Function2 renamed to Function
[sympy.git] / sympy / printing /
1 from sympy.core import Basic, Function # XXX remove Function from here
2 from printer import Printer
3 from stringpict import *
5 import re
7 _use_unicode = False
9 def pprint_use_unicode(flag = None):
10 """Set whether pretty-printer should use unicode by default"""
11 global _use_unicode
12 if flag is None:
13 return _use_unicode
15 use_unicode_prev = _use_unicode
16 _use_unicode = flag
17 return use_unicode_prev
19 class PrettyPrinter(Printer):
20 """
21 A class that prints a prettified expression, one that is not limited
22 to one dimension like casting the expression to a string would return.
23 """
24 def __init__(self, use_unicode=None):
25 Printer.__init__(self)
26 if use_unicode is None:
27 use_unicode = _use_unicode
28 self._use_unicode = use_unicode
29 if self._use_unicode:
30 self._str = unicode
31 self.emptyPrinter = lambda x : prettyForm(self._str(x), prettyForm.ATOM)
33 def doprint(self, expr):
34 Printer.doprint.__doc__
35 return self._print(expr).terminal_string()
37 def _print_Symbol(self, e):
38 if self._use_unicode:
39 # letter: (uppercase, lowercase)
40 greek = {
41 'alpha': (u'\u0391', u'\u03b1'),
42 'beta': (u'\u0392', u'\u03b2'),
43 'gamma': (u'\u0393', u'\u03b3'),
44 'delta': (u'\u0394', u'\u03b4'),
45 'epsilon': (u'\u0395', u'\u03b5'),
46 'zeta': (u'\u0396', u'\u03b6'),
47 'eta': (u'\u0397', u'\u03b7'),
48 'theta': (u'\u0398', u'\u03b8'),
49 'iota': (u'\u0399', u'\u03b9'),
50 'kappa': (u'\u039a', u'\u03ba'),
51 'lambda': (u'\u039b', u'\u03bb'),
52 'mu': (u'\u039c', u'\u03bc'),
53 'nu': (u'\u039d', u'\u03bd'),
54 'xi': (u'\u039e', u'\u03be'),
55 'omicron': (u'\u039f', u'\u03bf'),
56 'pi': (u'\u03a0', u'\u03c0'),
57 'rho': (u'\u03a1', u'\u03c1'),
58 'sigma': (u'\u03a3', u'\u03c3'),
59 'tau': (u'\u03a4', u'\u03c4'),
60 'upsilon': (u'\u03a5', u'\u03c5'),
61 'phi': (u'\u03a6', u'\u03c6'),
62 'chi': (u'\u03a7', u'\u03c7'),
63 'psi': (u'\u03a8', u'\u03c8'),
64 'omega': (u'\u03a9', u'\u03c9')
67 name =
69 # let's split name into symbol + index
70 # UC: beta1
71 m = re.match('(\D+)(\d*)$', name)
72 if m is None:
73 return
75 name = m.expand(r'\1')
76 idx = m.expand(r'\2')
78 if name in greek:
79 # If first character lowercase, use lowercase greek letter
80 if name[0] ==[0]:
81 greek_name = greek[name][1]
82 else:
83 greek_name = greek[name][0]
85 return prettyForm(greek_name+idx, binding=prettyForm.ATOM)
87 def _print_Factorial(self, e):
88 x = e[0]
89 if (isinstance(x, Basic.Integer) and x.is_nonnegative) or \
90 isinstance(x, Basic.Symbol):
91 s = self._print(x)
92 else:
93 s = "(" + self._print(x) + ")"
94 return s + "!"
