2to3 (compiles, not tested)
[tag_parser.git] / src / mjacob / algorithms / deduction_iterator.py
1 # This Python file uses the following encoding: utf-8
2 '''
3 Created on Apr 27, 2011
5 Code which iterates possible paths for logical deductions.
6 For chart parsing, this is potentially useful for discovering ambiguities in a tree,
7 but as the Earley Tag rules are far from optimal, much more ambiguity is discovered
8 than actually results in different parses.
10 More generally, this code is interesting as I haven't seen anything like it before.
11 There's potentially some interesting combinatorics going on here - we're counting
12 the number of DAGs as sub-graphs of a directed hypergraph.
14 @author: mjacob
15 '''
16 from functools import reduce
17 def deductions(result,
18 get_anteceding_rules,
19 get_antecedents=lambda x: x,
20 working_on=set(),
21 resolved=set()):
22 """
23 given a collections of lemmas
24 A1, A2, A3
26 and logical deductions of the type
27 A1,A2 -> A3 (read: A1 and A2 imply A3)
29 iterate over all possible relevant deductive pathways which result in C{result}
31 arguments:
32 result: an object which represents the final lemma of a deduction
33 get_anteceding_rules: a callable item (e.g., a function) of the form
34 f(lemma) -> deductions
35 where each deduction directly generates the supplied lemma
36 get_antecedents: a callable item (e.g., a function) of the form
37 f(rule) -> lemmas
38 where the resulting lemmas are the antecedents of the rule
40 result:
41 a generator which iterates deductions of the form
42 ((A, (B, C)), (B, ()), (C, ()))
43 where each element represents a deduction rule, consisting of a resulting lemma and its antecedents.
44 """
46 def mark_resolved():
47 working_on.remove(result)
48 resolved.add(result)
50 def mark_unresolved():
51 resolved.remove(result)
52 working_on.add(result)
54 def begin_resolution():
55 working_on.add(result)
57 def finish_resolution():
58 working_on.remove(result)
60 def is_recursive_rule(rule):
61 for lemma in get_antecedents(rule):
62 if lemma in working_on:
63 return True
64 return False
66 def resolve_antecedents(unresolved_antecedents):
67 """iterate over all possible combinations of further productions (v)
68 this method was created because python's itertools.product method had side effects."""
69 first, rest = unresolved_antecedents[0], unresolved_antecedents[1:]
71 for deduction_of_first in deductions(first,
72 get_anteceding_rules,
73 get_antecedents,
74 working_on,
75 resolved):
76 if rest:
77 for deduction_of_rest in resolve_antecedents(rest):
78 yield (deduction_of_first,) + deduction_of_rest
80 else:
81 yield (deduction_of_first,)
83 if result in resolved:
84 """if there is a merging dependency"""
85 yield ()
87 else:
88 begin_resolution()
90 for rule in get_anteceding_rules(result):
92 if is_recursive_rule(rule):
93 """ignore looping deductions"""
94 continue
96 unresolved_antecedents = tuple(lemma
97 for lemma in get_antecedents(rule)
98 if lemma not in resolved)
100 if not unresolved_antecedents:
101 mark_resolved()
102 yield ((result, rule),)
103 mark_unresolved()
105 else:
106 for deductions_of_antecedents in resolve_antecedents(unresolved_antecedents):
107 mark_resolved()
108 yield ((result, rule),) + reduce(tuple.__add__,
109 deductions_of_antecedents)
110 mark_unresolved()
112 finish_resolution()
115 if __name__ == "__main__":
116 """test functionality"""
117 #start, A = 1, {1: ((2,),(2,3,),(3,),), 2: ((3,),(4,),), 3: ((4,),(5,),(6,),), 4: ((),), 5: ((6,),), 6: ((),)}
118 start, A = 1, {1: ((2,3,),), 2: ((3,), (4,),), 3: ((2,), (4,), (4,5,),), 4: ((),), 5: ((),)}
119 #start, A = 1, {1: ((2,3,),), 2: ((3,), (4,),), 3: ((2,), (2,4,), (4,),), 4: ((),)}
120 #start, A = 12, {0: ((),), 1: ((2,),), 2: ((10, 11),), 3: ((),), 4: ((5, 6),), 5: ((8, 9),), 6: ((2, 18),), 7: ((5, 1),), 8: ((),), 9: ((),), 10: ((),), 11: ((),), 12: ((13, 6),), 13: ((3,),), 14: ((13,),), 15: ((5,),), 16: ((),), 17: ((13, 1),), 18: ((37,),), 19: ((),), 20: ((21,),), 21: ((),), 22: ((20,),), 23: ((24,),), 24: ((),), 25: ((23,),), 26: ((),), 27: ((),), 28: ((),), 29: ((30, 31),), 30: ((),), 31: ((),), 32: ((29,),), 33: ((30, 34),), 34: ((),), 35: ((10, 16),), 36: ((35,),), 37: ((30, 0),), 38: ((35, 32),), 39: ((20, 32),), 40: ((33,),)}
121 for deduction in deductions(start, A.__getitem__):
122 print("%s," % (deduction,))
123 #print ", ".join("%s -> %s" % (antecedents, consequent) for consequent, antecedents in reversed(deduction))