif o in ('--remoteuser',):
138 self.remoteuser = v
140 def run(self):
141 self.setEnvironVars()
142 self.loadPropertiesFile()
143 self.setOptions()
144 self.parseOptions()
145 self.setTimestamp()
146 self.checkPath()
147 if not self.config:
148 self.determineConfig()
149 if self.verifyonly and 'debugger' not in self.vmtype:
150 exit('You must be running a debugger build in order to use the -Dverifyonly option')
151 if self.rebuildtests==False and ('arm-winmobile-emulator',self.config)!=None or self.osName=='winmobile'):
152 if'^arm-winmobile-emulator',self.config)==None:
153 print('ERROR: to use windows mobile build set --config arm-winmobile-emulator-tvm-release or install cygwin utility /usr/bin/file.exe')
154 sys.exit(1)
155 self.setupCEEmulators()
156 if self.htmlOutput and not self.rebuildtests:
157 self.createOutputFile()
158 # extension lists must be tuples
159 self.otherTestExtensions = (self.abcasmExt,)
160 self.executableExtensions = (self.abcOnlyExt,)
161 # test configuration is contained in two files: failconfig & testconfig)
162 self.settings = self.parseTestConfig(self.testconfig) & self.parsTestConfig(self.failconfig)
163 self.tests = self.getTestsList(self.args)
164 # Load root .asc_args and .java_args files
165 self.parseRootConfigFiles()
166 self.preProcessTests()
167 if self.rebuildtests:
168 self.rebuildTests()
169 else:
170 self.runTests(self.tests)
171 self.cleanup()
173 def preProcessTests(self):
174 RuntestBase.preProcessTests(self)
175 # Are we running esc - depends on a valid avm
176 if self.runESC:
177 self.runSource = True
178 # generate the executable cmd for esc
179 #escAbcs = [f for f in os.listdir(self.escbin) if f.endswith('.abc')] #not all abcs are used for esc
180 escAbcs = ['debug','util','bytes-tamarin','util-tamarin','lex-char','lex-token',
181 'lex-scan','ast','ast-decode','parse','asm','abc','emit','cogen',
182 'cogen-stmt','cogen-expr','esc-core','eval-support','esc-env','main']
183 if not self.escbin.endswith('/'):
184 self.escbin += '/'
185 for f in escAbcs:
186 self.avm += '' % (self.escbin, f)
187 self.avm += ' -- '
188 self.avm += ' %s../test/' % self.escbin #needed to run shell harness
189 if self.androidthreads:
190 p=subprocess.Popen('adb devices',shell=True,stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
191 (out,err)=p.communicate()
192 for line in out.split('\n'):
193 items=line.split()
194 if len(items)==2 and items[1]=='device':
195 for i in range(self.threads):
196 self.androiddevices.append(items[0])
197 if len(self.androiddevices)==0:
198 print("error: adb did not detect any attached devices")
199 print("adb devices stdout: %s stderr: %s" % (out,err))
200 sys.exit(1)
201 print("detected %d android devices" % (len(self.androiddevices)/self.threads))
202 self.threads=len(self.androiddevices)
204 def runTestPrep(self, testAndNum):
205 ast = testAndNum[0]
206 testnum = testAndNum[1]
207 outputCalls = [] #queue all output calls so that output is written in a block
208 extraVmArgs = ''
209 abcargs = ''
211 dir = os.path.split(ast)[0]
212 root,ext = splitext(ast)
213 if self.runSource or self.eval or ext in self.executableExtensions:
214 testName = ast
215 else:
216 testName = root + '.abc'
218 includes = self.includes #list
220 settings = self.getLocalSettings(root)
222 # skip tests that can't be verified
223 if self.verify and '.*' in settings and 'verify_skip' in settings['.*']:
224 outputCalls.append((self.js_print,('%d running %s' % (testnum, ast), '<b>', '</b><br/>')));
225 outputCalls.append((self.js_print,(' skipping... reason: %s' % settings['.*']['verify_skip'],)))
226 self.allskips += 1
227 return outputCalls
229 # skip entire test if specified
230 if '.*' in settings and 'skip' in settings['.*'] and not 'include' in settings['.*']:
231 outputCalls.append((self.js_print,(' skipping... reason: %s' % settings['.*']['skip'],)))