96 def _print_Exp1(self, e):
97 if self._use_unicode:
98 return prettyForm(u'\u212f', binding=prettyForm.ATOM)
100 def _print_Pi(self, e):
101 if self._use_unicode:
102 return prettyForm(u'\u03c0', binding=prettyForm.ATOM)
104 def _print_Infinity(self, e):
105 if self._use_unicode:
106 return prettyForm(u'\u221e', binding=prettyForm.ATOM)
108 def _print_NegativeInfinity(self, e):
109 if self._use_unicode:
110 return prettyForm(u'-\u221e', binding=prettyForm.ATOM)
112 def _print_ImaginaryUnit(self, e):
113 if self._use_unicode:
114 return prettyForm(u'\u03b9', binding=prettyForm.ATOM)
116 def _print_Relational(self, e):
117 charmap = {
118 '==': ('=', '='),
119 '<': ('<', '<'),
120 '<=': ('<=', u'\u2264'),
121 '!=': ('!=', u'\u2260')
123 if self._use_unicode:
124 op = charmap[e.rel_op][1]
125 else:
126 op = charmap[e.rel_op][0]
127 op = prettyForm(' ' + op + ' ')
129 l = self._print(e.lhs)
130 r = self._print(e.rhs)
131 pform = prettyForm(*, op))
132 pform = prettyForm(*, r))
133 return pform
135 def _print_ApplyConjugate(self, e):
136 pform = self._print(e[0])
137 return prettyForm(*stringPict.above(pform, '_'*pform.width()))
139 def _print_abs(self, e):
140 pform = self._print(e[0])
141 pform.baseline = 0
142 bars = '|' + ('\n|' * (pform.height()-1))
143 pform = prettyForm(*, pform))
144 pform = prettyForm(*, bars))
145 return pform
147 def _print_Derivative(self, deriv):
148 syms = list(deriv.symbols)
149 syms.reverse()
150 x = None
151 for sym in syms:
152 if x is None:
153 x = prettyForm('d' + str(sym))
154 else:
155 x = prettyForm(*, ' d' + str(sym)))
157 f = prettyForm(binding=prettyForm.FUNC, *self._print(deriv.expr).parens())
159 pform = prettyForm('d')
160 if len(syms) > 1:
161 pform = pform ** prettyForm(str(len(deriv.symbols)))
163 pform = prettyForm(*pform.below(stringPict.LINE, x))
164 pform.baseline = pform.baseline + 1
165 pform = prettyForm(*, f))
166 return pform
168 def _print_Integral(self, integral):
169 f = integral.function
171 # Add parentheses if a sum and create pretty form for argument
172 prettyF = self._print(f)
173 if isinstance(f, Basic.Add):
174 prettyF = prettyForm(*prettyF.parens())
176 # dx dy dz ...
177 arg = prettyF
178 for x,ab in integral.limits:
179 prettyArg = self._print(x)
180 if prettyArg.width() > 1:
181 arg = prettyForm(*arg.right(' d(', prettyArg, ')'))
182 else:
183 arg = prettyForm(*arg.right(' d', prettyArg))
185 arg.baseline = 0
187 # \int \int \int ...
188 firstterm = True
189 S = None
190 for x,ab in integral.limits:
191 # Create bar based on the height of the argument
192 bar = ' |' + ('\r |' * (arg.height()+1))
194 # Construct the pretty form with the integral sign and the argument
195 pform = prettyForm(bar)
196 pform = prettyForm(*pform.below(' / '))
197 pform = prettyForm(*pform.above(' /'))
198 pform.baseline = (arg.height() + 3)/2
200 if ab is not None:
201 # Create pretty forms for endpoints, if definite integral
202 prettyA = self._print(ab[0])
203 prettyB = self._print(ab[1])
205 # Add spacing so that endpoint can more easily be
206 # identified with the correct integral sign
207 spc = max(1, 4 - prettyB.width())
208 prettyB = prettyForm(*prettyB.left(' ' * spc))
210 pform = prettyForm(*pform.above(prettyB))
211 pform = prettyForm(*pform.below(prettyA))
212 pform = prettyForm(*pform.right(' '))
214 if firstterm:
215 S = pform # first term
216 firstterm = False
217 else:
218 S = prettyForm(*S.left(pform))
220 pform = prettyForm(*arg.left(S))
221 return pform
223 def _print_exp(self, e):
224 if self._use_unicode:
225 base = prettyForm(u'\u212f', binding=prettyForm.ATOM)
226 else:
227 base = prettyForm('e', binding=prettyForm.ATOM)
228 return base ** self._print(e[0])
230 # TODO: rename to _print_Function
231 # after 'Function -> Function' transition is done
232 def _print_Function(self, e):
233 return self._print_Apply(e) # XXX this is temporary
235 def _print_Apply(self, e):
236 func = e.func
237 args = e[:]
238 n = len(args)
240 # XXX temp. hack -- remove when 'Function -> Function' is done
241 #if isinstance(func, Function):
242 # func_name =
243 #else:
244 func_name = func.__name__
246 prettyFunc = self._print(Basic.Symbol(func_name));
247 prettyArgs = self._print(args[0])
248 for i in xrange(1, n):
249 pform = self._print(args[i])
250 prettyArgs = prettyForm(*, ', '))
251 prettyArgs = prettyForm(*, pform))
253 prettyArgs = prettyForm(*prettyArgs.left('('))
254 prettyArgs = prettyForm(*prettyArgs.right(')'))
256 pform = prettyForm(binding=prettyForm.FUNC, *, prettyArgs))
258 # store pform parts so it can be reassembled e.g. when powered
259 pform.prettyFunc = prettyFunc
260 pform.prettyArgs = prettyArgs
262 return pform
264 def _print_Add(self, sum):
265 pforms = []
266 for x in sum:
267 # Check for negative "things" so that this information can be enforce upon
268 # the pretty form so that it can be made of use (such as in a sum).
