_eval_apply() converted to canonize()
[sympy.git] / sympy / specfun / factorials.py
1 from sympy.core import *
2 from sympy.core.basic import S
4 from sympy.utilities.memoization import recurrence_memo
6 # Lanczos approximation for low-precision numerical factorial
7 _lanczos_coef = [0.99999999999980993, 676.5203681218851, -1259.1392167224028,
8 771.32342877765313, -176.61502916214059, 12.507343278686905,
9 -0.13857109526572012, 9.9843695780195716e-6, 1.5056327351493116e-7]
11 def _lanczos(z):
12 from cmath import pi, sin, log, exp
13 if z.real < 0:
14 return pi*z / (sin(pi*z) * _lanczos(-z))
15 else:
16 x = _lanczos_coef[0]
17 for i in range(1, 9):
18 x += _lanczos_coef[i]/(z+i)
19 logw = 0.91893853320467267+(z+0.5)*log(z+7.5)+log(x)-z-7.5
20 return exp(logw)
22 class _Factorial(SingleValuedFunction):
23 """
24 Factorials and multiple factorials
26 Usage
27 =====
28 factorial(x) gives the factorial of x, defined as
29 x! = 1*2*3*...*x if x is a positive integer. If x is not a
30 positive integer, the value of x! is defined in terms of the
31 gamma function.
33 factorial(x, m) returns the m-th order multifactorial of x;
34 i.e., 1 * ... * (x-2*m) * (x-m) * x. In particular,
35 factorial(x, 2) returns the double factorial of x,
37 * x!! = 2*4*...*(x-2)*x if x is a positive even integer
38 * x!! = 1*3*...*(x-2)*x if x is a positive odd integer
40 The argument m must be a positive integer.
42 Examples
43 ========
44 >>> factorial(5)
45 120
46 >>> factorial(0)
48 >>> factorial(Rational(5,2))
49 (15/8)*pi**(1/2)
51 >>> factorial(5, 2)
53 >>> factorial(6, 2)
56 """
58 @staticmethod
59 @recurrence_memo([1])
60 def _fac1(n, prev):
61 return n * prev[-1]
63 # generators for multifactorials
64 _generators = {}
66 @classmethod
67 def canonize(cls, x, m=1):
69 # the usual case
70 if m == 1 and x.is_integer:
71 # handle factorial poles, also for symbols with assumptions
72 if x.is_negative:
73 return oo
74 if isinstance(x, Integer):
75 return Integer(cls._fac1(int(x)))
77 # half-integer case of the ordinary factorial
78 if m == 1 and isinstance(x, Rational) and x.q == 2:
79 n = (x.p + 1) / 2
80 if n < 0:
81 return (-1)**(-n+1) * pi * x / factorial(-x)
82 return Basic.sqrt(pi) * Rational(1, 2**n) * factorial(2*n-1, 2)
84 # multifactorials are only defined for integers
85 if (not isinstance(m, Integer) and m > 0) or not \
86 isinstance(x, Integer):
87 return
89 x = int(x)
90 m = int(m)
92 if x == 0:
93 return Integer(1)
95 # e.g., for double factorials, the start value is 1 for odd x
96 # and 2 for even x
97 start_value = x % m
98 if start_value == 0:
99 start_value = m
101 # we can define the m-multifactorials for negative numbers
102 # to satisfy f(x,m) = f(x+m,m) / (x+m)
103 if x < 0:
104 if start_value == m:
105 return oo
106 return factorial(x+m, m) / (x+m)
108 # positive case
109 if not (m, start_value) in cls._generators:
110 @recurrence_memo([start_value])
111 def _f(k, prev):
112 return (k*m + start_value) * prev[-1]
113 cls._generators[m, start_value] = _f
115 return Integer(cls._generators[m, start_value]((x-start_value) // m))
117 # This should give a series expansion around x = oo. Needs fixing
118 # def series(self, x, n):
119 # return sqrt(2*pi*x) * x**x * exp(-x) * (1 + O(1/x))
121 # Derivatives are given in terms of polygamma functions
122 # (XXX: only for order m = 1)
123 def fdiff(self, argindex=1):
124 if argindex == 1:
125 from sympy.functions import gamma, polygamma
126 return gamma(self[0]+1)*polygamma(0,self[0]+1)
127 else:
128 raise ArgumentIndexError(self, argindex)
130 @classmethod
131 def _eval_apply_evalf(cls, x, m=1):
132 """Return a low-precision numerical approximation."""
133 assert m == 1
134 a, b = x.as_real_imag()
135 y = _lanczos(complex(a, b))
136 if b == 0:
137 return Real(y.real)
138 else:
139 Real(y.real) + I*Real(y.imag)
141 factorial = _Factorial
143 class UnevaluatedFactorial(_Factorial):
145 @classmethod
146 def canonize(cls, x, m=1):
147 return None
149 unfac = UnevaluatedFactorial
153 # factorial_simplify helpers; could use refactoring
155 def _isfactorial(expr):
156 #return isinstance(expr, Apply) and isinstance(expr[0], Factorial)
157 return isinstance(expr, _Factorial)
159 def _collect_factors(expr):
160 assert isinstance(expr, Mul)
161 numer_args = []
162 denom_args = []
163 other = []
164 for x in expr:
165 if isinstance(x, Mul):
166 n, d, o = _collect_factors(x)
167 numer_args += n
168 denom_args += d
169 other += o
170 elif isinstance(x, Pow):
171 base, exp = x[:]
172 if _isfactorial(base) and \
173 isinstance(exp, Rational) and exp.is_integer:
174 if exp > 0:
175 for i in xrange(exp.p): numer_args.append(base[0])
176 else:
177 for i in xrange(-exp.p): denom_args.append(base[0])
178 else:
179 other.append(x)
180 elif _isfactorial(x):
181 numer_args.append(x[0])
182 else:
183 other.append(x)
184 return numer_args, denom_args, other
186 # handle x!/(x+n)!