232 self.allskips += 1
233 outputCalls.insert(0,(self.js_print,('%d running %s' % (testnum, ast), '<b>', '</b><br/>')));
234 return outputCalls
236 # Check for a timezone file
237 if isfile('' % ast):
238 if not self.valid_time_zone(ast, testnum, outputCalls):
239 return outputCalls
241 # delete abc if forcerebuild
242 if self.forcerebuild and isfile(testName) and ext not in self.executableExtensions:
243 os.unlink(testName)
244 if isfile(testName) and getmtime(ast)>getmtime(testName) and self.timestampcheck:
245 outputCalls.append((self.verbose_print, ("%s has been modified, recompiling" % ast,)))
246 os.unlink(testName)
248 # process support dir
249 if exists(root+self.supportFolderExt):
250 self.compile_support_files(root+self.supportFolderExt, outputCalls)
252 # compile file if needed
253 if not isfile(testName):
254 compileOutput = self.compile_test(ast, outputCalls=outputCalls)
255 if not isfile(testName):
256 if ast.endswith(self.abcasmExt):
257 # file didn't compile, compare compile output
258 flines = self.compareAbcAsmOutput(ast, compileOutput)
259 if flines:
260 self.allfails += 1
261 outputCalls.append((,(testName, 'FAILED! :\nExpected:\n'+''.join(flines)+'\nGOT:\n'+''.join(compileOutput), self.failmsgs)))
262 outputCalls.append((self.js_print, (' FAILED passes: 0 fails: 1 unexpected passes: 0 expected failures: 0', '', '<br/>')))
263 else:
264 self.allpasses += 1
265 outputCalls.append((self.verbose_print, (' PASSED passes: 1 fails: 0 unexpected passes: 0 expected failures: 0', '', '<br/>')))
266 outputCalls.insert(0,(self.js_print,('%d running %s' % (testnum, ast), '<b>', '</b><br/>')));
267 return outputCalls
268 else:
269 self.allfails += 1
270 outputCalls.append((self.js_print, ('%s' % '\n'.join(compileOutput),)))
271 outputCalls.append((,(testName, 'FAILED! file did not compile: %s' %
272 testName, self.failmsgs)))
273 return outputCalls
275 if self.runSource or self.eval:
276 incfiles=self.build_incfiles(testName)
277 incfiles.append("shell" + self.sourceExt)
278 for incfile in incfiles:
279 testName=incfile+" "+testName
281 # read any extra avm arguments, each line will execute the avm with those args
282 if isfile('%s.avm_args' % ast):
283 avm_args_file = open('%s.avm_args' % ast,'r')
284 index = 0
285 uses_swfversion = re.compile('uses_swfversion', re.IGNORECASE)
286 for line in avm_args_file:
287 line = line.strip()
288 if line.startswith('#'):
289 continue
290 index += 1
291 # uses_swfversion
292 if
293 # run avm with all bugcompat versions
294 for swf_ver in self.swfversions:
295 line = uses_swfversion.sub('', line)
296 line, extraVmArgs, abcargs = self.process_avm_args_line(line, dir)
297 extraVmArgs += ' -swfversion %s ' % swf_ver
298 outputCalls.extend(self.runTest(
299 ast, root, testName, '%s.%s' % (testnum, index),
300 settings, extraVmArgs, abcargs))
301 index += 1
302 continue
303 line, extraVmArgs, abcargs = self.process_avm_args_line(line, dir)
304 outputCalls.extend(self.runTest(ast, root, testName, '%s.%s' % (testnum, index), settings, extraVmArgs, abcargs))
305 else:
306 outputCalls.extend(self.runTest(ast, root, testName, testnum, settings))
308 return outputCalls
310 def valid_time_zone(self, testname, testnum, outputCalls):
311 '''Read in the associated time zone ( file and
312 check if we match that timezone. Returns a boolean indicating
313 whether we are in the right timezone'''
314 tz_file = open('' % testname)
315 valid_timezones = []
316 for line in tz_file:
317 line = line.strip()
318 if not line or line.startswith('#'):
319 continue
320 valid_timezones.append(line)
322 # windows python time.tzname returns time zone strings instead of
323 # abbreviations. Take the string and condense it so that it matches
324 # the unix tzname values. Not ideal, but works for most time zones.