269 if isinstance(x, Basic.Mul) and x.as_coeff_terms()[0] < 0:
270 pform1 = self._print(-x)
271 if len(pforms) == 0:
272 if pform1.height() > 1:
273 pform2 = '- '
274 else:
275 pform2 = '-'
276 else:
277 pform2 = ' - '
278 pform =, pform1)
279 pforms.append(prettyForm(binding=prettyForm.NEG, *pform))
280 elif isinstance(x, Basic.Number) and x < 0:
281 pform1 = self._print(-x)
282 if len(pforms) == 0:
283 if pform1.height() > 1:
284 pform2 = '- '
285 else:
286 pform2 = '-'
287 pform =, pform1)
288 else:
289 pform =' - ', pform1)
290 pforms.append(prettyForm(binding=prettyForm.NEG, *pform))
291 else:
292 pforms.append(self._print(x))
293 return prettyForm.__add__(*pforms)
295 def _print_Mul(self, product):
296 a = [] # items in the numerator
297 b = [] # items that are in the denominator (if any)
299 # Gather terms for numerator/denominator
300 for item in product:
301 if isinstance(item, Basic.Pow) and item.exp == -1:
302 b.append(item.base)
303 elif isinstance(item, Basic.Rational):
304 if item.p != 1:
305 a.append( Basic.Rational(item.p) )
306 if item.q != 1:
307 b.append( Basic.Rational(item.q) )
308 else:
309 a.append(item)
311 # Convert to pretty forms. Add parens to Add instances if there
312 # is more than one term in the numer/denom
313 for i in xrange(0, len(a)):
314 if isinstance(a[i], Basic.Add) and len(a) > 1:
315 a[i] = prettyForm(*self._print(a[i]).parens())
316 else:
317 a[i] = self._print(a[i])
319 for i in xrange(0, len(b)):
320 if isinstance(b[i], Basic.Add) and len(b) > 1:
321 b[i] = prettyForm(*self._print(b[i]).parens())
322 else:
323 b[i] = self._print(b[i])
325 # Construct a pretty form
326 if len(b) == 0:
327 return prettyForm.__mul__(*a)
328 else:
329 if len(a) == 0:
330 a.append( self._print(Basic.One()) )
331 return prettyForm.__mul__(*a) / prettyForm.__mul__(*b)
333 def _print_Pow(self, power):
334 if isinstance(power.exp, Basic.Half):
335 # If it's a square root
336 bpretty = self._print(power.base)
337 bl = int((bpretty.height() / 2.0) + 0.5)
339 s2 = stringPict("\\/")
340 for x in xrange(1, bpretty.height()):
341 s3 = stringPict(" " * (2*x+1) + "/")
342 s2 = stringPict(*s2.above(s3))
343 s2.baseline = -1
345 s = prettyForm("__" + "_" * bpretty.width())
346 s = prettyForm(*stringPict.below(s, bpretty))
347 s = prettyForm(*stringPict.left(s, s2))
348 s.baseline = bl
349 return s
350 elif power.exp == -1:
351 # Things like 1/x
352 return prettyForm("1") / self._print(power.base)
354 # None of the above special forms, do a standard power
355 b,e = power.as_base_exp()
356 return self._print(b)**self._print(e)
358 def _print_Rational(self, r):
359 if r.q == 1:
360 return prettyForm(str(r.p), prettyForm.ATOM)
361 elif abs(r.p) > 10 and abs(r.q) > 10:
362 # If more than one digit in numer and denom, print larger fraction
363 if r.is_negative:
364 pform = prettyForm(str(-r.p))/prettyForm(str(r.q))
365 return prettyForm(binding=prettyForm.NEG, *pform.left('- '))
366 else:
367 return prettyForm(str(r.p))/prettyForm(str(r.q))
369 def pretty(expr, use_unicode=None):
371 Returns a string containing the prettified form of expr. If use_unicode
372 is set to True then certain expressions will use unicode characters,
373 such as the greek letter pi for Basic.Pi instances.
375 pp = PrettyPrinter(use_unicode)
376 return pp.doprint(expr)
378 def pretty_print(expr, use_unicode=None):
380 Prints expr in pretty form.
382 pprint is just a shortcut for this function
384 print pretty(expr, use_unicode)
386 pprint = pretty_print