udev: String substitutions can be done in ENV, too
[systemd_ALT.git] / .packit.yml
1 ---
2 # vi:ts=2 sw=2 et:
4 # Docs: https://packit.dev/docs/
6 specfile_path: .packit_rpm/systemd.spec
7 files_to_sync:
8   - .packit.yml
9   - src: .packit_rpm/systemd.spec
10     dest: systemd.spec
11 upstream_package_name: systemd
12 downstream_package_name: systemd
13 # `git describe` returns in systemd's case 'v245-xxx' which breaks RPM version
14 # detection (that expects 245-xxxx'). Let's tweak the version string accordingly
15 upstream_tag_template: "v{version}"
16 srpm_build_deps: []
18 actions:
19   get-current-version:
20     # Show the closest matching tag for the checked out revision, otherwise
21     # Packit tries to get the latest tag by creation date, which doesn't work
22     # well in the systemd-stable repo. We also need to sanitize it manually
23     # since "upstream_tag_template" defined above doesn't apply here.
24     - "bash -ec 'git describe --tags --abbrev=0 | cut -b 2-'"
26   post-upstream-clone:
27     # Use the Fedora 39 specfile
28     - "git clone --branch f39 https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/systemd .packit_rpm --depth=1"
29     # Drop the "sources" file so rebase-helper doesn't think we're a dist-git
30     - "rm -fv .packit_rpm/sources"
31     # Drop backported patches from the specfile, but keep the downstream-only ones
32     # - Patch(0000-0499): backported patches from upstream
33     # - Patch0500-9999: downstream-only patches
34     - "sed -ri '/^Patch(0[0-4]?[0-9]{0,2})?\\:.+\\.patch/d' .packit_rpm/systemd.spec"
35     # Build the RPM with --werror. Even though --werror doesn't work in all
36     # cases (see [0]), we can't use -Dc_args=/-Dcpp_args= here because of the
37     # RPM hardening macros, that use $CFLAGS/$CPPFLAGS (see [1]).
38     #
39     # [0] https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson/issues/7360
40     # [1] https://github.com/systemd/systemd/pull/18908#issuecomment-792250110
41     - 'sed -i "/^CONFIGURE_OPTS=(/a--werror" .packit_rpm/systemd.spec'
42     # Ignore unpackages standalone binaries
43     - "sed -i 's/assert False,.*/pass/' .packit_rpm/split-files.py"
45 jobs:
46 - job: copr_build
47   trigger: pull_request
48   targets:
49   - fedora-39-aarch64
50   - fedora-39-i386
51   - fedora-39-ppc64le
52   - fedora-39-s390x
53   - fedora-39-x86_64