325 # e.g.: computer set to Pacific Standard Time
326 # windows tzname = ('Pacific Standard Time', 'Pacific Daylight Time')
327 # cygwin tzname = ('PST', 'PDT')
328 if self.osName == 'win' and not self.cygwin:
329 # extract only the upper case letters from the windows time zone
330 tzname = tuple([''.join(re.findall('[A-Z]',tz)) for tz in time.tzname])
331 else:
332 tzname = time.tzname
333 # check if current tz is in the list
334 if str(tzname) not in valid_timezones:
335 outputCalls.append(
336 (self.js_print,
337 (' skipping... reason: Current timezone: %s not in timezones:\n' \
338 ' %s'
339 % (tzname, testname, ','.join(valid_timezones)),)))
340 outputCalls.insert(0,(self.js_print,('%d running %s' % (testnum, testname), '<b>', '</b><br/>')));
341 self.allskips += 1
342 return False
343 return True
345 def compile_support_files(self, support_dir, outputCalls):
346 for p, dirs, files in walk(support_dir):
347 for f in files:
348 if f.endswith(self.sourceExt):
349 f = join(p,f)
350 binFile = splitext(f)[0]+'.abc'
351 if exists(binFile) and (self.forcerebuild or (self.timestampcheck and getmtime(f)>getmtime(binFile))):
352 os.unlink(binFile)
353 if not isfile(binFile):
354 compileOutput = self.compile_test(f, outputCalls=outputCalls)
355 if not isfile(binFile):
356 outputCalls.append((self.js_print,(' Error compiling support file: %s' % f,)))
357 outputCalls.append((self.verbose_print, (' compile output: %s' % compileOutput,)))
359 def process_avm_args_line(self, line, dir):
360 abcargs = ''
361 line = line.replace("$DIR", dir)
362 if line.find('--') != -1:
363 (extraVmArgs, abcargs) = line.split('--')
364 else:
365 extraVmArgs = line
366 return line, extraVmArgs, abcargs
368 def runTest(self, ast, root, testName, testnum, settings, extraVmArgs='', abcargs=''):
369 if self.androidthreads:
370 try:
371 if threading.currentThread().getName()=='MainThread':
373 else:
374 n=int(threading.currentThread().getName()[7:])-1
375 if n<len(self.androiddevices):
376 extraVmArgs+=" --threadid=%d --androidid=%s %s" % (n,self.androiddevices[n],extraVmArgs)
377 except:
378 print(sys.exc_info())
379 outputCalls = []
380 lpass = 0
381 lfail = 0
382 lexpfail = 0
383 lunpass = 0
384 ltimeout = 0
385 lassert = 0
386 starttime=time.time()
388 if self.aotsdk and self.aotout:
389 avm_args = ""
390 if isfile("%s.avm_args" % ast):
391 avm_args = open("%s.avm_args" % ast).readline()
392 if avm_args.find("mops") >= 0:
393 avm_args = ""
394 progname = testName.replace(".abc", "")
395 progname = progname.replace("/", ".")
