2 - tagua should make promotion an option to the user
3 -> maybe by splitting target square if canPromote(), so the piece
4 gets promoted if it gets dropped in second half of the square ?
5 - gnushogi engine gets confused when moving through history => generic pb ?
6 - tooltips for figurines, for people who can't read kanji
9 - pools overlap when too many pieces were captured
10 - decorated move could show captured piece
13 - gnushogi engine should catch "Illegal move: " notices from gnushogi
14 - engine should detect endgame conditions from gnushogi:
15 "Drawn game!" "Black mates!"
16 (gnushogi only reports a draw on one side !?)
17 - support x?(save|get) commands (need tagua support ?)
20 - implement ACS protocol and shogi-server extended commands
21 http://www.computer-shogi.org/protocol/tcp_ip_server_11_e.html
22 http://shogi-server.sourceforge.jp/protocol.html
23 - support for GPS Shogi engine
24 http://gps.tanaka.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp/gpsshogi/