187 def _simplify_quotient(na, da, other):
188 while 1:
189 candidates = []
190 for i, y in enumerate(na):
191 for j, x in enumerate(da):
192 #delta = simplify(y - x)
193 delta = y - x
194 if isinstance(delta, Rational) and delta.is_integer:
195 candidates.append((delta, i, j))
196 if candidates:
197 # There may be multiple candidates. Choose the quotient pair
198 # that minimizes the work.
199 candidates.sort(key=lambda x: abs(x[0]))
200 delta, i, j = candidates[0]
201 p = na[i]
202 q = da[j]
203 t = Rational(1)
204 if delta > 0:
205 for k in xrange(1, int(delta)+1):
206 t *= (q+k)
207 else:
208 for k in xrange(1, -int(delta)+1):
209 t /= (p+k)
210 other.append(t)
211 del na[i], da[j]
212 else:
213 return
215 # handle x!*(x+1) and x!/x
216 def _simplify_recurrence(facs, other, reciprocal=False):
217 # this should probably be rewritten more elegantly
218 i = 0
219 while i < len(facs):
220 j = 0
221 while j < len(other):
222 othr = other[j]
223 fact = facs[i]
224 if reciprocal:
225 othr = 1/othr
226 if othr - fact == 1: facs[i] += 1; del other[j]; j -= 1
227 elif -othr - fact == 1: facs[i] += 1; del other[j]; other.append(-1); j -= 1
228 elif 1/othr - fact == 0: facs[i] -= 1; del other[j]; j -= 1
229 elif -1/othr - fact == 0: facs[i] -= 1; del other[j]; other.append(-1); j -= 1
230 j += 1
231 i += 1
233 def factorial_simplify(expr):
235 This function takes an expression containing factorials
236 and removes as many of them as possible by combining
237 products and quotients of factorials into polynomials
238 or other simpler expressions.
240 TODO: handle reflection formula, duplication formula
241 double factorials
245 if isinstance(expr, Add):
246 return Add(*(factorial_simplify(x) for x in expr))
248 if isinstance(expr, Pow):
249 return Pow(factorial_simplify(expr[0]), expr[1])
251 if isinstance(expr, Mul):
252 na, da, other = _collect_factors(expr)
253 _simplify_quotient(na, da, other)
254 _simplify_recurrence(na, other)
255 _simplify_recurrence(da, other, reciprocal=True)
257 result = Rational(1)
258 for n in na: result *= factorial(n)
259 for d in da: result /= factorial(d)
260 for o in other: result *= o
261 return result
263 expr = expr.subs(unfac, factorial)
265 return expr
267 class Rising_factorial(SingleValuedFunction):
269 Usage
270 =====
271 Calculate the rising factorial (x)^(n) = x(x+1)...(x+n-1)
272 as a quotient of factorials
274 Examples
275 ========
276 >>> rising_factorial(3, 2)
280 nofargs = 2
282 @classmethod
283 def canonize(cls, x, n):
284 return factorial_simplify(unfac(x+n-1) / unfac(x-1))
287 rising_factorial = Rising_factorial
290 class Falling_factorial(SingleValuedFunction):
292 Usage
293 =====
294 Calculate the falling factorial (x)_(n) = x(x-1)...(x-n+1)
295 as a quotient of factorials
297 Examples
298 ========
299 >>> falling_factorial(5, 3)
303 nofargs = 2
305 @classmethod
306 def canonize(cls, x, n):
307 return factorial_simplify(unfac(x) / unfac(x-n))
310 falling_factorial = Falling_factorial
313 class Binomial2(SingleValuedFunction):
315 Usage
316 =====
317 Calculate the binomial coefficient C(n,k) = n!/(k!(n-k)!)
319 Notes
320 =====
321 When n and k are positive integers, the result is always
322 a positive integer
324 If k is a positive integer, the result is a polynomial in n
325 that is evaluated explicitly.
327 Examples
328 ========
329 >>> binomial2(15,8)
330 6435
331 >>> # Building Pascal's triangle
332 >>> [binomial2(0,k) for k in range(1)]
334 >>> [binomial2(1,k) for k in range(2)]
335 [1, 1]
336 >>> [binomial2(2,k) for k in range(3)]
337 [1, 2, 1]
338 >>> [binomial2(3,k) for k in range(4)]
339 [1, 3, 3, 1]
340 >>> # n can be arbitrary if k is a positive integer
341 >>> binomial2(Rational(5,4), 3)
342 -5/128
343 >>> x = Symbol('x')
344 >>> binomial2(x, 3)
345 (1/6)*x*(1 - x)*(2 - x)
348 nofargs = 2
350 @classmethod
351 def canonize(cls, n, k):
353 # TODO: move these two cases to factorial_simplify as well
354 if n == 0 and k != 0:
355 return Basic.sin(pi*k)/(pi*k)
357 return factorial_simplify(unfac(n) / unfac(k) / unfac(n-k))
359 binomial2 = Binomial2