396 progpath = os.path.join(self.aotout, progname)
397 if self.remoteip:
398 retryCount = 5
399 while retryCount > 0:
400 # copy file to remote device
401 cmd = "scp %s %s@%s:" % (progpath, self.remoteuser, self.remoteip)
402 self.run_pipe(cmd, outputCalls=outputCalls)
403 # run app
404 cmd = "ssh %s@%s ./%s %s" % (self.remoteuser, self.remoteip, progname, avm_args)
405 (f,err,exitcode) = self.run_pipe(cmd, outputCalls=outputCalls)
406 if exitcode != 0:
407 sleep(5)
408 retryCount -= 1
409 else:
410 break
411 # delete app
412 cmd = "ssh %s@%s rm %s" % (self.remoteuser, self.remoteip, progname)
413 self.run_pipe(cmd, outputCalls=outputCalls)
414 else:
415 cmd = "%s %s" % (progpath, avm_args)
416 # print("about to execute: " + cmd)
417 (f,err,exitcode) = self.run_pipe(cmd, outputCalls=outputCalls)
418 elif ast.endswith(self.abcasmExt):
419 # make sure util file has been compiled
420 if not exists(self.abcasmShell+'.abc'): # compile abcasmShell with no additional args
421 self.run_pipe('"%s" -jar %s %s' % (, self.asc, self.abcasmShell+'.as'), outputCalls=outputCalls)
422 (f,err,exitcode) = self.run_pipe('%s %s %s %s %s' % (self.avm, self.vmargs, extraVmArgs, self.abcasmShell+'.abc', testName), outputCalls=outputCalls)
423 elif self.verify:
424 # get the abcdump for the file
425 (f,err,exitcode) = self.run_pipe('%s %s -- %s' % (self.avm, self.abcdump+'.abc', testName), outputCalls=outputCalls)
426 abcdumpFunctions = [line.strip() for line in f if line.startswith('var function')]
427 if self.verbose:
428 outputCalls.append((self.js_print,(abcdumpFunctions,)))
429 # get -Dverifyall -Dverbose=verify output
430 (f,err,exitcode) = self.run_pipe('%s %s %s' % (self.avm, self.vmargs, testName), outputCalls=outputCalls)
431 verifyFunctions = [line.strip() for line in f if line.startswith('verify Function/')]
432 if self.verbose:
433 outputCalls.append((self.js_print,(verifyFunctions,)))
435 # we can't compare actual function names since abcdump treats function names and var names the same
436 # we instead just compare that the # of functions verified == the # of functions listed out by abcdump
437 if len(abcdumpFunctions) != len(verifyFunctions):
438 lfail += 1
439 outputCalls.append((,(testName, 'FAILED! :\nExpected (from abcdump): %s functions verified\nGOT (-Dverifyall -Dverbose=verify): %s functions verified' %
440 (len(abcdumpFunctions),len(verifyFunctions)), self.failmsgs)))
441 else:
442 lpass += 1
443 else:
444 if abcargs:
445 (f,err,exitcode) = self.run_pipe('%s %s %s %s -- %s' % (self.avm, self.vmargs, extraVmArgs, testName, abcargs), outputCalls=outputCalls)
446 else:
447 (f,err,exitcode) = self.run_pipe('%s %s %s %s' % (self.avm, self.vmargs, extraVmArgs, testName), outputCalls=outputCalls)
449 # Test has been run, handle output
450 if self.verifyonly:
451 # only check the exit code when running a verifyonly pass
452 ec_lfail, ec_lexpfail, expectedExitcode = self.checkExitCode(exitcode, root, testName, f, err, settings, outputCalls)
453 if ec_lfail or ec_lexpfail:
454 lfail += ec_lfail
455 lexpfail += ec_lexpfail
456 else:
457 lpass += 1
458 elif not self.verify:
459 try:
460 outputLines = []
461 if isfile(root+'.out'):
462 # override standard runtests behavior, just compare the .out file with stdout+stderr
463 actual = [line.strip() for line in f+err if line.strip()]
464 try:
465 outfile = open(root+'.out', 'r')
466 expectedOut = [line.strip() for line in outfile.readlines() if line.strip()]
467 outfile.close()
468 outputCalls.append((self.verbose_print,('%s.out file (expected):' % root,)))
469 outputCalls.append((self.verbose_print,(expectedOut,)))
470 outputCalls.append((self.verbose_print,('\nactual output:',)))
471 outputCalls.append((self.verbose_print,(actual,)))
472 # check settings if this should be an expected failure
