1 [DONE] - make the board support generic square tags, instead of select,
3 [DONE] - make the board load squares and tags from a theme.
4 [FORFAITED] - implement edit position.
5 [DONE] - improve piece shadow (just a couple more configurable settings).
6 [DONE] - the table should not dispatch mouse events based on the group,
7 because group size is "virtual".
8 [DONE] - document the pixmap loader, or soon it will be impossible to use
10 [PARTLY DONE] - fix examination mode.
11 - reimplement piecesprite thumbnails.
12 [DONE] - remove all "../icons" in the code
13 [DONE] - improve the movelist to handle mixed turns
14 [WONTFIX :)]- rewrite the piece pool.
15 Now the conceptual bug of the PieceSprite's having type/color information is fixed,
16 but i think that a std::map is ok for the pool because identical things should not
17 be threated as different, if for two pieces ->equals returns true they should really
18 be identical, for sake of god.
19 [DONE] - manage in some way the <b1> with piece pool.
20 - better pgn load/save for variants with irregular moves (like progressive)
21 - add support for editing pgn game tags
22 [DONE by Paolo :)] - add support for one click move preview in the board
23 [DONE for reversi] - add support for games where you can or must pass the move (go, reversi, etc)
24 [HALF DONE] - move in the variant the square numbering string and the SAN move figurines
25 - support fonts for move figurines
26 - investigate pcre as a possible replacement for QRegExp.
27 - remove all code that assumes that there are 2 players :)
28 - allow to customize fg and bg of svg files too, in some way
29 (a CSS file? but Paolo will get angry because this will require
30 Qt-4.2, or maybe 4.3. They are not even supported in the snapshot