473 expectedfail = dict_match(settings,'','expectedfail')
474 # .out files can contain regex but must be prefaced with REGEXP as the first line in the file
475 try:
476 if expectedOut[0] == 'REGEXP':
477 expectedOut = expectedOut[1:]
478 if len(actual) < len(expectedOut):
479 # pad actual output w/ empty lines
480 for i in range(len(expectedOut)-len(actual)):
481 actual.append('')
482 for i in range(len(actual)):
483 if not[i], actual[i]):
484 raise IndexError
485 else:
486 if actual != expectedOut:
487 raise IndexError
488 # test passed - check to make sure its not an expected failure
489 if expectedfail:
490 outputCalls.append((,(
491 testName, 'unexpected .out file pass. ' +
492 ' reason: '+expectedfail, self.unpassmsgs)))
493 lunpass += 1
494 else:
495 lpass += 1
496 except IndexError:
497 # test failed
498 if expectedfail:
499 outputCalls.append((,(
500 testName,
501 'expected failure: .out file does not match stdout+stderr. ' +
502 ' reason: '+expectedfail, self.expfailmsgs)))
503 lexpfail += 1
504 else:
505 outputCalls.append((,(testName,
506 '.out file does not match output:\n%s.out file (expected):\n%s\nactual output:\n%s' % (root, expectedOut,actual),
507 self.failmsgs)))
508 lfail += 1
509 except IOError:
510 outputLines.append((self.js_print,('Error opening %s.out' % root,)))
511 lfail += 1
512 else:
513 for line in f+err:
514 outputLines.append(line)
515 outputCalls.append((self.verbose_print,(' %s' % line.strip(),)))
516 if 'Assertion failed:' in line:
517 lassert += 1
518 outputCalls.append((,(testName+extraVmArgs, line, self.assertmsgs)))
519 testcase=''
520 if len(line)>9:
521 testcase=line.strip()
522 skipTestDesc = dict_match(settings,testcase,'skip')
523 includeTestDesc = dict_match(settings, testcase, 'include')
524 if skipTestDesc and not includeTestDesc:
525 outputCalls.append((self.js_print,(' skipping "%s" ... reason: %s' % (line.strip(),skipTestDesc),)))
526 self.allskips+=1
527 continue
528 if 'PASSED!' in line:
529 res=dict_match(settings,testcase,'expectedfail')
530 if res:
531 outputCalls.append((,(testName, 'unexpected pass: ' + line.strip() + ' reason: '+res, self.unpassmsgs)))
532 lunpass += 1
533 else:
534 lpass += 1
535 if 'FAILED!' in line:
536 res=dict_match(settings,testcase,'expectedfail')
537 if res:
538 outputCalls.append((,(testName, 'expected failure: ' + line.strip() + ' reason: '+res, self.expfailmsgs)))
539 lexpfail += 1
540 else:
541 lfail += 1
542 outputCalls.append((,(testName+extraVmArgs, line, self.failmsgs)))
543 except:
544 print('exception running avm')
545 raise
547 # exitcode check
548 ec_lfail, ec_lexpfail, expectedExitcode = self.checkExitCode(exitcode, root, testName, f, err, settings, outputCalls)
549 if ec_lfail or ec_lexpfail:
550 lfail += ec_lfail
551 lexpfail += ec_lexpfail
552 elif err:
553 # TODO: When needed, add support for expected stderr output - see
554 outputCalls.append((,(testName, "unexpected stderr expected:'%s' actual:'%s'" % ('',err), self.failmsgs)))
555 lfail += 1 # any messages to stderr automatically fail the test
556 elif lpass == 0 and lfail == 0 and lunpass==0 and lexpfail==0:
557 res=dict_match(settings,'*','expectedfail')
558 if res:
559 outputCalls.append((,(testName, 'expected failure: FAILED contained no testcase messages reason: %s' % res,self.expfailmsgs)))
560 lexpfail += 1
561 else:
562 # test may not have any output but is still passing if a non-standard exitcode was expected (e.g. VerifyErrors)
563 if expectedExitcode != 0 and exitcode==expectedExitcode:
564 #outputCalls.append((self.js_print,(' Expected Exit Code: %s Actual Exit Code: %s PASSED' % (expectedExitcode, exitcode),)))
565 lpass = 1
566 else:
567 lfail = 1
568 outputmsg=''
569 for l in outputLines:
570 outputmsg+=l.strip()+'|'
571 outputCalls.append((,(testName, ' FAILED contained no testcase messages - reason: %s' % outputmsg, self.failmsgs)))
573 self.allfails += lfail
574 self.allpasses += lpass
575 self.allexpfails += lexpfail
576 self.allunpass += lunpass
577 self.alltimeouts += ltimeout
578 self.allasserts += lassert
579 if lfail or lunpass:
580 outputCalls.append((self.js_print, (' FAILED passes:%d fails:%d unexpected passes: %d expected failures: %d\n' % (lpass,lfail,lunpass,lexpfail), '', '<br/>')))
581 else:
582 outputCalls.append((self.verbose_print, (' PASSED passes:%d fails:%d unexpected passes: %d expected failures: %d\n' % (lpass,lfail,lunpass,lexpfail), '', '<br/>')))
583 if self.show_time:
584 outputCalls.insert(0,(self.js_print,('%s running %s %s %s time %.1f' % (testnum, ast, extraVmArgs, abcargs, time.time()-starttime), '<b>', '</b><br/>')));
585 else:
586 outputCalls.insert(0,(self.js_print,('%s running %s %s %s' % (testnum, ast, extraVmArgs, abcargs), '<b>', '</b><br/>')));
589 return outputCalls
591 def checkExitCode(self, exitcode, root, testName, f, err, settings, outputCalls):
592 '''Check the exitcode for a test against any expected non-zero exitcodes
593 Return the fail and the expected exitcode if non-zero
595 lfail = 0
596 lexpfail = 0
597 expectedExitcode=0
598 if isfile(root+'.err'):
599 # .err file holds both the expected (non-catchable) error (usually a VerifyError) and the expected exitcode
600 expectedErr,expectedExitcode = self.loadExpectedErr(root+'.err')
601 # check the expectedErr - error is always the last (non-empty) line of output
602 actualErr = ''
603 for line in reversed(f):
604 # When running in --verifyonly mode, output will be VERIFY FAILED instead of VerifyError
605 line = line.replace('VERIFY FAILED', 'VerifyError')
606 # make sure we have an error
607 if'.*Error:.*', line):
608 actualErr = self.getError(line.strip())
609 break
610 if actualErr != expectedErr:
611 outputCalls.append((,(testName, 'unexpected error message. expected: %s actual: %s'
612 % (expectedErr, actualErr), self.failmsgs)))
613 lfail += 1
614 elif isfile(root+".exitcode"):
615 try:
616 expectedExitcode=int(open(root+".exitcode").read())
617 except:
618 print("ERROR: reading exit code file '%s' should contain an integer")
619 res=dict_match(settings,'exitcode','expectedfail')
621 if exitcode!=expectedExitcode:
622 res2=dict_match(settings,'exitcode','skip')
623 if res2==None and res:
624 outputCalls.append((self.js_print,(testName, 'expected failure: exitcode reason: %s'
625 % res,self.expfailmsgs)))
626 lexpfail += 1
627 elif res2==None:
628 outputCalls.append((,(testName, 'unexpected exit code expected:%d actual:%d Signal Name: %s FAILED!'
629 % (expectedExitcode,exitcode,getSignalName(abs(exitcode))),
630 self.failmsgs)))
631 outputmsg=''
632 for l in f+err:
633 outputmsg+=l.strip()+'|'
634 outputCalls.append((,(testName, 'captured output: %s'
635 % outputmsg,self.failmsgs)))
636 lfail+= 1
637 return lfail, lexpfail, expectedExitcode
639 def loadExpectedErr(self, file):
640 try:
641 f = open(file, 'r')
642 expectedErr = ''
643 expectedExitcode = 0
644 for line in f:
645 line = line.strip()
646 if line and not line.startswith('#'):
647 if line.lower().startswith('exitcode:'):
648 try:
649 expectedExitcode = int(line.split(':')[1].strip())
650 except ValueError:
651 pass
652 else:
653 # check to see if line is a number - if so set expectedExitcode
654 try:
655 expectedExitcode = int(line)
656 except ValueError:
657 expectedErr = line
658 return expectedErr, expectedExitcode
659 except:
660 return 'Error reading .err file: %s' % file, 0
662 def getError(self, line):
663 # Parse out the error type and #, but strip the description
664 try:
665 return ':'.join(line.split(':')[0:2])
666 except:
667 return line
669 runtest = AcceptanceRuntest()